Yin & Yang ” Fanxi Delarue


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Fanxi Delarue Gallery presents

“ Yin & Yang ” Fanxi Delarue

Fanxi Delarue Gallery is pleased to announce a new solo exhibition “Yin & Yang” by Fanxi Delarue in the Talisman Bed & Breakfast gallery location: 11bis Rue Charles Rhône, Saint Germain en Laye from 28 June through 17 Oct 2018. The vernissage will be on Thursday, the 28th June 2018 from 6:30pm to 11pm.

Fanxi is originally from Inner Mongolia China. With her extensive travel experience, she does not have a systematic approach to creating the photo images.  As she said:  "I do not want to frame or limit myself. I am always trying to experiment and push my own boundaries. Each time I travel to a place, I simply follow my intuition and allow the environment to shape my perception of light, space, and time.” Some of Fanxi's most striking images evoke an intimacy with nature, while at the same time they underline the abstract dimension that a close-up can communicate. The connection with her subject conveys an intimacy that is borne out of a search for an original means of her expression of beauty.  Her approach is highly intuitive and not codified – in fact, the process itself is often a journey of discovery in and of itself. Eventually the images speak about who she is and how she perceives the world around her…

Fanxi is always fascinated by black and white photography.   In her work, she created some memorable images in black and white.  She believes black and white is rather elegant, it has a certain mystique, in addition to an attitude.  It offers a different way of looking at things.  As she explained: There is an indescribable magic to black and white images that is impossible to explain: black and white photos walk the line between reality and fantasy; they are about the interaction between shadows and highlights, tones and contrasts.  It works especially well for textural images like her works of the wave, sand and beach.  The gray scale brings out the contrasts and depth of the image and strengthens the emotional impact she is trying to convey.