YESHIVAH Newsletter BETH RIVKAH Term 2 Week 9 - 2018.06.08 - Whole... ·...


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8 June 2018


Term 2 Week 9כ'ה סיון תשע''ח

Parashas ShlachIs My Decision The Best?By Rabbi Sholom Ber Odze - Primary School Teacher

Ask a Jew his dream destination or where he would really love to live and the words "Eretz Yisroel" will frequently be heard. So many Jews desire to move to the Holy Land.

Take it a step further and imagine you received a call from the Israeli consulate. The officer informed you that your name had been picked out of a lottery; you are the lucky recipient of some property in Eretz Yisroel and guaranteed employment in your profession. Wait, there's more: He continues to elaborate that you will receive an all-expenses-paid, relocation to your new home. If that wasn’t enough, you are allowed to bring as many family members as you like with you. This would be a tough one to turn down.

Looking at this week’s Parsha, the Jews are told they will enter Eretz Yisroel. Each tribe would be given land to cultivate and properties for their families. Strangely though, instead of embracing this gift being handed to them on a silver platter, they ask to first send spies. Reluctantly twelve spies

are sent, however, upon returning, in true media reporting fashion, ten of them spin the truth and create pandemonium. They describe Eretz Yisroel as being in the 'too hard' basket and only the simple would attempt to wage war.

Analysing this episode, the Jews were in a desert; they had the opportunity to get guaranteed property, land and employment. They were promised this in a country flowing with milk and honey by Hashem who performed abundant miracles for them until this point. Why would they not take it?

The Rebbe explains that they were not as naïve as one may think, nor were they as untrusting of Hashem as portrayed. On the contrary, these Jews were so committed to Hashem and his Torah they did not want to leave the all-encompassing hospitality Hashem offered in the desert, allowing them to be fully immersed in Torah and Mitzvos. The cloud of glory served as the perfect climate control, breadwinner, maid, butler and security enabling them to be absorbed entirely in holiness. Who would want to go to work and have to spend time on mundane activities instead of precious time with Hashem? Therefore, rather than follow the words Moshe had instructed,

they went with their own conclusions.

Although well intended, the Rebbe explains that basking in Hashem's radiance and having it all served on a silver platter was not Hashem's ultimate intention. Having Jews work in the everyday grind, making a living in the crude world we live in while still adhering to his Mitzvos and dedicated to his Torah, creates the building blocks of the home that Hashem desires in this world. A place in which Hashem can be proud to live.

We must not recreate the mistake of the spies. Let us not focus on what "we" think is best or become complacent with the admirable achievements we are making at home, even though they are likely to be admirable.

Shabbos Candle Lighting Times Erev Shabbos 8 June / 25 Sivan 2018 Light Candles at 4:50pm

Shabbos 9 June / 26 Sivan 2018 Shabbos Ends at 5:51pm






World Environment


World Environment Day This week in the Gurewicz Early Learning Centre, the children celebrated “World Environment Day” which occurs on June 5 every year, and is the United Nation's way of encouraging awareness and action for the protection of our environment. World Environment Day has grown to become a global platform for public outreach, with participation from over 143 countries annually.

As the need for greater sustainability becomes more apparent globally, so does

the importance of embedding sustainability in children’s programs. Through hands-on experiences, children can explore and learn about environmental issues. They can develop the creativity and critical thinking skills necessary to make informed decisions for change, improving the quality of their lives and those of future generations.

To contribute to our Centre’s sustainability initiative and in conjunction with World Environment Day, we have introduced new green caddy bins into each classroom and the children have started recycling their food and garden waste. All fruit and vegetable scraps, eggshells, bread, dairy leftovers, weeds, flowers and grass are emptied into the green

caddy and then emptied into our worm farms or into the large green bins around the Centre. These scraps will be turned into compost and then used in parks, gardens and farms to improve soil, rather than being buried in landfill.

Through different projects, role playing, gardening and art activities in each Kinder room, our children have a better understanding of the importance of the environment and how they can work towards a green, sustainable and liveable future. The interest the children have taken with these processes is remarkable and we often find them reminding the staff of the correct procedures.

↑ Kinder 7 children made their own planet earth for 'World Environment Day'

↑ 'Oops' Aleza Balbin found some plastic in the kitchen caddy. She places it into the correct bin.

↑ Ariella Szental becoming familiar with the different coloured recycle bins

↑ As part of 'World Environment Day', Kinder 9 boys made special signs to take home to help them remember to recycle - Shmuel Yosef Green

↑ Dina Searle and Yehudis New tearing paper in preparation to make recycled paper

↑ Beila Kornhauser putting paper into the recycling bin.

↑ Benji Max Borowski, Dan Luntz and Eli Sabbah are using excess water from the drinking cups to water the plants as part of their learning about sustainable practices.

↑ Pearl Feldman shows us the impact of pollution on our environment

↑ Kinder 10 boys brought their snacks and lunch in plastic containers instead of plastic bags

Yeshivah Secondary Yeshivah - Beth Rivkah Pre - Schools / GELC


↑ Avremel Dolnikov and Ari Komar ↑ Daniel Moss and Sam White

↑ Sapir Sar Shalom, Amber Glenville, Madison Mitchell and Rivka Ajzenszmidt putting their food scraps in the green bin

↑ Naomi Franco made an interesting construction out of recycled materials

↑ Kinder 10 boys take their recycling to the recycling bins on the Yeshivah grounds

↑ Mimi Lowinger and Ora Garfield

↑ Kinder 6 boys putting all the autumn leaves they had collected into the "green waste" bin.

↑ Yael Adika and Livia Levin

↑ Yonatan Aron, Eli Worcester, Shmuel Odze and Avrohom Yeshaye Harkham feed the worms in the worm farm

↑ Elisheva Loebenstein emptying the kitchen caddy into the large green bin

↑ Kinder 5 girls feed the worms in the worm farm

↑ Mussia Super, Yahli Herz, Margie Szwarcbard, Sara Green and Libby Felman

↑ Ella Gordon emptying Kinder 11's recycling bin into the big yellow bin

↑ Feivel Aron emptying the food scraps into the green bin ↑ Juliette Budin-Slabe and Bailey

Lebovits matching the bins to the picture↑ Yishai Malka

Yeshivah - Beth Rivkah Pre - Schools / GELC


Kinder 9 Family InvolvementFamily involvement in early childhood education programs helps children to develop a strong connection between the Kindergarten and home settings, as well as increase their educational outcomes.

We love having families come in to Kinder to share any special knowledge or skills they have, or to simply spend time reading a story.

↑ Ori Twig's father, Eyal, brought his special camera to Kinder 9 to show the boys. Eyal took pictures of the moon and shared interesting facts about outer space. Music Corner Morah Zehava Herzog

This week in the three-year-old rooms we did a directional activity. The children formed a circle and moved to the left or right depending on instruction. The music used was ‘Walking to the Left’ by Shenanigans.

In the four-year-old rooms we practiced anticipating the beat using our "inner hearing". The phrase used was ‘Let’s all play our drum’. All children had a drum. The children were only to play a beat on the ‘magic’ word: drum. I played the rhythm of the phrase (without saying the words) and the children joined for the final 'magic' word. Each time the tempo changed the children judged the placement of the 'magic' word by feeling the tempo and playing the beat at the right time!

Yudit Aron came to help Kinder 9 children with their Shabbos party. Pictured are Feivel Aron and Asher Siegel

↑ Jacob Richardson, Chaim Pinson, Levi Loebenstein, Yitzchok Greenbaum and Sholom Edelman

Problem Solving in Kinder 8On Monday, the boys came to Kinder and noticed that the plants next to Kinder 8 had been eaten by possums. As a class, they brainstormed ideas to try to solve their ‘possum problem’. The boys came up with great ideas. Gilad Rosen suggested that we fly a drone with a camera. Ari Cowen said that we should move our planter box to a safe place and plant more plants. Rafi Spigler came up with the idea of using a net to cover and protect our plants. The children in Kinder 8 felt empowered to make choices and problem-solve.

↑ Moish Lipskier, Mendel Kirschenbaum, Benji Klein, Ohr Slonim and Chad Berman are shocked at the sight of their planterbox

↑ Avremi Korf and Selah Rubinstein regrowing a Parsley Plant

The Giving TreeThis week in Kinder 4 the children discussed the many ways trees contribute to our environment, and then looked at ways to keep trees safe and strong. They planted their Avocado tree in a bigger pot so its roots could spread out more and give it support as it gets bigger. They looked at special trees in the garden, and made their own tree from recycled materials. The girls sang songs about trees and read a story about, “The Giving Tree” written and illustrated by Shel Silverstein.

↑ Dalya Feiglin and Chana Lider build a tree from recycled boxes

↑ Hugging the enormous Morton Bay Fig Tree In the Yeshivah grounds

↑ Shir Jaquiery helps to create a tree made from recycled boxes↑

Different CountriesThe Kinder 10 boys made a collage of where all the boys and their parents were born. The children also looked at a variety of different flags from countries all over the world. Kinder 10 have invited parents to come to kinder to make a specialty food from the country from which they were born.

↑ Jesse Marks, Avrohom Yeshaye Harkham, Ari Loyer, Yonatan Aron, Levi Loebenstein, Chaim Pinson, Oshi Moshel, Eli Worcester and Eli Sziewicz

Yeshivah Secondary Yeshivah - Beth Rivkah Pre - Schools / GELC


Mercedes Dadon CrècheThe children in the Mercedes Dadon Crèche continued learning about the different Brochot this week. In conjunction with learning the Brocho for fruits and vegetables, they also incorporated “World Environment Day” by learning to collect their fruit and vegetable scraps to give to their worms in the worm farm. The children also learnt the importance of picking up rubbish and putting it in the correct bins.

↑ Josh White putting his eggshells in the compost bin

↑ Noa Meltzer putting food scraps into the worm farm

↑ Noa Meltzer, Haysha Stern, Leibl Schachter, Rosie Ajzenszmidt and Nechama Goldman putting gloves on to put food scraps into the worm farm

↑ Tamar Kotler picking up the rubbish on our miniature park

↑ Tehila Cowen making a jumbo-size banana

Mothers and Special Friends Celebrations It was so heart-warming to see all our mothers and special friends entertained and enjoying the time they spent with their child/ren last week at Kinder. Kibbud Av Ve’em (honouring your parents) is a special Mitzvah that we can all perform, no matter how young (or old) we are. The children enjoyed assisting and decorating with the Morot for this special day and we hope that you always continue to derive nachas from all your children.

↑ Atara & Devorah Leah Goldman

↑ Dahlia and Deborah Kessly

↑ Dina and Sam White

↑ Ella and Rachelli Arber

↑ Inbal and Yair Moscovici↑ Miriam and Dovi Lange ↑ Racheli Geron with her

mother, Elisheva, and sister, Lilian

↑ Raziya Slonim with her Nanna

↑ Rivkah and Dalia Fixler and Rivka and Nina Luftig

↑ Tova & Kayla Mochkin↑ Tzippy Shmerling with her mother Nechama and Bubi who came all the way from America

↑ Yael and Noya Adika with their mother, Joanne, and grandmother

↑ Yechil Michael Gluzman’s mother, Zlata made heart shaped biscuits with the Kinder 6 boys for their afternoon tea.

Yeshivah - Beth Rivkah Pre - Schools / GELC


RARA Visits Yeshivah Primary Leading up to Gimmel Tammuz, the Yeshivah boy students have been strengthening their connection with the Rebbe by learning about the Rebbe’s Mivtzoyim. An opportunity to see the Rebbe’s Mivtzoyim being carried out on a large scale, is Chabad of Rural and Regional Australia(RARA). RARA’s Shluchim travel around Australia and serve as a Jewish connection for some Jews who have no other Jewish connection. Their impact is extraordinary. Yeshivah students of Years 5 and 6 were lucky to view a documentary which allowed them to see a glimpse of the wonderful work RARA does. Rabbi Rodal from RARA came to speak with the boys and answered some questions. The boys presented Rabbi Rodal with a $350 donation that will go towards Seforim (Jewish Books) on RARA’s Mitzvah Tank. This money was raised through the hard work of the Year 6 Tzedaka and Wellbeing Committees. Foundation-Year 4 boys were also treated to a talk from Rabbi Rodal and a short clip showing RARA’s good work. This was an enjoyable and thought provoking experience for all!

Year 6 Parliament House ExcursionLast Thursday our class went on a much anticipated trip to Parliament House. After briefly hearing about the history and main functions of the Parliament, our class was given the opportunity to participate in a staged debate inside the venue. Each student played the role of a real life Parliament Member and followed a script of a debate that took place last year. The topic was, “Sshould television advertising for unhealthy foods be banned during afternoon/evening times?”

Our students enjoyed the trip very much and learned a lot from the experience.

Year 6LS

Last Monday, 6WK went on a fascinating trip to Parliament House. We started off learning about the lower house, and then moved on to the upper house.

We learned about the roles of the legislative court, the Federal Government and how there are different duties from different politicians. They saw firsthand where the different political groups, such as the government, the opposition and the independents sit during the debates.

They also explained very interesting facts about the history behind how our Parliament was built. The history of Parliament went through many changes and renovations, the most recent being completed in 2017. Now they are waiting to see whether they can proceed with the other changes they wish to make.

We learnt about how our Government system is based on that of the British system and that among other similarities between the two systems, is that it is the role of the Governor General to represent the Queen.

In summary, we enjoyed learning about how Parliament runs and its very interesting history.

By Yoel Herszberg

Yeshivah Primary


Australian Maths CompetitionDear Parents of students in Years 3-6

The Australian Maths Competition is taking place on August 9th this year.

The AMC is for students of all standards in Maths. Students are asked to solve 30 problems in 60 minutes. The problems are designed to test mathematical thinking and questions are designed so that they can be answered just as quickly without a calculator as with one. The problems become more difficult through the competition, so that towrads the end they are challenging to even the most gifted students. Students of all standards will make progress through the problems, and will also be challenged along the way.

If you would like to have your son participate in this competition, please send $6.50 in an envelope with his name and class written clearly, and hand it in to the office. Registration for this competition is an online process and will close on Friday 15th June. Late submissions cannot be accepted.

Kind regards

Janice Shearer - Head of Student Wellbeing, Yeshivah Primary

Collecting Eggs!A big thank you to families Abenaim, Gold and Adelist for sponsoring the chicken upkeep these past few weeks.

A little different than getting your eggs from the store, these sponsors enjoyed getting into the coop to collect their eggs.

For all those who have sponsored this program in the past and would like the opportunity to collect some eggs, please speak with the Grade 6 Environment Committee.

Torah Trivia Questions

1. (Parsha) Why did the spies report that Eretz Yisrael causes it's inhabitants to die?

2. (Chabad) What happened on the 28th of Sivan?

3. (Jewish history) What happened on the 25th of Sivan?

4. Bonus: What was Rashi's name, where did he live and which sefarim did he write perushim on?

Last weeks bonus: Rabbeinu Moshe ben Nachman, who lived in Gerona, Aragon Spain. His cousin was Rabbi Yonah Gerondi.


1: Because Hashem made a miracle and caused the Cna'anim to start dying so they wouldn't bother the spies.

2: The Rebbe and Rebbetzin arrived in America

3: three of the Harugei Malchus ( the ten saintly martyrs who were killed by the cruel Hadrian) were killed on this day.

1SL ClockThis week the boys have been introduced to time, focusing on the concept of o’clock. They made analogue clocks using plasticine for the hands. We called out the time and the boys had to change the clock hands. This activity was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

LibraryIn Library we read a fantastic new book by Oliver Jeffers called the Great Paper Caper.

Students in Year 2, made and flew their own paper planes in line with the theme of the Story.

Look out for some wonderful new Oliver Jeffers books available in our Library.

Yeshivah Primary


Year 9 ArtYear 9 Art students created their own stencils and then spray- painted wooden skateboards. The finished results are very impressive.

Year 8 ChumashAs part of their studies of Chumash this year, Year 8 students have been learning about the travels of Bnei Yisroel in formation, according to their Tribes. In order to bring this to life, both Year 8 classes together with their teachers, went to the foyer of the Werdiger Family Hall to re-enact the camping and travel of Bnei Yisroel through the desert. In the picture you can see the boys holding flags which represent each Tribe.

YBR Move-a-thonThe YBRPA organised a Move-a-thon which was launched last Thursday, and included various outdoor and physical activities to raise funds for the school.

We take this opportunity to thank the YBRPA for assisting the Colleges and providing resources and programs for our students. We

would also like to thank the representatives who came to address our students at the special School Assembly which was held to launch the Move-a-thon. The boys appreciated the bottles of water to drink during their walk and the pens with which to fill in their booklets with sponsorship and donations.


Torah Treasures Answer for Parshas Beha’alos’cha

The trumpets were used to gather Bnei Yisroel, or to gather the leaders of Bnei Yisroel, or as a sign for Bnei Yisroel to pack up and get ready to travel to the next campsite.

Question for Parshas Shlach

Which פסוק in this פרשה, begins and ends with the same three words ?

Mesivtah Boys Learn About MivtzoyimWe have all seen the black-hatted boys out on Mivtzoyim asking all those who pass by if they are Jewish. They do great work and every week hundreds of souls are touched. Last week the Mesivtah boys were given a chance to polish their Mivtzoyim skills. Rabbi Slavin came to share some skills he has gained from his work as a Rabbi. He spoke about how when one goes on Mivtzoyim one should never underestimate the effect he can have on people. He explained how it is so important to prepare what you present when you are on Mivtzoyim. A few stories were shared, followed by a short question-and-answer session. We would like to thank Rabbi Slavin for sharing his wisdom with the boys. We hope that this experience will enrich the Mivtzoyim experience for the Mesivtah boys, along with all those who they come into contact with while on Mivtzoyim

By Aharon Zev Moshel


Los Angeles, CA



In Honour of Rabbi Groner's Yarzheit

in the Werdiger Family Hall

SUNDAY ד תמוז - 10:30AM-12:00 NOON


Brunch Catered by the Year 9 Hospitality Class

A Project of YS

$5 PER FAMILYPLEASE RSVP via the ‘Our School’ App. Go to the menu and click on ‘School Forms’. Find ‘Pending Forms’, then click on 'YS - Father & Son Learning Program'.

Learning Brunch Game Show Sports


for Years 7-9 students and their fathers, grandfathers or older siblings

End-of-Term Fun!Some fun was had in Science classes prior to the Semester exams, with Year 8 students doing some rocket flight experiments with water powered bottles. The Year 9’s worked on an assessment item, constructing a metal detector as part of their study of Electronics.

Yeshivah Secondary


Beth Rivkah Primary

Yr 3 Match It!Year 2 girls enjoying a Match It game to review their prefixes.

Thank YouThank you to Mr. Daniel Gould who raised $250 for Jewish books for FSE’s class library.

The Reading JourneyPlease join us for an informative session on practical reading strategies from pre literacy to fluency.

Tuesday 19th June, 20188:40am – 9:30am

Beth Rivkah Primary Library

If you are unable to make the morning time but would like to attend an evening session, please contact the front office on 9522 8227.


Beth Rivkah Ladies College Educating for Life

Year Six and Year Three talk about Jewish BirthdaysThe Year Six Bat Mitzvah class visited the Year Three class on Wednesday to teach them all about Jewish birthdays. As part of our Bat Mitzvah curriculum in Year Six, we learned about the Rebbe’s campaign to celebrate birthdays in a meaningful way, by observing certain minhagim (customs) that bring significance to this special day in one’s life.

The Year Six girls created special Birthday books which they then gave to their Year Three buddies. They enjoyed a little birthday activity together and then received a treat.

Year 2's ChallengeThe Year Two’s were challenged to discover how many ways one can pack 36 cups into a ‘box’.

State Library VisitYear 2 students visited the State Library on Tuesday.

3GS Fun!

Pictured are 3GS girls seeing how many shorashim they can come up with during Chumash activities.

They also made yummy Har Sinai cupcakes in honour of the commencing learning about Rashi.

Year 6 Camp Year 6 will be at camp next week. Reports to follow.


Beth Rivkah Primary

Shluchot Corner Hey there BRP,

We started off our week with our 'Year 5 Girls Night In'! We learned all about this week’s Parsha, Parshas Shelach and made slime which the girls figured out connected with the mitzvah of making challah from this week’s Parsha. We had so much fun with you girls!

Wednesday was our last Tzivos Hashem with our amazing OC commanders!! We are really going to miss them!! But don’t you worry we will still be having our weekly Tzivos Hashem Wednesday Club!

Friday Cocoa Club was yummy as always!

Thank you to all the girls that help us hand out the chocolate milk every week! We don’t know what we would do without you!

Year 6 get hyped for Year 6 camp!! We are going to have tons of fun!!!

We will be having a surprise bonus Cheder and a prize store! Stay tuned for details…

Attention to Year 5 and 6 Sign up today on, for our AWESOME winter camp Shabbaton!!

And for the rest of you don’t forget to sign up to CGI Winter Day Camp!

Have a great Shabbos!

Love, Estee and Mussy

Mazal TovMazal Tov to the following girls who celebrate their birthdays in Tammuz.

Sylvee GecelterLiba MilnerYali ShaulLilian GeronAhavah BlachmanRachel GranekIzabella ManykYaelle KotlerNoa SteinerChaya SternEliana KingsleyKaitlin SamuelSasha LuftigNirtzah Kerbel

Shira Bracha MazuzAmalia WeinsteinBatya GestetnerDina WainsteinTehilla PeretzDana SchimmelMeital AllenTamara JacobsKeila EkmanNevoh BenauRaizel GutnickNechama Dina SternIlanit DevriesMenucha Goldman

Year 5 Asian Expo

Lice Policy Students with lice or numerous nits will be sent home to be cleared and to prevent further infestation.

Gimmel Tammuz Classes will be engaged in cross age activities next Friday to mark Gimmel Tammuz.


Beth Rivkah Secondary

Guest Speaker - Adrienne GoldStudents from Years 7-12 had the special opportunity this week to hear a presentation from Adrienne Gold, of the Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project. Adrienne’s engaging, entertaining and powerful speech on self-esteem, body image and the insidiousness of social media, all examined through the lens of Torah, made a big impact on the students and left everyone with much to think about. We thank Wendy Faraday for organising Adrienne's visit our school.

Year 12 ChemistryMr Daniel Lowinger, Secondary Teacher

The BRS Year 12 Chemistry class recently spent a day at the Melbourne University Chemistry Laboratories as part of their study of chemical analysis. The students used a range of advanced technologies to identify various complex compounds. They showed a high level of skill in experimental technique, analysis and problem solving. The VCE course requires students to describe the analysis techniques and interpret the results. Having a hands-on experience was a tremendous opportunity to bring the theory to life and provided a taste of further study in the area and chemistry related careers.

Year 10 Melave MalkaMrs Yael Schneier, Secondary Teacher

With no less than 9 varieties of home baked cookies, soup, noodles, potatoes and garlic bread, Year 10 came together to enjoy each other’s company at a Melave Malka last week hosted by Mrs Schneier at her home. A lively game of Lokshen-Hora was played and everyone remarked what a pleasure it was to spend time together in a non-school setting. Wishing all Year 10 students hatzlacha in their exams.

Beth Rivkah School ExamsThe students in Years 9, 10 and 11 are sitting their exams starting this week. We wish them success and good outcomes in their studies.

Shabbos Mevorchim TehillimMrs Bracha Kantor, Coordinator of Jewish Co-curricular Programs

Tehillim for Shabbos Mevorchim will be held this week for Years 7-10 at 9.45am

Year 7 at the home of Mrs Pollak

Year 8 at the home of Mrs Kantor

Year 9 at the home of Mrs Lebovits

Year 10 at the home of Family Broh

The Pnimi ProgramRivkah and Raizel (The Pnimi Team)

It’s time for another Pnimi Update. Last week we wrapped up the very first session of Pnimi with an incredibly exciting assembly. We had almost 100 girls complete Session 1 and each girl was recognised and congratulated at the assembly. We want to wish a huge Mazal Tov to Leora Berkovits for winning the Apple Watch and to everybody who participated and took part in Pnimi. You are all true winners since you worked on yourselves and grew to be the best you can be.

We are really looking forward to Session 2. We have so many new and exciting initiatives for the coming weeks.

When signing up for Session 2, each girl had to choose a specific aspect of Tznius and a section of Chitas that she will focus on for this Session. Since the program is personalised, we want to ensure that each girl is really working on something that she feels is important. Don’t forget that End-of-Session 1 Exclusive Party is on June 18th at 5:45pm in the Princess Park Pavilion for all girls who completed Session 1. Keep up the amazing work!


Beth Rivkah Secondary

Update from the ShluchotRivkah and Raizel

We have so many things coming up that we want to remind you about. Firstly, please RSVP for the Gimmul Tammuz event that is coming up next Motzei Shabbos on June 16th at 7:30pm. The Trybooking link is on the

flyer we have distributed and posted around school, so don’t forget! We want to see you all there for what is going to be a really beautiful and inspiring concert.

In other news, we love having the students visit us. The pizza parties at our apartment were a real hit and we loved having Year 7,8,9 and 10 over last week and Year 11 this week.

Year 7 Life Saving SkillsMrs Ayelet Rapke, Head of Physical Education

Year 7 girls were lucky enough to go on a PE excursion on Friday to Star Fish Swim School, where the students took part in a Life Saving Skills session run by Life Saving Victoria. The session covered what a rip is and what to do if you are caught in a rip, how to call for help, the dangers that you may find at the beach, pool or swimming holes around Australia. They learnt how to perform CPR and where the safe areas are to swim at the beach. The rest of the session was in the pool where girls practically applied all their new skills. They learnt to swim with a boogie board, how to call for help, how to rescue each other and how to wear life jackets. The students really enjoyed the session and were so happy to have a fun skills-based program at the pool. Thank you to the staff at Life Saving Victoria for giving us this valuable opportunity.

S.T.A.R. Club Melave MalkaBy Chana Smulker and Metal Hoota

On Motzei Shabbat, the STAR Club organised an exciting fun-filled night for Year 7-9 students. After playing a thrilling game of live Cluedo, everyone enjoyed a delicious spread of pastas, mini pizza and an ice-cream bar for dessert.

As the girls enjoyed the yummy food, Nechama Naomi Doron shared a story, followed by a Dvar Torah given by Chana Leah Lesches and Chana Loewenthal. Thank you to all who came and helped to make it an awesome night.

PESA CompetitionTzivi Greenbaum and Aviva Basserabie

Last Thursday we had a unique experience competing in a high-level public speaking competition called the Plain English Speaking Award. We presented and prepared impromptu speeches, and enjoyed bettering our skills, listening to our competitors' speeches and receiving valuable feedback from the adjudicators. We are really grateful to the school for sending us this event and for the opportunity to represent Beth Rivkah.

Move-a-thonThe YBR Parents’ Association launched the ‘Move-a-thon’ campaign last week which will run throughout the month of June. We encourage everyone to become active and raise funds for play equipment and outdoor play areas. Beth Rivkah students participated by taking part in a walk last week.


Bentleigh Transport Service Expressions of InterestWe are very pleased to report that the Bentleigh transport service resumed for students in Term Two for afternoon pick up and drop off. We are gathering expressions of interest for a School Bus to pick up students in Bentleigh before School and drop off students after School. Please note we have very limited spots available for the afternoon service.

What have our parents be saying about the Bentleigh Bus: “The Bentleigh Bus is a life saver!”

If you live in the Bentleigh or Moorabbin area and would be interested in this service, please contact Michelle Blutman -

YBRPA invite you to aYeshivah Primary Father/Son


Soccer Match

Foundation - Year 2 3pm - 4pm

Years 3 - 6 4pm - 5pm





Gold Coin Entry

Glick Family OvalSunday 10th June, 2018

It ’s all about family fun!!!

YBRPA Move-a-thon at Inflatable World!




Sunday 24th June, 2018 5pm - 7pmEntry - $8 per childFood and Drinks for sale

To book go to





Shaare Zedek, one of the biggest hospitals in Israel, is planning to expand their facilities and buy new equipment in order to provide healthcare and assistance to more people throughout the country.

Due to its central location and its experience in offering emergency care, the hospital treats 80% of victims of terror in Jerusalem and surrounding areas, and sees more births than at any other hospital in the western world.


Help Beth Rivkah raise $5,000 for Shaare Zedek!

For every $10 donated, a ticket will be entered into a raffle for the chance to win 1 of 3 amazing prizes! The raffle will be drawn on 29th June 2018.

1st prize package: Kimberly Gardens - dinner for 2, Off the Hook - $70 voucher, Laffa Bar - laffa and combo voucher, Nogga - breakfast for 2, The Antique Silver Co - vase

2nd prize package: Daneli’s Deli - $50 voucher, Spot On Ripponlea - coffee and cake for 2,

Mama Falafel - $20 voucher, Golds World of Judaica - cookbook (Table for Two), The Antique Silver CO - serving plate

3rd prize package: Falafel Omisi – falafel combo voucher, Pizza O’ Clock - $25 voucher,

Sandwich Bar 55 - $20 voucher, Savion - $15 voucher, Chai Books – seder plate

To donate, go to this link:

Thank you - Beth Rivkah Ladies College Tzedakah Captains 2018

Our fundraiser will run from 4th May - 25th June

The Great ChopZichron Menachem was established in 1990 in memory of Menachem Ehrental, an Israeli boy who battled cancer for over 14 years - from age 18 months until his young death. Menachem's parents, Miri and Chaim Ehrental, founded Zichron Menachem as a nonprofit organization aimed at easing the suffering of young cancer patients and their families. All Zichron Menachem programs, activities and facilities are offered free-of-charge to children stricken with cancer, and

their families, regardless of their religion, ethnic origin or socio-economic status. An important branch of the organisation is one that deals with creating wigs for both boys and girls who have lost their hair as a result of cancer treatments. This has significantly improved the quality of life and self-confidence of countless children who are battling cancer.

At the beginning of this year, we introduced ‘The Great Chop’ to the school. We informed our fellow students that, if they were interested, they would have the opportunity to donate their hair to this

worthy cause. We would also like to extend the opportunity to teachers as well as parents and alumni of YBR. At this point we are still accepting registrations, to register please follow this link:

All students who have signed up to The Great Chop will be treated to an ice-cream party at recess on the 1st of June in the Multi-Purpose room.

On the 5th of September, all who have registered will be cutting their hair before the entire school at a special event. We are so excited for this day and thank you for your participation.

Keep on the lookout for more exciting information about The Great Chop COMING SOON!!


For any questions email: - *Teachers, parents and alumni, if you would prefer a separate room when cutting your hair, please email and let us know!

The Great Chop committee wishes to thank VERLANE Estate Pty LTD for their generous sponsorship of our initiatives.

Online orders are usually packed within 5 days and delivered to your nominated office.

Please direct any inquiries to

Please contact Leah if you have any queries regarding second hand uniforms on: 0408 527 666.

Beverley Sher is one of the Principal Speech Pathologists at Spark Speech

Pathology. She has extensive experience working with all areas of

children’s speech, language and literacy development and has a special interest

in the area of building social skills.

Daelle Fainstein is an educational psychologist and special

education consultant. Her areas of expertise are in child and

adolescent counselling, assessment, and parent support


Beverley Kadish is a paediatric occupational therapist with over

20 years’ experience working with children. She specialises in

sensory integration, neurodevelopmental therapy and getting children ready for formal



My School Code: 1806YC415



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All orders received after the cut off date will incur a late fee of $14.95.


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Yeshivah College


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Remember the changes in them each year with SCHOOL PHOTOS

SIX PHOTO PACKAGES to choose from with NEW options in 2018

EXTRAS available online include - Enlargements and extra prints + Black & white prints - Digital portrait downloads, Photobooks, Calendars - Bookmarks & Stickers featuring portrait images

FAMILY DISCOUNTS and LATE ORDERS are only available online

FAMILY PHOTO ORDERS - to ensure a family photo is taken, your order must be placed BEFORE photo day.


PHOTOS ONLINEwith easy payment options including


YS & YP School Photos


GELCMon 11 Jun Hachnoso L’ Cheder

Wed 13 June Rosh Chodesh Gathering in the Erdi Hall for GELC students

Yeshivah PrimaryMon Jun 11 Queen's Birthday - 1pm Finish

Wed 13 Jun Years 3-6 Music Performance

Thur 14Jun Year 6 ‘Click against Hate’ workshop

Yeshivah SecondaryMon 11 June Queen’s Birthday Holiday – school open

Wed 13 June VCE GAT

Fri 15 Jun Years 7-11 & Mesivtah exams end Gimmel Tammuz Farbrengen

Thur 21 Jun School Photos

Beth Rivkah PrimaryMon Jun 11 Official opening of primary school wing

12-14 Jun Year 6 Camp

Sun 17 Jun Year 1 Chumash Presentation

Beth Rivkah Secondary

11 - 14 June Years 9 - 11 exams

Fri 15 Jun Years 11-12 Jewish Studies Conference Day

Email your feedback to: • We'd love you to share your "Mazal Tovs" with us - email

Upcoming Dates 2018

Mazal Tovs Mazal Tov to the family of Shloime Flescher on his Bar Mitzvah

Mazal Tov to Morah Shifra Kornhauser on her marriage to Yossi Gopin & Mazal Tov to Mr Moshe and Mrs Gittle Gopin, Mr Eliezer and Mrs Nicole Kornhauser & Rabbi Sholom Mendel and Mrs Susie Kluwgant & families on the engagement of their son, daughter and grandson

Mazal Tov to Mr Josh and Mrs Dani Slonim & family on the birth of a baby girl

Mazal Tov to Mr Michael and Mrs Amanda Tenne & family on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Dinah

Table Talk – Building healthy children and families one meal at a timeBy Rabbi Yehoshua Smukler, Principal Yeshivah - Beth Rivkah Colleges

It’s time to eat. Where are you?

We have discussed the benefits of routinely sitting down to family meals numerous times in past articles. Mobile device - distracted dining cancels out the benefits as the family must be able to engage in thoughtful discussion, making the most of the time together.

How do we engage our children in meal time relationship-building discussion? Here are some suggested discussion prompts to enhance your relationship and engage with children of all ages (please do not use the prompts all in one meal – try to make it natural):

• Can you tell me about something fun/interesting/difficult you did today? You may also choose to share a challenging or interesting experience you had today.

• What’s on your mind? The response doesn’t need to be a heavy duty, serious discussion. It can simply be fanciful stories, or if they wish to relay something they are really struggling with.

• Who did you sit with at lunch today? Questions such as these don’t allow children to get away with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response and causes them to think back to their lunchtime experience. Don’t grill them, if they repeatedly say ‘I sat alone at lunch’, however it is important to follow up.

• Can I tell you something crazy that happened to me today? It’s important to help children learn to care about the life and experiences of others, and not just about what happens in their own world. In the same way you can ask them to share their opinions, and share your own, on current affairs.

• What are you grateful for today? The human mind often slips into a naturally negative state of perception. Research into mental health, resilience and overall wellbeing indicates that regular exercise

in gratefulness can promote significant emotional health benefits.

• Do you feel full (or for little children) is your tummy still hungry or happy? An important side benefit to this discussion is it helps children be aware of their appetite and satisfaction, which can help moderate healthy eating and avoid poor eating habits.

• What made you laugh recently, or, how would you rate your day on a scale of 1 – 10? This helps children focus on their most recent ‘giggle’ experience or you can share your own and laugh together. You can also further explore with them why they have given their day that rating.

• For older children its often interesting and helps raise their awareness of contemporary events by asking if they know what’s going on in the news. It’s also really effective to make them aware of events going on in the Jewish Community or Jewish World, and issues that might be affecting the safety and security of Israel.

There are many more questions you can devise, such as:

• What do you have on tomorrow?

• What are some of your goals for the week?

• How is your friend XXX doing?

• What did you discuss in XXX class today?

• What was the greatest success of the day

• What was the lowest point of the day?

• Are you stressed about anything?

For children who are less talkative, you may think deeply about their interest areas, do some research and come up with some novel insights or interesting points that they may be able to explain to you about their interest area, i.e. boys who are obsessed with their footy team, girls who love fairies, or teens who are intrigued by a social justice issue.

The most important thing is to eat together, be present, laugh together, empathise together, and enjoy an every day relationship with your children.

