Power point how to complete the uw campaign report envelope company coordinators and loaned...


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How To Complete The United Way Campaign

Report Envelope

Envelope Front View

Envelope Top Section (Information From)

Company Coordinators Please complete the following sections;*Partial or full report*Total Employees ______ Full Time Equivalents (FTE)*Company Coordinator*Phone number*Date

United Way Staff/LE Please complete the following sections;*Account #*Org./Ind. Name*Campaign year*Submitted by UWECI staff

Envelope Middle Section (DONOR GIFT BREAKDOWN)

Company Coordinators please complete the pay type sections after you have verified each pledge form.


Amount Enclosed = Dollars in the envelope

Amount Due = Dollar amount your company will remit to UWECI

Total Contribution = Total dollar amount the company is pledging for this campaign year


a.) Cash/Paid (Includes paid in full checks);

Number of donors= How many donors are giving under this pay type

Amount Enclosed= Dollars in the envelope

Amount Due = Total dollar amount the individuals will remit to UWECI

Total Contribution = Total amount the individuals are pledging under this pay type for this campaign year

Number of donors= How many donors are giving under this pay type

Amount Enclosed= Zero (Credit Cards are amount due until cleared by UWECI) Amount Due = Total dollar amount of all credit cards

Total Contribution = Total amount the individuals are pledging under this pay type for this campaign year

Number of donors= How many donors are giving under this pay type

Amount Enclosed= Zero

Amount Due = Total dollar amount the individuals will remit to UWECI

Total Contribution = Total amount the individuals are pledging under this pay type for this campaign year

Number of donors= How many donors are giving under this pay type

Amount Enclosed= Zero

Amount Due = Total dollar amount the individuals will remit to UWECI

Total Contribution = Total amount the individuals are pledging under this pay type for this campaign year

*Individuals donating stock should complete the UWECI pledge form and call or email Amy Kelly Senior Coordinator-Pledge Services at #319-398-5372 x40 or akelly@uweci.org to fulfill their pledged and stock transfer.

Number of donors= How many donors are giving under this pay type

Amount Enclosed= Zero

Amount Due = Total dollar amount the company will remit to UWECI

Total Contribution = Total amount the employees are pledging under this pay type

Amount Enclosed= All dollars raised by this Special Event

Amount Due = Zero (Special Events must be paid in full)

Total Contribution = Total amount raised

* Special Event dollars are NOT tax deductible and MUST be paid separately from donor pledges.

Total Employee Giving (Add lines a-f)

Number of Donors = Total of lines a-e

Amount Enclosed = Total of lines a-f

Amount Due = Total of lines a-e

Total Contribution = Total of lines a-f

3 ENVELOPE TOTAL (Corporate + Employee)

Number of Donors = Total Employee Giving from lines a-f

Amount Enclosed = The dollar amount in 1. Corporate Gift + the dollar amount in Total Employee Giving

Amount Due = The total dollar amount due in 1. Corporate Gift + the total dollar amount due in Total Employee Giving

Total Contribution = The total contribution amount in 1. Corporate Gift + the total contribution amount in Total Employee Giving

Employee Group Pledge Spreadsheet

Company Coordinators PLEASE complete this section

Submitted Electronically by:____________________Date E-mailed:_________________

United Way requests a completed spreadsheet for all envelopes with 15 or more total donors. The spreadsheet is a verification of information submitted. United Way electronically captures donors information allowing for reduced processing time and risk of error. If you will not be submitting a spreadsheet please make your United Way staff contact aware. Thank you

Envelope Back View

Please verify that all steps have been completed before sealing the envelope.


*Donors signature*Name*Address*Billing address if different than above address*Contact information for stock donors*Credit Card numbers including expiration date, address and zip code *Completed company corporate card*Completed company payroll card*Leadership and Combined Giver information *For Union recognition please enter your locals name and Local #*Women’s Leadership requires a minimum of $500 of your pledge be designated to WLI to be recognized.
