Zapped Activity - · 2014-02-04 · “Zapped” Activity Zapper’s Objective: Zap...


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“Zapped” Activity Zapper’s Objective: Zap people by winking at them without

getting caught. If you wink at everyone before you’re discovered, you win!

Participant’s Objectives: Get a different person to sign each line of the form without talking.

If you complete your form before someone guesses the zapper, you win! OR….

Catch the zapper (and you win)!

Rules: If you’re winked at, you have been zapped and are out.

Wait 5 seconds after being zapped to return to your seat.

You cannot reveal the identity of the zapper, verbally or otherwise

You can only guess who the zapper is after you catch them winking at someone else. If you know, announce it. If you’re wrong, you’re out.

If you complete your sheet, announce you are the winner.

If you speak, you’re out (unless you are guessing who the zapper is or announcing you have completed your sheet).

It’s All About Non-Verbal


Pantomime Christine Wortham

What is Pantomime?

Acting out a story without talking

Pantomime vs. Mime - VOCAB

Mime: The silent art of using body movements to create an illusion of reality.

Mimesis: The Greek word that “mime” comes from. It means “to imitate an activity.”

Pantomime: The use of mime techniques (acting without words) to tell a story.

Pantomimus: The Greek word that “pantomime” comes from. It means “all gestures used in support of a theme.”

Why Study Pantomime?

It is the first phase of acting




The language of action is universal


History of Pantomime

Oldest means of dramatic expression

Successful hunts

Victorious battles

Officially introduced Greece in 22 B.C.

History of Pantomime

Silent movies

Charlie Chaplin (early 1900’s)

Marcel Marceau (1950’s)

Born 1923, died 2007

“the language of the heart”

Marcel Marceau: Tango/Lion Tamer


Marcel Marceau: Cafe Paris


Charlie Chaplin

Principles of Pantomime

Chest is the key

Positive emotions = high, expanded, free, broad, animated gestures

Negative emotions = tense, contracted, restricted gestures

Avoid covering your face while expressing emotion

Direct your story to your audience

All movement should be clearly motivated

Use posture/movements expected of your character



Principles of Pantomime

Creating an object in pantomime

Visualize the object. See it in your mind.

Approach the object. Move toward it.

Take the object. Make contact with it.

Tell the audience its location, size, shape, weight.

Release the object. Let go.

DOs and DON’Ts

DO DO exaggerate facial expression

DO show the shape, size, weight of objects

DO focus fully on the task

DO show the audience who you are, where you are and what is happening

DO plan a beginning, middle and end

DO include conflict or a problem


DON’T DON’T mouth words

DON’T make any noise

DON’T use props

Gesture Practice

1. Relief (“Phew!”)

2. Impatience (“You’re late!”)

3. Calling someone over (“Come here!”)

4. “No, thank you.”

5. Excitement (“I can’t wait!”)

6. Begging (“Pretty please?!?”)

7. Approval (“That’s great!”)

Object Practice

1. Talk on the phone

2. Open a can of soda

3. Type on the computer

4. Pick up a pencil

5. Pick up a bowling ball

Let’s Make Soup!

Individual Pantomimes Keep it Simple! Examples:

Walk along the street and get bubble gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe.

Try to open your locker. It is jammed.

Wash your face and get soap in your eyes. Look for a towel.

Put on a pair of shoes that are too tight.

You have been robbed and your hands are tied behind your back. Try to call the police on the telephone.

You can’t find the right key to open the lock on the door.

Drink a large glass of water and then discover you have swallowed a bug.

Eat a piece of candy and then realize you ate a piece of cat food by mistake.

Don’t forget! Don’t mouth words

Don’t make any noise

Don’t use props

Don’t include violence, weapons, etc.



Exaggerate your facial expressions/emotions

Exaggerate your gestures/body movements

Face the audience!

Have a beginning/middle/end

Creating an object in pantomime: Visualize, Approach, Take, Tell, Release

