Young Nephrologists’ Platform “Free Membership Project” · Young Nephrologists’ Platform...


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Young Nephrologists’ Platform

“Free Membership Project”


1. Only young people (< 40 years of age) who are ALREADY ERA-EDTA members AND YNP members can receive this free ERA-EDTA membership.

2. A 1-year free membership will be given, automatically, to the 30 young people who

have submitted an accepted abstract to an ERA-EDTA Congress. This 1-year free

membership can be renewed ONLY TWICE if the member will submit another

abstract for the next ERA-EDTA Congress and this abstract will be accepted.

3. This free membership can be used the current calendar year or the consecutive

calendar year if the current year is already paid for.

4. Free members receive free access to NDT + CKJ online only and do not receive

the print issue of the Journal (similarly to Junior Membership).

5. No more than 30 free memberships can be given each calendar year. This is

based on the quality score of the abstract. The first best 30 abstracts should be

selected. Member has to select whether she/he wants to apply for this free

membership when she/he sends her/his abstract to the Congress. The best 30

(based on abstract’s score) accepted and eligible abstracts’ first author will be given

this free membership.



1. Only young people (< 40 years of age) who are ALREADY ERA-EDTA members AND YNP members can receive this free ERA-EDTA membership.

2. A 1-year free membership will be given, automatically, to all young people who have

submitted an accepted ORIGINAL OR REVIEW PUBLICATION in NDT or CKJ.

This 1-year free membership can be renewed ONLY TWICE if the member have

submitted an accepted another paper in NDT or CKJ.

3. This free membership can be used the year when the paper was published (the

printed version of the paper with volume and page numbers) or the consecutive

year if the current year is already paid for.

4. Only the FIRST or CORRESPONDING/SENIOR/LAST AUTHOR can receive this

free ERA-EDTA membership.

5. The member has to send the “pdf” form of her/his paper to the YNP (ynp@era- as the application for this free membership.

6. Free members receive free access to NDT + CKJ online only and do not receive

the print issue of the Journal (similarly to Junior Membership).

7. No more than 20 free memberships can be given each calendar year. No more

than 20 applications will be supported in each calendar year.
