Zebra Class - Integrity


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Zebra Class

Term 3

Week 6: Friday


New Year

Home Learning Today

Phonics: 9.30am on Microsoft Teams Writing: Celebrating Chinese New Year Maths: Left and Right Handwriting: Writing in Chinese PE: PE with Joe Wicks Reading: Scheme book from Oxford Owl Storytime: 3pm on Microsoft Teams

Writing (Session 5)

First Please watch this video about Chinese New Year being celebrated: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cRMRp9-Z08 Then watch Mrs Rich’s video for session 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0rBl4bjiLs&feature=youtu.be She will show you how to write about Chinese New Year celebrations. Next We would like you to write sentences about celebrating Chinese New Year. Remember to say the word that you want to write out loud and listen really carefully to the sounds. Then look for the letters that match these sounds on the sound mat. If you have a printer, you can print the paper to write on, but any paper will be fine. This should take about 20-30 minutes.

Mrs Rich’s Writing


Celebrating Chinese New Year

Handwriting (about 15 minutes)

Today we are going to learn how to write some more words in Chinese. You will need something to write or paint with. This could be black paint, a black felt tip pen, or anything else that you can write with. Watch the video and then play it again and pause it when you get to a word that you want to write. Try to write three words. We will do this across the week.


Home Reading (5 times a week)

Please select a book for your child from his or her stage in the eBook library on Oxford Owl: www.oxfordowl.co.uk. Before you can access the library, you will need to create a free account by visiting https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/user/sign_up.html We fully understand that it may not be possible for everyone, but it would be greatly appreciated if you were able to video your child reading a book from his or her stage this week, as this will help us to recommend if your child should move up to the next reading level after half-term. Please send the video to our Zebra email address. As well as reading the texts, please use the following ideas to support discussions about what he or she has read: • Talk about whether he or she likes or dislikes a text, explaining why. • Stories: Ask your child to re-tell the story in sequence. • Non-fiction: Ask your child to talk about the key facts that he or she can remember. There are also activities assigned to your child on www.readingeggs.co.uk. There are also lots of great stories online, including CBeebies Stories: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/b00jdlm2/cbeebies-bedtime-stories

Maths Session 5: Left and Right

Please read this to your child:

Today we will be learning about left and right. We need to know these words to know how to get somewhere (turn left or right), or to describe where something is (on the left or on the right). You might have heard these words when you are in a car. Some of you write with your left hand and some of you use your right. At school we use a yellow top pencil if we write with our left hand and a red top pencil if we write with our right hand. We can make an L for left shape with our left hand. This helps us to remember which is left and which is right. Make your hands into these shapes. There are two pages to talk about left and right and then an activity page.

left right

The slinky toy is on the right. The blocks are on the left.

The robot is on the left. Teddy is on the right.

Maths Session 5 (continued)

Find the Penguin game Play this game to spot whether the penguin is in the left or the right teapot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9rbmqTrGOc Hats game Get three hats (or boxes) and a small toy that can fit under the hats. Put the hats in a line. Ask your child to close his or her eyes. Hide the toy under the middle hat. Ask your child to open his or her eyes and guesses where their toy is hidden. Ask them to point and use the words left, middle or right to say which hat they want to look under. Play this for 10 minutes. Left and right of objects questions Answer the questions on the next page and ask an adult to right down what you say. You don’t need to print the pictures.










P.E. With Joe

Please click on this link to go to the YouTube channel for ‘P.E. with Joe’ lessons by Joe Wicks. https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 These 20 minute sessions are on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9am, but can also be accessed after the sessions.
