Your District Council Matters



Your District Council Matters - winter edition

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Your District Council


e: • What’s on

• Help shape a better future

• Top marks for city’s park

• Win a Treasure Island treat

Lancaster Firework Spectacular 2012 - page 3Keeping you warm this winter – page 15

issue 28 autumn 2012

Page 2

Contact usYou can contactLancaster City Council by:

Telephone: 01524 582000



Post: Lancaster City Council,Town Hall, Dalton Square,Lancaster, LA1 1PJ

In person: Customer ServiceCentres at Lancaster Town Hall(Dalton Square), or MorecambeTown Hall (Marine Road East),9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Have your sayWOULD you like to have yoursay on Lancaster City Councilservices?

Join our ‘Voice Your Views’panel to receive email alertswhen consultations of interestto you go live.

To sign up simply or contact the council’sConsultation and EngagementOfficer by contact us on 01524 582000.

If you would like a large print or audio version of Your District Council Mattersplease call 01524 582041 or email

Remembrance Sunday THIS year Remembrance Sundayfalls on November 11 and anumber of services have beenarranged in the Lancaster district.

Remembrance Day Services willtake place as follows:

LancasterGarden of Remembrance, TownHall, Lancaster commencing at10.20am, followed by a service inthe Priory Church at 11.30am.There will be a parade and MarchPast leaving the Priory Church atapproximately 12.25pm ending atLancaster Town Hall.

MorecambeCenotaph, Marine Road –Procession will form up at thePlatform at approximately10.20am for a Service at theCenotaph at 10.55am.

CarnforthParade will leave the CarnforthTown Council offices at 10.35amfor a service and wreath laying

ceremony at the Cenotaph.

To help people to pay theirrespects, Lancaster City Councilhas suspended parking chargeson the car parks at the Bay Arenain Morecambe and Nelson Streetin Lancaster, on SundayNovember 11.

For further information aboutthe services or to express aninterest in laying a wreathcontact the Mayor’s Office,Town Hall, Lancaster, LA1 1PJ,call (01524) 582070 or the latest edition ofYour District Council Matters.

The current economicconditions both locally andnationally are increasinglychallenging for us all.

Your public services willcontinue to work together tomanage the austerity measuresrequired. It's not going to beeasy but we are determined toensure the district is well placedfor the future, providing goodvalue for money services thatare important to ourcommunities and ensuring themost vulnerable are supported.

Lancaster City Council,Lancashire County Council, NHSNorth Lancashire, UniversityHospitals of Morecambe BayNHS Foundation Trust,Lancashire Fire and Rescue,Lancashire Constabulary andLancaster and MorecambeCollege, have joined togetheronce again to hear your views.

Families are at the heart ofour society and we have beeninviting all families, be theythose caring for an elderlyrelative or those with children,to share their views on whatservices most matter to them.The findings will help publicsector organisations ensure ourresources are targeted at theareas that make the mostdifference to you.

The outcomes of last year'slistening events demonstratedthe strong pride we have forour district. As a result, we havelaunched , acampaign to celebrate andenjoy our district andencourage us all to do what wecan to make sure we continueto live and work in a place wecan be proud of. For moreinformation

This month’s front cover features Autumn walking in the Crook O’Lune, Halton.

Holocaust Memorial DayA candlelight commemoration and service will take place onThursday, January 24 in the Garden of Remembrance, LancasterTown Hall at 6.30pm. Everyone welcome to attend.

Page 3

EXCITING new plans for thisyear's Lancaster FireworksSpectacular will see the displaybeing launched – for the firsttime ever - from the roof ofLancaster Castle.

This year’s pyrotechnicspectacular takes place at 8pm onSaturday, November 3. Thanks tothe Duchy of Lancaster allowingfiring to take place from thecastle, you’ll be able to view thedisplay from hundreds oflocations across the district.

In fact, if you can see a sectionof Lancaster Castle and tune intoBBC Radio Lancashire on104.5FM, you’ll be able to listento the specially coordinated musicand experience the full spectacle.

Due to the popularity of lastyear’s event, which attractedrecord crowds, a wristbandsystem has been introduced forentry at the Quay Meadow andGiant Axe viewing areas toensure everyone can enjoy an

unspoiled view of the fireworks.

The deadline to apply for freewristbands has now closed, butyou can still view the display fromother official viewing areas at:

• Salt Ayre Sport Centre - enjoythe spectacular view across theriver with free parking,refreshments and Taylor’s Funfair.

• Millennium Bridge and cyclepath alongside the River Lune(opposite St George’s Quay)

• Williamson Park

And don’t forget that theFireworks Spectacular is just theculmination of the celebrations.

The activities kick off on FridayNovember 2 with ‘Light UpLancaster’, brought to you by artsorganisations from across thedistrict. The event invites you tostroll through Lancaster’s squaresand enjoy performances of music,art and dance.

The following day, November 3,there will be daytime events to

enjoy including guided walks andtours, storytelling and arts andcrafts before the fireworksthemselves at 8pm.

For a full programme of events, pick up a copy from VisitorInformation Centres at Lancasterand Morecambe.

Please remember that alcoholand fireworks (includingsparklers) cannot be brought tothe official viewing areas. As inprevious years, the castle andpriory precinct will be closedduring the display.

Lancaster Firework Spectacular 2012 – don’t miss out!

Plans for Lancaster Castle move a step closerFOLLOWING a six-month study byheritage experts MalcolmReading Consultants (MRC) andworkshops with key stakeholders,potential plans for LancasterCastle have moved a step closer.

Ideas for the historic landmarkwill be presented to the public atan exhibition, which will takeplace at Lancaster Castle fromMonday, October 29 – Friday,November 2 2012. Members ofthe local community will be ableto provide their feedback andspeak to Duchy and MRCrepresentatives.

The Duchy wants to give thecastle a sustainable future bypreserving its fabric andencouraging people to use thebuilding and its grounds. It isproposed therefore, that thecastle complex is transformed

into a new mixed-use urbanquarter, which could include apotential visitor attraction,boutique hotel, plus arts andperformance space.

Paul Clarke, CEO at the Duchy ofLancaster, said: “We are reallylooking forward to sharing ourideas with the local community.

“We still have a long way to goin terms of finalising the plans toensure that the vision isfinancially viable and deliverable,but this initial proposal is a majorstep forward. We are confidentthat our ideas would enableLancaster Castle to become apowerful new tourist attractionthat would significantly boost thelocal economy, create jobs andtransform the use of the citycentre for residents and visitors.”

The exhibition will run from

10am – 5pm each day except onWednesday, October 31 andThursday, November 1 whenopening hours will extenduntil 7pm.

Page 4

NEW dog control orders are now in place to ensuredog owners behave responsibly and keep their dogsunder control in public places.

The new orders replace the existing byelaws.Failure to comply with the orders could result in afixed penalty notice of £80 being issued.

Following a public consultation earlier in the year,the following orders have been put in place:

WILLIAMSON Park inLancaster has been successfulin obtaining VAQAS (VisitorAttraction Quality AssuranceScheme) accreditation fromVisitEngland which rated thepark as an ‘excellent’ visitorattraction.

The assessors wereextremely impressed with theservice provided by both thevenue and the councilfollowing a secret shoppingexercise which tested notonly the venue but also theservice received from staff.

Highlights were theButterfly House – being oneof the most unique in thecountry and themanagement of the groundsas well as excellent signage.

Top marksfor city’spark?

New dog control orders

VOLUNTARY groups across theLancaster district are invited to applyfor funding from Lancaster CityCouncil’s welfare grant scheme.

Welfare grants are for voluntaryorganisations who intheir communities and whose activitiesinclude providing recreation, mealsand special events for older people.The maximum grant per organisationis £500.

Application forms, furtherinformation, and the criteria appliedto the scheme are available bytelephoning 01524 582074, fromMorecambe and Lancaster Town Halls,and on the city council’s

The closing date for applications isFriday, December 7 2012.

Could yourvoluntary groupbenefit from acash windfall?

• Dog owners must remove dog faeces from all landthat the public has access to

• Dogs are not allowed on enclosed sports pitches,children’s playgrounds or the splash pool in HappyMount Park

• Dogs must be put and kept on a lead whendirected to do so by an officer authorised in writingby the council

Dogs must also be kept on leads in the followingdefined areas in the district:

• All public highways, pavements and adjoiningverges, including Morecambe promenade andpedestrianised areas (but excluding unclassifiedminor rural roads)

• Car parks and public vehicle parking areasmaintained by the council

• Cemeteries and graveyards

• Certain council parks and gardens

The council has also agreed that the dog exclusionareas on Morecambe’s North and South beaches willcontinue to be seasonal rather than all year round.

For further information please visit or telephone 01524 582935.

Page 5

DO you want to find out moreabout exciting arts events takingplace in the Lancaster district?Worry not. Key local artsorganisations and venues havejoined together to develop'Lancaster Arts City' - a projectshowcasing arts activity takingplace right here on our doorstep.

First FridaysTake a chance on something newwith this programme of artsevents taking place on the firstFriday of every month at venuesthroughout the district. The next'First Friday' will take place onNovember 2 with 'Light UpLancaster' (see page 3). This eventwill mark the start of a weekendof themed activities and eventsleading up to this year’s FireworkSpectacular and invites you tostroll through the city’s squaresand alleyways by night andcelebrate our heritage throughilluminating performances ofmusic, art and dance.

Free mobile Smartphone appDownload your free mobile appfor event information forcomedy, music, theatre, dance,exhibitions and familyproductions.

Participating venues include TheDukes, Grand Theatre, ThePlatform, More Music, LudusDance, Live at LICA, Litfest, GreenClose Studios and Storey Gallery.

For more information on ‘FirstFridays’ and to download yourfree app visit

BUSINESSES are being invited tohave their say on an opportunityto work together to improve thecity.

Lancaster District Chamber ofCommerce plans are wellunderway to provide thebusinesses with the chance tointroduce a BusinessImprovement District (BID) in thecity centre.

The aim of the LancasterUnlimited BID is that businesseswork together to provide servicesover and above those alreadyprovided by public services. Thiscould be additional marketingand promotional initiatives,special projects to utilise emptyshops, new events to attract morevisitors, funding major clean upcampaigns or otherenvironmental improvements.

Money will be raised through alevy on business ratepayers withproperty in the BID area with arateable value of £10,000 andover. Business ratepayers will beasked to vote on whether theywant to pay an additional 1.5%of this rateable value to financebusiness led initiatives.

The BID ballot is scheduled totake place from 1 – 29 Novemberthis year. For the BID to go ahead,two conditions must be met:

• More than 50% of businesseswho vote must vote in favour of

LANCASTER City Council is delighted to support a newfood and drink trail. Produced by Bay TourismAssociation, the body representing tourism businesses,the handy guide features 42 of the region’s bestculinary outlets along with a helpful map outlininghow to reach each one. Pick up a copy from our visitorinformation centres at Lancaster and Morecambe orvisit

the proposal; and

• The ‘yes’ votes must representmore than 50% of the totalrateable value of all votes cast.

If a yes vote is delivered, this BIDwill raise more than £600,000during a three year period whichwill help create a vibrant centrealive with events, activities andencourage local people to

in their heritage andculture.

The local businesses involved inintroducing the BID are urgingothers not to waste their voteand help make Lancaster the cityit deserves to be.

To find out more, or findLancaster BID on Facebook.

Launch ofLancasterArts City

Love your food?

It’s your businessto have your say

Page 6

LOSING a loved one is a traumatictime for everyone and there’senough to be done withouthaving to worry about contacting

LOCAL charities PrestonNightstop and Barnardo’s havelaunched a new service tosupport vulnerable homelessyoung people.

The Barnardo’s Nightstop serviceneeds people in the Lancasterdistrict to provide temporaryemergency accommodation forvulnerable 16 – 25 year olds whohave become homeless, usually asa result of a family dispute.

Hosts need to offer a youngperson a cooked meal, bathingand laundry facilities and theirown room for the night. They canbe single people, couples orfamilies.

Preston Nightstop, inpartnership with Barnardo’s, alsoruns a Supported LodgingScheme in Lancaster recruitingpeople who can offer a youngperson a place in their home for

This year, Lancashire will elect itsfirst Police and Crime Commissioner(PCC).

The PCC will be responsible forholding the police force to accountand decided how crime should betackled.

The election will take place onNovember 15. To find out more goto:

Get regular updates and news…‘Be part of it!’ on Facebook follow on Twitter @LancsPCCSign up to the

all the different governmentdepartments and agencies thatneed to be informed.

In November last year, thecouncil teamed up with theDepartment of Work andPensions and Lancashire CountyCouncil to launch the Tell Us Onceservice helping reduce the timeand effort needed in letting therelevant organisations know thatsomeone has died.

To date, the service has made iteasier for 470 local residents andtheir bereaved families to informgovernment departmentsincluding council tax, adultservices and pensions.

How does it work?When you make yourappointment to register thedeath at the local Register Office,the Tell Us Once service will beexplained to you. If you choose

to use the service, the Registrarwill set up the deceased’s detailson a national database.

You can then use the Tell UsOnce service in a way that suitsyou either by appointment face-to-face at the customer servicecentres at Lancaster andMorecambe town halls, online, orvia the telephone.

The information you give will betreated securely andconfidentially. The organisationswho are contacted will use theinformation to update records,end services, benefits and creditsas appropriate and to resolve anyoutstanding issues. They may usethis information in other ways,but only as the law allows.

For more information, callus on 01542 582000 or pick up aleaflet from customer servicecentres and local libraries.

Tell Us Once

Be a ‘Nightstop’ volunteer Police and CrimeCommissionerElections –‘Be part of it’

up to two years. The charitiesneed more hosts to sign up.

If you have a spare room; enjoythe company of young peopleand have an understanding ofthe issues they face, you couldhelp them to develop the skillsneeded to step out into theworld on their own.

Expenses are paid andBarnardo’s staff are on hand tooffer training, support and advice24 hours a day.

For an informal friendly chat,contact Barnardo’s on 01772788775 or email

Page 7

ON FRIDAY 22 June, the OlympicTorch Relay arrived in the districtas part of its 70 day journeyaround the UK.

The weather conditions meant itwas a very challenging day for allconcerned, but in true Britishspirit the show went on and it’sestimated that 30,000 peoplelined the route to see the torch.

It was a great day for thecommunity – especially the15,000 school children who willremember the day for years tocome.

The day was capped off by acivic reception at Lancaster Town

Hall, for all the Torchbearers, atwhich Doris Collins fromLancaster handed over her Torchto the city council to retain onbehalf of the entire community.

The intention is that it willretain a lasting legacy of theTorch Relay and also be used toinspire our communities.

To commemorate the TorchRelay, and to showcase the inputof the many inspirational peoplewho helped make it such asuccess, local group theMorecambe Bay Movie Makershave produced a video of the day.It can be viewed at which there are also details ofhow a DVD copy can be purchased.

Olympic Torch Relay- a lasting legacy

AS the door of Lancaster Marketcloses, another door has openedfor many of the traders who haverelocated to empty premises inthe city centre.

Relocation of these formertraders is set to benefit the citycentre too by giving it anincreased number and better mixof independent traders tocomplement the existing stores aswell as the Assembly Rooms andCharter Market. It has alsomeant that some of the emptyunits in the city centre are nowfully occupied benefitting thelocal economy, shoppers andvisitors to the city.

The council will continuediscussions with Allied, the ownerof the indoor market building,with the eventual aim of securinga new future for the building andbringing new life to the citycentre.


SALT Ayre Sports Centre (SASC) hasproved its environmentalcredentials by winning a nationalaward designed to find Britain’sgreenest companies, councils andcommunities.

The sports centre, which isowned and run by Lancaster CityCouncil, has won a Green AppleEnvironment Award thanks to itssuccess in reducing its energyconsumption and carbon emissionsby over 42% in just three years.

By focusing on saving energy inits buildings and making changesto how energy is purchased, thecouncil has significantly reducedthe environmental impact of itsday-to-day activities as well assaving more than £145,200 onenergy bills.

Less energy consumption hashelped the council reduce theoverall amount of CO2 emittedfrom its buildings by 19.69%

meaning it is well on its way tomeeting the target it set itself in2008 of 34% by 2020.

Further carbon reductions andenergy savings are expected thisyear as a result of the installationof a new boiler at Lancaster TownHall and the installation of solarpanels at six sites across thedistrict including Salt Ayre SportsCentre and White Lund Depot.

To view a full report onLancaster City Council’s carbonsavings, visit and followthe ‘Responding to ClimateChange’ link.

Salt Ayre Sports Centre ontrack for green glory

Local torchbearer Doris Collins

Page 8

Lancaster City Council haslaunched a major consultation ona new Local Plan for the district.

The Local Plan will allocate landfor the district’s future housingand commercial needs, protectland for its environmental, socialand economic value and set out aseries of planning policies whichwill manage future proposals forall types of development acrossthe district. The Local Plan alsoincludes proposals for theregeneration of CentralMorecambe via the MorecambeArea Action Plan.

The council is asking for residentsto get involved in the process byproviding views and comments onproposals which affect where youlive, work and visit. Theconsultation will run for 8 weeksthrough to Friday, December 14.

As well as distributing leaflets tohouseholds providing details ofwhat the main implications of theLocal Plan will be and how you canget involved, the council hasorganised a series of events acrossthe district where people will beable to speak to council officersabout any affects the Local Planwill have on their area.

If you wish to learn more aboutthe Local Plan,

visit or contact us viaemail at For informationon the Morecambe Area ActionPlan email morecambeaap@ Alternatively youcan call us on 01524 582000.

The draft Local Plan is availableto view at Lancaster andMorecambe Town Halls and locallibraries.

YOUR Lancaster City Councillorrepresents and supports theinterests of your community incouncil meetings where localissues are discussed and budget,service and policy decisions aremade.

It is important that you speakto your local councillor aboutlocal issues to help them make adifference to your community.

To find out which ward youlive in and who your localcouncillor is visit call customer services on 01524582000.

Your ward will also berepresented by a LancashireCounty Councillor -

OctoberMonday 29 - Heysham Library(2pm - 7pm)

Tuesday 30 - MorecambeLibrary (2pm - 7pm)

Wednesday 31 - Bolton-le-Sands Village Hall (2pm –6.30pm)

NovemberFriday 2 - Morecambe TownHall (10am - 3pm)

Saturday 3 - Lancaster MarketSquare (10am - 3pm)

Tuesday 6 - St Paul’s Parish Hall,Scotforth, Lancaster (2pm -7pm)

Wednesday 7 - MorecambeTown Hall (10am - 3pm)

Thursday 8 - Silverdale GaskellMemorial Hall (2pm - 7pm)

Friday 9 - Middleton VillageHall (2pm - 7pm)

Monday 12 - Carnforth RailwayStation (2pm - 7pm)

Tuesday 13 - Morecambe TownHall (10am - 3pm)

Wednesday 14 - LancasterMarket Square (10am - 3pm)

Friday 16 - University ofCumbria (Alexandra Gallery)(2pm - 7pm)

Wednesday 21 – Platform,Morecambe (2pm - 7pm)

Thursday 22 - LancasterUniversity (Bailrigg ConferenceCentre) (2pm - 7pm)

Monday 26 - Hornby Institute(2pm - 7pm)

Tuesday 27 - MorecambeLibrary (2pm - 7pm)

Wednesday 28 - Caton VictoriaInstitute (2pm - 6.30pm)

Friday 30 - Galgate Village Hall(2pm - 7pm)

DecemberTuesday 4 - Marsh CommunityCentre, Lancaster (2pm - 7pm)

Thursday 6 – The Centre,Halton, (3.15pm - 6.15pm)

Help shape a better future for the Lancaster district

Do you know who your local councillor is?

Consultation events

Page 9

A NEW survey by Lancaster City Council has foundelevated concentrations of Radon gas in somepeople’s homes.

Radon is a clear, odourless radioactive gas whichescapes naturally from the ground into the air. It canaccumulate in the home and breathing it insufficient concentrations for a long period can causedamage possibly leading to lung cancer. The HealthProtection Agency predicts higher risks of Radon gasbuildup in some areas of the district.

Nearly 100 households took part in the survey thisyear. Two detectors were placed in each home foraround 12 weeks. Approximately 70 homesmeasured radon concentrations below theGovernment ‘target level’. 20 were above the targetbut below the ‘action level’ and five were at orabove the ‘action level’. One of these was in an areanot predicted to be at risk. Householders are advisedto weigh up the health risk and consider testingRadon levels in their homes.

Low-cost monitoring kits can be purchased Even high concentrations canusually be successfully remedied at relatively lowcost. For more information contact EnvironmentalHealth on 01524 582741.

THE Friends of Ryelands Park are asking for yourviews on redevelopment plans for the park.

The project group has recently unveiled its draftmaster plan for the park which includes a new playarea, sports pitch, changing facilities andcommunity gardens. The plans can be viewed

To have your say, complete the questionnaireonline at the web address above.

The Ryelands Park project is a partnership betweenLancaster City Council, Lancashire County Counciland the Friends of Ryelands Park.

Is there Radon inyour home?

Make a difference toRyelands Park

Save time –Do It Online

EACH month, over 40,000 peoplevisit our website to findinformation, report issues, havetheir say and apply and pay forthings. If you’ve never visited usonline before, you might besurprised by how much you cando and how easy it is to findwhat you want.

Visit andyou will find links to all our

I want to… Go directly to…

Find out about bins and recycling

Apply for a job at the council /jobs

Find my nearest… /nearest

View/comment on planning applications /planning

Find information for Salt Ayre Sports Centre /saltayre

Pay a council bill online /pay

Find council tax information /council-tax

Tell us once (see page 6) /once

Have my say /haveyoursay

Find out what’s on at the Platform /platform

View all council festivals and events /whatson

Find my councillor /councillors

Get tips on how to prepare for winter /severeweather

popular pages and onlineservices. Alternatively, you canuse the quick links below to godirect to our most visited pages.

For example, our jobs page is andour bins and recycling page is

Page 10

We’re working hard for you

Swim for lessthis winter

Name: Andy Henworth

Occupation: Pest controloperative

The council’s Pest Control Teamdeals with more than 2,000complaints each year aboutuninvited guests makingthemselves at home in bothdomestic and commercial

premises as well as schools,factories, farms and even thesewer network.

Andy Henworth has been amember of the team for almost10 years: “We often get askedwhat we do besides rat catching.Whilst rodent control is a veryimportant part of our job, it hasmoved on greatly from one manand his dog and a bucket full ofrat traps.

“To beat a pest requires anelement of detective work. WhenI started this job, I never expectedI’d need to think like a weevil!

“Besides rats and mice, othersmall mammals that we deal withinclude grey squirrels and moles.Pigeons can be a problem in thedistrict too, for which we provideadvice on prevention techniquesand can provide a free quote for

spiking or netting procedures tokeep them away.

“We also deal with almost anyinsect problem - from wasps,fleas, bed bugs, beetles to moths,cockroaches and ants. This year,with the number of waspssignificantly down, fleas appearto be the number one insectproblem at present - humidweather is perfect for them.

“Besides removing activeproblems, we also supply andmaintain preventative productssuch as fly screens and fly killersand air brick covers to keep miceout. We also can carry out CCTVsewer surveys to locate possiblerat entry points underground.”

If you want an insight into theday to day activities of our PestControl Team you can followthem on Twitter@lcstr_unbugged

Name: Brenda Ingle

Occupation: Customer ServicesManager at Salt Ayre SportsCentre

Brenda works in the busy Salt AyreSports Centre and ensures that thethousands of customers each yearhave an enjoyable and highquality experience.

As well as managing theadministration and reception

teams, Brenda is on hand tospeak to customers who wish tobook one of its many facilities.Whether it’s football pitch hire,swimming lessons, a children’sholiday activity or an event onthe athletics track, the receptionteam ensure that there’s asmooth booking process and allqueries are dealt with.

“I’ve always loved working withcustomers since the very first dayI started at Salt Ayre over 19 yearsago. There’s a real buzz aboutthe place especially during theschool holidays, and it’s alwaysgreat to work somewhere thatbrings a lot of joy to a lot of localpeople,” said Brenda.

“It can be quite hecticsometimes, but the Salt Ayreteam are always on hand to makesure the centre runs smoothly.”

OUR swimming pools at SaltAyre Sports Centre, Carnforth,Heysham and Hornby will berepeating their famous £1 swimoffer this December. This meansthat people can attend allpublic swimming sessions forjust £1.

You don’t have to wait untilDecember though, with all ofour pools offering special £1swim sessions throughout theweek.

For more information

LANCASTER City Council’s employees are hard at work every day of the week to make our district a betterplace.

They all in their work – but how much do you know about the services they provide?

Your District Council Matters asked staff from across the council to tell us a little about their jobs and thedifference they make the lives of the community.

Page 11

November1 – 3: Lancaster Fireworks Festival(see page 3 for details)

4: Hum, Holler n Sing – Platform,7.30pm, £7/£6

8: Georgie Fame in Concert –Platform, 8pm, £18, 16+

9: Steve Hughes: Big Issues –Platform, 8pm, £14/£12, 18+

10: Morecambe Brass BandRemembrance Concert –Platform, 7.30pm, £8/£5

14: Off the Ball – Platform,7.30pm, £17, 16+

16: An evening with Boycie –Platform, 8pm, £16, 16+

18: Promenade Concert Orchestra‘Music while you work’ –Platform, 3pm, £14/£11/£6 child

22: Lancaster Christmas lightsswitch on – Market Square,7.30pm

23 - 5 Jan. – Treasure Island at theDukes (see page 14 for moredetails)

23: Wilko Johnson and SpecialGuests Virgil & The Accelerators –Platform, 8pm, £17.50/VIP £35,16+

24: And Finally…Phil Collins –Platform, 8pm, £15.50, 16+

25: Morecambe and HeyshamDog Show – Platform, 9.30am

27: Acker Bilk and his ParamountJazz Band – Platform, 8pm£18,14+

29: Morecambe Comedy Club –Platform, 8pm, £8, 18+

December1-2: Christmas Market andFestival – Festival Market,Morecambe

2, 9, 16, 23: - Santa’s Grotto –Festival Market, Morecambe

6: Foden’s Brass Band supportedby Morecambe Band - Ashton HallLancaster, 6.30pm, £12/£10

8: Dizzy Hack and the Rhino Horns– Platform, 7.30pm, £10/£7.50, 16+

11: Sean Hughes – Platform, 8pm,£16, 18+

12: More Music's ChristmasLantern Festival + seasonalentertainment, 6pm, free.Tel: 831997

14: Henry Blofeld – Platform, 8pm,£16, 16+

14, 17–21: Christmas CarolConcerts – Williamson Park

18: St. Laurence Singers –Platform, 7.30pm, £7

21: Morecambe Brass BandAssociation: The Winter Showcase– Platform, 7.30pm, £5.50/£1

22: Morecambe Brass BandChristmas Concert – Platform,7.30pm, £8/£5

26-30: Jack and the Beanstalk -Platform, 2.30pm, £7/£6/£22family

27: Morecambe Comedy Club –The Platform, 8pm, £8, 18+

January15, 22, 29: More travels with mycamera by Peter Logan – Platform,7pm, £3

26: Promenade Concert Orchestra– Platform, 3pm, £14, £11, £6

February5: More travels with my camera byPeter Logan – Platform, 7pm, £3

2012/13 festival datesfor your diarySandcastle Festival – 15-16 June

Seaside Festival – 31 August –1 September

Heritage Open Days/VintageMorecambe Weekend – 12-15September

Lancaster Firework Spectacular– 2 November

Panto at the PlatformPANTO at the Platform is back thisyear with popular children’s classic,Jack and the Beanstalk. Boo, hissthe baddies and holler ‘he’s behindyou’ at one of several familyperformances taking place at2.30pm from Wednesday 26 –Sunday 30 December. Tickets cost£7 adult, £6 child or £22 for afamily ticket (2+2).

For a full list of events andactivities

What’s on November – February

Winter/Spring Platformbrochure THE new Winter/SpringPlatform brochure which willhave you laughing, dancingand singing your way throughwinter into springtime is dueout in January.Pick up your copy from visitorinformation centres inLancaster or Morecambe orcustomer service centres atLancaster and MorecambeTown Halls or sign up to get itdelivered to your inbox as soonas it’s published

Page 12

Unusual gift ideasLANCASTER City Council’s VisitorInformation Centres (VICs) inLancaster and Morecambe and theshop at Williamson Park, MaritimeMuseum and City Museum in

Lancaster have ahugeselectionofunusualChristmasgift ideasandstocking


Don’t forget topay a visit to the

bustling CharterMarket inLancaster citycentre (Wednesdays

and Saturdays) andMorecambe’s FestivalMarket for a bargain ortwo on the way.

If you’re looking forsomething special towear then look no furtherthan the Assembly Rooms

market in Lancaster where you’llfind costumes available for hireas well as a treasure trove ofvintage clothing, antiques andcollectables.

Festive treats atWilliamson ParkLANCASTER’S Williamson Parkpromises to warm you up forChristmas this year when mulledwine, mince pies and its popularChristmas Carol Concert Serieswill be back on the menufeaturing some of the area’sfinest choirs.

The concerts take place in theAshton Memorial and begin onFriday, December 14 and willcontinue from Monday 17 - 21December. For more informationvisit

Father Christmas will be makinga special appearance in theEdwardian Grotto at the AshtonMemorial on Saturday 22 andSunday 23 December from12:30pm – 3:00pm. Tickets cost £4per child which includes a giftfrom Santa.

Christmas Festival Market POP along to the Festival Marketin Morecambe this Christmas andyou’re in for a treat.

On the weekend of 1 and 2December, the market will behosting a Christmas Festival whenFather Christmas will be riding hissleigh into the market tocelebrate the special weekend.

You can also enjoy mince piesand mulled wine whilst singingalong to traditional carolsaccompanied by a brass band.

Throughout December, Santawill be in the grotto every Sundayin the run up to Christmas tooffer his young visitors a specialgift (entry fee applies).

For more information call 01524414251 or visit

Lancaster City Council hasChristmas in the bag

Later night shopping andChristmas lightsThe start of late night shopping inLancaster (Thursday, November22) will be launched with thearrival of Santa into MarketSquare at 7.30pm to switch on theChristmas lights. Get there earlyand you’ll be able to come upclose with some real reindeer and

watch hundreds of Santas takepart in the charity Santa Dasharound the city centre. The funstarts at 4pm.

Free parkingFree parking will be on offer forthose coming into Lancaster toenjoy late night shopping onThursdays. From November 22

until December 20, all the citycouncil's car parks will be free touse after 6pm.

You can also park for free atcouncil car parks in Lancaster andMorecambe on Sundays betweenNovember 25 and December 23.Evening parking in Morecambe isalready free.

Market Gate car park inLancaster is also providing freeparking on these days as well asfor late night Thursday shopping.

Lancaster city centre switches on to Christmas

FROM Santa’s Grottos, carol concerts, brass bands and pantos tounusual gifts and free parking - Lancaster City Council has Christmas inthe bag.

LANCASTER City Council and the Lancaster District Chamber ofCommerce are joining together to entice shoppers into the cityin the run up to Christmas.

Page 13

DON’T forget that there will be changes to the dayson which your refuse and recycling will be collectedover the festive period. Details can be found onyour collections calendar, or from the table right.

Xmas TreesChristmas trees can be recycled at Keer Bridge orSalt Ayre Household Waste Recycling Centres orthey can be cut down to fit into your green gardenbin. Alternatively, St John's Hospice will once againbe collecting and recycling Christmas trees duringthe weekend of January 5 and 6, in exchange for adonation of £5 to the charity.

Collections must be booked in advance. For moreinformation visit ortelephone 01524 382538.

IF you thought Carnforth Stationwas just a place where you canpick up a train, then think again.

Made famous as the setting forDavid Lean’s film Brief Encounter,this historic railway station is alsothe site of an awarding winningHeritage Centre and faithfullyreplicated Brief EncounterRefreshment Room.

Throughout the year there is avaried programme of events whichtake place in the RefreshmentRoom as well as on Platform 1.

Events in the run up toChristmas include:Until Nov 30 – Exhibition ofrailway related photographs,stamps and postcards

Saturday, November 10 - TeddyBear Workshop

Friday, November 16 - Jazz Lunch

Saturday, December 8 – Christmas‘Cracker’ Fair and Christmas TreeFestival

Friday, December 21 – Jazz Lunch

For more information orcall 01524 735165.

LANCASTER City Council emptiesmore than 600,000 bins eachmonth. By recycling we canreduce the amount of rubbishthat has to go to land fill sites.

Here is a list of top recycling tips:

• All types of plastic bottle canbe recycled in your kerbsiderecycling box – not just drinksbottles. Shampoo, shower geland other toiletry bottles, sauces,

cleaning products, and otherplastic bottles can be recycled

• Recycle your juice cartons andother Tetra Paks at: Salt AyreHousehold Waste RecyclingCentre (HWRC), Keer BridgeHWRC, Greaves Park, ASDA andBull Beck

• Aerosols and clean foil can berecycled along with your cans

• Clothes (useable and un-wearable) and textiles can beplaced in a carrier bag alongsideyour recycling boxes

• All envelopes including thosewith windows can be recycledwith your paper and cardboard

• Batteries can be recycled atLancaster and Morecambe TownHalls and most local schools

• All electronic items, howeversmall, can be recycled at Salt Ayreand Keer Bridge HWRCs

For more information on whatcan be recycled and collectiondates please visit or telephone 01524582491.

Christmas refuse andrecycling dates

Time to revisit Carnforth Station

Recycling tips

Week commencing December 24

Normal Collection Day Will be picked up on

Monday 24 *Saturday 22

Tuesday 25 *Monday 24

Wednesday 26 Thursday 27

Thursday 27 Friday 28

Friday 28 Saturday 29

* Please note that your collection days have beenbrought forward.

Week commencing December 31

Monday 31 Monday 31


Tuesday 1 Wednesday 2

Wednesday 2 Thursday 3

Thursday 3 Friday 4

Friday 4 Saturday 5

Page 14

LANCASTER City Council hasjoined forces with LancashireProbation Trust again this year tohelp tackle some of the worstgrot spots in the district using itsCommunity Payback Scheme.

The aim of the CommunityPayback Scheme is to punish andrehabilitate, as well as challengethe anti-social behaviour ofoffenders and make them awareof their impact both on victimsand the local community. Thescheme also teaches offenders to

in their local area aswell as a variety of skills as theywork.

Recent tasks completed byoffenders have included theclearing of vegetation and litteras part of the project to restorethe 200-year old Lune Aqueduct

in Lancaster and assisting thecouncil with the hugeundertaking of removingdiseased rhododendrons fromWilliamson Park. The scheme willcontinue to assist the council andits partners as part of theworkforce behind the council'songoing Street Pride Scheme.

Community payback

A bumper year for play 2012 has been a bumper year forplay with the opening of twobrand new recreation areas inLancaster and Morecambe.

In July this year, children inLancaster celebrated the officialopening of a new family play andrecreation area at the heart ofthe Hala estate.

For the last two years, HalaCommunity Group has beenworking with the city council andLancashire County Council todevelop designs and raise fundsto develop land betweenAbbeystead Drive and ClaughtonDrive.

Thanks to funding from bothcouncils, Lottery CommunitySpaces Groundwork UK,Lancashire Environmental fundand money raised by thecommunity group, the new playequipment, pathways, seatingand bridge over Burrow Beck isnow being enjoyed by childrenand families on a daily basis.

Less than a month later, theresults of a year’s worth of hardwork to develop land at theClaypitts area of Morecambe withlocal residents paid off when anew facility for toddlers andolder children as well as a multi-use games area (MUGA) wasofficially opened.

Funding for the project becameavailable last year as a result ofdevelopments in the area. Theproject also received fundingfrom the Transform your Patchcampaign which provided aseating area at the MUGA forspectators.

Treasure Island Treat AUDIENCES at TheDukes will be castaway to TreasureIsland – viaMorecambe - thisChristmas.

The classic tale byRobert LouisStevenson, is given a modern twistby Coronation Street scriptwriterDebbie Oates for its run at theLancaster theatre from November23-January 5.

A young Morecambe girl – Jem -is a 21st Century Jim Hawkinsleaving her boring home to spendher Christmas seeking adventureson the high seas in a show wherethe audience will be even closerto the action than ever before.

For more information and tobook tickets priced £5-£16.50,contact The Dukes box office on01524 598500 or visit

To be in with a chance ofwinning a family ticket for four tosee Treasure Island, simply answerthis question:

What is the name of the ruthlessone-legged pirate?

Send your answers to:Communications, Lancaster CityCouncil, Town Hall, Dalton Square,Lancaster, LA1 1PJ. Deadline forentries is November 30.



Daytime phone number:


Page 15

Keeping youwarm thiswinter

IF your children have beeninspired by Team GB’s Olympicgymnasts this summer, there’s awhole selection of gymnasticcourses to suit any age and abilityat Salt Ayre Sports Centre.

Our popular 10 week gymnasticscourses take place throughoutthe year to suit children of anyability aged from 4 to 16.

For youngsters with a realtalent, there are a number ofclasses that can train them tobecome possible futureOlympians with our senior coachJill Trafford. Before teaching, Jillrepresented Great Britain as agymnast at national level andwas regional champion for anumber of years.

Jill has been working at SaltAyre Sports Centre for 15 yearsand has trained some gymnastswho have gone on to compete ata national level.

Jill said: “I’ve always lovedteaching gymnastics at Salt AyreSports Centre and I’d like to passon my experience in developinggymnasts to go on to greatthings.

“However what’s mostimportant is that all of thechildren have fun and it’s a greatway to keep fit and healthy too.”

If children are keen to startearly, enthusiastic pre-schoolersfrom 18 months to 4 years oldcan join Gymnicrickets. Thispopular class is a greatintroduction to the principles ofgymnastics training but in a funand playful environment.Children and their parents arewelcome to attend this 45 minuteclass that teaches children thebasics of fitness and social skills aswell as having lots of fun.

For more information about anyof the gymnastics classes at SaltAyre Sports Centre please call thecentre on 01524 847540 or

LANCASTER City Council's HomeImprovement Agency (HIA) hasreceived funding from theDepartment of Health and NHSNorth Lancashire to helpvulnerable residents stay warmthis winter.

Keeping your home warm to acomfortable level can reduce therisk of illness but housingconditions together with highfuel costs can make this difficultand expensive.

The HIA aims to tackle this byoffering practical solutions tohelp you keep your home warmat an affordable level this winter.

If you are aged over 60 or havea disability or a long term healthcondition you could benefit froma range of practical assistancesuch as:

• Repairs and improvements tomake your home warmer

• Works to make your home safersuch as gritting paths andinstalling handrails

• Repairs/servicing to heatingsystems

• Insulation and draught-proofing assistance reducing fuelbills and tackling arrears

For more information or to arrange a free visit, contact ourHome Improvement Agency on01524 582257 or email:hiaenquiries@lancaster.

Kids get off to a flying start

MORE than 1500 children acrossthe district enjoyed a variety ofdifferent activities over thesummer holidays provided byLancaster City Council.

Summer 2012 saw the largestholiday activity programme everwith over 160 activities forchildren to take part includingthe many free events organisedby the council’s Sport and PlayOfficers.

A programme of holidayactivities for October half term istaking place now. Although it’sbest to book early, don’t worry ifyou’ve missed this half term, youcan sign up to receive future

holiday programmes as soon asthey are available by

Holiday activity programme

Page 16useful contact numbers Main contact details for keylocal services in the district

Lancaster City CouncilCustomer Services: 01524 582000

Council Housing: 01524 582929

Domestic Waste and Street Cleaning:01524 582491

Homelessness and Housing Standards: 01524 582257

Elections: 01524 582905

Out-of-hours Emergencies: 01524 67099



Lancashire County CouncilLCC General Enquiries/Switchboard:0845 053 0000

Social Care: 0845 053 0009

Highways: 0845 053 0011

Registrars: 0845 053 0021

Welfare Rights: 0845 053 0013



EducationWhite Cross Education CentreTelephone: 01524 60141



Lancaster and Morecambe CollegeTelephone: 01524 66215


Lancaster UniversityTelephone: 01524 65201


University of Cumbria(Lancaster campus)

Telephone: 01524 384384


Emergency servicesLancashire PoliceTelephone: 101In an emergency always dial 999.Contact information for your local neighbourhood police team can befound at www.lancashire.police.ukFollow us on Twitter @LancsPolice

Lancashire Fire and Rescue ServiceWe can provide a free home fire safety check, fit smoke alarms if needed and give you advice on what to do in the event of fire. Call Freephone 0800 169 1125.

HealthNHS Direct: 0845 46 47 or

Stop smoking service: 01524 845145

Drug and alcohol service: 01524 834210

To access a dentist: 01253 306378

To find your nearest pharmacy:text ‘pharmacy’ to 64746

Voluntary sectorHelp DirectTelephone: 0303 333 1111



Lancaster District CVSTelephone: 01524 555900



North Lancashire Citizens Advice BureauAdvice line: 01524 400400



One Voice Disability ServicesFor advice and help with benefits,

housing, self-directed care, shop mobility,

counselling and support groups

Telephone: 01524 382764

Information: 01524 34411


Published by Lancaster City Council.
