Schizas jarvis isbe presentation 10 nov sheffield


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The global body for professional accountants

Trust and confidence in SMEs’ use of advisers.

Prof. Robin Jarvis (Brunel University; ACCA)Emmanouil Schizas (ACCA)

The global body for professional accountants


• Accountants are the most likely advisers of SMEs in many countries

• Deregulation reduces compliance work• (Cross) selling value-added services

requires combination of demonstrated competence and trust

• Accountants and clients disagree re: importance of rapport v. competence

• Many SMEs don’t take advice at all

The global body for professional accountants


• Trust & competence must be securely inferred from behaviour

• Must be distinct• Must be compartmentalised• Must interact• Framework must apply to other

business support, esp. Government-funded

The global body for professional accountants

Distinguishing between Trust, Confidence and Familiarity (Luhmann 2000)

Dimension Trust Confidence Familiarity

Focus of disappointment (Barber 1983)

Fiduciary duty Effectiveness Natural / moral order

Dimension of 'trust' (1)(Mouzas et al, 2007)

Individual trust Business trust N/A

Dimension of 'trust' (2)(Tyler & Stanley, 2007)

Affective trust Calculative trust N/A

Nature of contingency Risk Danger Danger

Assumed characteristic Benevolence / affinity Competence Continuity

Attribution of outcomes Internal External Nonpersonal

Perception of alternatives High Low None

The global body for professional accountants

• 1,777 SMEs• 6 countries • Nov 2010


• Taxation• Financing• Financial

Management• Legal and

regulatory• Marketing• Operations• Technology

• Friends and family• Trade & Prof. Assoc• Business association• Professional colleagues• Accountants• Attorneys• Banks etc• Online resources• Others

The global body for professional accountants

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .664

Bartlett's Test of Sphericity

Approx. Chi-Square 17324.081

Df 2926

Sig. .000

• Factor Analysis• Promax rotation

(oblique)• Input: 7x11

dummies• Output: 6 factors

explaining much of the variation in use of advice by SMEs

Proxies for the need for confidence and trust


InternetFamily & Friends‘Reading Up’

Business Associations

The global body for professional accountants


• Two tests against Luhmann (2000)

• Greater ‘need for trust’ creates more internal attributions for failure

• Greater ‘need for trust’ leads to a wider use of ‘alternative’ advisers

The global body for professional accountants


• Correlation of adviser use with need for trust/confidence = implied trust/confidence

• Comparisons suggest optimal engagement strategies for government and private sector advisers

• Market segmentation explains why competence comes first

The global body for professional accountants

The global body for professional accountants


Casual/no relationship



The global body for professional accountants

Comparing confidence in accountants and government in the UK

The global body for professional accountants

Comparing trust in accountants and government in the UK

The global body for professional accountants


• The use of value added advice may be driven more by clients rather than by advisers

• The combination of confidence and trust does further drive demand for value added advice

The global body for professional accountants


• Experts rarely enjoy as much trust as assumed – mostly confidence

• Accountants benefit from perception of broad competence

• But this is not universal• Accountants outperform government

but there may be a case for an independent broker for financial mgmt

The global body for professional accountants


The global body for professional accountants


EstimateStd. Error Wald df Sig.

95% Confidence Interval


Lower Bound Upper Bound


Got all of the finance applied for 1.232 .299 16.990 1 .000 .646 1.819  Got most of the finance applied for .849 .275 9.551 1 .002 .311 1.388  Got some of the finance applied for .514 .274 3.518 1 .061 -.023 1.052  Got none of the finance applied for 0a . . 0 . . .  Community cross-over .233 .241 .935 1 .334 -.239 .705  Expert -.011 .279 .002 1 .968 -.557 .535  Internet -.066 .071 .846 1 .358 -.206 .074  Friends and Family .018 .082 .051 1 .822 -.142 .179  Reading up -.058 .075 .590 1 .442 -.206 .090  Business Association -.196 .073 7.243 1 .007 -.339 -.053  Got all finance * Community -.896 .302 8.816 1 .003 -1.488 -.305  Got most finance * Community -.597 .273 4.793 1 .029 -1.132 -.063  Got some finance * Community -.596 .280 4.520 1 .033 -1.146 -.047  Got no finance * Community 0a . . 0 . . .  Got all finance * Expert .153 .316 .233 1 .630 -.467 .773  Got most finance * Expert .146 .303 .232 1 .630 -.447 .739  Got some finance * Expert .150 .303 .246 1 .620 -.443 .743  Got no finance * Expert 0a . . 0 . . .  Note: The regression analysis also controlled for employment, turnover, legal status, type of customer (B2B v. B2C), Turnover growth (past and expected) and country. Note also that the dependent variable was coded as (1 = total agreement … 5 = total disagreement).

The global body for professional accountants


Error Wald df Sig.

95% Confidence Interval  

Lower Bound

Upper Bound


Community cross-over 1.097 .080 190.002 1 .000 .941 1.252  

Expert .047 .064 .546 1 .460 -.078 .173  Internet .752 .061 153.554 1 .000 .633 .871  

Friends and Family .546 .068 64.034 1 .000 .412 .679  

Reading up .455 .063 52.023 1 .000 .331 .578  

Business Association .736 .063 135.503 1 .000 .612 .860  

Less than $2m turnover -.518 .325 2.536 1 .111 -1.156 .120  $2m to $4.9m turnover -.266 .326 .667 1 .414 -.905 .373  $5m to $9.9m turnover -.573 .334 2.946 1 .086 -1.227 .081  $10m to $24.9m turnover -.380 .348 1.189 1 .276 -1.063 .303  

Over $25m turnover 0a . . 0 . . .  No employees -.683 .375 3.317 1 .069 -1.418 .052  1 to 9 employees -.662 .221 8.989 1 .003 -1.094 -.229  10 to 49 employees -.323 .179 3.241 1 .072 -.674 .029  50 to 99 employees .041 .206 .040 1 .841 -.362 .444  100 to 249 employees 0a . . 0 . . .  

Note: The regression analysis also controlled for employment, legal status, type of customer (B2B v. B2C), Turnover growth (past and expected) and country; only significant effects are highlighted on this table.