0809 03 Tech Talk




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December 2008 Techie Talk


Blogging in the ClassroomBlogging in the Classroom

What is a blog?What is a blog?

Type of website Arranged in

chronological order Most recent ‘post’ (or

entry) at the top of the main page to the older entries towards the bottom

Include subsequent comments made by people other than the author.

Can have static pages

Why would teachers use blogs in the classroom?Why would teachers use blogs in the classroom?

Provides an authentic audience

Builds community in the classroom

Encourages parent involvement

How can teachers use blogs in the classroom?How can teachers use blogs in the classroom?

Posting class-related information

Encouraging student comments on issues

Posting documents or assignments

Communicating with parents

Announcing/ Planning upcoming events

Eliciting student responses to writing prompts

Sharing resources and weblinks

District Example uses of

Blogs in the Classroom

District Example uses of

Blogs in the Classroom

Create an online book club. (SMS)Create an online book club. (SMS)

District Example uses of

Blogs in the Classroom

District Example uses of

Blogs in the Classroom

Have students comment on news and current events. (CHS-Star)

Have students comment on news and current events. (CHS-Star)

District Example uses of

Blogs in the Classroom

District Example uses of

Blogs in the Classroom

Have students respond to what they are currently learning in the classroom. (SCHS)

Have students respond to what they are currently learning in the classroom. (SCHS)

District Example uses of

Blogs in the Classroom

District Example uses of

Blogs in the Classroom

Have students comment on a character from a book or as a person from history. (HMS)

Have students comment on a character from a book or as a person from history. (HMS)

District Example uses of

Blogs in the Classroom

District Example uses of

Blogs in the Classroom

Have students write book, movie, music, Web site or TV reviews. (HMS)

Have students write book, movie, music, Web site or TV reviews. (HMS)

District Example uses of

Blogs in the Classroom

District Example uses of

Blogs in the Classroom

Have students respond to quotes, poetry, art. (HMS)Have students respond to quotes, poetry, art. (HMS)

How to Start…Blogs@EduTech

How to Start…Blogs@EduTech

SENDIT email account Contact the Bismarck helpdesk (4040) Check for a Latte Hour (Jan 13 and 27) Atomic Learning - search “wordpress”

Tips for Using Blogs in the ClassroomTips for Using Blogs in the Classroom Make sure students understand netiquette!

They need to understand how the written word can be misinterpreted. They need to know how to respond to the feedback they get in a

constructive way They need to know how to give constructive feedback to other bloggers.

Set goals and expectations for blogging. Your goals should reflect the focus you set for the blogs.

Establish rules of conduct for blogging. Make sure students understand the importance of not sharing personal

information like last names, home email addresses, or street addresses. Get parental permission before starting a blogging project! Make sure they

understand what the blogs will be used for and what protections are in place.

If you are uncomfortable with individual student blogs, consider a class blog!

Have a blogging policy

Visit us at… …Thank youVisit us at… …Thank you

Classroom Blogging: A Teacher's Guide to the Blogosphere

Weblogs are about reading and writing. Literacy is about reading and writing. Blogging equals literacy. How rarely does an aspect of how we live and work plug so perfectly into how we teach and learn?

by David Warlick
