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Running head: A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 1

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars

Yousif Alsinan


A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 2

Table of Contents:

• Table of Contents ……….……………………………………………………... Page 2

• Abstract ………………………………………………………………………… Page 3

• Acknowledgements …………………………………………………...………... Page 8

• Introduction ……………………………………………………………………. Page 9

• Body …………………………………………………………………………… Page 13

• Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………... Page 38

• References ……………………………………………………………………… Page 40

• Appendix ………………………………………………………………………... Page 44

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 3

This academic research paper for Prince Mohammad bin Fahd University by Yousif

Alsinan, an MIS & HRM Freshman in the school year 2017/2018, will discuss different

approaches of marketing the novel electric car, it will do so utilizing different marketing

strategies, through the lenses of as consumer behavior and behavior modification due to their

promising potential and capability of improving the current marketing approach. The demand for

electric cars is slightly rising each year globally, with no peak expected to be reached any time


The research represents one of the many applications of Consumer behavior and

Behavior Modification, it is a goal of this paper to clarify the common principles of both fields

that can be applied in different situations. This paper will be utilizing the quantitative survey

method, which will provide information about why the demand for electric cars is low in Saudi

Arabia and how potential customers in the country perceive current marketing activities. Based

on the identified issues of marketing activities that will be given by those surveyed, valuable

recommendations on how to market an electric car successfully in Saudi Arabia will be provided.

This research project aims to find a possible improvement to today’s e-car marketing

strategy, which will in turn contribute, albeit slightly, to a cleaner environment, regionally, as

well as globally. And if not, it can be a contribution to both consumer behavior as well as

behavior modification as disciplines.

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 4

The main purpose of this research paper is to analyze the causes behind the slow rise in

demand for electric cars and to provide educated suggestions for a better overall marketing

strategy in the near future. These suggestions will be expressed through both consumer behavior

theory, as well as behavior modification theory respectively.

Consumer Behavior and Behavior Modification are very powerful, yet underused

disciplines in many parts of the world. This research project is aimed at clarifying the potential

of these two fields of study. Both are widely used and can be applied in many other fields. such


Education, schools can apply these theories in the classroom, by equipping teachers with

tools to modify/tweak students’ behaviors through positive as well as negative reinforcement.

Bringing those theories to service in the classroom can lead to better/well behaved students and

future citizens (Epstein & Hench, 1979). Since citizens have been mentioned, it is only

appropriate to also mention the government. Politics, for instance, Donald Trump utilized

propaganda, a form of behavior modification, to influence the mainstream media to report what

he wanted them to report, to persuade the American voters do what he wanted them to (Roberts,


Business, in the workplace, employers can improve their employees’ performance and

stimulate them to be more productive, putting to use the “carrot principle” for example, creating

a more profitable and successful business. (Cialdini, 2015) While in Sales, salespeople can

persuade the consumer decision making into possibly making a purchase, or into becoming a

more frequent costumer. In electronic sales, that might translate into getting more clicks, through

the use of tools like user interface and user experience, modeling the website/app to target people

of all traits effectively, whether it be B-to-B, B-to-C, or even C-to-C. (Cialdini, 2017)

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 5

We are all Behavior modifiers in some sense, and we are all consumers. We do it

naturally in any interaction we have with others, communicating our likes and dislikes. So, in

order to sharpen our natural instinct and put it to a better use, or to protect ourselves from others

taking advantage of us, it is important for us to dig more and clarify these disciplines in our


As stated above, everyone is a behavior modifier in one sense or another. We try to

influence and persuade people within our small circle, albeit informally. All of us also have been

exposed to consumer behavior if we have ever consumed anything. Because products, services,

and thoughts can all be consumed. And to those of us entering the business world, we have to

understand the grand theory of both to manage those businesses and utilize them in our

interactions with our employees and/or customers.

This Literature review provides valuable information related to consumer behavior

theory, behavior modification theory, as well as electric cars branding/marketing.

First, consumer behavior, as a field of study, is going to be utilized here to better

understand and analyze the future potential electric car buyer. Studying the purchasing patterns

of everyday commodities and various factors that weigh in the common consumers decision

making (Dillon & Reif, 2004). Or explaining consumer behavior through the use of models

focusing on personality, usability, risk, and social influence. That may make the average online

customer feel exposed and his privacy compromise (Yoon, 2015). Consumers trust is an

important factor that influences their decision making or even consideration of purchasing online

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 6

and websites can make it clear to their customers that their privacy will not be compromised

(Sarris, 2015).

Second, behavior modification, also, will be utilized as a field to prepare an effective

marketing strategy. For example, the use of personality traits in effectively presenting product

information to target and influence people of different personality types (Jahng & Ramamurthy,

2002). As well as exploring different factors that can influence and effectively persuade the e-

commerce commodity purchases (Dillon & Reif, 2004). Or even the recent 2016 presidential

election, and Trump’s use of propaganda to influence the common voter’s patterns (Roberts,


This research project is to utilize a quantitative survey method. The survey will be

borrowed from an already done dissertation, which targets the same objectives this research aims

to target. This research project utilizes convenient sampling, the population will be all potential

future electric car buyers.

This research project aims to measure where consumers are in marketing theory before

applying different marketing strategies. By analyzing the different answers of the sample.

Expecting to find useful information that can better the selection of future marketing approach of

the electric car. And possibly a new applicable marketing strategy.

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 7

Implications of this research project will be focusing on, by utilizing the consumer

behavior theory as well as the behavior modification theory discussed in the literature review,

various affective ways to market E-cars, considering the role of advertisement in effectively

influencing the consumer. The study results in the field of branding/marketing perspective

should provide important information on how to better the marketing strategy of a product like

the electric car, focusing on what has to be done and what should be avoided. The discussed

literature review helps to reach the goal of this study, providing significant information on how

to improve the marketing strategy of any product/service.

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 8

Thank you to all those who provided me with information, whether it be those who

participated in the survey, those who worked on the literature reviewed, and most importantly

my instructor, Mr. Ali M AlGhazo.

Thank you also, for reading this research investigation.

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 9

We, human beings, are social creatures by nature. We developed that deep dependence on

each other, giving rise to communities and societies that are only growing through the years.

Interpersonal communication is crucial to our survival, it is clearly used by those in the higher

steps of the hierarchy to influence those under their control. It is already obvious to us that not all

of our communication is verbal, but it is not yet clear how much of it is actually non-verbal.

Some studies suggest that a quite significant amount of our interpersonal communication is in

reality non-verbal, claiming that only 7% is verbal (Pease & Pease, 2006). Both Consumer

Behavior and Behavior Modification aim at tapping into those unexplored possibilities and

percentages to improve our communication, making it easier to influence anyone and persuade

on command.

Consumer Behavior & Behavior Modification are very useful tools in the marketing field.

Tools to be utilized by large corporations, businesses, and government agencies to name a few.

To attract as much traffic as possibly. As a future businessman, these two fields are not to be

underestimated if success is anywhere in the list of goals of any business I contribute to. This

research paper is a little exercise for the reader and I, to be able to learn more about these two

concepts and try to apply them to real life situations through the use of a mind stimulating


The research represents one of the many applications of Consumer behavior and

Behavior Modification, it is a goal of this paper to clarify the common principles of both fields

that can be applied in different situations. This paper will be utilizing the quantitative survey

method, which will provide information about why the demand for electric cars is low in Saudi

Arabia and how potential customers in the country perceive current marketing activities. Based

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 10

on the identified issues of marketing activities that will be given by those surveyed, valuable

recommendations on how to market an electric car successfully in Saudi Arabia will be provided.

This research project aims to find a possible improvement to today’s e-car marketing

strategy, which will in turn contribute, albeit slightly, to a cleaner environment, regionally, as

well as globally. And if not, it can be a contribution to both consumer behavior as well as

behavior modification as disciplines.

The main purpose of this research paper is to analyze the causes behind the slow rise in

demand for electric cars and to provide educated suggestions for a better overall marketing

strategy in the near future. These suggestions will be expressed through both consumer behavior

theory, as well as behavior modification theory respectively.

Consumer Behavior Theory is totally dependent historically on the marketing discipline,

whether it be classical, managerial, behavioral, or adaptive (Sheth, 1985). The sole purpose of it

was to find a way to market products and commodities more effectively. While Behavior

Modification started as a psychology laboratory experimentation tool, correctional

psychotherapy to be specific. It was developed to find a way to heal nonphysical ambiguous

illnesses (Kazdin, 1978). But eventually found its way into many other disciplines, such as

medicine, education, and marketing to name a few.

Information about products may be harder to obtain, but today, this should not and cannot

be used as an excuse by the average consumer, especially that it is much easier for everyone to

do their full research about available products while lying in bed (Nelson, 1970). Online reviews

are valuable indicators of the worthiness to visit any destinations. Bad and dishonest reviews

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 11

should not be given too much attention that it overpowers the good majority. Bad ones should

only be filtered out by the researcher (Beaton, 2018).

Behavior Modification is a promising, growing field. Judging it by its limitations is unfair

to its potential. We should be contributing to its development and expedite its progress,

criticizing it in its early stages is jumping the gun (Kazdin, 1979). It is a possible approach to

Behavior Modification. The applications can be more effective once the field becomes less

ambiguous. It is a bit too early to say for sure. But applying self-control techniques was in its self

an experiment, not an application (Rosenbaum, 1978). Consumer Behavior is a growing research

field. It is separating from its roots, marketing. And the attention it is getting will unveil a lot of

crucial information that makes it less vague and easily applicable by those who wish to do so

(Slovenia, 2003). Different ways and variations of Behavior Modification have been developing

during the past few decades. And further research is still needed to make it clear what the best of

approach is. Furthermore, going through how, why, and what made those successful cases

different than the others. All of the different issues stated above have not been scholarly

researched yet (Brogan, 1981).

The two fields are quickly growing beyond recognition. And the results, if they keep

progressing at least at the same base that they already are, draw a picture of a promising future.

A common assumption that affects the application of various consumer behavior

techniques is challenged in this research paper, that states that sales departments are responsible

of the effectiveness of the Marketing strategy. (Ataman, Van Heerde, & Mela, 2010). And that

wave encouraged researchers to look into tweaking other parts of the equation, like Relationship

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 12

Marketing, that was intended to find ways to improve and elongate the business-to-customer

interaction, a marketing strategy through identifying and manipulating factors that may

systematically develop a stronger connection between the two (Palmatier, Dant, Grewal, &

Evans, 2006)

While assumptions relating to behavior modification started as process focused, that is,

how to best modify the subject’s behavior, a black-box approach to the field (Edelman, 2015).

Which had to be quickly changed shortly after applying it in the medical field, because through

applying it, it became clear that the end result should not exclude the subject’s well-being

(Albarracín, Gillette, Earl, Glasman, Durantini, & Moon-Ho Ho, 2009)

To summarize, both fields have been tested and applied through a trial and error

approach. It is useful to learn from the shortcomings of the grand theory of both Consumer

Behavior as well as Behavior Modification, and not judge it by those blind-spots yet. Past

researchers may have fell into making a hasty generalization at times, and they still do not agree

on what the problems/root-causes are in order to zoom into and untangle them, that can be

avoided in the future by increasing the sample size to get more accurate data results. And

zooming into one aspect of a field may cause us to miss other important, relevant details, it may

be tempting to take the knowledge that looks convincing and promising on paper and project it

into the real world, but we have to remember that we might need to make some adjustments to

include things we failed to include in our research. A map of a residential house is more often

than not, vaguely resembles the final product.

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 13

The quantitative data collected, which will be analyzed below, were the product of a

questionnaire made up of 25 questions, taken from an MBA graduate dissertation (Dieterich,

2014). In general, it is meant to investigate how the Tesla brand is perceived by the consumers.

To analyze the perception of consumers in this research project, the survey focused on Tesla

Model S, the Luxury E-car of the Tesla brand, since it falls between the Tesla Model X and Tesla

Model 3, making it their middle choice for consumers, not the cheapest, and the most expensive.

All three E-car options together make up, for now, the Tesla brand, since the Roadster is out of

production (Tesla, 2018). Consumers’ perception of and association with the Tesla Model S will

be viewed as representative for the whole Tesla brand.

The Overall research question of this paper is: What is the reason for low consumer

demand for E-cars in the Saudi Arabian market and how can these issues be positively

influenced from a marketing point of view?

The first seven questions are aimed at profiling and identifying potential E-car buyers in

order to make for a clearer analysis of the collected data (Dieterich, 2014).

Question 1: What Gender are you?

From the eighty respondents who were selected. 60 of the respondents were males and 20

were females. Percentagewise, males made up 75% and female respondents 25%. From the

sample selected and participated in the survey, all respondent answered this question (figure 1).

Figure 1: Gender of the sample

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 14

Question 2: How old are you?

From the sampled population, 71.3% is 19-25 years old. Followed by 10% being 36-45

years old and another 10% that are 46-55 years old (figure 2). The sample, though convenient,

closely reflects the Saudi Arabian demographics, today roughly 70% of Saudi citizens are below

30 years old. No one skipped the question.

Figure 2: Age of the sample

Question 3: What is your highest education level?

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 15

68.8% of the sample have high school degrees. While 21.3% of the sampled people have

University degrees and 7.5% have Master’s Degrees (figure 3). Keep in mind that the majority of

the respondents were University students. So, it can be deduced that most of the respondents are

very well educated and/or seeking to advance their education levels. No respondent skipped the


Figure 3: Education level of the sample

Question 4: What is your monthly net income?

Here, 63.7% of the respondents declared that they have a net income of less than 500$ a

month. While almost a fifth of the respondents, 18.8%, earn more than 3100$ a month (figure 4).

Tesla Model S costs about 75,000$, it is currently priced at 275,000 AED in the UAE, which is

roughly how much it would cost in SAR. To buy an E-car like the Tesla Model S, a potential

consumer has to save 6,300$ a month for one year, that is 23,500 SAR a month. In 5 years, the

potential consumer has to save 1250$ a month, or 4700 SAR to buy this E-car. When we do a

quick comparison to the monthly income of the sample, the Model S is clearly a very high

investment, and some might say out of reach.

Figure 4: Net Income of the Sample

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 16

Questions 5 & 6:

The fifth question is strictly focused at the samples’ consideration of buying an E-car,

since it is not currently available in Saudi Arabia, and more than half the respondents, 56.3%

would consider buying an E-car presently (figure 5). The high investment can be seen as a reason

as to why 35% of the respondents would not even consider an E-car as an option for their next

car (figure 6). Comparing the results from questions 5 and 6, we can deduce that roughly 8.8%

would not consider the E-car presently but might in the future. None of the respondents skipped

the question.

Figure 5: Present Demand of E-cars

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 17

Figure 6: Future Demand of E-cars

Question 7:

The 35% respondents, who could not give an E-car a chance currently or in the future,

were asked in a question to select, from a list, the most important reason not considering an E-

car. The responses varied widely, the most common answer picked, by 27% was being unsure

about the charging infrastructure. The second, being picked by 17.6% is lack of trust in the

technology. The third, picked by 16.2% had doubts of their ability to afford an E-car (figure 7).

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 18

Figure 7: Reasons for not buying an E-car

To resume the analysis of the previous seven questions, aimed at indicating the consumer

behavior of the sample, the majority are between 19-25 years old and are seeking to be or are

already very well-educated. Most have a monthly income less than 500$, which is obvious when

we take into account that most of them were full-time University students. Since E-cars are not

available in the country yet all of the respondents do not own an E-car, but 56.3% would buy

presently if E-cars are available. 35% of the sample could not consider an E-car presently or for

the next car purchase. The most often named reason for not buying an E-car is doubts about the

infrastructure, followed by doubts about the technology and the cost of such cars. The analysis

above may be able to provide enough information to prove the readiness of the majority of the

Saudi Arabian population to be exposed to E-cars. It also identifies of few problems that justify

this investigation, that is, to find out the main potential reasons for not considering an E-car and

how this problem can be solved through marketing concepts, namely consumer behavior and

behavior modification.

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 19

Data collected by other sources indicate different patterns, which is understandable

considering the fact they are conducted in different countries, making them different overall


Julia Dieterich, found in her investigation that the majority of the germen consumers

(roughly 90%), though are well within the age of independence, more than 80% being between

26-55, as well as being highly educated, roughly 75% have a University degree or higher. And

are capable of affording the Model S, utilizing the already discussed 5 years saving plan. Still

could not consider buying an E-car. The main reason for them however, was that E-cars are too

expensive, followed by them being badly designed, as well as not having enough Km/h, or as

stated by them “Reach”. (Dieterich, 2014).

There are clear differences between the results collected by me and the other data being

compared. Price, for example, though clearly high for the majority of consumers, was not as

much of a problem for Saudi Arabian consumers in comparison to their German counterparts.

The cost is likely to go down by the time E-cars are introduced in the Saudi Arabian Market. Age

might have been a factor to the clear difference between the two when it comes to considering an

E-car. Since young people are more likely to embrace change and adopt new technology.

Germany already has a developed infrastructure when it comes to E-cars, something Saudi

Arabia is yet to catch up on, and it is clear in the seventh question of the survey. The culture

might also play a role here as to why Saudis are more welcoming of the E-car, a vehicle is

viewed as a companion, something more than just a means of transportation, it is tied to your

social status in Saudi Arabia, unlike Germany.

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 20

The next ten questions, 8 through 17, are meant to test the following hypothesis:

consumer’s perception of the Tesla brand is low.

By utilizing three independent variables:

1- Product information

2- Brand personality

3- Brand associations

Variable 1: Product information

The next four questions are aimed at measuring the samples’ knowledge of basic

information about the product.

Question 8:

Nearly a third, 28.7% of the respondents answered the question correctly, estimating the

Tesla Model S to cost more than 67,000$. This price range a few thousand US dollars less than

the real price of the E-car. 57.4% estimated the car to be expensive, that is more than 49,000$.

While the remaining 42.6% estimated it to cost less than 48,000$ (figure 8). It cannot be

determined as to whether the answer was given because of prior exposure to the information or

the answer was picked out of sheer coincidence. But it can be said that more than 70% gave the

wrong answer. And more than half of the respondents totally missed the mark, indicating that

they did not know the real price of the Model S.

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 21

Figure 8: Estimated costs of the Tesla Model S

Question 9:

The answers of this question are clearly inconsistent. The correct answer is that the

normal charging process, at home, on a 240-volt outlet for the 2018 Model S, that can reach 315

miles on a full charge, should take a little more than 10 hours, that is because the home charging

pace should reach a speed of 31 miles of range per hour charged, which was answered correctly

by 8.8% of the sample (Tesla, 2018). The Model S made in previous years however reached a

full charge an hour faster due to it reaching less on a full charge, roughly 300 miles. So, the

respondents that answered 8-9 hours will be also included in the count of those who answered

correctly, and they were 22.5%, driving up the total of those who answered correctly to 31.3%.

That leaves the majority of the sample, or 68.7% with incorrect answers. 35.1% guessed a fewer

hours of charging time, while 33.7% guessed a longer charging process (figure 9).

Figure 9: Estimated charging time of the Tesla Model S

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 22

Question 10:

The right answer to this question is, as stated in the previous question, more the 250

km/150 miles. 52.5% answered correctly (figure 10). less than half, 46.5% thought that the reach

is less than 250 km/150 miles, which is an underestimate in all cases. Here, we can deduce that

the reach of the Tesla Model S is thought to be significantly lower than what it actually is.

Figure 10: Estimated reach of the Tesla Model S

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 23

Question 11:

38.7% of the respondents guessed the correct acceleration of the Tesla Model S, that is

about 0-100 km/h or 0-60 MPH, 25% think the E-car has an acceleration of 0-40 km/h and 19%

decided for 0-60km/h (Tesla, 2018). In the other hand, the remaining 61.3% thought that the

vehicle had a lower acceleration (figure 11). Again, just like the previous results, majority of

respondents underestimated the Tesla Model S.

Figure 11: Estimated acceleration of the Tesla Model S in 2.5 seconds

Summarizing the results research in relation to product information about the Tesla

Model S. According to the responses of the previous four questions, it can be assessed that more

than half of the respondents, and consequently, potential consumers in the near future are not

sufficiently informed about the Model S. If we apply the consumer behavior/marketing concept,

commonly known as the Hierarchy of Effects Theory, we quickly realize that the average

consumer is at the beginning stages of the model. In order to attract more consumers, companies

need to put in at least a basic advertainment effort to pass to their targeted consumers critical

information. The information makes consumers more aware of the brand and will, ideally, create

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 24

a positive association of the brand in the minds of potential consumers. Triggering an assessment

of the product, and whether it satisfy the needs of the consumer. That is all taking place in the

first stage of the Hierarchy of Effects, referred to as the cognitive stage. It is the first of three, the

stages are also known as think, feel, and do, everyone exposed to the brand goes through each

stage before becoming a consumer, and the Saudi citizen is clearly still in stage one.

Variable 2: Brand Personality

The next question, question 12, is aimed at measuring what the Saudi Arabian consumer

associates the Tesla brand with. Some were attributes listed are ones any brand would want to

come across as, while others are usually preferred by brands to not be identified with.

Question 12:

Overall, most respondents identified the brand with positive attributes, such as it being

environmentally friendly, modern, and stylish. Though, traditionally, eco cars are looked down

upon, it is unclear whether Elon Musk would like for the Tesla brand to be associated with being

an eco-car or not. It is, however, clear that it is not what he originally intended for the Model S.

The only significant negative attribute from the result was that the technology was looked at as

complicated, which may help to explain why there were people who could not trust the

technology, this can easily change through time, since the brand as well as the technology are

relatively new (figure 12).

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 25

Figure 12: Associated Product Attributes with the Tesla Model S

Variable 3: Product Associations

The next five questions, 13 through 17, are intended to detect what the potential

consumers associate the product specifically with. That is, in a social context.

Question 13:

54.4% of the respondents considered the Model S suitable for a very successful person,

while 40.5% viewed it as a car for those with average success. Here we can see a very positive

view of the vehicle, where roughly 95% view the Model S positively (figure 13).

Figure 13: Associated Attributes considering the Tesla Model S as a Status Symbol

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 26

Question 14:

Answers widely varied for this question, but the most common response by far, at 40% is

that the Model S is viewed as a Trend car, which is interpreted as a double-edged sword from a

marketing perspective. While another 41.3% thought of it as an eco-car or an everyday car.

Nearly 10% identified it as sports/business car, while the remaining could not clearly categorize

it (figure 14).

Figure 14: Associated Lifestyle with the Tesla Model S

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 27

Question 15:

Most associated this car with masculinity, with 53.2% view it as a male vehicle. While

only 6.3% saw it projecting feminine traits. 40.5% could not decide on one gender (figure 15).

Figure 15:

Question 16:

Most respondents perceive the Model S as a Young adult/Adult vehicle, in that both were

picked by at least half the sample.

Figure 16: Associated Consumer Age with the Tesla Model S

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 28

Question 17:

Overall, the vehicle is perceived as a creative, eccentric, extroverted, as well as

sympathetic. All of which would be likely to be celebrated by the man himself, Elon Musk.

Figure 17: Associated Characteristics considering the Tesla Model S as a Person

To bring product association to a conclusion, the car is perceived, mainly, as an E-car for

a highly successful individual as well as someone with average success, which shows that it is

categorized as status symbol. The Model S is perceived as Trend car, which does not necessarily

align with Musk’s long-term vision for the vehicle. Yet, it is categorized as an everyday car by

almost a fifth of the sample, which is something Tesla might have wanted to achieve. It can be

deduced that Tesla achieved an overall positive brand image. The Model S is mainly associated

with males. It is also mainly associated with young adults/adults. The brand, overall, is

associated with characteristics like creativity, sympathy, extroversion, and eccentricity. So, the

brand already managed to attract a more positive view. However, the three variables have been

utilized and made it clear that the degree of product information is low. Brand personality is

positive and associated with positive characteristics. The overall brand association is described

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 29

positively. In the end, out of the three variables, the first is a clear place for improvement.

Consumers perception of the Tesla brand has to be improved and the hypotheses is confirmed.

Dieterich’s investigation led her, again, to a different conclusion. The German consumer

had different feelings about the E-car. Unlike Saudis, Germans perceived the E-car as more of a

female vehicle. Most of them identified it as an eco-car, which is more of a negative attribute in

the German society. They also did not think that E-cars were designed well enough, nor looked

modern enough. E-cars were viewed as a trend car as well as a family car, but not as an everyday

car. It was also attributed mainly to those with average success, making it fall short of being

considered a status symbol vehicle. The same three variable process was used, and two were

identified as variables in need of improvement, being the first as well as the third (Dieterich,


There are many ways the findings of this investigation are different from Dieterich’s. The

following reasons listed may help to shed some light on why this is the case. First, the car being

used in this investigation, the Tesla Model S is a costly, luxury vehicle. While Dieterich’s

investigation went about very differently, due to utilizing a vehicle like the BMW i3, which is,

while still luxurious, costs half of what the Model S does, and is much small. Which can explain

why her population perceived it as a female car, which is traditionally a small city car. The

German population not viewing the BMW i3 as a vehicle the is designed well enough or one that

looked modern enough doesn’t necessarily mean that they would have the same feelings about

the Tesla Model S.

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 30

The next question 18, is meant to measure the consumer’s brand attitude, to test whether

the attitude towards the brand is positive or not.

Question 18:

Overall, the sample perceived the all of the values as ones that either are very important,

or indispensable, except the following, there being no fuel cost, and the vehicle being behind a

known brand (figure 18). That is may be due to other values being prioritized here, like

becoming one of the fast growing, environmentally friendly consumers. Or them being more

willing to pay for quality. To summarize this point, we can see that there is a positive attitude

towards the E-car brand already.

Figure 18: Perceived added value of the Tesla Model S in total

The next four questions, 19-22, are aimed at measuring the effectiveness of the marketing

activity of the Tesla brand, and whether it is making it come across as a trustworthy brand or


Question 19:

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 31

More than three quarters, 76.3% of the sample had trust in the Tesla brand to produce E-

cars. While less than a quarter, 23.8% did not (figure 19). The responses make sense, since Tesla

is solely and specifically an E-car manufacturer.

Figure 19: Trusting the car manufacturer Tesla

Question 20:

55% thought Tesla was an honest as a brand when it comes to reducing CO2 emissions

and being environmentally friendly, 35% were on the fence about it, and only 10% thought that it

was dishonest (figure 20).

Figure 20: Believe in Honesty of Tesla

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 32

Question 21:

42.5% thought that the Tesla marketing message was clear, 40% were unsure, while the

remaining 17.5% were either confused or did not get the message at all (figure 21).

Figure 21: Understanding the Marketing Message of Tesla

Question 22:

More than half the sample, 51.2% thought that the vehicle will be successfully sold in the

future, while 35% were on the fence about it, and the remaining 13.7% did not believe in a

successful future for the E-car (figure 22).

Figure 22: Believe in the Success of the Tesla Model S

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 33

To sum up the previous five questions, 18-22, the brands value adding efforts are

effective in general. The car manufacturer is trusted by three quarters of the sample to make E-

cars. Only a tenth thought that the brand was dishonest about its mission. More than 80% of the

respondents understood Tesla’s marketing message either totally or partially. And more than

80% had high hopes for the future success of the company.

Julia’s results are once again very different. This time, it might be solely based on the E-

car chosen in her investigation being different than the one used in this investigation. The added

value figure in her case was more dispersed, with the known brand option being picked the most.

Nearly 70% did not trust the manufacturer, in this case BMW, to make E-cars, it probably is due

to the brand being so old in comparison to Tesla, making it easier to be associated with the

traditional gasoline engine vehicle. Most respondents in her case thought that the brand was

being dishonest about its mission to become environmentally friendly. More than 80% thought

that the marketing message was clear, again either fully or slightly. But the majority in her case,

being more than 60% had no belief in the BMW E-car success (Dieterich, 2014).

BMW being an older, traditional car manufacturer may be the reason why Germans did

not trust the brand to produce electric cars. It seemed like a quick shift for the company to make

without meeting in with an equally big change the company’s infrastructure from the perspective

of the average consumer. Something Tesla would not need to go through, being an electric car

manufacturer from day one. BMW being relatively late to enter the E-car market may have made

it seem to the average consumer, for BMW to get behind the environmentally friendly slogan as

a façade. While Tesla were one of the brands, if not the brand that proved the E-car market.

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 34

Though Tesla, Elon Musk specifically, does not believe in traditional advertising, his message

was as clear to the audience as that of BMW. In the information age, spending on advertising

may not be as important as working on creating a message that will attract attention. And Elon

Musk, being a charismatic, visionary leader may have helped it making four fifths of this sample

believe in the success of his company. While BMW, being a very old brand that has been acting

like it is pushed to compete, and rather desperate to take a slice of the E-car market.

The last three questions, 23-25 are aimed at measuring the brands equity. Which will

allow for an analysis of whether the brand experience is meaningful for the targeted audience

and how different the brand made it clear to set itself for its competitors. Which can be reached

through intrinsic or extrinsic values that ultimately influence consumer behavior.

Question 23:

The most reported answer, at 37.5% was of those who can identify with Tesla as a brand.

It is closely followed by those who can identify a little bit with the brand at 36.3%, while roughly

a quarter, 26.3% could not identify with the brand (figure 23).

Figure 23: Identification with the brand Tesla

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 35

Question 24:

Intrinsically, most of the respondents associated the brand with positive feelings more

than negative ones. The most picked feeling were curiosity, excitement, interest, and fun. While

the least picked were dislike, dishonesty, and lack of interest (figure 24). This a highly positive

association of the brand.

Figure 24: Associated feelings with the brand Tesla (intrinsic)

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 36

Question 25:

Extrinsically, by watching a Tesla Press Conference. The overall feeling improved. The

top picked feelings were excitement, curiosity, interest, and fun. While the least picked were,

again, dislike, dishonesty, and lack of interest (figure 25).

Figure 25: Associated Emotions with the brand Tesla after watching the Press Conference

To bring the last three questions to a summary, more than 70% of the respondents

identified with the brand, whether totally or partially. And in both cases, intrinsic and extrinsic,

the brand was associated with very positive feelings and negative emotions were picked the least.

The Tesla brand rode the new wave modern companies are riding, like amazon. Where

advertisement is done indirectly and in a totally unorthodox fashion, but the last three questions

indicated that somehow, that wave is taking the so far.

Julia’s findings were clearly different than mine. Again, the main cause is probably the

difference in the vehicle picked. Her findings led her to an overall more negative feelings, when

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 37

compared to the findings of mine, both intrinsically and extrinsically. More than a third of her

respondents, 36% could not identify with the brand. BMW might have a few lessons to learn

from its young competitor.

The difference here may be due to the totally different design of each vehicle, as well as

what each brand represents. Tesla is a company that is researching and finding solution to issues

that affect every human being on earth. Like reaching Mars, minimizing the effects of global

warming, etc. While BMW is associated to the picture of the traditional business, that is make

profit & expand in order to make more profit. It seems that people are somewhat fed up with the

traditional business, and that they are excited for a change, where it is more of a win-win

situation between businesses and their consumers.

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 38

This research project intended to find a possible improvement to today’s e-car marketing

strategy, which will in turn contribute, albeit slightly, to a cleaner environment, regionally, as

well as globally. And if not, it is still a contribution to both consumer behavior as well as

behavior modification as disciplines.

The main purpose of this research paper was to analyze the causes behind the slow rise in

demand for electric cars and to provide educated suggestions for a better overall marketing

strategy in the near future. These suggestions were expressed through both consumer behavior

theory, as well as behavior modification theory respectively.

Overall, there was little work to do to improve the marketing approach in the Saudi

Arabian market. The Saudi consumer seems very enthusiastic about the idea of Tesla being an

option for a vehicle. The majority of the sample were very young, which makes for a promising

future for the Tesla brand, which the sample already indicated. It was surprising how positive the

overall image of the brand was even though the brand has not entered the market yet, which is a

very solid ground to leverage to their advantage to gain momentum once they finally do. The

thing that the brand needs to do the most, currently, is to find a way to feed their future the

necessary knowledge.

The German market was not as enthusiastic about more electric cars in the market, and

saw some challenges, like charging time and price as a turnoff, these problems will need a lot of

time to solve, namely technological advancement. Reach and design improvements as well as a

wider targeted customer base might benefit the BMW brand.

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 39

The research findings lead to different and various implications. It can be utilized to solve

other marketing issues and improve the overall marketing strategy. To better understand

consumer behavior, or to better understand the Saudi Arabian consumer. Research papers of E-

cars in Saudi Arabia are nearly non-existent, this paper may be something for future researchers

to build on.

This research paper showed how enthusiastic the average Saudi consumer is about the

idea of an electric car, which was eye opening, surprising, and useful to me. Hope it triggered the

same feeling or at least some of them. Thank you for reading my first quantitative research

investigation. And I hope to produce more educated and improved papers in the future.

A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 40


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A quantitative analysis of Consumer Behavior in relation to Electric Cars 44


The following few pages listed below are an empty copy of the survey utilized in this

research project.

“A quantitative investigation for the optimization of marketing strategies of E-cars in the

automobile market”