Zion Lutheran Church · 2020-06-21 · Bismarck ND 58501 701-223-8286 Fax: 701-258-2146 E-mail:...


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The mission of Zion Lutheran Church is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people through Word and Sacrament, encouraging and supporting one another as a fellowship of believers.

Virtual Bible Study Sunday 9:45 am


Thursday 1:30 pm Ladies Bible Study


Zion will continue “Live Streaming” worship on Facebook live and on Zion’s Youtube channel, Saturday @ 5 p.m. and Sunday 8:30 & 10:45 in addition to in-person services. Virtual Bible Study.

• Join Pastor and Vicar between services at 9:45 am on Zoom. To join, email Pastor Marcis: tmarcisjr@gmail.com and he will send you a link to attend the class. Sunday’s Bible Study between services will continue on Zoom through the month of June.


Induction of Zion’s new Vicar Ben Ramthun will take place at all services the first weekend in July, the 4th & 5th.

We have discontinued the 7:00 p.m. worship service option at Zion on Wednesday’s, and instead ask you to join us at Shepherd of the Valley for Summer Mid-Week Worship. Visit p. 3 to view the schedule.

We are looking for volunteers to help sanitize the sanctuary between services. If you would like to help, visit our website zionbismarck.org to choose your preferred time. We have opportunities available for all services, Wednesday, Saturday and both services on Sunday. We appreciate your willingness to give of your time for the benefit of all!

Would you like to usher? Anyone can do it! Sign up times for all services are on Zion’s website.

Holy Communion will be offered Thursday, July 2nd in the south entrance of the building. Sign up at zionbismarck.org or call Gayle @ 220-0582. We will continue offering Communion every other Thursday through August.

Starting in July, we will begin offering in-service Communion on regular rotation. The process will look a little different as we want to adhere to CDC guidelines. More information to come.

June Altar Flowers, please contact Karen Breuer @ 223-664.

Life & Growth

Happy Father’s Day! June 21, 2020 Summer Office Hours As we transition back into the office, Temporarily Gayle is con-tinuing working from home. Michele will be in the office Mon-day’s and Thursday’s from 9-4. The north door on Ave D will be open during these hours. For office related questions, or to request an appointment, contact Gayle at 220-0582.

413 East Ave D

Bismarck ND 58501


Fax: 701-258-2146



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Zion Lutheran Church



The 3rd Sunday After Pentecost

Zion Lutheran



Worship Attendance Sunday, June 14, 8:30 a.m. 42 10:45 a.m. 37

JUNE MTD General Offering $ 22,163

Avg. Bdgt Monthly Exp $ 49,000

Please pray for Zion Members in the Military.

Buck Thornton Bryce Johnson Marck Schlafman Shannon Ziemann Austin Link Steven Trautman Jared Juntunen Yurick Martis

The Season of Pentecost is an extraordinary time in which we are mindful of the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Today we focus on the work of the Holy Spirit enabling us to move away from the past and into the future… to learn to let go of our sinful pasts and instead be alive to God’s future. It is important to understand that details are critical. The way things are worded is essential. In our text today there are several hints and details that Paul gives us that have far reaching. However, there is no fine print in the text today and there is no attempt to deceive…in fact the details are intended to clarify and explain the difference between a person whose life in faith is given to God and the life that is not. The epistle poses several comparisons that show the differences between those who are enslaved by their habits and those who are free in Christ. When Paul says, “Consider yourselves dead to sin but alive to God” he is saying you now have a new way to live and that you no longer need to return to your old way of life. At the end of the day do you consider yourself dead to sin and alive to God or do you fall back into the old pattern and consider yourself alive to sin and dead to God? For many the Christian way of life is fear based, we need to keep the rules or God will punish us. But of new Christian life is grace based. Rather than being intimidated into being good out of fear, we are called in faith to live the new life of Christ.


1. How does the work of the Spirit impact our lives? 2. What details does Paul share about our new

lives? 3. Why do we not live our of fear?

Study Texts: The Third Sunday After Pentecost

Memory Verse: Matthew 10:33 "Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven."

THE OLD TESTAMENT LESSON: Jeremiah 20:7-13 1. Who deceived? 2. What do people do to the author? 3. What message did he proclaim? 4. How did the people respond to this word? 5. What happened if he did not speak out? 6. What are his friends waiting for? 7. How is the Lord with him? 8. Why should they sing praise to God?

THE EPISTLE LESSON: Romans 6:12-23 1. What is not to rule our mortal body? 2. To what are we to offer our body? 3. If we are not under the law what are we under? 4. What does being a slave to sin lead to? 5. Because we have been set free from sin we have be come what? 6. In what are we weak? 7. What are the wages of sin? 8. What is the gift of God?

THE GOSPEL LESSON: Matthew 10:5a, 21-33 1. Who is not above his teacher? 2. What if the head of the house is called Beelzebub? 3. Why should you not be afraid? 4. What should they speak? 5. Of whom should we not be afraid? 6. Of whom should we be afraid? 7. Who is watching over us? 8. What will the Lord do if we acknowledge Him before men?

Lessons for Next Sunday: The Fourth Sunday After Pentecost

Jeremiah 28:5-9 Romans 7:1-13

Matthew 10:34-42

“The Difference Is in the Details”

Romans 6:12-23




For personal & family Bible Study

June 21, 2020

Series A revised

Monday Exodus 1-4

Tuesday 1 Samuel 16-20

Wednesday Psalms 39-41

Thursday Job 27-28

Friday Jeremiah 7-11

Saturday Mark 7-8

Sunday 1 Corinthians 11-12

Main Street Living June 21, 2020 Rev. Eli Voigt, Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church,

Bagley, MN, presents the message: “God of Joy”

based on Hebrews 12:2.

This Is The Life program is: “Two Weeks to Eternity”.


But he said to me,“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses,

so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Cor. 12:9

Summer Mid-Week Worship

June 24 Vicar Durham

* July 1 (Holy Communion) Pastor Wolfgram July 8 Pastor Walla July 15 Vicar Dailey July 22 Pastor Marcis

* July 29 (Holy Communion) Pastor Wolfgram

August 5 Pastor Walla

* August 12 (Holy Communion) Pastor Marcis August 19 Pastor Zellers

* August 26 (Holy Communion) Pastor Woodside

September 2 Pastor Wolfgram

Shepherd of the Valley

Lutheran Church 7:00 PM


Encounter Camp: July 26-31 Designed for students entering grades 7-12. Cost: $315.

Scholarships are available upon request-contact Kristin. Zion’s Board of Youth pays half of the fee for members,

plus youth accounts (grades 5+) may be used to pay for camps.

Join us for Bible Camp at Shepherd’s Hill!


Farewell to Vicar Durham, Mary and Gregory

Sunday, June 28 Noon-2:30

North Central Park, 830 Central Avenue

* Social Distancing Guidelines will be observed.

Please bring your food, beverages, plates and eating utensils,

lawn chairs or blankets, for your family. A short program will follow picnic lunch.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Scam Alert! Please Be careful! Someone is using a false email and/or texting phone number to ask for gift cards and/or favors in Pastor Marcis name. Please do not respond to these! Pastor would not “ask you for a favor.”


Benjamin Ramthun will be installed

as Zion’s Vicar the FIRST weekend

in July, the 5th, with the welcome picnic Sunday, July 12.

We welcome Benjamin to Zion and invite all congregation members to participate in a gift card shower for him.

To make this easy, Scrip gift cards will be available to purchase between services in the East Entry, by the lounge today, Sunday June 28, and Sunday July 5


The value of the cards range from $10-$100 and are for local gas stations, grocery stores, restaurants and department stores. You may purchase a Scrip gift card and place it in the gift bag that will be given to Vicar Ramthun, or you may put money toward a larger denomination of a gift card and when enough money has been given toward that item, the card will then be placed in the gift bag. A Welcome card will also be available to sign.

A list of the available gift cards will be available to view on the bulletin board in the East Entry.

Thank you for helping us welcome our new Vicar, Benjamin Ramthun.

~ Zion’s Board of Lay Ministry



Zion Lutheran Church (Claire City) 45697 101st St. New Effington, South Dakota 57255

Sunday, July 5, 2020

At 7:30 p.m. Central Time

Clergy are invited to process. Please bring vestments (red stole).

You Are Cordially Invited to an

Trinity Lutheran Church 206 School St. Great Bend, North Dakota 58075

Sunday, July 5, 2020

At 4:00 p.m. Central Time


Clergy are invited to process. Please bring vestments (red stole).


Stephen Ministry Mission Statement “A Christian friend who listens, cares, prays, supports, and encourages”

If you know someone who needs care and support at this time. Please contact our Stephen Leaders:

Denise Agnew 400-1021 * Llona Sailing 391-9374 * Harley Trautman 391-3878

Zion Staff

Rev. Thomas R. Marcis, Jr. Senior Pastor (701) 220-8437 Email: tmarcisjr@gmail.com

Vicar Chris Durham (701) 220-5802 chris.durham@ctsfw.edu

Kristin Nistler Director of Family Ministry (701) 400-2069 Email: kristin.nistler@gmail.com

Russ Weixel Director of Junior Youth Ministry (701) 400-6492 Email: rweixelzion@aol.com

Gayle Little - Administrative Secretary (701) 220-0582 Email: zionlcmsbis@gmail.com

Michele Agnew - Associate Secretary Email: magnewzion@gmail.com

Zion’s Church Council

President James Rath

Vice President Jerry Cleveland

Secretary Bonnie Chase

Treasurer Fred Ehrhardt

Board of Church Properties Vacant

Board of Adult Family Ministry Travis Rau

Board of Youth Family Ministry Melanee Cleveland & Denise Anderson

Board of Lay Ministry Brian Rosin

Board of Stewardship Melody Hintz-Rau

Special Projects Board Lynette Schumaker

Zion Foundation Roland Huber

Other Zion Ministry Leaders

Music Coordinator Melissa Piatz

Hosannas Director Kathy Rooke

Bells of Zion Director Melody Hintz-Rau

Acolyte Coordinator Gary Semmel

Stephen Leader Denise Agnew

LWML President Nancy Brown Bismarck-Mandan Lutheran School Association

Evelyn Orth & Roxanne Rosin

Zion Lutheran Church Staff & Leadership

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Concordia Publishing House is dedicated to equipping people in their worship, witness and service to God with ministry resources that are fresh, diverse and responsive.

Lutheran Hour Ministries is a global movement of Christians empowered and equipped to communicate the gospel of Christ to all people. It is a service of the International Lutheran Laymen’s League.

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