A Startup Expedition



Real or folklore - an advertisement for Sir Ernest Shackleton's "Antarctic Expedition": "MEN WANTED FOR HAZARDOUS JOURNEY. SMALL WAGES, BITTER COLD, LONG MONTHS OF COMPLETE DARKNESS, CONSTANT DANGER, SAFE RETURN DOUBTFUL. HONOR AND RECOGNITION IN CASE OF SUCCESS." What similarities exist in the "Startup Expedition"?

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“A Startup Expedition”

“A Startup Expedition” ©2014 Tech Coast Angels

“A Startup Expedition” ©2014 Tech Coast Angels

“A Startup Expedition” ©2014 Tech Coast Angels

“MEN WANTED for hazardous journey. Small wages. Bitter cold. Long months of complete darkness. Constant danger. Safe return doubtful. Honor and recognition in case of success.”

The advertisement, whether real or folklore, was for Sir Ernest Shackleton’s early 1900’s “Antarctic Expedition”. A hazardous journey, with honor and recognition “in case of success”… doesn’t this sound like most entrepreneur’s “Startup Expedition” as they pursue a new idea and form a new company?

“A Startup Expedition” ©2014 Tech Coast Angels


A “Hazardous Journey”

“A Startup Expedition” ©2014 Tech Coast Angels

1. A “Hazardous Journey” Ongoing funding not guaranteed Lots of employee turnover Most startups FAIL

“A Startup Expedition” ©2014 Tech Coast Angels


“Small Wages”

“A Startup Expedition” ©2014 Tech Coast Angels

2. “Small Wages” Generally stock (equity) for lower pay Less generous benefits Typically longer hours for less pay

“A Startup Expedition” ©2014 Tech Coast Angels


“Bitter Cold”

“A Startup Expedition” ©2014 Tech Coast Angels

3. “Bitter Cold” Focus is solely on Product Working “without a net” Judged solely on Results: “check your

ego and feelings at the door”

“A Startup Expedition” ©2014 Tech Coast Angels


“Long Months of Complete Darkness”

“A Startup Expedition” ©2014 Tech Coast Angels

4. “Long Months of Complete Darkness” Ask any programmer or engineer! Like mushrooms: “Keep them in the

dark and throw ‘stuff’ on them!” OK, not every situation that bad, but

many long, dark days and nights…

“A Startup Expedition” ©2014 Tech Coast Angels


“Constant Danger”

“A Startup Expedition” ©2014 Tech Coast Angels

5. “Constant Danger” Competition: Big and Small Execution: need to deliver on time Funding: tied to execution Failure: Dilution or Company Death

“A Startup Expedition” ©2014 Tech Coast Angels


“Safe Return Doubtful”

“A Startup Expedition” ©2014 Tech Coast Angels

6. “Safe Return Doubtful” Personal life takes a toll Professional life (versus large company

path) can be affected Startups leave scars

“A Startup Expedition” ©2014 Tech Coast Angels


“Honor and Recognition In Case of Success”

“A Startup Expedition” ©2014 Tech Coast Angels

7. “Honor and Recognition In Case of Success”

Startup Success is Satisfying! A Startup Could Make you Wealthy A Startup Could Make you Famous It’s All How You Define Success

“A Startup Expedition” ©2014 Tech Coast Angels

1. A “Hazardous Journey” 2. “Small Wages” 3. “Bitter Cold” 4. “Long Months Of Complete Darkness” 5. “Constant Danger” 6. “Safe Return Doubtful” 7. “Honor and Recognition In Case of Success”

Who Wants to Join the “Startup Expedition”?!

“A Startup Expedition” ©2014 Tech Coast Angels

Tech Coast Angels, www.techcoastangels.com, the largest angel investor

network in the United States, provides funding and guidance to more

early‐stage, high‐growth companies in Southern California than any other

investment group. Since its inception in 1997, TCA members have focused on

building valuable companies, personally invested more than $100M, and

helped portfolio companies attract more than $1B in additional capital, mostly

from venture capital firms.

TCA members give companies more than just capital; they also provide

counsel, mentoring and access to an extensive network of potential investors,

customers, strategic partners and management talent.

TCA has more than 300 members, including its venture capital affiliates, in five

networks in Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, Westlake/Santa Barbara

and the Inland Empire.

Who are the Tech Coast Angels?
