Year- She was born in 1903. Where- Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Family-Maud’s dad was a harness maker....


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Maud Lewis Canadian artist

Year- She was born in 1903.

Where- Yarmouth, Nova Scotia .

Family-Maud’s dad was a harness maker . Her mom was a stay home mom. Maud made cards with her mom and Charles played the piano.


She painted cards and pictures that came in to her mind or what she remembered from her life and she also painted pots and pans.


She wanted to make the house beautiful so she painted the door and the windows with birds and flowers with butterflies.

Painted House

In 1935 Maud's father died and then two years later her mom died and Charles sent Maud to live with her aunt in Digby Harbour.

Maud's Parents Died

They met when Maud went to Everett's house to be a house keeper and Maud got married to Everett on January 16 1938 and moved to Everett's



When Everett went to the dump he got some wood and got some paint from fishing boats she also got masonite and card board.


In 1968 Maud feel and broke her hip and her health got worse and she died in 1970 Everett died nine years after Maud in 1979.


In 1984 the art gallery restored her house. It now sits in the art gallery in Halifax.

House and Art Gallery

Maud’s life in the house

Some one made this for a school project.

The End Made by Dustin miller and thank you
