Zimbabwean Music Festival · Zimbabwean Music Festival August 13-15, 2004 Reed College, Portland,...


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ZimbabweanMusic Festival

August 13-15, 2004Reed College, Portland, Oregon

Pre-fest: Thursday, August 12Pre-fest is the chance, before the action-packed festival, to settle in,

to visit with friends as they arrive, or to connect with a teacher for alesson in mbira or other musical arts on Thursday. The followingteachers have indicated that they are available: Erica Azim, MichaelBreez, Naby Camara, Lora Lue Chiorah-Dye, Fiona “Ona” Connon,Forward Kwenda, Jennifer Kyker, Randy McIntosh, Lucky Moyo,Fradreck Mujuru, Fungai Mujuru, Peter Swing, and Wanda Walker. Ifa marimba ensemble wants to have a special session with a particularteacher on that day, please let us know so that we can arrange for afacility. Otherwise, Zimfest will not be involved with scheduling ordealing with payment. A reception for teachers, performers andsponsors on Thursday evening closes Pre-fest activities.

About Zimbabwean MusicThe Festival offers a unique opportunity to explore complex and

dynamic musical traditions. The mbira, an instrument common tomany African cultures, consists of metal keys mounted on a woodensoundboard. In Zimbabwe, mbira music is part of a tradition that hasremained strong for over a thousand years among the Shona people ofZimbabwe. Mbira pervades all aspects of Shona culture, both sacredand secular. Its most important function is to communicate with bothdeceased ancestors and tribal guardians, at all-night bira ceremonies.At these ceremonies, vadzimu (spirits of family ancestors), mhondoro(spirits of deceased chiefs) and makombwe (the most powerful guardianspirits of the Shona) give guidance on family and community mattersand exert power over weather and health. While this role is stillintegral to Shona culture, the mbira is also increasingly used in thepop music of Zimbabwe.

The marimba’s use in Zimbabwe dates back to the 1960’s, when theinstruments were adapted from various southern African traditions to forma uniquely Zimbabwean instrument at the Kwanongoma College of Music,a teacher training college in Zimbabwe (then Rhodesia). Marimba came tothe West in the late 1960’s in the hands of Dr. Dumisani Maraire, whotaught Kwanongoma-style marimba music and his own compositions tostudents at the University of Washington, Evergreen College, and laterothers throughout the Pacific Northwest. Zimbabwean music has grown inpopularity ever since, aided by international tours by both Zimbabweantraditional and pop musicians. Today, communities of people playingZimbabwean-style mbira and marimba exist across North America and theworld.

Since the first Zimfest, which took place in Seattle in 1991, each yearthe festival has attempted to reflect a cross-section of Zimbabwean cultures.The festival also includes offerings from Ndebele and other cultures inaddition to those of the Shona people.

elcome to the Registration Guide for the 13th annualZimbabwean Music Festival. The 2004 Festival Organizing

Committee is pleased to invite you to Zimfest in Portland for the secondyear in a row. This event brings together an international community ofteachers, students, performers, and lovers of Zimbabwean music and dancefor three days packed full of workshops, performances, presentations,community conversations, general visiting and musical jams. Please join usand share the joys of Zimbabwean music and culture. We look forward toseeing you there!

Zimbabwean GuestsWe are excited to welcome many wonderful Zimbabwean guest teachers

to this year’s festival: Ambuya Beauler Dyoko, Forward Kwenda, CosmasMagaya, Nicholas Manomano, Fradreck Mujuru, and Fungai Mujuru, allof whom will be traveling from Zimbabwe; Lucky Moyo who is comingfrom Britain; and Lora Lue Chiorah-Dye, Tendekai Kuture, and LovenessWesa who reside in North America. Changes may occur, so check ourwebsite at www.zimfest.org or subscribe to our email list (via the website)for updates.

“Beyond-Festival” Opportunitieswith Zimbabwean Guests

Most of the Zimbabwean artists will be in the United States for anextended stay. They may be available for both teaching and performances inyour local communities. Contact Zimfest at 2004@zimfest.org if you areinterested and we will connect you with them.

IntensivesZimfest will again offer intensive workshops this year. These are workshops

of two-hour sessions per day that will continue over a period of two or threedays. Most workshops will still be the one-time one-to-three hour sessionsthey have been. However, intensives are an opportunity for students tospend more time on a piece(s), with an instrument and with the teacher.

About the SiteThe campus at Reed College provides the perfect festival site for our

music community. Reed, a liberal arts college founded in 1908, is situatedon a lovely campus with rolling lawns, magnificent old trees, winding lanes,a canyon, a natural pond and a creek running through it. The campusprovides excellent facilities - all within close walking distance - forworkshops, concerts, marketplace, meals, housing, and of course, for justgeneral hanging out. The concert site is one of the best sites the festival hasever had. Downtown Portland is a 20-minute bus or bike ride from Reed.For more information, check out their website, www.reed.edu.

2 • Zimbabwean Music Festival 2004

Festival NotesFestival NotesFestival NotesFestival NotesFestival NotesCommunity Events

The Zimbabwean Music Festival hopes to foster an appreciationnot only of Zimbabwean music, but also of Zimbabwean people -their language, culture and history. In addition, we aim to provideinformation about the current crises in Zimbabwe and about waysin which we can help out, both individually and as a community.We also want to provide forums of general interest.

To this end, several classes are offered “by donation” (with thesuggested donation being $5). By creating the donation system, wehope to make these offerings available to more people. Most ofthese classes still have size limits so they will fill on a first-comefirst-served basis. You cannot pre-register for these classes.

Please see the class description section of this guide for a fulldescription of these presentations.

The Changing Face of Rural ZimbabweCosmas Magaya and Jaiaen Beck #7 Sun. 10:00-11:30

Classification of Zimbabwean Vernacular MusicTendekai Kuture #3 Fri 4:30-6:00

The Science of MarimbasTom Scott #6 Sat. 4:00-6:00

The Bira CeremonyFungai and Fradreck Mujuru #4 Sat. 10:00-11:30

Aids Orphans in ZimbabweBeauler Dyoko #8 Sun. 1:00-3:00

Children’s Programmingand Notes to Parents

There are classes specifically for children scattered throughoutthe festival (see page 6). CHILDREN UNDER 8 MUST HAVEAN ADULT ACCOMPANYING THEM FOR ANY WORK-SHOP. If the adult is only there to supervise the child and is nothimself or herself taking the class, then only the child will becharged the class fee.

Children over age 8 are welcome to register for adult workshopsprovided they meet the prerequisites for the class. Please considerthe child’s attention span and comfort level.

There will be no formal childcare facilities at the festival. If youchoose to bring a child to a workshop or other event, pleaseunderstand that it is your responsibility, out of respect for theteachers and other participants, to leave with that child if his or herneeds are causing a distraction. A young child accompanying youin a workshop in which you are a participant must be prepared tosit quietly, and may not participate in the class.

RhythmWalk for ZimbabweA documentary about Shona music and Loren Mach’s RhythmWalk

for Zimbabwe will include filming at Zimfest this year. Loren ishiking the Pacific Crest Trail from Mexico to Canada to raiseawareness of Shona music and culture and support for the followingnon-profit organizations in Zimbabwe: Ancient Ways/Nhimbe forProgress, Shungu DzeVana Trust, and Village Health Project. 100%of funds raised through the project’s fiscal sponsor, the BoulderCounty AIDS Project, will be hand delivered to Zimbabwe to helpfight poverty, starvation and AIDS. To find out more, visitwww.zimwalk.org.

MarketplaceThe lively sounds of marimba and mbira music from Zimbabwe

will accompany you while you stroll this festive, open-air musicalinstrument and crafts marketplace. Zimfest Market offers highquality African musical instruments from Zimbabwean and NorthAmerican instrument makers. You will find beautifully handcraftedwooden marimbas, mbiras from renowned Zimbabwean mbiramakers, African hosho and other percussion, exquisite Shonaserpentine sculpture, art from rural Zimbabwean villages, fabricand clothing, a wide selection of southern African and Zimba-bwean CDs & tapes, and much more.

VOLUNTEER: Help MakeZimfest 2004 a Success!

Each year the Zimbabwean Music Festival is run entirely byvolunteers. We need tons of volunteers to help before, during andafter the Festival to make it happen. It’s a great way to get to knowothers in the music community and the feel-good-by-doing-goodbenefit is a free bonus!

We need volunteers to move instruments, staff the registrationdesk, take concert tickets, set up stage equipment, provide concertsecurity, clean up after concerts, help in workshops, decorate, be afestival “go-fer”, set up before the festival on Thursday, and teardown after the festival Monday morning.

We are asking that each participant donate two hours of timeduring the festival in order to make the festival happen. Please lookover the list of volunteer opportunities on the Registration Form andchoose the area(s) you are interested in. Someone (another volunteer!)will contact you. If you have any questions regarding volunteeropportunities, please e-mail Hyla Dickson (hyla@zimfest.org). Wewill do our best to make your volunteer experience fun and reward-ing, but we cannot offer trades for your time.

We hope everyone can attend the village forum -it will be held in the amphitheatre (outdoors) overlunch. Bring your ideas about this festival, about

future Zimfests, and about the community as a whole. Listen toZimbabwean guests reflect on their experiences. All are welcome!

There is already an active group planning Zimfest 2005 forBellingham, Washington! However, it is not too early for communi-ties to be thinking about hosting Zimfest for 2006. We have foundseveral areas of planning that benefit from having more than oneyear’s lead-time (e.g. grant applications and musician sponsorships).

Village Meeting and Zimbabwean Guest ForumSunday, 12:15 pm – 1:30 pm

Zimbabwean Music Festival 2004 • 3

E-mail: 2004@zimfest.orgWebsite: www.zimfest.orgPhone (messages)/FAX: (503) 285-4821Postal address: 2004 Zimbabwean Music Festival,

P.O. Box 14456, Portland, OR 97293, U.S.A.

Registration DirectionsTo register for workshops, concert tickets, accommodations, and

meals, please follow the instructions on the enclosed registrationform and read the registration information below. See page 19 formore information and instructions on reserving accommodationsand meals on campus.

General WorkshopRegistration Information

You may either register by mail or on-line. If you register bymail, then you need to include your payment with your registra-tion. If you register on-line, you have a choice of paying by creditcard (on-line) or mailing in your payment. When registering for aworkshop, please indicate a second choice for each workshop youchoose. When registering for Intensives, please mark out all timeslots that the class meets. Be sure to read the information aboutparticipant playing levels on page 6 before you choose yourworkshops. Out of courtesy to the teachers and other classparticipants, please do not sign up for any workshop that isbeyond your level of experience. If the teacher deems that theclass is above your level you may be asked to observe.

It will help us if you register early. All registrations forms andpayments that are postmarked June 21 or earlier will be processedtogether. These registrations will be randomized to ensure equalchance at receiving first or second choices for workshops in alottery. Your registration will not be processed until we receivepayment. In early July you will receive a letter or email confirmingyour registration and workshop schedule.

Registration forms and payment postmarked after June 21 willbe accepted and will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.For registration forms we receive by July 17, you will receive an emailor letter confirmation of your registration and workshop schedule.Otherwise, your confirmation packet will be available at the FestivalRegistration Table. Do not mail any forms or payments after July31; you will be able to register at the Festival Registration Table.

Regardless of your method of registration, you may check yourcurrent registration status, make changes, check the status ofworkshops (open/full), and find out about any changes in theworkshops or schedule at our website: www.zimfest.org throughAugust 6. All Zimfest participants should check in at the FestivalRegistration Table upon arriving at the Zimfest site. You willreceive your concert tickets, final workshop schedule, siteinformation, and updated information on workshops and otherZimfest activities.

On-Line RegistrationYou may register on-line at www.zimfest.org. You can pay on-

line with a credit card - a 3% charge will be added to your bill tocover costs for this service. Your registration will not be processeduntil we receive payment. So, you either need to pay on-line orsend us a check or money order. If you pay by check or moneyorder, include the Payment Voucher on page 19. To register go towww.zimfest.org and click the link to Registration. Follow theinstructions to create your user name and password. The on-linesystem allows you to control your own registration choices. At anytime up to August 6 you may make changes. However, any changesthat you make can not exceed the amount you have paid andpayment by mail must be sent by July 31. The on-line registrationsystem will be closed during an interim period while the lottery isbeing completed in late June.

Mail-In RegistrationWe will accept registration forms by regular mail only (no faxes),

and they must be accompanied by a check or money order. Do notmail any registration forms after July 31; instead come to theFestival Registration Table at Zimfest to register.

Festival Refund PoliciesCancellation Refunds

If you are unable to attend the Festival, requests for refunds willbe accepted until August 6 (NO LATER). Refund checks, minus a$15 administrative fee (in U.S. funds), will be issued approximatelyone week after the festival.

Workshop RefundsIf you do not get into a workshop for which you have registered

and paid, we will give you credit toward another workshop that youcan register for BEFORE or DURING the Festival, as available. Youmay register for these additional workshops by mail or on-line, or youmay wait until you arrive at the Festival. If, by the end of the Festival,you still haven’t used up your Zimfest 2004 credit, you may request arefund. We will place a refund box at the Festival Registration Table inwhich to place your request. You may also mail in workshop refundrequests for one week after the Festival. We will not accept classrefund requests postmarked after August 23. It is our goal to offeryou so many great workshops that you won’t need a refund! You mayalso choose to donate your Zimfest 2004 refund to Zimfest or anothernonprofit organization serving needs of Zimbabweans.

Registration InformationRegistration InformationRegistration InformationRegistration InformationRegistration Information

The quickest way to have your needs addressed isto communicate with us through e-mail. Please includeyour phone number in case we want to call you. For themost up-to-date information about the Festival, regularly visit ourwebsite and/or subscribe to our email list (via the website).

How to Contact Zimfest 2004

4 • Zimbabwean Music Festival 2004

Daily Schedule

THURSDAY2:00 – 6:00 pm Registration Open12:00 – 4:30 pm Private Lessons/Workshops5:00 – 6:00 pm Teacher Orientation

FRIDAY8:30 am – 6:00 pm Registration Open9:00 am – 6:00 pm Market10:00 am – 12:00 pm Workshop Session #112:00 pm – 12:30 pm Welcome/Opening Ceremony12:30 pm – 6:00 pm Afternoon Concert1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Workshop #24:00 pm – 6:00 pm Workshop #37:00 pm – Midnight Evening Concertlate night Mbira party

SATURDAY8:30 am – 6:00 pm Registration Open9:00 am – 6:00 pm Market10:00 am – 12:00 am Workshop Session #412:00 pm – 6:00 pm Afternoon Concert1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Workshop #54:00 pm – 6:00 pm Workshop #67:00 pm – Midnight Evening Concertlate night Mbira party

SUNDAY8:30 am – 4:00 pm Registration Open9:00 am – 6:00 pm Market10:00 am – 12:00 am Workshop Session #712:15 pm – 1:30 pm Village Meeting2:00 pm – 6:00 pm Afternoon Concert1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Workshop #84:00 pm – 6:00 pm Workshop #97:00 pm – Midnight Evening Concertlate night Mbira party

(Actual workshop times may vary.)

Festival ScheduleFestival ScheduleFestival ScheduleFestival ScheduleFestival ScheduleWorkshop Session #1, Friday morningIntroduction to Shekere Playing, Stephanie Abels, 10:00-11:30INTENSIVE: Chipendani, Russ Landers, 10:00-12:00INTENSIVE: Zulu and Ndebele Dance, Singing, Lucky Moyo, 10:00-12:00Mbira Dance, Fungai Mujuru, 10:00-11:00Beginning Mbira Hosho, Jennifer Kyker, 10:00-11:30Beginning Marimba, Michael Breez, 10:00-12:00Introductory Marimba: Kukaiwa, Joel Lindstrom, 10:00-12:00Advanced Beginning Marimba: Introduction to Mbira-Style Marimba, Wanda Walker,

10:00-12:00Intermediate Marimba, Dexterity Exercises, Nicholas Manomano, 10:00-11:00INTENSIVE: Intermediate Marimba: Pfumvu, Randy McIntosh, 9:00-12:00INTENSIVE: Advanced Nyunga Nyunga: Nhemamusasa Mode, Tendekai Kuture, 10:00-12:00Introductory Mbira: Kariga mombe, Cosmas Magaya, 10:00-12:00Advanced Beginning Mbira: Karanda, Beauler Dyoko, 10:00-12:00Singing: Chaminuka Ndimambo and Gwindingwi, Forward Kwenda and Erica Azim,


Workshop Session #2, Friday early afternoonTraditional Guinean Balafon Duets, Naby Camara and Kite Giedraitis, 1:00-2:30INTENSIVE: Children’s Zulu and Ndebele Dance, Singing, Lucky Moyo, 1:00-3:00Shake It, Don’t Break It I, MyLinda King, 1:00-2:00Introduction to Chipendani, Russ Landers, 1:00-3:00Advanced Beginning/Intermediate Marimba: Developing A Song, Nicholas Manomano,

1:00-2:30INTENSIVE: Intermediate/Advanced Marimba: Beginning Composing and Arranging,

Michael Breez, 1:00-3:00Advanced Marimba: Buka Tiende, Peter Swing, 1:00-4:00INTENSIVE: Advanced Marimba: Chakanaka Chakanaka, Randy McIntosh, 1:00-4:00INTENSIVE: Advanced Marimba: Nyamamusango: Techniques for Variation and

Interaction, Joel Lindstrom, 1:00-3:30Introduction to Karimba: Chemutengure, Joe Keefe, 1:00-3:00Advanced Beginning Mbira, Mandarendare, Fradreck Mujuru, 1:00-4:00Story: Whose Mbira Is It? Introductory/Advanced Beginning Story, Song and Mbira,

Forward Kwenda, 1:00-2:00 story/song, 1:00-3:30 story/song/mbiraAdvanced Beginning Mbira: Baya wabaya, Cosmas Magaya, 1:00-3:00Bira - Singing, Drumming, Dancing, Tendekai Kuture, 1:00-4:00Music and Song at Kurova Guva Ceremonies, Jennifer Kyker, 1:00-3:00

Workshop Session #3, Friday late afternoonChildren’s Mbira Dance, Ilana Moon, 4:00-5:00Introductory Marimba: Kgopotso, Jaiaen Beck, 4:00-6:00Advanced Beginning Ndebele or Sotho Song and Dance, Loveness Wesa, 4:00-5:30INTENSIVE: Advanced Beginning Mbira: Chigamba, Russ Landers, 4:00-6:00Beginning Mbira Hosho, Fungai Mujuru, 4:00-5:00Shake It, Don’t Break It II, MyLinda King, 4:00-5:00Advanced Beginning/Intermediate Marimba: Tipe Tizwe, Claire Jones, 4:00-6:00Intermediate Marimba: Feeling the Beat - Techniques for Interlocking Parts,

Joel Lindstrom, 4:00-6:00Intermediate Marimba: Kembendu, Naby Camara and Kite Giedraitis, 4:00-6:00Intermediate Karimba: Chemutengure, Joe Keefe, 4:00-6:00Intermediate Mbira: Wafawarova, Cosmas Magaya, 4:00-6:00INTENSIVE: Intermediate Mbira: Kare Mugomba (Kushaura), Jennifer Kyker, 4:00-6:00Intermediate/Advanced Gandanga Mbira: Chipembere Nhimutimu, Forward Kwenda,

4:00-6:00Classification of Zimbabwean Vernacular Music, Tendekai Kuture, 4:30-6:00Mbira Singing, Beauler Dyoko, 4:00-6:00

Zimbabwean Music Festival 2004 • 5

Festival ScheduleFestival ScheduleFestival ScheduleFestival ScheduleFestival ScheduleWorkshop Session #4, Saturday morningIntroduction to Shekere Playing, Stephanie Abels, 10:00-11:30Mhondoro/Mhande Dance, Ilana Moon, 10:00-12:00INTENSIVE: Zulu and Ndebele Dance, Singing, Lucky Moyo, 10:00-12:00INTENSIVE: Chipendani, Russ Landers, 10:00-12:00Intermediate Hosho: Move My Body AND Play Hosho?, Fiona “Ona” Connon, 10:00-11:30Introductory Marimba: Kgopotso, Jaiaen Beck, 10:00-12:00INTENSIVE: Intermediate Marimba: Pfumvu, Randy McIntosh, 9:00-12:00Intermediate Marimba: Pipoca - The Popcorn Song, Claire Jones, 10:00-12:30Advanced Marimba: Phrasing System on Marimba, Nicholas Manomano, 10:00-11:30Beginning Nyunga Nyunga, Michael Breez, 10:00-12:00INTENSIVE: Advanced Nyunga Nyunga: Nhemamusasa Mode, Tendekai Kuture, 10:00-12:00INTENSIVE: Intermediate Mbira: Kare Mugomba (Kutsinhira), Jennifer Kyker, 10:00-12:00Advanced Mbira, Cosmas Magaya, 10:00-12:00The Bira Ceremony, Fungai and Fradreck Mujuru, 10:00-11:30Singing: Tambai VaHera and Mudzimu Dzoka, Forward Kwenda and Erica Azim, 10:00-11:30

Workshop Session #5, Saturday early afternoonChildren’s Crafts and Dance with Leg Rattles, Beauler Dyoko, 1:00-3:00Advanced Beginning Ndebele or Sotho Song and Dance, Loveness Wesa, 1:00-2:30INTENSIVE: Children’s Zulu and Ndebele Dance, Singing, Lucky Moyo, 1:00-3:00Intermediate Mbira Hosho, Jennifer Kyker, 1:00-2:00Family Introductory Marimba: Manhanga, Tom Scott, 1:00-3:30Intermediate Marimba, Tendekai Kuture, 1:00-4:00INTENSIVE: Intermediate Mbira: Mukai tiende, Forward Kwenda, 1:00-2:30INTENSIVE: Intermediate/Advanced Marimba: Beginning Composing and Arranging,

Michael Breez, 1:00-3:00INTENSIVE: Advanced Marimba: Nyamamusango: Techniques for Variation and

Interaction, Joel Lindstrom, 1:00-3:30INTENSIVE: Advanced Marimba: Chakanaka Chakanaka, Randy McIntosh, 1:00-4:00Introduction to Mbira: Kariga Mombe, Fradreck Mujuru, 1:00-3:00Intermediate/Advanced Mbira: Pamusoro peNhowe, Fungai Mujuru, 1:00-3:00INTENSIVE: Advanced Mbira, Cosmas Magaya, 1:00-3:00The Performing Band, Ted Wright, 1:00-2:00Coaching Groups in Shona Singing for their Bands, Lora Lue Chiorah Dye, 1:00-3:00Mbira Ear Training Singing, Erica Azim, 1:00-2:30

Workshop Session #6, Saturday late afternoonAdvanced Beginning Mbira Dancing, Ilana Moon, 4:00-5:30Advanced Hosho: Full Body Hosho, Fiona “Ona” Connon, 4:00-6:00Introduction to Marimba: Ncuzu, Joe Keefe, 4:00-6:00INTENSIVE: Advanced Beginning Marimba: Variations, Michael Breez, 4:00-6:00Introductory/Advanced Beginning Youth Marimba: Skokiana, Peter Swing, 4:30-6:00INTENSIVE: Intermediate Marimba: Kuzanga: Interlocking Kutsinhira and Kushaura,

Joel Lindstrom, 4:00-6:00INTENSIVE: Intermediate Marimba: Nhimutimu, Wanda Walker, 4:00-5:30INTENSIVE: Advanced Beginning Mbira: Chigamba, Russ Landers, 4:00-6:00Intermediate Mbira: Explorations in Nhemamusasa, Ted Wright, 4:00-6:00INTENSIVE: Intermediate Mbira: Kutsinhira Development with Nhema musasa,

Erica Azim, 4:00-6:00The Science of Marimbas, Tom Scott, 4:00-6:00

Workshop Session #7, Sunday morningBeginning African Dance, Jacques Johnson, 10:00-12:00Ngoma: Shangara, Forward Kwenda, 10:00-12:00INTENSIVE: Chipendani, Russ Landers, 10:00-12:00Intermediate Hosho, Marilyn Kolodziejczyk, 10:00-11:30Intermediate Marimba: Pipoca - The Popcorn Song, Claire Jones, 10:00-12:30Introduction to Marimba: Ncuzu, Joe Keefe, 10:00-12:00Advanced Intermediate Marimba: Salmonberry Pie, Fiona “Ona” Connon, 10:00-12:30Advanced Marimba: Taiserewa, Michael Breez, 10:00-12:00INTENSIVE: Advanced Nyunga Nyunga: Nhemamusasa Mode, Tendekai Kuture, 10:00-12:00Introduction to Mbira: Kariga mombe, Erica Azim, 10:00-12:00Intermediate Mbira: Dande, Fungai Mujuru, 10:00-12:00The Changing Face of Rural Zimbabwe, Jaiaen Beck and Cosmas Magaya, 10:00-11:30Coaching Groups in Shona Singing for their Bands, Lora Lue Chiorah Dye, 10:00-12:00

Workshop Session #8, Sunday early afternoonIntroduction to Chipendani, Russ Landers, 1:00-3:00Intermediate Mbira Dance Steps, Ilana Moon, 1:00-2:30Beginning Drumming, Lucky Moyo, 1:00-3:00Beginning Mbira Hosho, Fungai Mujuru, 1:00-2:00Introductory Hosho, Marilyn Kolodziejczyk, 1:00-2:30Introductory Marimba: Manhanga, Tom Scott, 1:00-3:30Intermediate Marimba, Tendekai Kuture, 1:00-4:00Intermediate Marimba: Chemutengure, Peter Swing, 1:00-4:00Intermediate/Advanced Marimba: Exercises and Lead Techniques, Michael Breez, 1:00-3:00INTENSIVE: Advanced Marimba: Chakanaka Chakanaka, Randy McIntosh, 1:00-4:00Advanced Marimba: Composing Your Own Songs, Nicholas Manomano, 1:00-2:30Intermediate Mbira: Chakwi, Fradreck Mujuru, 1:00-4:00INTENSIVE: Intermediate Mbira: Mukai tiende, Forward Kwenda, 1:00-2:30INTENSIVE: Advanced Mbira, Cosmas Magaya, 1:00-3:00AIDS Orphans in Zimbabwe, Beauler Dyoko, 1:00-3:00Mbira Ear Training Singing, Erica Azim, 1:00-2:30Singing in Shona, Jennifer Kyker, 1:00-2:00

Workshop Session #9, Sunday late afternoonAdvanced Beginning Ndebele or Sotho Song and Dance, Loveness Wesa, 4:00-5:30Zulu and Ndebele Dance, Singing, Lucky Moyo, 4:00-6:00Introduction to Hosho for Marimba, Joe Keefe, 4:00-6:00Introductory Hosho: Technique, Pattern and Style, Fiona “Ona” Connon, 4:00-5:30Children’s Introductory Marimba: Manhanga, Tom Scott, 4:00-6:30Introductory/Advanced Beginning Marimba: Kukaha: For Each Other, Peter Swing,

4:30-6:30INTENSIVE: Advanced Beginning Marimba: Variations, Michael Breez, 4:00-6:00INTENSIVE: Intermediate Marimba: Kuzanga: Interlocking Kutsinhira and Kushaura,

Joel Lindstrom, 4:00-6:00INTENSIVE: Intermediate Marimba: Nhimutimu, Wanda Walker, 4:00-5:30Intermediate Marimba: Using a Marimba Keyboard, Nicholas Manomano, 4:00-5:00INTENSIVE: Intermediate Mbira: Kutsinhira Development with Nhema musasa,

Erica Azim, 4:00-6:00Intermediate Gandanga Mbira: Mauya Mauya, Forward Kwenda, 4:00-6:00Singing with Drumming, Beauler Dyoko, 4:00-6:00Singing and Movement in Makwaira Style, Tendekai Kuture, 4:30-6:30

Workshops and schedules are subject to change.

6 • Zimbabwean Music Festival 2004

Beginning African DanceJacques Johnson #7 Sun. 10:00-12:00This workshop will be tailored for thebeginning/intermediate student. No specificdance or songs will be learned, however theemphasis will be to teach various dancemovements from around Africa.Level: Introductory to IntermediateLimit: 20Materials: No audio/video taping allowed.Wear loose clothing, bring an open mind,lots of water.

Children under age 8 must have an adultattend the workshop with them. If the adultis only there to supervise the child and is nothimself or herself taking the class, then onlythe child needs to be registered for the class.

INTENSIVE: Children’s Zulu andNdebele Dance: Gumboot Dance,Imbube Singing, Kalanga DanceLucky Moyo #2 Fri. 1:00-3:00

AND #5 Sat. 1:00-3:00See “Intensives”

Children’s Mbira DanceIlana Moon #3 Fri. 4:00-5:00See “Dance”

Children’s Introductory Marimba:ManhangaTom Scott #9 Sun. 4:00-6:30See “Marimba”

Family Introductory Marimba:ManhangaTom Scott #5 Sat. 1:00-3:30See “Marimba”

Introductory/Advanced BeginningYouth Marimba: SkokianaPeter Swing #6 Sat. 4:30-6:00See “Marimba”

Children’s Crafts and Dance:Making Leg Rattles, and Dancingwith Leg RattlesBeauler Dyoko #5 Sat. 1:00-3:00Children will make their own leg rattlesand learn to do a dance with them.Level: Introductory Limit: 20Materials: Audio taping OK.

PARTICIPANT PLAYING LEVELIn order for teachers to accomplish the goals of their classes, it is

important that participants sign up for classes that are appropriateto their experience and playing level. Signing up for a class that isbeyond your level creates major problems for the teacher and theother students. If the teacher deems that the class is above yourlevel you may be asked to observe. Please refer to the followingguidelines when choosing your classes.

Introductory: Appropriate for those who have never touchedthe instrument through folks who have played less than one year.

Advanced Beginning: These people have played the instrumentat least one year. For marimba they can play a couple parts on atleast five songs and for mbira they can play two songs.

Intermediate: For marimba, those who’ve played at least threeyears, can play a few parts on at least 10 pieces, have good tech-nique, understand the rhythm, form and structure of the pieces,and can catch cues and understand how to move through sections.For mbira, those who know at least 5 songs and have played inboth the kushaura and kutsinhira positions.

Advanced: Same as intermediate PLUS: learns quickly, iscomfortable playing fast, has a strong sense of rhythm and at least 3years playing at performance level. For mbira, able to learn akushaura and kutsinhira part in one workshop.

RECORDINGMost, but not all, teachers allow audio-taping of workshops for

personal use. Please see the “Materials” section of the workshopdescriptions for information on each workshop.

DON’T FORGET!Bring any instruments you may need for your workshops, and

consider sharing your instruments and/or bringing extras. Pleasecontact us at 2004@zimfest.org if you will have extra instrumentsavailable.

Bring pens, paper, earplugs, recorders, extra batteries and tapesand whatever you need to make yourself comfortable duringworkshops.

Workshops and schedules are subject to change. Please checkour website at www.zimfest.org for changes throughout the springand summer.

Workshop DescriptionsWorkshop DescriptionsWorkshop DescriptionsWorkshop DescriptionsWorkshop DescriptionsPlease do not sign up for any workshopthat is beyond your experience level!

Introduction to ChipendaniRuss Landers #2 Fri. 1:00-3:00

OR #8 Sun. 1:00-3:00Learn the basics of playing the chipendani,a one-stringed mouth bow from Zimba-bwe. We’ll cover the basics of plucking,singing and overtones for a traditionalsong. See also the three-day intensiveintroductory Chipendani class.Level: Introductory/Advanced BeginningLimit: 15Materials: Audio/video taping OK.Chipendani provided, but bring one if youhave one.

INTENSIVE: ChipendaniRuss Landers #1 Fri. 10:00-12:00

AND #4 Sat. 10:00-12:00AND #7 Sun. 10:00-12:00

See “Intensives”

Zimbabwean Music Festival 2004 • 7

Introductory/Advanced BeginningMarimba: Kukaha: For Each OtherPeter Swing #9 Sun. 4:30-6:30This is an original song composed by Peterfor his family, and looks to teach us how tomake it work. It also teaches how amarimba band works, for all the partsdepend on each other.Level: Introductory/Advanced BeginningLimit: 12Materials: Audio/video taping OK.

Traditional Guinean Balafon DuetsNaby Camara, assistedby Kite Giedraitis #2 Fri. 1:00-2:30Naby will share some extremely challeng-ing material from his repertoire of tradi-tional balafon material (a balafon is similarto a soprano marimba). The duets caneasily be expanded to three to four players:each piece consists of one or two basicpatterns and a lead. The basic patternsrequire great independence of hands andusually span an octave. The leads aresomewhat improvisational and employdynamics and rapid runs. This workshop isfor the marimba player (or even teacher)who is seeking the next step.Level: Advanced Limit: 12Materials: Audio/video taping OK.Prerequisite: Must learn quickly. Mustknow many leads.

Introduction to Shekere PlayingStephanie Abels #1 Fri. 10:00-11:30

OR #4 Sat. 10:00-11:30Fundamentals of shekere playing tech-nique, to accompany all Shona marimbamusic. Emphasizing 4/4 and 6/8 “exchang-ing”, and several parts played together.Stephanie brings to this workshop herknowledge and experience derived fromMai Chi Maraire’s playing style on“Chiwoniso”, and from many otherAfrican and American musicians.Level: Introductory/Advanced BeginningLimit: 10Materials: Audio-taping OK. Bring yourown shekere if you have one.Prerequisite: None - but an ability to hearpolyrhythms helps!

Intermediate Marimba: KembenduNaby Camaraand Kite Giedraitis #3 Fri. 4:00-6:00Kembendu is a traditional Guinean balafonsong that Kite learned from Naby andarranged for a full marimba ensemble. It isfairly easy to learn, but the lead has somechallenging variations. If time permits, wewill cover the singing (in the Susu lan-guage) and the drumming.Level: Intermediate Limit: 12Materials: Audio/video taping OK.

Intermediate Marimba: Pipoca -The Popcorn SongClaire Jones #4 Sat. 10:00-12:30

OR #7 Sun. 10:00-12:30This song is a composition by Claire Jones,inspired by a Mozambiquean nyangapanpipe song. We will learn parts for sevenmarimbas. Each part is relatively simple;the challenge is to fit them together!Level: Intermediate Limit: 10Materials: Audio-taping OK.Prerequisite: At least two years of marimbaexperience.

Advanced Intermediate Marimba:Salmonberry PieFiona “Ona” Connon #7 Sun. 10:00-12:30Minanzi/mbira hosho drives this upbeatmarimba song Ona has composed for the8-piece marimba ensemble. SalmonberryPie is a love story which teaches us not tocollapse ourselves into a relationship but tostand tall and strong on our own. By beinghealthy individuals we bring more toourselves, our relationships and the world.Ona encourages all participants to have funwith this song - to take it home andexplore the depths of creativity through it.This class will be taught on marimbas withF#s.Level: Advanced Intermediate Limit: 11Materials: Audio/video taping OK.Prerequisite: Ability to play the kutsinhirapart on marimba. This song has onekutsinhira part and about three challengingrhythms to learn and layer, plus the lead.

African DanceJacques Johnson #7 Sun. 10:00-12:00See “Cross-Cultural Offerings”

Bira: Singing, Drumming, DancingTendekai Kuture #2 Fri. 1:00-4:00See “Singing”

Children’s Mbira DanceIlana Moon #3 Fri. 4:00-5:00Children’s mbira dance - using moves fromclaypot dance and other fun interactivestorytelling such as hunting, farming,gathering wood and other village duties.Level: Introductory, Advanced BeginningLimit: UnlimitedMaterials: Audio/video taping OK. Wearcomfortable clothes or sarong.Prerequisite: A desire to learn some basicmoves.

INTENSIVE: Children’s Zulu andNdebele Dance: Gumboot Dance,Imbube Singing, Kalanga DanceLucky Moyo #2 Fri. 1:00-3:00

AND #5 Sat. 1:00-3:00See “Intensives”

Children’s Crafts and Dance:Making Leg Rattles, and Dancingwith Leg RattlesBeauler Dyoko #5 Sat. 1:00-3:00See “Children & Family”

Mbira DanceFungai Mujuru #1 Fri. 10:00-11:00Learn to dance to mbira music! Noexperience required.Level: Introductory Limit: 30Materials: No audio/video taping allowed.Wear comfortable clothing.

Singing and Movement inMakwaira StyleTendekai Kuture #9 Sun. 4:30-6:30See “Singing”

Workshops and schedulesare subject to change.

8 • Zimbabwean Music Festival 2004

Bira: Singing, Drumming, DancingTendekai Kuture #2 Fri. 1:00-4:00See “Singing”

Singing with Drumming:Mhondoro DzinonwaBeauler Dyoko #9 Sun. 4:00-6:00See “Singing”

Beginning DrummingLucky Moyo #8 Sun. 1:00-3:00Level: All Limit: 20Materials: Audio/video taping OK. Bringdrums if possible.

Mhondoro/MhandeIlana Moon #4 Sat. 10:00-12:00Learn the dance and singing to Mhandewith opportunity to learn the drumming.Ilana learned this dance from JuliaChigamba and has performed it at severalvenue sites. “Mhondoro talks about the greatspirits that bring the rains, protect fromdisease, and bless the lands. Even though thespirits are rarely seen, you must feed theirthirst. They drink in the Zambezi River andthe Save River. The Mhande dance saysthank you for the harvest and the rains,” saysCharles Mzite. This simple, fun dance showsthe richness of Shona polyrhythms.Level: Open to All Limit: 20Materials: Audio/video taping OK. Wearcomfortable clothes or sarong, bring legshakers if you have them.

Zulu and Ndebele Dance:Gumboot Dance, Imbube Singing,Kalanga DanceLucky Moyo #9 Sun. 4:00-6:00Lucky will provide insight into any of theabove, with a focus on communallyexploring the dance and singing. Theworkshop is oriented toward learning andhaving fun without necessarily producing apolished final result, and will end with aquestion and answer session. See alsoLucky’s Intensive dance class.Level: All Limit: 30Materials: Audio/video taping OK. Bringrubber boots, drums if possible.

INTENSIVE: Zulu and NdebeleDance: Gumboot Dance, ImbubeSinging, Kalanga DanceLucky Moyo #1 Fri. 10:00-12:00

AND #4 Sat. 10:00-12:00See “Intensives”

Advanced Beginning Ndebele orSotho Song and DanceLoveness Wesa #3 Fri. 4:00-5:30

#5 Sat. 1:00-2:30#9 Sun. 4:00-5:30

Students will learn songs and becomefamiliar with various cultures of Zimbabwe.Level: Advanced BeginningLimit: 40Materials: Audio-video taping OK.

Advanced Beginning Mbira DanceIlana Moon #6 Sat. 4:00-5:30A workshop everyone enjoyed last year, tobring in and familiarize with the “downbeat” of the hosho and the music - learningfun, easy steps everyone can pick up. Toencourage anyone who would like someconfidence and direction with mbiradancing.Level: Advanced Beginning/IntermediateLimit: 20Materials: Audio/video taping OK. Wearcomfortable clothes or sarong, bring legshakers if you have them.Prerequisite: A desire to learn and ready tohave fun while learning.

Intermediate Mbira Dance StepsIlana Moon #8 Sun. 1:00-2:30For the student who is already comfortablewith the basic mbira step and down beat,wanting to go deeper into more complexpolyrhythmic mbira steps. As studied withJulia Chigamba and Charles Mzite.Level: Intermediate/Advanced Limit: 10Materials: Audio/video taping OK. Wearcomfortable clothes or sarong, bring legshakers (mhagavu) if you have them.Prerequisite: A desire to learn and ready tohave fun while learning.

Beginning Mbira HoshoJennifer Kyker #1 Fri. 10:00-11:30For beginning hosho players, or for thosewho feel the need to return to hosho basics,this workshop will cover basic hoshotechnique, including how to hold thehosho and move arms, wrists and elbowsfor mbira style hosho. Our goals are tounderstand and be able to produce thebasic sound of mbira hosho, and todevelop an individual style of playinghosho comfortably.Level: Introductory/Beginning Limit: 20Materials: Audio recording OK. Videorecording permitted at end of class. Mustbring your own pair of hosho.

Beginning Mbira HoshoFungai Mujuru #3 Fri. 4:00-5:00

OR #8 Sun. 1:00-2:00Learn the basics of mbira-style hosho.Recommended for mbira and marimbaplayers, as well as their friends who want tojoin in with hosho (rattles).Hosho is the “heartbeat” of mbira music.Level: Introductory/Beginning Limit: 10Materials: Audio-taping OK. Must bringyour own pair of hosho.

Ngoma: ShangaraForward Kwenda #7 Sun. 10:00-12:00Shangara is a dance and drumming styledone by Shona people in the east-centraland south-central areas of Zimbabwe, suchas Buhera, Gutu, Zaka and Masvingo.Shangara is usually done during the day,and is used to call ancestral spirits to helpwith problems such as drought or illness. Itis also done just for fun. See Forward’s“Singing: Tambai VaHera and MudzimuDzoka” class in the singing section as well.Level: Intermediate Limit: 20Materials: Audio-taping encouraged; novideo taping please. Bring drums ifpossible.

Zimbabwean Music Festival 2004 • 9

Shake It, Don’t Break ItMyLinda King #2 Fri. 1:00-2:00Do you have hosho phobia? Even if you’venever held a pair of hosho in your handsyou can take this workshop. Hosho will beprovided for all participants and will beavailable for purchase.Level: Introductory Limit: 15Materials: Audio/video taping OK. Bringearplugs.

Shake It, Don’t Break It: IIMyLinda King #3 Fri. 4:00-5:00This workshop is for people who can play abasic tsaba, muchongoyo, and minanzi ormbira hosho pattern. Learn to tighten upyour sound and spice up a song with tastyvariations. Hosho will be provided for allparticipants and will also be available forpurchase.Level: Advanced Beginning/IntermediateLimit: 15Materials: Audio/video taping OK. Bringearplugs, and a CD or tape of a piece youwould like to play to (optional - I’ll bringsome too).Prerequisite: Should have the mechanics ofthe three basic hosho patterns down.

Intermediate Hosho: Move MyBody AND Play Hosho?Fiona “Ona” Connon #4 Sat. 10:00-11:30Now that you are able to play hoshocomfortably and are gaining confidence, itis possible to learn how to trust yourplaying enough to focus on moving yourbody. We will review the basics of minanzi/mbira hosho, including technique and acouple of different styles, then move on tofun and simple arm and leg movementswhile holding the beat. Come feel thepower of using your body to enhance yourinstrument.Level: Intermediate Limit: 12Materials: Audio/video taping OK. Bringhosho, earplugs, and comfortable danceclothing.Prerequisite: Must be comfortable with theminanzi/mbira pattern.

Intermediate Mbira Style HoshoMarilyn Kolodziejczyk #7 Sun. 10:00-11:30This class will focus on developing goodmbira hosho technique and playing thebeat for mbira, marimba, and singing. Therange of techniques from even to slurredwill be covered, and some variations will beexplored. Some methods for identifyingand staying on the beat for some commonmbira songs will be explored, even Karigamombe! We will be using our ears at leastas much as our hands to work toward thesounds we want to produce. This class willprovide a fun and supportive atmosphereto move forward in your expertise with thisimportant instrument.Level: Intermediate Limit: 16Materials: Audio/video taping OK. Bring apair of hosho if you have one, and earplugs.

Intermediate Mbira HoshoJennifer Kyker #5 Sat. 1:00-2:00This class is designed for those who havebeen playing mbira hosho for some time,and wish to refine and improve their hoshoplaying. We will look at ways to makeplaying more comfortable, and focus onkeeping a steady tempo and on “locking”the hosho with mbira parts.Level: Intermediate Limit: 20Materials: Audio recording OK. Videorecording permitted at end of class. Mustbring your own pair of hosho.

Advanced Hosho: Full BodyHoshoFiona “Ona” Connon #6 Sat. 4:00-6:00Learn to move your body in self-expressionwhile maintaining your commitment askeeper of the beat. In this workshop, youwill refine the minanzi/mbira hoshotechnique, extend your playing throughyour whole body and learn some choreo-graphed hosho moves based on Shona mbiradance steps. We will explore the use of hoshoas an exciting strength within a “hosholine” of dancers or as a solo instrument.Level: Advanced Limit: 12Materials: Audio/video taping OK. Bringhosho, earplugs and comfortable danceclothes.Prerequisite: Must be very comfortablewith the minanzi/mbira pattern and beable to focus on learning dance steps.

Introductory Hosho: Technique,Pattern & StyleFiona “Ona” Connon #9 Sun. 4:00-5:30If you’ve had an itch to try this deceptively“simple” instrument, or you play alreadybut would like to review the basics, here isa safe, comfortable opportunity to learn orreview the muchongoyo, tsaba andminanzi/mbira patterns. This workshopwill cover a couple of minanzi/mbira stylesincluding a very crisp, “square” technique,as well as a very slurred one. Flexibilityusing these techniques will allow you to beversatile and to develop your own style.Let’s have fun together while we allowthese three patterns to start sinking into thecore of our beings.Level: Introductory Limit: 12Materials: Audio/video taping OK. Bring ahosho if you have one, and earplugs.

Introduction to Hosho for theMarimba BandJoe Keefe #9 Sun. 4:00-6:00Students will learn basic hosho techniqueand the three most used hosho patterns.Level: Introductory Limit: 8Materials: Audio/video taping OK. Hoshoand earplugs provided.

Introductory HoshoMarilyn Kolodziejczyk #8 Sun. 1:00-2:30This class will cover the basics of threecommon hosho patterns: muchongoyo,tsaba, and mbira (aka “minanzi”) hosho.Emphasis will be on technique, sound, andvariations (even to slurred) of mbira hosho,with hints on “finding the beat” whileplaying with mbira or mbira-type songs.We will be using our ears at least as muchas our hands to work toward the sounds wewant to produce. This class is a good placeto be introduced to this importantinstrument, or to refine and improve whatyou already know, in a fun and supportiveatmosphere.Level: Introductory/Advanced BeginningLimit: 16Materials: Audio/video taping OK. Bring apair of hosho if you have one, and ear-plugs.

Workshops and schedulesare subject to change.

10 • Zimbabwean Music Festival 2004

INTENSIVE: Zulu and NdebeleDance: Gumboot Dance, ImbubeSinging, Kalanga DanceLucky Moyo #1 Fri. 10:00-12:00

AND #4 Sat. 10:00-12:00Lucky will provide insight into any of theabove, with a focus on communallyexploring the dance and singing. Theworkshop is oriented toward learning andhaving fun without necessarily producing apolished final result, and will end with aquestion and answer session. See alsoLucky’s single class under “Dance”.Level: All Limit: 30Materials: Audio/video taping OK. Bringrubber boots, drums if possible.

INTENSIVE: Advanced BeginningMarimba: VariationsMichael Breez #6 Sat. 4:00-6:00

AND #9 Sun. 4:00-6:00In this workshop we will explore somebeginning variation concepts. Students willlearn how to apply these concepts to severaldifferent parts on various pieces. We willexplore the concept of “basic pattern” andhow to be certain that this pattern is notinappropriately altered in the process ofdoing variations. The concept of “interac-tive playing” will be introduced. Thesecond part of the intensive will build onthe concepts introduced in the first part,with a deeper focus on interactive playing.The instructor will play lead marimba inthe class and students can practice “re-sponding to lead” techniques.Level: Advanced Beginning Limit: 12Materials: Audio/video taping OK.

INTENSIVE: Intermediate Marimba:Kuzanga: Interlocking Kutsinhiraand KushauraJoel Lindstrom #6 Sat. 4:00-6:00

AND #9 Sun. 4:00-6:00Joel will teach an mbira-style arrangementof Kuzanga on the marimba. Though theworkshop will cover a complete arrange-ment of Kuzanga, the focus will be onteaching the rhythmic and melodicinterrelationship between kutsinhira andkushaura parts. This class will be taught onmarimbas with F#s.Level: Intermediate Limit: 12Materials: Audio/video taping OK.Prerequisite: Mbira and interlockingmarimba experience helpful.

INTENSIVE: IntermediateMarimba: NhimutimuWanda Walker #6 Sat. 4:00-5:30

AND #9 Sun. 4:00-5:30Wanda will teach a complete, originalarrangement for seven marimbas plushosho based on mbira parts taught byCosmas Magaya and some recordings ofJohn Kunaka on the CD “Zimbabwe”.This is the full arrangement from whichthe simpler parts used in Wanda’s work-shop “Introduction to Mbira-StyleMarimba” are derived. The arrangementstrongly brings out kushaura vs. kutsinhirapositions; students will need to be able todistinguish where the beat falls in theirpart, and ideally be able to play a particularpart in either position. The arrangement isin the key of G. The sound begins in a“loping” mood and becomes more driving.Level: Intermediate Limit: 12Materials: Audio/video taping OK.

INTENSIVE: IntermediateMarimba: PfumvuRandy McIntosh #1 Fri. 9:00-12:00

AND #4 Sat. 9:00-12:00A marimba arrangement of Pfumvu basedon recordings by Thomas Mapfumo.Level: Intermediate Limit: 15Materials: Audio/video taping OK.

INTENSIVE: Intermediate Mbira:Mukai tiende (aka Bukatiende,Mukatiende) Variations(nyamaropa tuning)Forward Kwenda #5 Sat. 1:00-2:30

#8 Sun. 1:00-2:30Learn kushaura and kutsinhira variationsto Mukai tiende - “Wake up, let’s go”(must already know a minimum of onekushaura and one kutsinhira to the piece).Forward has many unique styles of playingthis piece, so you will learn something new,no matter how many versions you know...Level: Intermediate Limit: 10Materials: Audio-taping encouraged; novideo taping please. Mbiras will beprovided.Prerequisite: Intermediate level player,must know at least one kushaura and onekutsinhira part to Mukai tiende (akaBukatiende, Mukatiende).

The following workshops extend beyond oneclass session. The intent of these classes is toprovide students with a deeper experience inlearning a song or an instrument. Out ofrespect for the teacher and other classparticipants, people who sign up for theseworkshops will be expected to attend allsessions listed. When you register, please signup for the workshop in the first time slot, butmark out the other time slots as well.

INTENSIVE: Children’s Zulu andNdebele Dance: Gumboot Dance,Imbube Singing, Kalanga DanceLucky Moyo #2 Fri. 1:00-3:00

AND #5 Sat. 1:00-3:00Lucky will provide insight into any of theabove, with a focus on communallyexploring the dance and singing. Theworkshop is oriented toward learning andhaving fun without necessarily producing apolished final result, and will end with aquestion and answer session.Level: All Limit: 30Materials: Audio/video taping OK. Bringrubber boots, drums if possible.

INTENSIVE: ChipendaniRuss Landers #1 Fri. 10:00-12:00

AND #4 Sat. 10:00-12:00AND #7 Sun. 10:00-12:00

Learn the basics of playing the chipendani,a one-stringed mouth bow from Zimba-bwe. We’ll cover the basics of plucking,singing and overtones for a traditionalsong. This intensive class will get more indepth, develop playing skill further, andplay two or three songs. There is also aone-day introductory Chipendani class.Level: Introductory/Advanced BeginningLimit: 15Materials: Audio/video taping OK.Chipendani provided, but bring one if youhave one.

Workshops and schedulesare subject to change.

Zimbabwean Music Festival 2004 • 11

INTENSIVE: Intermediate/Advanced Marimba: BeginningComposing and ArrangingMichael Breez #2 Fri. 1:00-3:00

AND #5 Sat. 1:00-3:00We will compose a piece based on a selectionof some of the participants’ original ideas ormusical themes. We will begin by exploringsome well known compositions and/orarrangements such as Kukaiwa andWarigamukono. Then we will build anoriginal composition using the conceptsdiscovered while analyzing the above pieces.Level: Intermediate to Advanced Limit: 12Materials: Audio/video taping OK.Prerequisite: Participants should be willingto explore their compositional ideas infront of others.

INTENSIVE: Advanced Marimba:Chakanaka ChakanakaRandy McIntosh #2 Fri. 1:00-4:00

AND #5 Sat. 1:00-4:00AND #8 Sun. 1:00-4:00

A marimba and vocal composition co-written by Randy and Beauler Dyoko.Level: Advanced Limit: 15Materials: Audio/video taping OK.

INTENSIVE: Advanced NyungaNyunga: Nhemamusasa ModeTendekai Kuture #1 Fri. 10:00-12:00

AND #4 Sat. 10:00-12:00AND #7 Sun. 10:00-12:00

To enable participants to learn, play and use thefour phrase Nhemamusasa mode to accom-pany songs: Nhemamusasa and Kuyaura.Level: Advanced Limit: 12Materials: Audio/video taping OK. Bring anyunga nyunga if you have one.Prerequisite: Have operated in Kukaiwaand Chemutengure modes.

INTENSIVE: Advanced BeginningMbira: ChigambaRuss Landers #3 Fri. 4:00-6:00

#6 Sat. 4:00-6:00Delve into traditional Shona rhythm andsong while focusing on the traditionalpiece Chigamba in nyamaropa tuning.Level: Advanced Beginning Limit: 10Materials: Audio-taping OK. Bring mbirathough a tuned set will be provided.Prerequisite: Advanced Beginning orIntermediate level player.

Instruments will be provided for all marimbaworkshops. Some of the marimba sets do nothave F#s, some do have F#s. Where F#s arerequired for a song, this is noted in theworkshop description.

Beginning MarimbaMichael Breez #1 Fri. 10:00-12:00Participants will be introduced to themarimba and some beginning Shona musicalconcepts as passed down by DumisaniMaraire. There will be a brief discussion ofthe history of marimba in the US and thenparticipants will explore the structure of themusic played on marimba through thelearning of a very simple teaching piece.Level: Introductory Limit: 12Materials: Audio/video taping OK.

Children’s Introductory Marimba:ManhangaTom Scott #9 Sun. 4:00-6:30A children’s version of Tom’s Manhangaworkshop (see below).Level: Introductory Limit: 12Materials: Audio/video taping OK. A tape/CD will be made available to students whodon’t want to fuss with taping.Prerequisite: The desire to learn and playwith others.

INTENSIVE: Advanced Marimba:Nyamamusango: Techniques forVariation and InteractionJoel Lindstrom #2 Fri. 1:00-3:30

AND #5 Sat. 1:00-3:30Joel will teach an mbira-style arrangement ofNyamamusango on the marimba. Using thisarrangement as a vehicle, we will exploretechniques for creating melodic andrhythmic variations. With these variations asvocabulary, we will work with playingmarimbas as an mbira ensemble. This classwill be taught on marimbas with F#s.Level: Intermediate Limit: 12Materials: Audio/video taping OK.Prerequisite: Mbira and interlockingmarimba experience very helpful.

INTENSIVE: Intermediate Mbira:Kare MugombaJennifer Kyker #3 Fri. 4:00-6:00

AND #4 Sat 10:00-12:00The first class will introduce participants tothe song Kare Mugomba. We will cover thebasic kushaura part, one of the high lines,and accompanying singing lines. The secondclass will cover the kutsinhira line, which isalmost identical to one of the kutsinhiraparts to Taireva, and can be modified to fitwith the Taireva kushaura part.Level: Intermediate Limit: 15Materials: Audio-taping OK. Bring a “G”-tuning mbira.Prerequisite: Participants should be at anintermediate level of mbira playing, have agood sense of rhythmic timing, and be ableto play at least ten kushaura and kutsinhiraparts.

INTENSIVE: Intermediate Mbira:Kutsinhira Development withNhema musasaErica Azim #6 Sat. 4:00-6:00

AND #9 Sun. 4:00-6:00Explore various styles of kutsinhira partswith Nhema musasa - we will work onones that no one in the group knows, so noproblem if you already know a few.Level: Intermediate Limit: 10Materials: Audio-taping encouraged; novideo taping please. Mbiras will be provided.Prerequisite: Must know at least onekushaura AND two kutsinhira parts toNhema musasa.

INTENSIVE: Advanced MbiraCosmas Magaya #5 Sat. 1:00-3:00

AND #8 Sun. 1:00-3:00Cosmas and students will choose from thesesongs at the workshop: Bangiza, Nyamaropa,Chipembere, Mutamba, and Chakwi.Level: Advanced Limit: 10Materials: Audio-taping OK. Set of tenmatched mbiras in Nyamaropa tuningprovided for classroom use.

12 • Zimbabwean Music Festival 2004

Introductory/Advanced BeginningYouth Marimba: SkokianaPeter Swing #6 Sat. 4:30-6:00Arranged by Ephat Mujuru, this tune iseasy but satisfying, with sweet melodiesand contrasting rhythms. We will make thearrangement as complex as time and theskill of the participants allow.Level: Introductory/Advanced Beginning,ages 8-18 onlyLimit: 15Materials: Audio/video taping OK.

Introductory/Advanced BeginningMarimba: Kukaha: For Each OtherPeter Swing #9 Sun. 4:30-6:30See “Cross-Cultural Offerings”

Advanced Beginning Marimba:Introduction to Mbira-Style MarimbaWanda Walker #1 Fri. 10:00-12:00Based on the Mbira Dzavadzimu parts toNhimutimu as taught by Cosmas Magaya,this workshop offers a solid introduction tombira-style marimba with parts in thekushaura and kutsinhira positions. Thissong cooks! It is arranged in the key of G.Level: Advanced Beginning Limit: 12Materials: Audio/video taping OK.

Advanced Beginning Marimba:KgopotsoJaiaen Beck #3 Fri. 4:00-6:00

OR #4 Sat. 10:00-12:00Learn Kgopotso, a song also called ChiradzaI, written by Godfrey Ntatisi and arrangedby Dumi. Kgopotso incorporates harmonychords, changing on cue and exposure todouble right-hand lead pattern; some partsrequire no changes. Our focus will berelaxing and enjoying your group marimbaexperience. This is a great beginning song!You can learn from one to seven parts andhosho depending on experience. This classwill be taught on marimbas with F#s.Level: Advanced Beginning Limit: 10Materials: Audio/video taping OK. Audio-taping encouraged.

INTENSIVE: Advanced BeginningMarimba: VariationsMichael Breez #6 Sat. 4:00-6:00

AND #9 Sun. 4:00-6:00See “Intensives”

Advanced Beginning/IntermediateMarimba: Developing a SongNicholas Manomano #2 Sat. 1:00-2:30Students will choose a song that they alreadyplay. Nicholas will develop the song using thevariations that he will compose as he teach.This workshop will be taught on marimbaswith F#s.Level: Advanced Beginning/IntermediateLimit: 8Materials: No audio/video taping allowed(can be discussed).

Advanced Beginning/IntermediateMarimba: Tipe TizweClaire Jones #3 Fri. 4:00-6:00Tipe Tizwe is a song recorded by DumiMaraire on nyunga nyunga (karimba),arranged for marimba by Claire. We willlearn an arrangement in which the lead andfirst soprano marimbas follow each otherwith the lead melody.Level: Advanced Beginning/IntermediateLimit: 10Materials: Audio-taping OK.Prerequisite: At least one year of marimbaexperience.

Intermediate MarimbaTendekai Kuture #5 Sat. 1:00-4:00

OR #8 Sun. 1:00-4:00To empower participants in playing skills,creativity, arrangement and improvisationas they not only play but also sing alongthe song Izane and possibly Tairewa (timepermitting).Level: Intermediate Limit: 12Materials: Audio/video taping OK.

Intermediate Marimba:ChemutengurePeter Swing #8 Sun. 1:00-4:00Peter’s arrangement of this classic includeskushaura and kutsinhira sopranos as well asbaritone and bass, tied together with slowlyrical tenors and a gentle arrangement. Itwill be rhythmically exacting. We will learnthe singing too. This class will be taught onmarimbas with F#s.Level: Intermediate Limit: 12Materials: Audio/video taping OK.Prerequisite: Three years marimba study;mbira study helpful; rhythmic strength.

Family Introductory Marimba:ManhangaTom Scott #5 Sat. 1:00-2:30A parent and child version of Tom’sManhanga workshop (see below).Level: Introductory Limit: 12Materials: Audio/video taping OK. A tape/CD will be made available to students whodon’t want to fuss with taping.Prerequisite: The desire to learn and playwith others.

Introductory Marimba: KukaiwaJoel Lindstrom #1 Fri. 10:00-12:00Joel will teach the basic parts to DumiMaraire’s composition Kukaiwa, an idealintroduction to African music. He willconcentrate on rhythm and the interactionbetween parts. He will share informationabout the history of marimba music in theUnited States as well as its roots in Zimba-bwe. This class will be taught on marimbaswith F#s.Level: Introductory Limit: 12Materials: Audio/video taping OK.

Introductory Marimba: ManhangaTom Scott #8 Sun. 1:00-3:30Students will learn parts to Manhanga(Tom’s arrangement based on the vocalversion taught to him by MusekiwaChingodza). Students will learn the roleplayed by each instrument in the groupand some of the basic characteristic “feels”in Shona music... but mostly we will play!Level: Introductory Limit: 12Materials: Audio/video taping OK. A tape/CD will be made available to students whodon’t want to fuss with taping.Prerequisite: The desire to learn and playwith others.

Introductory Marimba: NcuzuJoe Keefe #6 Sat. 4:00-6:00

OR #7 Sun. 10:00-12:00Students will learn basic marimba tech-nique and learn to play Dumi’s composi-tion Ncuzu. This class will be taught onmarimbas with F#s.Level: Introductory Limit: 7Materials: Audio/video taping OK.

Zimbabwean Music Festival 2004 • 13

Intermediate Marimba: DexterityExercisesNicholas Manomano #1 Fri. 10:00-11:00These exercises are aimed at training theplayers to use both hands effectively(ambidexterity). This workshop will betaught on marimbas with F#s.Level: Intermediate Limit: 15Materials: No audio/video taping allowed.

Intermediate Marimba: KembenduNaby Camaraand Kite Giedraitis #3 Fri. 4:00-6:00See “Cross-Cultural Offerings”

Intermediate Marimba: Feelingthe Beat - Techniques forInterlocking PartsJoel Lindstrom #3 Fri. 4:00-6:00Using clapping exercises and also marimbaparts based on a typical two-phrase Shonaprogression, Joel will teach techniques forinterlocking various mbira-styled parts. Hewill emphasize the ability to hear/feel the beatwhile playing one of these parts. This classshould be of interest to anyone working oninterlocking parts on mbira or marimba. Thisclass will be taught on marimbas with F#s.Level: Intermediate Limit: 12Materials: Audio/video taping OK.Prerequisite: Some knowledge of mbirawould be helpful.

INTENSIVE: IntermediateMarimba: Kuzanga: InterlockingKutsinhira and KushauraJoel Lindstrom #6 Sat. 4:00-6:00

AND #9 Sun. 4:00-6:00See “Intensives”

Intermediate Marimba: Using aMarimba KeyboardNicholas Manomano #9 Sun. 4:00-5:00This workshop enables the players to learnto use the whole keyboard flexibly andquite fast. Some players have a tendency ofsticking to the variations that they weretaught - they can learn to substitute andtranspose. This workshop will be taught onmarimbas with F#s.Level: Intermediate Limit: 8Materials: No audio/video taping allowed(can be discussed).

INTENSIVE: IntermediateMarimba: NhimutimuWanda Walker #6 Sat. 4:00-5:30

AND #9 Sun. 4:00-5:30See “Intensives”

INTENSIVE: IntermediateMarimba: PfumvuRandy McIntosh #1 Fri. 9:00-12:00

AND #4 Sat. 9:00-12:00See “Intensives”

Intermediate Marimba: PhrasingSystem on MarimbaNicholas Manomano #4 Sun. 10:00-11:30This teaches the players how to combinenotes/keys in phrases, and the variance indurations of phrases. This includesimprovisation. This workshop will betaught on marimbas with F#s.Level: Intermediate Limit: 8Materials: No audio/video taping allowed(can be discussed).

Intermediate Marimba: Pipoca -The Popcorn SongClaire Jones #4 Sat. 10:00-12:30

OR #7 Sun. 10:00-12:30See “Cross-Cultural Offerings”

Advanced Intermediate Marimba:Salmonberry PieOna #7 Sun. 10:00-12:30See “Cross-Cultural Offerings”

INTENSIVE: Intermediate/Advanced Marimba: BeginningComposing and ArrangingMichael Breez #2 Fri. 1:00-3:00

AND #5 Sat. 1:00-3:00See “Intensives”

Intermediate/Advanced Marimba:Exercises and Lead TechniquesMichael Breez #8 Sun. 1:00-3:00In this workshop participants will learn avariety of marimba exercises which willgreatly enhance technique, agility, andunderstanding of more advanced styles ofplaying the marimba with special focus onlead playing. The instructor will introducesome very useful exercises as taught byDumi as well as exercises that the instruc-tor has developed over the years.Level: Intermediate to Advanced Limit: 12Materials: Audio/video taping OK.

Advanced Marimba: Buka TiendePeter Swing #2 Fri. 1:00-4:00This is an intense, challenging versioncentered on B, with a ‘Gandanga’ quality.The major beat is in ‘3’ with a ‘4’ underneathit, so the polyrhythm is strong. But we won’tsacrifice beauty for technical difficulty. Thisclass will be taught on marimbas with F#s.Level: Advanced Limit: 12Materials: Audio/video taping OK.Prerequisite: Five years marimba experience;knowledge of four mbira dzavadzimu pieces.

INTENSIVE: Advanced Marimba:Chakanaka ChakanakaRandy McIntosh #2 Fri. 1:00-4:00

AND #5 Sat. 1:00-4:00AND #8 Sun. 1:00-4:00

See “Intensives”

Advanced Marimba: ComposingYour Own SongsNicholas Manomano #8 Sun. 1:00-2:30Musicians will be taught how to compose/make their own songs. Some musicianshave a tendency of thinking they arecomposing a song yet they are deriving itfrom an already existing one. This work-shop will be taught on marimbas with F#s.Level: Advanced Limit: 8Materials: No audio/video taping allowed(can be discussed).

INTENSIVE: Advanced Marimba:Nyamamusango: Techniques forVariation and InteractionJoel Lindstrom #2 Fri. 1:00-3:30

AND #5 Sat. 1:00-3:30See “Intensives”

Advanced Marimba: TaiserewaMichael Breez #7 Sun. 10:00-12:00Students will be taught a marimbaarrangement of the piece Taiserewa (looselytranslated as “We have told you”). Whilelearning this piece, the students will havethe opportunity to learn or enhance theirskills of successfully playing melodicallyand/or rhythmically interlocking lines.This particular version of the piece wasarranged by the instructor.Level: Advanced Limit: 12Materials: Audio/video taping OK.

14 • Zimbabwean Music Festival 2004

Whose Mbira is it? Story, Song,and MbiraForward Kwenda #2 Fri. 1:00-2:00 (1st part)

OR #2 Fri. 1:00-3:30 (1st and 2nd part)The ngano (traditional story) of the Eagle,the Owl and the Rabbit - whose mbira isit? The first part of this workshop (foreveryone) will be the story, and learningthe song that goes with it. The second partof the workshop (for mbira students only)will be the kushaura and kutsinhira mbiraparts for the song.Level: Introductory (1st part), AdvancedBeginning (2nd part)Limit: 30 (1st part), 10 (2nd part)Materials: Audio-taping encouraged; novideo taping please. Mbiras will be provided.Prerequisite: Advanced Beginning levelmbira player for the second part.

Intermediate Mbira: WafawarovaCosmas Magaya #3 Fri. 4:00-6:00Level: Intermediate Limit: 10Materials: Audio-taping OK. Set of tenmatched mbiras in Nyamaropa tuningprovided for classroom use.

Intermediate Mbira: ChakwiFradreck Mujuru #8 Sun. 1:00-4:00Learn the kushaura part and a high line tothis beautiful traditional mbira piece, alsothe kutsinhira part if time permits.Level: Intermediate Limit: 10Materials: Audio-taping encouraged, novideo taping please. New Dambatsokotuning mbiras will be provided.Prerequisite: Intermediate or Advancedlevel player.

Intermediate Mbira: DandeFungai Mujuru #7 Sun. 10:00-12:00Learn the kushaura part and some variations,time permitting. Dande is an area in northernZimbabwe known for its salt deposits.Level: Intermediate Limit: 10Materials: Audio-taping encouraged; novideo taping please. New Dambatsokotuning mbiras will be provided.Prerequisite: Intermediate level player.

INTENSIVE: Intermediate Mbira:Kare MugombaJennifer Kyker #3 Fri. 4:00-6:00

AND #4 Sat 10:00-12:00See “Intensives”

Introduction to Mbira: Kariga MombeErica Azim #7 Sun. 10:00-12:00Your first mbira lesson! You will learn how tohold the instrument, listen to mbira, andbasic concepts, as well as learning the mbirapiece Kariga mombe (Undefeatable). If youare thinking of learning mbira, but havenever tried it, this workshop is for you.Level: Introductory Limit: 10Materials: Audio-taping encouraged; novideo taping please. Mbiras will be provided.

Introduction to Mbira: Kariga MombeFradreck Mujuru #5 Sat. 1:00-3:00For first time mbira players. In Zimbabwe,the first mbira piece taught is Kariga mombe(Undefeatable, literally The Bullfighter.)Level: Introductory Limit: 10Materials: Audio-taping encouraged; novideo taping please. New Dambatsokotuning mbiras will be provided.

INTENSIVE: Advanced BeginningMbira: ChigambaRuss Landers #3 Fri. 4:00-6:00

AND #6 Sat. 4:00-6:00See “Intensives”

Advanced Beginning Mbira: KarandaBeauler Dyoko #1 Fri. 10:00-12:00Level: Advanced Beginning Limit: 10Materials: Audio-taping OK.Prerequisite: Advanced Beginning level player.

Advanced Beginning Mbira: BayawabayaCosmas Magaya #2 Sat. 1:00-3:00Level: Advanced Beginning Limit: 10Materials: Audio-taping OK. Set of tenmatched mbiras in Nyamaropa tuningprovided for classroom use.

Advanced Beginning Mbira:MandarendareFradreck Mujuru #2 Fri. 1:00-4:00Learn the kushaura and kutsinhira parts tothis song of encouragement to fighters.Level: Advanced Beginning & IntermediateLimit: 10Materials: Audio-taping encouraged, novideo taping please. New Dambatsokotuning mbiras will be provided.Prerequisite: Advanced Beginning orIntermediate level player.

Mbira workshops are for mbira dzavadzimuunless specified. Nyunga nyunga (karimba)mbira workshops are listed first.

Introduction to Karimba:ChemutengureJoe Keefe #2 Fri. 1:00-3:00

OR #3 Fri. 4:00-6:00Students will learn the basic patterns toChemutengure. Variations will be taught iftime permits.Level: Introductory Limit: 7Materials: Audio/video taping OK.Karimbas will be provided.

Beginning Nyunga Nyunga(Karimba)Michael Breez #4 Sat. 10:00-12:00In this introductory instrumental workshop,students will learn a very simple nyunganyunga piece called Kukaiwa (“to bebothered”) composed by Dumisani Maraire.Within the learning of this piece, studentswill explore some of the basic Shona musicalconcepts as passed down by Dumi.Level: Introductory Limit: 10Materials: Audio/video taping OK. Bring anyunga nyunga if you have one.

INTENSIVE: Advanced NyungaNyunga: Nhemamusasa ModeTendekai Kuture #1 Fri. 10:00-12:00

AND #4 Sat. 10:00-12:00AND #7 Sun. 10:00-12:00

See “Intensives”

Introduction to Mbira:KarigamombeCosmas Magaya #1 Fri. 10:00-12:00Level: Introductory Limit: 10Materials: Audio-taping OK. Set of tenmatched mbiras in Nyamaropa tuningprovided for classroom use.

Zimbabwean Music Festival 2004 • 15

Intermediate Mbira: Explorationsin NhemamusasaTed Wright #6 Sat. 4:00-6:00For those looking to expand on the basickushaura and kutsinhira parts of Nhemamusasa.We’ll explore different approaches tovariations, look at moving between parts,and learn one or two classic examples.Level: Intermediate Limit: 8Materials: Audio-taping OK. Nyamaropambiras will be provided.Prerequisite: Must be fluent with basicNhemamusasa kushaura and kutsinhira.

INTENSIVE: Intermediate Mbira:Kutsinhira Development withNhema musasaErica Azim #6 Sat. 4:00-6:00

AND #9 Sun. 4:00-6:00See “Intensives”

Intermediate Gandanga Mbira:Mauya MauyaForward Kwenda #9 Sun. 4:00-6:00Learn kushaura and kutsinhira parts toMauya Mauya, a song of welcome some-times played to start ceremonies.Level: Intermediate Limit: 10Materials: Audio-taping encouraged; novideo taping please. Gandanga tuningmbiras will be provided.Prerequisite: Gandanga tuning mbiraexperience absolutely required.

INTENSIVE: Intermediate Mbira:Mukai tiende (aka Bukatiende,Mukatiende) Variations(nyamaropa tuning)Forward Kwenda #5 Sat. 1:00-2:30

#8 Sun. 1:00-2:30See “Intensives”

Intermediate/Advanced GandangaMbira: Chipembere NhimutimuForward Kwenda #3 Fri. 4:00-6:00Learn kushaura and kutsinhira parts toChipembere Nhimutimu (“Rhinoceros’Dust Cloud”), a song which evokes peopledancing on a dirt floor, raising a cloud of dust.Level: Intermediate and AdvancedLimit: 10Materials: Audio-taping encouraged; novideo taping please. Gandanga tuningmbiras will be provided.Prerequisite: Gandanga tuning mbiraexperience.

Intermediate/Advanced Mbira:Pamusoro peNhowe (akaNyamaropa yevaNhowe)Fungai Mujuru #5 Sat. 1:00-3:00For those who already know this song,learn Fungai Mujuru’s version. Lots ofgreat kushaura variations! The title means“On top of the mountain named after theNhowe clan” (aka “Nyamaropa of theNhowe clan”).Level: Intermediate/Advanced Limit: 10Materials: Audio-taping encouraged; novideo taping please. New Dambatsokotuning mbiras will be provided.Prerequisite: Absolutely MUST alreadyknow the kushaura part to the piece.

Advanced Mbira: Kare Mugomba(Nyamaropa Yekutanga)Cosmas Magaya #4 Sat. 10:00-12:00Level: Advanced Limit: 10Materials: Audio-taping OK. Set of tenmatched mbiras in Nyamaropa tuningprovided for classroom use.

INTENSIVE: Advanced MbiraCosmas Magaya #5 Sat. 1:00-3:00

AND #8 Sun. 1:00-3:00See “Intensives”

The Bira CeremonyFungai andFradreck Mujuru #4 Sat. 10:00-11:30A bira is a ceremony to enable the living tocommunicate with the ancestors. The primaryrole of mbira in Shona culture is to facilitatethis communication. The Mujurus will givedetailed descriptions of various types of biraceremonies. A question and answer periodwill follow. This class is offered “by dona-tion” and pre-registration is not required.Level: Introductory Limit: 30Materials: Audio-taping only please.

The Changing Face of RuralZimbabweCosmas Magayaand Jaiaen Beck #7 Sun. 10:00-11:30Hear how life is changing in rural Zimba-bwe. Pictures and discussion provide aunique view into the daily life of hardshipand contrasting uplifting growth anddevelopment that can occur with minimalintervention. A bold and naked look atevolution. This class is offered “by dona-tion” and pre-registration is not required.Level: Open to all Limit: UnlimitedMaterials: Audio/video taping OK.

Classification of ZimbabweanVernacular MusicTendekai Kuture #3 Fri 4:30-6:00To enable participants to identify the fivedistinct classes of Zimbabwean traditionalmusic and dance. This class is offered “bydonation” and pre-registration is notrequired.Level: Open to all Limit: UnlimitedMaterials: Bring pen & notebook if youwish to take notes. Audio/video taping OK.

The Performing BandTed Wright #5 Sat. 1:00-2:00Ready to go public with your music?Already performing but looking for ways torefine your show? This workshop forbeginning and intermediate performers willexplore various issues pertaining to theperforming band/musician. Informationon topics such as stage presence, set flow,song arrangements, sound gear and bandpromotion will give you the tools to helpyour band achieve a new level of vibrancyand professionalism in performance.Level: Introductory to IntermediateLimit: 20Materials: Pen and paper. Audio-taping OK.

AIDS Orphans in ZimbabweBeauler Dyoko #8 Sun. 1:00-3:00Ambuya has been caring for AIDS orphansfor a number of years in her home, and willshare stories of the joys and difficulties ofthis responsibility, becoming ever morecommon is Zimbabwe in recent years.This class is offered “by donation” and pre-registration is not required.Level: Open to all Limit: UnlimitedMaterials: Audio-taping only please.

Workshops and schedulesare subject to change.

16 • Zimbabwean Music Festival 2004

Music and Song at Kurova GuvaCeremoniesJennifer Kyker #2 Fri. 1:00-3:00This unique workshop will give partici-pants the opportunity to learn songs in avariety of different rhythms and styles, allof which are commonly sung at kurovaguva ceremonies in Zimbabwe. We willdiscuss the importance of musical perfor-mance at this ritual event held a year afterthe death of a family member in order toreunite their spirit with the ancestors.Through learning to sing a sampling ofthese songs and looking at their lyrics inthe context of kurova guva, students in thisworkshop will come to understand howmusic is structured at this particular ritualevent, and how kurova guva is especiallyimportant in Shona culture.Level: All levels Limit: 30Materials: Audio recording only.

Singing with Drumming:Mhondoro DzinonwaBeauler Dyoko #9 Sun. 4:00-6:00Level: All levels Limit: 30Materials: Audio recording only.

Singing and Movement inMakwaira StyleTendekai Kuture #9 Sun. 4:30-6:30To expose and enable participants toexperience this contemporary and recre-ational style of Zimbabwean vernacularmusic - Chekucherere, Nansi Ingwe,Mwana wenyu takamutora kare.Level: Open to All Limit: 8Materials: Audio/video taping OK.Prerequisite: Willing to sing, move anddance.

Singing: Tambai VaHera andMudzimu DzokaForward Kwenda& Erica Azim #4 Sat. 10:00-11:30These two songs are sung with Shangararhythm drumming. Tambai VaHera(“Dance, vaHera tribe”) is a song ofForward’s tribe. Mudzimu Dzoka is a songthat calls the spirit Tovera. See Forward’s“Ngoma: Shangara” class in the drummingsection as well.Level: Introductory Limit: 30Materials: Audio-taping encouraged; novideo taping please.

Singing in ShonaJennifer Kyker #8 Sun. 1:00-2:00From beginners to advanced singers, thisclass is designed for all those who feel theyneed more work with Shona pronunciationand vocal tone. Through lyrics to the well-known song Chemutengure, this workshopwill focus on enabling non-Zimbabweansto sing in Shona. We will cover thepronunciation of basic written Shona, thevocal tone used in Shona singing, and thestructure of Shona call-and-response andmbira singing lines. This class is excellentfor all levels of ability and will enhanceparticipants’ ability to learn materialpresented by other teachers.Level: All levels Limit: 25Materials: Audio recording only.

Story: Whose Mbira Is It? Story,Song and MbiraForward Kwenda #2 Fri. 1:00-2:00 (1st part)

OR #2 Fri. 1:00-3:30 (1st and 2nd part)See “Mbira”

Advanced Beginning Ndebele orSotho Song and DanceLoveness Wesa #3 Fri. 4:00-5:30

#5 Sat. 1:00-2:30#9 Sun. 4:00-5:30

See “Dance”

Coaching Groups in ShonaSinging for their Mbira orMarimba BandsLora Lue Chiorah-Dye #5 Sat. 1:00-3:00

OR #7 Sun. 10:00-12:00Lora will work with groups who need helpin their songs to better their lyric pronun-ciation and harmonies, or those that needto learn songs to what they already play.Groups can send in suggestions of songs tome.Level: Adv. Beginning/Intermediate/AdvancedLimit: 30Materials: Something to write on. Audio-taping encouraged; no video taping please.Prerequisite: Those that have an idea of themusic and songs.

Bira: Singing, Drumming, DancingTendekai Kuture #2 Fri. 1:00-4:00To enable participants to sing, drum anddance Bira songs: Doro ReMaonde, NziraDzemusango.Level: Open to All Limit: 15Materials: Audio/video taping OK. Wearlight attire.

Mbira Ear Training SingingErica Azim #5 Sat. 1:00-2:30

OR #8 Sun. 1:00-2:30Learn to hear mbira in a Shona way throughsinging what the mbira is playing. Especiallyrecommended for new mbira players.Level: Introductory Limit: 30Materials: Audio-taping encouraged; novideo taping please.

Mbira SingingBeauler Dyoko #3 Fri. 4:00-6:00Beauler will teach a variation of Kuzangasinging called Watora Chimhandara Chake.Level: All levels Limit: 30Materials: Audio recording only.

Singing: Chaminuka Ndimamboand Gwindingwi (aka Pfumo Jena)Forward Kwenda& Erica Azim #1 Fri. 10:00-11:30Chaminuka Ndimambo is a traditional Shonasong, sung with either mbira or drums, aboutthe great Shona spirit Chaminuka.Level: Introductory Limit: 30Materials: Audio-taping encouraged; novideo taping please.

The Science of MarimbasTom Scott #6 Sat. 4:00-6:00Enhance your marimba building skills byunderstanding the science behind them.The physics of keys and resonators will beexamined through discussion and demon-strations. Tuning systems will be examinedif there is interest and time. This class isoffered “by donation” and pre-registrationis not required.Level: Introductory Limit: UnlimitedMaterials: Audio/video taping OK.

Zimbabwean Music Festival 2004 • 17

Erica Azim fell in love with Shona mbira mu-sic when she first heard it at the age of 16. In1974, Erica became one of the first Americans tostudy mbira in Zimbabwe, and her teachers haveincluded many of Zimbabwe’s top mbira masters,past and present, such as Forward Kwenda,Cosmas Magaya, Mondrek Muchena, EphatMujuru, Newton Gwara, Irene Chigamba, TuteChigamba, Chris Mhlanga, Luken Pasipamire,Fradreck Mujuru and Ambuya Beauler Dyoko.Erica has recorded two solo CDs, “Mbira Dreams”and “Mbira: Healing Music of Zimbabwe”. Shecurrently teaches regional mbira workshop groupsthroughout the U.S. and internationally-attendedmbira camps at her home in Berkeley, California.Erica also directs the non-profit organizationMBIRA (see www.mbira.org), which makes fieldrecordings available to mbira enthusiasts aroundthe world and provides financial support to Zim-babwean mbira players and instrument makers.

Jaiaen Beck was introduced to Zimbabweanmusic by Dumisani Maraire, through an interestin Shona spirituality. Since 1990 she has workedwith several Zimbabwean and North Americanteachers studying Shona music and healing tradi-tions. She has taught music classes to all ages foreleven years, and has provided a link for people tonetwork and offer relief aid to rural Zimbabwefor the last five years.

Michael Breez, teacher, performer, directorand composer has dedicated 26 years to the studyof Shona music from Zimbabwe, mostly with theguidance and support of his mentor, DumiMaraire. Michael currently teaches marimba topeople of all ages throughout the western US.Michael joins us from Hawaii.

Naby Camara - Master balafon player NabyCamara is a griot from the village of Boke inGuinea. Naby was born into a family of musi-cians and studied with Amadou Diabate. As ayoung man he diversified his musical backgroundby traveling extensively throughout coastal WestAfrica. He has toured in Europe, Australia andJapan, performing with Les Ballets Africains deGuinea. He has collaborated on recordings withmany internationally known African musiciansincluding Mory Kante, Salif Keita, and Alpha YayaDiallo. Naby currently makes his home in Seattle,where he leads the band Lagni Sussu - looselytranslated as “black and white people living to-gether”. Naby’s innovative balafon playing styleshows a continuous blend of old and new.

Lora Lue Chiorah-Dye has taught for theWashington State Arts Commission for over 20years, sharing her knowledge of music, song,dance, story-telling and children’s games. She hasperformed for the past 27 years either with Loraand Sukutai Marimba and Dance Ensemble orwith Dumi and Minanzi Marimba Ensemble.Lora was born and grew up in Zimbabwe. She

now lives in Seattle, where she has worked as arecreation specialist for the Seattle Parks Depart-ment for 25 years, mostly at Langston HughesCultural Arts Center.

Fiona “Ona” Connon - Performing, teachingand exploring the rich depths of Shona music havebeen a large part of Ona’s life now for eleven years.She is honoured to have helped initiate the firstmarimba band in Canada - Marimba Muzuva.Hosho and dance are her passions but she also com-poses for marimba, and plays mbira & chipendani.Studying and performing with Tute, Irene, Julia andGaradziva Chigamba, Dumisani Maraire andSydney Maratu have been highlights for her, as wellas a trip to Zimbabwe in 1994! Ona has been amember of world beat improv group Spirit Gate,mbira quartet Choto and upbeat dance bandZimfusion! and is currently working on a solo CD.

Ambuya Beauler Dyoko is one of the bestknown female mbira players and singers in Zim-babwe. She has performed with Mhuri yekwaRwizi/Soul of Mbira groups and her own bandfor many years in Zimbabwe and throughout theworld. She and her 10-member band have madeseveral recordings.

Kite Giedraitis has been playing Shona musicsince 1987 and began teaching 14 years ago inPortland. He was an original member of Boka Ma-rimba, playing with them for 3 years before trav-eling in Zimbabwe for a year and Ghana for 3months. He founded Village Spirit in Portland in1992. The following bands have evolved out ofhis marimba classes: Zuva, Dancing Trees,Kukuva, Flying Safari Ants, Chiremba, WhiteRhino, Zimba, Born on Tuesday, Duduluza,Bongozozo, Eurimba and Wood Vibrations. Hefounded Fools in Paradise in 2001.

Jacques Johnson has studied dance since 1990with Makeda Ebube Franchesska Berry, YousseffKoumbassa, Ocheami, Won Idy-Paye. He has per-formed with Ocheami, Anzanga and Lora &Sukutai marimba groups. He has been teachingWest African dance to children and adults since1995.

Claire Jones has been involved with Zimba-bwean music since 1976 when she first fell in lovewith the marimbas and started studying with thelate Dumi Maraire. She performed for several yearswith Dumi and the Maraire Marimba Ensembleboth in the US and in Zimbabwe, and was a found-ing member of the Seattle marimba groupsKutamba and Musango, as well as the MahonyeraMbira group. While living in Zimbabwe from 1985to 1990 she played mbira with Mhuri YekwaMuchena, and authored the book Making Music:Musical Instruments in Zimbabwe Past and Present.

Joe Keefe has been a musician all his life and aserious drummer since he was a teenager. His firstprofessional gig was at age 15. In the 60s, he was

a jazz drummer and taught drum set lessons. In1968, he began to study African music at UCLAand continued studying various styles of African,Cuban and Brazilian percussion for the next 25years. He met Dumi in 1990 and they startedDandaro Marimba Band in Santa Cruz. He hasbeen playing marimba and hosho ever since. Joebegan studying karimba (nyunga nyunga) withDumi in 1990. He has been playing since thenand teaching for the last few years. He has alsostudied karimba with Musekiwa Chingodza. In2000, he started Sadza, a Santa Cruz county bandthat plays Zimbabwean music on drums, karimba,mbira and marimbas. He has created several ar-rangements for Sadza that feature mbira andkarimba with marimbas.

MyLinda King played with Boka Marimba be-tween 1989 and 1998. She has studied with EphatMujuru, Dumi Maraire, and Mai Chi Maraire. Forthe last eleven years she has been teaching groupmarimba and hosho in her home, in Portlandschools, and at music camps. She also gives work-shops to local marimba bands. She enjoys makinghosho for the Zimbabwean music community andhas written a book, Making Your Own Hosho.

Tendekai Kuture is a music lecturer at MutareTeacher’s College as well as a visiting music lecturerat Africa University in Mutare. He is currently study-ing at the University of Idaho for a Masters in Mu-sic. Tendekai studied with Dumi Maraire since1965. He has been teaching mbira, marimba, sing-ing, dancing, drumming and hosho playing fortwenty eight years, in several African countries, sev-eral European countries, Canada and the US.

Forward Kwenda - Master musician ForwardKwenda is known as a musical phenomenon inZimbabwe, and “the Coltrane of mbira” in inter-national circles. A musical prodigy, he began re-cording shortly after teaching himself to playmbira as a child. His soulful, virtuoso perfor-mances include amazing improvisation considereda “more ancient” style in Zimbabwe, where he isknown for performing solo at ceremonies wheretwo or three musicians are normally required, andbringing spirits with the first song he plays.Kwenda’s U.S. tours with Erica Azim have beenenthusiastically received, as well as their “Svikiro:Meditations of an Mbira Master” CD on theShanachie label.

Jennifer Kyker began to play Shona marimbaat age ten and mbira at age 14. Jennifer has per-formed with various artists both in Zimbabwe andin the US, including Tute Chigamba andMhembero, Thomas Mapfumo and the BlacksUnlimited, and Chris Berry and Panjea. She andMusekiwa Chingodza are in the group Hungwe,and have released the CD entitled “Tsunga”. Shehas been teaching hosho, singing, chipendani,mbira and marimba to all ages for nine years.

Workshop Teachers and PresentersWorkshop Teachers and PresentersWorkshop Teachers and PresentersWorkshop Teachers and PresentersWorkshop Teachers and Presenters


18 • Zimbabwean Music Festival 2004

Russ Landers loves singing, playing Shonambira, chipendani, and Irish pennywhistle. Onextended stays in Zimbabwe since 1983 he’s beenguided and inspired by many musicians begin-ning with Ephat Mujuru, Mondreck Muchena,Tute Chigamba and his family, and Frank Gomba.Russ plays with Julia Chigamba and Chinyakare,teaches Zimbabwean music to young people inOakland, California, and heads the ChipendaniProject: preserving, reviving and promoting tra-ditional culture.

Joel Lindstrom has been playing marimba andnyunga-nyunga since 1991. In 1993, he startedplaying the mbira dzavadzimu. He has studiedwith Maggie Donahue, Don Addison, andCosmas Magaya, among other teachers. Joel hasbeen teaching at the Kutsinhira Center in Eugene,Oregon, since 1994. He is particularly interestedin teaching about the interrelationship ofkutsinhira and kushaura and relating all parts tothe beat. He focuses on teaching an ensemble ofmarimba players to play like an mbira ensemble -to develop variations and transition among thevariations, not necessarily in response to a set cue,but rather to the gestalt of the music. He is a mem-ber of the mbira group Vakasara.

Cosmas Magaya is an internationally recog-nized mbira player and teacher and is the leaderof the ensemble Mhuri yekwa Magaya. He hasbeen an avid student and player of mbiradzavadzimu from the time he was eight, when he‘pinched’ his cousin’s instrument for surreptitiousstudy. Cosmas is a master of the instrument, hav-ing studied with many great players. He has per-formed with the renowned Mhuri yekwa Rwizimbira group for over 25 years, participating withthem in concert tours of Europe and the U.S. Hewas instrumental in the writing of Paul Berliner’sThe Soul of Mbira in the 1970s, and continues towork closely with Dr. Berliner as a consultant onZimbabwean music. Cosmas experienced bothsides of Christian and Traditional life as he grewup. His parents were married in the Roman Catho-lic Church, and his father was a renowned n’anga,or traditional healer, as well as a cultural expertwhose advice was sought by people from all walksof life.

Nicholas Manomano has been teaching ma-rimba at schools and universities in Zimbabwefor eleven years. He has taught and performed inGermany several times, and has conducted thelargest marimba orchestra (100 marimba) in Zim-babwe for three years. He believes that there is noone who cannot play the marimba, and that thereare no marimba songs that are boring. Nicholashas established and runs the Kutinya MarimbaMusic Center in Harare, and performs with theKutinya Marimba Band.

Randy McIntosh is the Kutandara Center’sMusic Director. He comes to us from Colorado,where he graduated from Colorado State Univer-sity with a degree in music, and from the Univer-sity of Colorado with a master’s degree in musiccomposition. Randy’s love of Zimbabwean musicinspires him to write and arrange his own Shona-style compositions. Randy has taught at the Uni-versity and high school level as well as directed aworld music ensemble. He is currently directingKutandara, and co-directing the Shamwari YouthMarimba Ensemble and Kutandara Student Ma-rimba Ensemble.

Ilana Moon has been playing and performingZimbabwean music and dance for five years. Sheplayed with Amani Marimba from Hornby Islandfor five years, and with various West African drumensembles. She began studying African dance atthe age of twelve after already being immersed inballet, jazz and modern. Ilana has toured with JuliaChigamba, master dancer from Zimbabwe, per-forming and teaching in schools along the westcoast. Ilana also produces the Sacred Stage series,bringing together musicians and dancers who aresharing their culture and traditions from aroundthe world. Ilana is currently teaching African danceand Afro-belly in Victoria and Saltspring Island,and performs with Garadziva Chigamba andKokanai Mzite in Jambanja Marimba.

Lucky Moyo has performed and taughtNdebele, Kalanga, and Suthu choral music anddance on the international stage for 20 years. Hewas a founding and core member of Black Umfolosi,the well-known Zimbabwean a capella vocal anddance group. Lucky now works with Music ForChange (http://www.musicforchange.org). He iscurrently residing in Cambridge, England, wherehe is in the final stages of his MA. His dissertationwill explore the needs for professional training formanagers in the arts industries in Zimbabwe. Luckyperformed and taught at Zimfest in 1997, 2001and 2002.

Fradreck Mujuru - Zimbabwean FradreckMujuru is a talented mbira player, mbira maker,and mbira teacher. Fradreck is descended from along line of mbira players and mbira makers inthe Mujuru family (including his grandfatherMuchatera and cousin Ephat), and is a shiningtalent in his own right. Fradreck lives in Harareand Dewedzo, Zimbabwe, and has performed inZimbabwe, Europe, South Africa and the U.S.

Fungai “Zhanje” Mujuru was performingmbira with his family in ceremonies at the age ofseven. Now he is the “mbira elder” of the Mujurufamily. He provides instruction on mbira playingand tradition to the many Mujuru family mbiraplayers, ranging from children up to mature per-formers like his nephew Fradreck. He is also awonderful dancer! Fungai has performed through-out Zimbabwe, and internationally, but this is hisfirst visit to the U.S.

Workshop Teachers and PresentersWorkshop Teachers and PresentersWorkshop Teachers and PresentersWorkshop Teachers and PresentersWorkshop Teachers and PresentersCONTINUED FROM PAGE 17 Tom Scott has studied marimba for twelve

years, with Maggie Donahue, Michael Breez, FaraiGezi, Dumi Maraire, and Stephen Golovnin. Hehas performed for ten years with Hearing Voices.He is good at working with kids and adults whotend to feel intimidated. He says, “I am very goodat creating a fun, positive learning experience. Iam a teacher by profession and can accommodatemany different learning styles. Everyone is suc-cessful in my workshops.”

Peter Swing has been teaching marimba forten years. He has studied with Dumi Maraire, MaiChi, Ephat Mujuru, and Chris Berry as well asTute & Irene Chigamba, Savannah Jammin’,Cosmas Magaya, Beauler Dyoko, and ThomasMapfumo. Peter has played in Boka Marimba,Jaka, Trillium and directed the group Tatenda formany years. He’s also taught at Camp Tumbukafor four years.

Wanda Walker has taught marimba at theKutsinhira Cultural Arts Center in Eugene, Or-egon for several years. She has studied marimbawith Maggie Donahue and Gary Goldwater, stud-ied mbira with Cosmas Magaya, MusekiwaChingodza and Stephen Golovnin, and studiedShona-style singing with Jennifer Kyker,Musekiwa Chingodza and Ambuya BeaulerDyoko, among others. Wanda has performed withJenaguru for over seven years, and with Zambukofor five years. She also teaches private workshopsin Shona and Ndebele singing.

Loveness Wesa was a singer, dancer, actor andchoreographer with the Amakhosi Theatre inBulawayo, Zimbabwe for 13 years. She has taughtdance and singing in schools in Zimbabwe andOregon for ten years. She will be sharing herknowledge and experience of Ndebele song anddance at the festival.

Ted Wright has taught gumboot dancing andmarimba since 1996, and mbira since 1995. Healso plays the chipendani. His teachers have in-cluded Michael Breez, Farai Gezi, Chris Berry,Cosmas Magaya, Forward Kwenda, NewtonGwara, Tute, Irene, Julia and Garadziva Chigambaand many others. He performed with MarimbaMuzuva for eleven years, and has also performedwith world beat improv ensemble Spirit Gate,mbira quartet Choto, and Zimbabwean rootsdance band Zimfusion. He studied in Zimbabwefrom December 2003 through March 2004, andhas also recorded CDs for Garadziva Chigamba,Sydney Maratu, Amani Marimba and Simukai.

Zimbabwean Music Festival 2004 • 19

DORMSReed College has a beautiful campus and we have plenty of great

dorm space available.There is a tradition of late night singing, dancing, and mbira

playing at Zimfest. This year we will again be holding these partiesin the student union building, which is across the canyon from thedormitories, so none of the dorms will be designated as a “latenight mbira party dorm”. We will designate a dorm as a “quietdorm,” so let us know if you have a preference.

Dorm space is charged per bed. If you are signing up as acouple, know that you will be charged for two beds (these are twotwin beds that can be pushed together). If you have children 14and under, you can request a rollaway bed be brought in and becharged a lower rate. Children 2 and under are not charged. Thedorms do not have cribs available.

The dorms have small kitchens and you are welcome to usethem - ideally for keeping snacks, or for breakfast and lunch foods.The kitchen facilities are not large enough to prepare dinners (seebelow for details on the cafeteria).

Dorm rates for persons over 14 years of age are $35 per bed pernight. Dorm rates for persons 14 and under using a rollaway bedare $12 per night. Children 2 and under are free.

PRIVATE HOMESWe will not directly coordinate home stays this year. If you have

extenuating circumstances please contact us and we will see if wecan help by connecting you with a member of the Portlandcommunity with space available.

Accommodations & MealsAccommodations & MealsAccommodations & MealsAccommodations & MealsAccommodations & MealsHOTELS

The Red Lion Hotel at the Portland Convention Center(formerly the Holiday Inn) has offered a festival discount toZimfest. They will offer a room with a king-sized bed or twoqueen-sized beds - occupancy of up to 4 people - for $75 toZimfest participants, based on availability. Call soon since roomsfill up fast, 800-343-1822 or 503/235-2100.

The hotel is not within walking distance of Reed. It is a 15-20minute car ride and more by public transportation. Hotel tax is12.5% (there is no hotel tax on dorm rooms).

FOODReed has an outstanding caterer for their cafeteria - Bon

Appetit. They carry a great variety of foods including manyexcellent vegetarian dishes. We encourage you to eat with us on-campus. The dining area is indoor/outdoor and is central to thefestival with a great vantage over the amphitheatre where theoutdoor concerts will be featured. Your meal tickets will allow youto eat an entree, make selections from the salad bar, as well aschoose drinks and a dessert. Please purchase your meal ticketsthrough the registration packet as the caterer cannot accommodatelarge numbers of festival-goers at the last minute. Unfortunately,there are no discounts for children.

Breakfast $5.50Lunch $6.50Dinner $7.50

This year’s Portland Zimfest committee members areKirsten Comandich, Hyla Dickson, Doug Ferguson, Mark

Hitchcox, Mark Hoskins, and Kirsten Stade. We are extremelythankful for help from: Graham Burdekin (Registration Guide

Zimfest 2004 Organizerslayout), Larry Israel (Zimfest website), Ross Thompson (databaseand registration), Chris Steele (concert sound and equipment) andmany others including the 2003 organizing committee who havehelped us greatly with information and advice.

2004 Zimbabwean Music Festival - Payment VoucherUse this form if you want to register online and pay by mail. Mail this form with your payment after you register online at

www.zimfest.org (See page 3 for more information). Use a separate payment voucher and write a separate check for each participant.(Credit cards are accepted only online.) Make check or money order payable to “Zimfest 2004”.

Your Name: ______________________________________________ Amount Enclosed: ________________________

Full Mailing Address: _______________________________________ Date: __________________________________


Phone: __________________________________________________

Email: __________________________________________________

MAIL TO: Zimfest 2004, PO Box 14456,Portland, OR 97293, USA.

20 • Zimbabwean Music Festival 2004

Zimfest 2004P.O. Box 14456Portland, OR 97293







FeaturingFradreck and Fungai Mujuru,

Cosmas Magaya, Beauler Dyoko,Lucky Moyo, Anzanga, Forward

Kwenda and Erica Azim, LovenessWesa, Boka Marimba

And many, manymore bands....

Dai lyDai lyDai lyDai lyDai lyWorkshopsWorkshopsWorkshopsWorkshopsWorkshops






We have a great concert

line-up. Come join us

for some music and


Zimbabwean Music Festival 2004 • 21

Zimfest "##$ Registration FormZimfest "##$ Registration FormZimfest "##$ Registration FormZimfest "##$ Registration FormZimfest "##$ Registration Form

Continued on other side

PLEASE NOTE: One workshop participant per registration form. See the Registration Directions on page 3 for information on workshop credits and refunds.

Name: _________________________________________________________ Age, if under 18: ____________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________

State/Province: _____________ Country: ____________________________ Zip/Postal Code: ____________________________

Day Phone #: ( _____ ) ___________________ Evening Phone #: ( ____ ) ______________ Fax: _____________________

E-mail: _______________________ Band you play in (if you are performing at Zimfest): ___________________________________

Please mark TWO choices for each time slot in which you want to attend a workshop. If an INTENSIVE is your 1st (or 2nd) choicein one time slot, it will automatically be your 1st (or 2nd) choice for the other time slots of that INTENSIVE.

Workshop Title Teacher # of Hours

Fri. #1 Choice 1 ___________________________________________________ _____________________________ _______

Fri. #1 Choice 2 ___________________________________________________ _____________________________ _______

Fri. #2 Choice 1 ___________________________________________________ _____________________________ _______

Fri. #2 Choice 2 ___________________________________________________ _____________________________ _______

Fri. #3 Choice 1 ___________________________________________________ _____________________________ _______

Fri. #3 Choice 2 ___________________________________________________ _____________________________ _______

Sat. #4 Choice 1 ___________________________________________________ _____________________________ _______

Sat. #4 Choice 2 ___________________________________________________ _____________________________ _______

Sat. #5 Choice 1 ___________________________________________________ _____________________________ _______

Sat. #5 Choice 2 ___________________________________________________ _____________________________ _______

Sat. #6 Choice 1 ___________________________________________________ _____________________________ _______

Sat. #6 Choice 2 ___________________________________________________ _____________________________ _______

Sun. #7 Choice 1 ___________________________________________________ _____________________________ _______

Sun. #7 Choice 2 ___________________________________________________ _____________________________ _______

Sun. #8 Choice 1 ___________________________________________________ _____________________________ _______

Sun. #8 Choice 2 ___________________________________________________ _____________________________ _______

Sun. #9 Choice 1 ___________________________________________________ _____________________________ _______

Sun. #9 Choice 2 ___________________________________________________ _____________________________ _______

1. Total number of Choice 1 workshop hours = _______

2. Workshop Fees: Number of Choice 1 workshop hours x $12.50 per hour = $ _______

3. Concert tickets (ages 13 and older): # of “3 concert” ticket packages ____________x $30 = $ _______

# of tickets for Friday night only ____________x $12 = $ _______

# of tickets for Saturday night only ____________x $12 = $ _______

# of tickets for Sunday night only ____________x $12 = $ _______

4. Concert tickets (ages 6-12): # of “3 concert” ticket packages ____________x $15 = $ _______

# of tickets for Friday night only _____________x $6 = $ _______

# of tickets for Saturday night only _____________x $6 = $ _______

# of tickets for Sunday night only _____________x $6 = $ _______

5. Concert tickets for performers: # of “3 concert” ticket packages ____________x $12 = $ _______

6. Housing and Meals cost (from form on other side): $ _______

TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED (in U.S. funds) = $ _______

Please make out check or money order to “Zimfest 2004.” If you pay online by credit card;a 3% surcharge will be added. Sorry, we cannot accept credit card payments through themail. Please send one payment per person – this will help our bookkeeping. Thank you!


Zimfest 2004,P.O. Box 14456, Portland, OR 97293, USA

Concert tickets boughtat the festival will cost$15 per night, $35 for

a “3 concert” ticketpackage, and $15 for a

“3 concert” ticketpackage for perform-ers. Children’s ticket

prices will not change.

22 • Zimbabwean Music Festival 2004

Housing and MealsHousing and MealsHousing and MealsHousing and MealsHousing and MealsDorm Housing ReservationsIf you would like to stay in the dorms at Reed, please fill out the following form. Please indicate whether youwould prefer the quiet dorm. Rooms are generally private rooms. If you would like to share a room, pleaseindicate the name of your roommate. If you are traveling with children and need a roll-away bed added to yourroom, please let us know. Below, please check the nights you will be staying.

Last Name: _________________________ First Name: ________________________________

Quiet Dorm? Yes ❑

Desired Roommate’s name, if any: ____________________________________________________

Names and ages of children in same room, if any:

Name ______________________ Age ______ Name ___________________ Age ______

Name ______________________ Age ______ Name ___________________ Age ______

Name ______________________ Age ______ Name ___________________ Age ______

NIGHTS REQUIRED Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Total # Nights

______ ______ ______ _____ ___________

COST PER BED PER NIGHT Persons over 14 years of age @ $35 $ __________

Persons 14 and under using a rollaway bed $12 $ __________(Children 2 and under are free)

TOTAL HOUSING COST $ __________ ➜ $ ______________

Meal TicketsPlease check the meals you wish to purchase for each day and add up the total cost.

Please specify: ❑ Vegan ❑ Vegetarian ❑ Non-vegetarian

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Total

Breakfast @$5.50 _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ $ __________

Lunch @ $6.50 _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ $ __________

Dinner @ $7.50 _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ $ __________

TOTAL MEAL COST $ __________ ➜ $ ______________

Please sign-up by July 20 for housing and meals so that the campus can be prepared to serve you.

Add TOTAL HOUSING COST and TOTAL MEAL COST and enter on line 6 on reverse side of this form $ ______________

Total Housingand Meal Costs

Prior to the festival❑ Registration Packets

❑ Publicity

❑ Signage

❑ Mailings

During the Festival❑ Move Instruments

❑ Workshop Helper

❑ Registration Table

❑ Festival “go-fer”

After the Festival(Monday)❑ Tear-down

❑ Registration paperwork

❑ Other

We depend on volunteers! (We are all volunteers.) In what way would you like to help?


❑ Set up (Thurs)

❑ Festival “go-fer”

❑ Other

❑ Set up Stage

❑ Ticket Sales/Ticket-taking

❑ Concert Security

❑ Concert Clean-up ❑ Other
