Blockchain for Finance


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Crypto-EconomyBlockchain for Finance

Koh How TzeAuthor, Blockchain Insider


You want the truth?

Can you handle the truth?

True education was to be restricted to the son and daughters of the elite. For the rest, it would be better to produce skilled workers with no particular aspirations other than to enjoy life.

~ G.Edward Griffin in The Creature from Jekyll Island, on Rockefeller's General Education Board, founded in 1903.

A Tale of Two Worlds

Bridging Central Banks

Crypto Trading / Exchanges

ICOBitcoin ATM

Payment GatewayCF Exchanges

Forex MarketMoney Changer


Cryptocurrency Fiat Money


BLOCKCHAIN InsiderChapter 3 : Smart Money

The few who can understand the system will be either so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favours, that there will be no opposition from that class, while, on the other hand, that great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that Capital derives from the system, will bear its burden without complaint and, perhaps, without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.

~ Mayor Rothschild, 1863

Banking Systems

If you happen to have a platform that guarantees certain trust functions, one very useful application for that is to

build a currency, and a payment network.

What we have now is truly borderless, censorship resistance, programmable money backed by immutable computer

systems based on pure logic & mathematics.

Watch the world currencies flow into BTC in realtime -

There is enough money in the cloud - 14th Dec 2017

Cryptocurrencies <-> Fiat MoneyBitcoin ATM -

Case Study : MalaysiaWhat is Bitcoin and Blockchain? What can we do?Blockchain for finance at a glance

Bitcoin & Blockchain

Malaysian Prime Minister’s view during Global Entrepreneurship Community Summit 2017 at KLCC, 12th December 2017.

Cryptocurrency IS the international currency

In the news

In the news

Malaysian now use Bitcoin to buy Durian!

Beli Durian Pun Guna BITCOIN? Kereta, Bayar Guna Bitcoin!

Crypto Economy-The Case of Money ExchangeWhat is in it for the country?

1. Business Opportunities- Bitcoin ATMs & Money Exchange, Crypto <-> Paper Money- Influx/Exchange of Cryptocurrencies communities

2. A Nation of Technology Creators- By embracing technology and creating ripple effects through

real world use cases

3. Branding- Malaysia as one of the frontliner countries in the digital age

Why Embrace & Regulate?

1. AML- Anti-money Laundering through a regulated environment

2. KYC- Know Your Customer policies by setting required terms &


3. Controlled Environment- Under the surveillance of authorities

If you are part of the Crypto Community and would like to support this project, kindly make your contribution to any of the crypto wallet below. Do send us a transfer notification once it’s done. Thank you.For corporate sponsorship, you can check out the contact info in next slide.





Koh How TzeAuthor, Blockchain Insider

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