Stop gasoline right away



We will not be in danger if we stop gasoline as instantly as it is possible

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Abolish Wrong Economic Practices Slowly or Right Away?

“200 hundred years ago, British Parliament heard from advocates of slavery that to abolish it right away would entail financial apocalypse because slavery represented ¼ of Britain’s GDP and provided its primary source of cheap, abundant energy.The debate lasted roughly a year, and Parliament, in the end, made the moral choice, abolishing slave trade outright. Result: Britain’s economy accelerated. Slavery’s abolition exposed the debilitating inefficiency (losses) associated with zero-cost labor…Creativity and productivity surged. Entrepreneurs seeking new sources of energy launched the industrial revolution and inaugurated an era of the greatest wealth production in human history. It may be the same with the abolition of gasoline or fossil fuel.”

Robert F. Kennedy “The Green Collar Economy” by Van Jones

Nations that stopped using fossil fuel (gasoline) reaped immediate rewards

“Sweden announced in 2006 the phaseout of all fossil fuels (and nuclear energy) by 2020. In 1991 the Swedes enacted a carbon tax (now up to $150 a ton), closed two nuclear reactors, and still dropped greenhouse-gas emissions to five tons per person, compared to the US rate of twenty tons. Thousands of entrepreneurs rushed to develop new ways of generating energy from sun, wind, and tides and from wood chips, agricultural waste, and garbage. Growth rate climbed to upwards of three times those of the United States. The heavily taxed Swedish economy is now the world’s 8th richest by GDP.”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

in “The Green Collar Economy” by Van Jones

Nations that stopped using fossil fuel (gasoline) reaped immediate rewards

“Brazil, which decarboned (that is, stopped using fossil fuel) its energy over the past decade, is now experiencing the most sustained economic boom in its history. Costa Rica, which is phasing out carbon, is Central America’s wealthiest economy. It should come as no surprise that California, America’s most energy-efficient state, also possesses its strongest economy.”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

in “The Green Collar Economy” by Van Jones

ICELAND – from poorest to 4th richest!Nations that stopped using fossil fuel (gasoline) reaped immediate rewards

“Iceland was 80% dependent on imported coal and oil in the 1970s, its economy among the poorest in Europe. Today, Iceland is 100% energy-independent, with 90% of the nation’s homes heated by geothermal and its remaining electrical needs met by hydro.

“The International Monetary Fund now ranks Iceland the 4th most affluent nation on Earth.

“Geothermal and hydro produce so much cheap power that Iceland has become one of the world’s top energy exporters. (Iceland exports its surplus energy in the form of smelted aluminum.)

“The country which previously had to beg for corporate investment, now has companies lined up to relocated there to take advantage of its low-cost clean energy.”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

in “The Green Collar Economy” by Van Jones

Philippines, the next!Richest in potential solar power energy being located in the equator.•Richest in hydro (tides) power being an archipelago surrounded by oceans.•The Philippines may also utilize its abundant wind power from both forests and oceans.•And what makes her unique: the abundant, inexhaustible supply of deuterium (which can easily replace the role of fossil fuel as the energy of the entire world) beneath the Pacific Ocean, near Surigao. Deuterium, a form of water, is clean energy, more efficient power for all types of machines and vehicles, in land, water, air, etc.What we need is the people’s decision to STOP electing candidates whose platforms are: waiting shades, basketball courts, 3-month employment in the capitol or municipal offices, and P250 every eve of election day.Young boys and girls, this is how low-moral your parents are and (sorry to be the first to say this) how they play as whores (prostitutes) when they accept votemoney from fake pretending leaders, sacrificing your brighter future. No one can bribe if no one will accept the bribes. It takes two to tango, as the saying goes. Let us stop pointing the finger to the politicians; our parents are in connivance. But do not continue blaming your congressman and your parents. Proceed to raising your standard of platforms for candidates for president, Senate or Congress. Go for deuterium, solar power and the likes that can generate high paying and lasting jobs and businesses here in our own home country, and phaseout the dangerous form of employment, OFWism!Do not elect the candidates whose platforms are covered courts or waiting shades…or a 15-day work in the municipio or send you to Saudi Arabia or (sorry to say this again) who passed allegedly a bill to Congress to make “adobo” (fried meat) a national delicacy in times when the people are suffering from the devastating Bohol quake and Yolanda super typhoon. This is not meant to destroy a fellow man’s reputation, but to wake us up of how low our moral standards are! And how callous our leaders are!!We accept P150 votemoney (bribe) every 3 years to keep their candidates winning and into office, them who oppose solar power and deuterium et al…Oh, how low is our standard!!
