Yes My Report Card is Here!



Mrs. Kissell's Class

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The No Good Very Bad

Report Card!

Written and illustrated by:

Taylor Metz


The school bell rang, Briiinnnnnggggg! Amanda turned the

corner to the narrow strait hall and saw Suzie looking at her

report card. Amanda glanced around Suzie’s shoulder and saw

that every space had A’s except for Spanish! There was an F!

She was so eager to tell her friends so Suzie could feel

humiliated when Amanda tells the whole class!!

Suzie’s dad drove Suzie to school and asked Amanda and

her friends if they could help Suzie with Spanish and Amanda

said “OH! That’s the day I have huge plans! Me too.” Said

another kid. “Sorry! Better luck next time!” They all said in

mean voices.

Suzie got called on in Spanish class. “Oh no!!” Suzie


“Say Adios,” said the Spanish teacher.

“Adoies ,” Suzie whispered. ““What?” said the Spanish

teacher Adoies,” Suzie said.

“What”, said the Spanish teacher?

“Adoies”, cried Suzie.

“ Ahhh!!!! Ahhh!!! Ahhh!!!!” All the children tittered.

Suzie kept getting laughed at in till she got laughed at the

worst most awful way! “Suzie, you can barely say hola you

say horilae! How weird!” Said a kid. “You’re so not

smart!” shouted Amanda. Suzie wanted to run away so


“Cry baby” Everybody shouted.

When Amanda got home her sister checked her

homework and said,

“You should know this, this is so easy!

Oh no! That’s exactly what my friends and I did to

Suzie! Amanda thought.

I still think this is easy. Said Amanda’s sister.

Amanda fell asleep and dreamed …

“Amanda you can barely even say Hola.”

“Amanda you are so dumb!” Shouted her best

friend, Amanda woke up with a cold sweat on her head.

“I didn’t mean to hurt Suzie feelings like that.”

“I, I don’t know what to say. Why did I do that? I

can’t believe I hurt Suzie’s feelings.”

“Hey Suzie!” Said a kid. Suzie put her hands over her

face and whimpered “Please don’t hurt me I know I am

not smart!!”

“ No! Were here to help you!”

“Oh!” Suzie wondered, while Suzie moved her hands

out of her face.


“Yes dad!”

“ You failed in Spanish, again?”

“ What?” Suzie squirmed! While she was going down

to her knees.

“Just kidding!” Suzie’s dad yelled.

“Wait, I got straight A’s?”

“Yep!” Suzie’s dad said.

“Yes! Yepee! Whahhhoo!”

About The Author

Hi! My name is Taylor Alexis Metz. I am 9 years old. I

go to Pine Crest School. My teachers are Mrs. Kissell and

Mrs. Dearman I live in Weston Florida. My favorite

subjects are reading, writing and math. My favorite food

is hamburgers and pizza. My favorite hobby is

gymnastics!!!! There is something you don’t know about

