Your Guide to Tarot Mastery - Tarot - Discover the ... · Tarot Your Guide to Tarot Mastery Edition...


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The Tarot Your Guide to Tarot Mastery

Edition 9 Spring 2012

This edition’s theme is based on

the card called The Hermit.

The Hermit is not the answer. But he can help

you discover the answer within yourself.

Over the past 25 years that I’ve been reading the cards I’ve seen the desire that people have for

enlightenment. And I’ve been saddened by how often

these people jump onto the next New-Age bandwagon that promises the fulfilment of their dreams. These

people are desperately searching and clinging to the

next guru, product, or book that offers all of the answers.

They tend to try the new concepts for a while,

but rarely get the results that were promised in the

advertising. Then they give up in despair until they are entranced by the next shiny object that promises easy

enlightenment. They chase the dream, but don’t bother

doing the work involved to change their inner and outer circumstances.

The Hermit card of the Tarot tells us that to

attain success, you must climb the steps of the mountain. You need to get your core skills in place,

take action, and do something to get you where you

want to be. The steps to spiritual awakening must be

learnt through experience. You have to find your own way to bliss. Chasing the gold at the end of the

rainbow is a hollow journey.

This card calls you to remember your personal power. You can’t always control your circumstances,

but you are always in charge of the thoughts, attitudes,

behaviour, and actions you choose to take.

The Hermit stands alone and holds his lantern up high to light the path for other seekers and

travellers. He doesn’t want, or need, their company.

The Hermit does not solicit them for their praise, nor does he beckon them in order to mentor their progress.

The star in his lantern is simply to encourage

persistence and diligence in the honourable task of self-discovery.

The Hermit reminds you to make the choices

that empower you, not the ones that enslave you.

Tarot blessings,

Page 1 - Editorial

Page 2 - Book Review

Page 3 - Insights from Tarot Gurus

Page 4 - Historical Interpretations

Page 5 - Workshops & Events

Page 6 - Top 10 Reasons for Using Tarot

Book Review

The New Tarot Handbook

Edition 9 Spring 2012

There’s always a sense of anticipation when I order

the latest Rachel Pollack book on Tarot. She has a

knack of finding an interesting and unique perspective

to her writing on this subject, which is often sadly

lacking in many how-to guides on this subject.

The subheading on this one is ‘Master the Meanings of

the Cards’, which is perhaps a bit ambitious for this

book, as she’s not offering a new technique for

understanding the cards. Even though her

interpretations are succinct, easy to read, and more

relevant to each card’s image than some other Tarot

handbooks, I doubt that a beginner will feel they have

gained mastery over the cards simply from reading

this book from cover to cover, but it’s a damn fine

start! But as Rachel suggests, “The Tarot is the best

teacher. Period. Just looking at the pictures, especially

in a spread, will open your mind to new ideas and your

heart to depths of feeling, even spiritual awakening.”

As you might expect from Rachel (if you are familiar

with her other texts) this book is written in a narrative

manner. She teaches through stories and the reader is

entertained while learning their way through the layers

of meanings of the cards. She has attempted to distil

over forty years of study into this beginner’s guide,

and it works very well on that level. For more detailed

explanations of the cards, and Tarot in general, you

might be better off with her previous book “Tarot


What’s new about the New Tarot Handbook? Sadly,

it’s not a lot. But, the idea of using spreads to

understand the nature of each of the suits and Major

Arcana cards is innovative and exciting, and it is why

you must have this book. Rachel explains the process

in the following way, “Each major card really presents

its own unique view of the world, so that when we do

one of these readings (using the whole deck) it’s as if

we ourselves become the Magician or the Empress or

the Fool asking about magic or passion or foolishness

in our lives.”

This concept of using a layout of cards to explain

each of the Major Arcana cards is simple, and yet

mind-blowing in its results. The questions she

suggests you ask are relevant and truly insightful—

for this alone, the book is worth the asking price.

With its modern twist, Rachel has put together a

clever and concise explanation for the interpretation

of Tarot cards. The book is interesting enough to

engage the minds of even the most experienced users

of Tarot, and it will certainly satisfy the curiosity of

beginners. It covers the basics and then directs the

reader to discover more advanced Tarot options

when they are ready.

The author begins the book with the story of how she

became involved in Tarot, and in the final paragraph

she writes about how Tarot can be applied to our

lives... “Think of the Tarot as an endless series of

doorways—seventy-eight cards with infinite

combinations. Let them become the gates to your

own wisdom.” It’s a beautiful conclusion to yet

another thoughtful and well-written book by one of

Tarot’s shining lights.

Title: The New Tarot Handbook

Author: Rachel Pollack

Published by: Llewellyn Publications

Edition 9 Spring 2012

Insights from Tarot Gurus

“Like the six-pointed star within the Hermit’s lantern, the idea of the Hermit goes in two directions; one inner, one outer. Primarily, the card means a withdrawal from the outer world for the purpose of activating the unconscious mind... The Hermit signifies the idea that only by withdrawing from the outer world can we awaken the inner self.”

- from “Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom” By Rachel Pollack

“Some clients perceive the Hermit as a period of loneliness when in fact the man in this card is at peace. Quiet reflection is necessary to deepen our understanding of life. The Hermit represents a period of deliberation, whether through meditation, consulting a counsellor, taking a walk amongst nature or keeping a diary.”

- from “Tarot Masterclass” By Paul Fenton-Smith

“From another viewpoint, the Hermit is the meditative, wandering monk, the ascetic. However far our progress along the path to higher consciousness and integrity, we must periodically cycle back to this stage. We must stop, take off the trappings of our present ego involvements and become the Hermit, wandering in the wilderness in search of balance and truth. ”

- from “Tarot Symbolism” By Robert V. O’Neill

Tarot Events

28 December 2012

Melbourne, Australia

Mysticism, Gnosis and Sacred Magic:

The Spiritual Path of Meditations on the Tarot

Special guest is: Robert Powell (translator of Meditations on the Tarot)


9 - 11 August 2013

International Tarot Conference,

Reflection, Celebration and Revisioning

The Tarot Guild of Australia are excited

and pleased to announce the International

Tarot Conference for August, 2013.

This is followed by several ONE DAY Post-

Conference Workshops to be held on 12 & 13 August

by the international speakers.

Australian Presenters Anne Shotter - TGA founding member

Evelynne Joffe - TGA founding member

Brian Clark - Astro*Synthesis

International Presenters Caitlin Matthews

Rachel Pollack

Mary Greer

Amber Jayanti

The venue is the Augustine Centre in Hawthorn (Melbourne), so the

maximum number attending the

conference will be 150. Early Bird rates will be available soon.

See the website of the Tarot Guild of Australia for updates:

Global Spiritual Studies

Learning experiences to nourish your soul.

Historical Interpretations of

The Hermit Pratesi’s Cartomancer (1750): The Old Man De Mellet (1781): The sage in search of justice. Christian (1870): He personifies experience acquired in the labors of life. The lighted lantern signifies the light of the mind, which should illuminate the past, the present, and the future. Mathers (1888): Prudence, caution, deliberation. Golden Dawn (1886-96): Wisdom sought for and obtained from above. Grand Orient (1889): Safety, protection, detachment, sagacity, search after truth. Waite (1910): Prudence, circumspection.

Edition 9 Spring 2012

Tarot Trivia

Q: which cards do not show Pamela

Colman Smith’s full signature on the

bottom right corner of the card?

The answers are at the end of this newsletter.

“Each of you has a hermitage to go inside—a place to take refuge and breathe. But this does not

mean that you are cutting yourself off from the world.

It means that you are getting more in touch with yourself.”

From “A Pebble for Your Pocket”, by Thich Nhat Hanh

“Free yourself to yield to whatever happens to you. Rise and fall with it...Here

you may be simultaneously a common man and a sage.”

Ta-ning Tao-kuan

Available now.


Free postage

within Australia.

Tarot Gatherings

New Venue!

The Tarot Guild of Australia is sponsoring workshops in Adelaide. They are held on the last Tuesday of each month and are

run by Martha Adams, a Professional member of the Tarot Guild.

Meet like-minded enthusiasts to share, practice and discuss your favourite

spreads, decks and authors. You don't need to be a Tarot expert—all are


For more information on each monthly event, please contact Martha on 0403 276 319 or


New Venue: The Fountain Inn (in the ‘nook’ of the pool room)

142 Glen Osmond Road, Parkside.

The booking is under Tarot Guild Group. Start time is 7 p.m.

For a state-by-state listing of monthly Tarot gatherings around Australia, see the website

of the Tarot Guild Of Australia:

Learn how to combine Tarot and Palmistry in an innovative, five week

course, held once a week at Hahndorf, South Australia. Only $190

Email Trevor:

Edition 9 Spring 2012

Tarot Made Simple a workshop with Don McLeod

Sunday 10th February from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Held at Cosmic Pages Bookshop 338 - 340 King William Street, Adelaide

How Tarot Works Demystifying Tarot Basic Tarot Spreads

Learn Easy Interpretations Practical & Spiritual Uses

By the end of this workshop you will feel comfortable using Tarot cards and you will have a basic

understanding of their meanings.

Only $65

Requirements: Rider-Waite Tarot Deck Bookings essential: Phone 8231 9105

Tarot Spreads

If you have already attended a

“Tarot Made Simple” workshop, or if you feel you already have a grasp of the basic concepts

of Tarot, come along to an afternoon of Tarot fun.

Only $40

Requirements: Rider-Waite Tarot Deck

Date and venue to be announced soon.

Tarot Coaching

Available for one on one sessions. Email: MisterTarot

Top 10 Reasons for Using Tarot

1) To see the past more clearly.

2) To understand the present.

3) To work out best choices in the future.

4) To understand dreams.

5) To develop your intuition or psychic abilities.

6) For personal growth and exploration of self.

7) To enhance your spiritual knowledge.

8) To help you solve problems.

9) To clarify your goals.

10) To access the unconscious mind and discover what you really want and why you want it.

With Tarot - you can do all of these! Tarot brings clarity, insight and direction when we need it.

In a Tarot reading we can be reassured that difficult situations are temporary, and through the

cards we are supplied options or steps to follow in order to bring about changes if we feel stuck.

Tarot is a way of obtaining a more meaningful perspective for past experiences. It’s for gaining

a greater understanding of present circumstances, and to gain a glimpse of future possibilities.

If you no longer wish to receive this

newsletter, simply send an email to:

with the word ‘unsubscribe’ in the subject area.

Copyright on all articles in this newsletter belong

to Don McLeod unless specifically stated otherwise.

Edition 9 Spring 2012

“The Tarot grows and changes as we

grow and change. Let the Tarot

discover you so that you may

discover yourself in the cards.”

- Rachel Pollack

Tarot Trivia Answer:

Q: which cards do not show Pamela Colman Smith’s full signature

on the bottom right corner of the card?

A: 9 of Swords (middle of bed), 10 of Pentacles (top right),

Knight of Wands (bottom left), The Magician (most of the

signature is obscured by the name plate at the base of the card)

Further Interpretations for The Hermit

When this card appears in a spread, the

intention of the person is to withdraw from

the world. This may be done by physically

removing themselves, but more often it’s an

emotional withdrawal from people and

activities that used to seem important.
