Money transfer slideshow



This slideshow illustrates the impact that NSDT technology and TagPay mobile payment platform has on traditional money transfer.

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Money Transfer

A true story…

Once upon a time, TagPay reinvented the way that money is sent home…

This is the story of a mother who needs to buy medicine for her baby. Without TagPay she must endure a long and uncertain journey to get money transferred to her.

But, with TagPay, the money is instantly sent to her phone and then spent directly in the pharmacy. The pharmacist receives the payment on his bank account.

Help !Without TagPay1

Quickly…Without TagPay 2

Look out !Without TagPay3

A long wait…4Without TagPay

Expensive !Without TagPay5

Finally sent…6Without TagPay

It’s difficult… 7 Without TagPay

… and uncomfortable

8Without TagPay

Another long wait

9 Without TagPay

Dangers …10Without TagPay

Obligations …11 Without TagPay

At last ! 12Without TagPay


A different story…


Help ! 14

Quick ! My phone !



Instant 17

Easy 18

Efficient 19

Secure 20


Hurray !

Thank You

Illustrations by:

Anne Parisot54 rue Saint Georges 75009 Paris

+33 (0)6 16 62 19 57

© Tagattitude
