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• Mainly south of the Sahara, and in large numbers only in East Africa.

• Throughout arid and dry savanna zones south of the Sahara, wherever trees occur. Eliminated from most of West African and Southern Kalahari range but still reasonably common even outside wildlife preserves.

• The biggest ruminant and the tallest mammal. Male are approximately 2420-4250 lbs. With a shoulder height of 9-11 feet. Female weigh approximately 1540-2600 lbs. With a shoulder height of 2 inches less than the males.

• Male: Bull

• Female: Cow

• Young: Calf

• Group: Herd

• Giraffes are herbivores; they feed mainly on leaves from acacia, mimosa, and wild apricot trees. They spend about 16 to 20 hours eating each day.

• Females Give Birth Every 20 To 23 Months Usually During The Dry Season.

• Giraffes Use Their Strong Legs To Kick Predators When Under Attack

• Giraffes Can Run Up To 35 To 45 mph

• Giraffes Only Have Seven Vertebrae In Their Necks The Same As Humans

• Can Go without Water For Weeks Or Months At A Time

• Giraffes Can Live For 25 To 30 Years In The Wild

•The Big Zoo

•The Phoenix Zoo

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