03 basics of presentation skills




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Basics of Presentation Skills

Objectives By the end of this presentation you will be

able to: List at least five annoying habits to avoid Describe the attributes of a good presenter


Form two groups Group one: List attributes of great

presenters you have heard Group two: List attributes of presenters that

you have found annoying Each group will select a spokesperson to

report back your findings to the entire class

Avoid: Pacing Standing in one place too long Turning your back to participants Jingling change in your pockets

Avoid: Chewing gum or candy while presenting Playing with chalk, markers, pens or

pointers Fidgeting Distracting jewelry

Avoid: Numerous verbal pauses Repeated words or phrases Speaking too loudly, softly, quickly or

slowly Using jargon and acronyms Making up answers

NERVOUS??? Be prepared Practice Release adrenaline Look at the friendliest face Realize your audience wants you to do

well Practice

To calm my

nerves, I think I’ll

imagine my

audience naked!

A Good Presenter Will:

Talk at the educational level of the audience

Acknowledge all answers to questions Answer all questions Clarify if you don’t understand

A Good Presenter Will:

Manage time Be flexible Keep a high energy level Maintain eye contact

A Good Presenter Will:

Be articulate and clear Use inflections Be sincere Like the audience

Summary What are some annoying habits to

avoid while presenting? What are some attributes of a good


Ten Minute Presentation

You will present your topic using a technique in place of, or along with, the lecture method