Yr amgylchedd a'r Gymraeg - yr un frwydr


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…the communication was not admissible, because the communicant’s allegations… only related to the fact that some documents relevant for public participation had not been available in a timely manner in the Welsh language.

Specifically, the Committee found that while the principle of non-discrimination on the basis of citizenship, nationality or domicile was explicit in article 3, paragraph 9, of the Convention,

the provision was silent on matters of discrimination on the basis of language….

While the lack of availability of documentation in a particular language might under certain circumstances present an impediment to correct implementation of the Convention, nothing in the present communication suggested that such circumstances pertained.

Slide 2 http://www.terralingua.org/linguisticdiversity/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2011/11/L_II_8.pdf

Slide 3 http://www.terralingua.org/linguisticdiversity/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2011/11/L_II_8.pdf

Slide 4 Google Maps

Slide 5 http://wales.gov.uk/docs/desh/publications/090521susdev1wales1planetcy.pdf

Slide 6 http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0014/001429/142919e.pdf

Slide 7 http://www.ypapurgwyrdd.com/cymru-ar-ddaear.html

Slide 8 http://www.flickr.com/photos/33486429@N00/3974277280/

Slide 10 http://www.legislation.gov.uk/mwa/2011/1/section/43/enacted/welsh?view=extent

Slide 11 http://www.skepticalscience.com/iea-co2-emissions-update-2011.html

Slide 12 http://flood.firetree.net/

Slide 13 http://flood.firetree.net/

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