You have tiger blood and Adonis DNA Be confident! Be confident! Confidence is very detectable and...


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How to be Bi-


Charlie Sheen’s Guide

toHealthy Social Interactions

You have tiger blood and Adonis DNA

Be confident! Confidence is very detectable and makes conversations and hanging out a lot easier and

less stressful.

Try this! If you feel self-conscious, sit

down and make a list of all your positive attributes. Update it as often as you can and look at it when you need a confidence


No one picks a fight with a warlock

Be assertive If you let others walk all over you,

you won’t be able to have a healthy friendship with them as equals. The only one who will

always be around to stick up for you is yourself!

Try this! The next time someone says

something that makes you unhappy or upset, try approaching them in an

assertive (but not aggressive) manner to work it out. People are usually

understanding and will try not to say the same thing again!

Expose people to magicTry new things out with your

friends. You are not only broadening your

horizons, but helping your friends to broaden theirs as well!

Try this: Look up cool attractions or events

specific to the Olympia/Portland area and go check them out with some

friends. Such as…Ice skating in the middle of

the mall at the Lloyd Center in Portland

2201 Lloyd Center, Portland, OR 97232

Are your friends goddesses?Treating others with respect gives them a reason to treat

you with respect too!

Try this Set a goal of complimenting

at least one friend a day.

Make sure to compliment something specific to that individual to make it more

personal. Soon it will be second nature for you to notice those special things about them that

others might not!

You shouldn’t have to pretend that you’re not a total rock star from Mars

Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not to impress others. The best friends are the ones who like you for who you are, not who you

pretend to be.

Try this Invite someone along to join you in one

of your favorite activities. This is a great way to introduce

someone to something new and find shared interests. You can find out what their favorite activities are too and do

that next time!

Close your eyes and make it so with the power of your mind

Envision what kind of friendship you want with someone and

work to make it a reality!

Try this Each week, brainstorm some conversation topics related to what’s going on at Evergreen,

shared interests/hobbies, current events, or programs. You will be

more relaxed and prepared for any social interactions!

Compiled by Chris Wolfram, RA in Centreville Hall at University of Maryland-College Park