Is just been paid a scam


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Is Just Been Paid A Scam

In this video I will be discussing

weather Just Been Paid is a scam or a

Genuine opportunity to make

good money

Is Just Been Paid A Scam

The people who love and promote Just Been

Paid, are adamant that it is not a scam. So I

decided to do my own investigation

Is Just Been Paid A Scam

I did a search for about 2 weeks to find out

weather Just Been Paid was a

Scam or not. And after solidly searching I

came to 4 conclusions

Is Just Been Paid A Scam

Firstly how do they make their money?

That was a hard one to find out at first.

It turns out that they buy internet real

estate at wholesale prices and lease it out

to other people.

Is Just Been Paid A Scam

And the people who invest in Just Been Paid

share in the profits. 2% daily on week days and 1.5% daily on weekends

Essentially the people

who invest in Just Been Paid are allowing “

Just Been Paid the opportunity to buy more

Internet Real Estate

Is Just Been Paid A Scam

Just Been Paid shares the profits that they

make from leasing the ad space for

the people who invest with them. You can

withdraw it after 81 days and triple your money

But if you want to you can reinvest the profits

so it can compound.

Is Just Been Paid A Scam

The second thing I discovered is that they

have aspects of MLM or Multi Level

Marketing. The major difference between Just Been Paid and other MLMs is

that you don’t have to get people under

you to make money.

Is Just Been Paid A Scam

Unlike most MLMs, You don’t have to spend

any more of your hard earned money, and

you don't have to buy

any products for you to

make money.

Is Just Been Paid A Scam

Instead you can buy more positions from

the profits that you make.

This allows it to grow

and compound daily.

Is Just Been Paid A Scam

So I decided to give it a go. I put $200 into

it just to see what would happen,

Ad Positions cost $10.00 each

This gave me 20 positions

Is Just Been Paid A Scam

and to my surprise I made $4 on my first

day. I placed my wife under me and placed

$200 for her as well.

Is Just Been Paid A Scam

and I found out that I get 10% from my

direct down line

5% from her down line

Is Just Been Paid A Scam

This gave me $20 from my wife as well.

And this added 2 more positions that I could

buy this profit

Is Just Been Paid A Scam

The third thing I discovered is that it is a

little hard to navigate around the site, and a

bit hard to include your bank account

details to, a company called Solid Trust

Is Just Been Paid A Scam

But if you go under a good person who is

willing to help you, then they may be willing

to pay it forward for you . Because their

account is already active.

Is Just Been Paid A Scam

You can also do it through you credit card or

debit card. This is the fastest way to do it.

Is Just Been Paid A Scam

Fourth Conclusion

So my final conclusion is that it is not a


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