Year 7 2006 Information Evening Lismore High School


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Year 7 2006Year 7 2006Information Information


Lismore High Lismore High SchoolSchool


To create a harmonious and productive school environment, which is realised through positive relationships, shared

leadership and contribution of all in the school community and which ensures

effective educational opportunities and outcomes for all students at Lismore

High School.

• Understanding and use of technology

(e.g.. Developments in Information Technology (IT);

• State wide testing in– Information Communications Technology

(ICT); – Music Technology; – Film and Video in English and Drama

Learning is our futureLearning is our future

Learning For the FutureLearning For the Future

Lismore High School offers a selective curriculum which caters for students’ abilities and development

for the future.

Therefore our focus is to :

1. Prepare all students for the School Certificate and Higher School Certificate

2. Develop core competencies and skills so that our students are able to enter university or the workforce. Emphasis is therefore placed on:

Working with others and in Teams

Collecting, analysing and organising information

Communicating ideas and information in oral and written form

Solving problems and working with mathematical and scientific concepts

3. Developing the individual students’ abilities through:

A selective curriculum and pathway to university or the workforce

Gifted and talented programs, enrichment and extension classes through to Year 10

A special GATT grant was received from the Federal Government which is being used to design Quality teaching units across all KLAs with a focus on varied talents of 2006 Year 7 students

Extension and acceleration for able students

Links to Southern Cross University

Extending student abilities through extra-curricula activities: Choir Band Debating Sporting Teams Competitions

(Maths/English/Science/Geography/Computer Studies)

Participation in Youth Forums SRC (Student Representative Council) LEO (Leadership Experience Opportunities)

4. Ensuring a continuum of learning whereby skills and knowledge are consolidated and developed

5. A continued emphasis on literacy and numeracy developed for all students

6. Students choice is encouraged through elective options whereby interests and abilities are enhanced.

Students have a range of choices and options including :

• Aboriginal Studies• Languages• Visual Arts• Photography• Drama• Food Technology• Design and Technology• Computer Studies• Technology Wood, Metal and Electronics

• Commerce• Sports Science• Technical Drawing• Textiles• Geography• History• Asian Studies• Multimedia

Supporting Students –Supporting Students –WelfareWelfare•RRISK

•Anti-Bullying•Peer Support

•Guest Speakers

•Senior Study Day•Peer Mediation

•Peer Tutoring

•Literacy Leaders•Relationship Enhancement

•Year Excursions

•Peer Mentoring

Rugby Union Water Polo Soccer Hockey Basketball Tennis Netball Swimming Softball

Rugby League


Band Chess Club Baseball

Sporting Activities

Parent ParticipationParent Participation

• Creating a whole school community focus

• Parents and Citizens• School Council• Canteen Contribution• Parents on


Year 7Year 7

Foundation YearFoundation Year

Development of core competencies and skills and knowledge.

Emphasis on literacy and numeracy

Knowing each student as a learner through flexible learning teams

Transition ProgramTransition Program

Ensures smooth transition into High School

Students are supported through orientation and peer support program

Student understanding of our values, beliefs, standards and expectations


VISION AND PURPOSETo create a harmonious and productive school environment, which is realised through positive

relationships, shared leadership and contribution of all in the school community and which ensures effective educational opportunities and outcomes for all students at Lismore High School.



STRATEGIC PLANFlexible Plan over five years incorporating a whole school vision

under ‘Leading and Managing the School’

MANAGEMENT PLAN [yearly]Annual School Plan

FACULTY PLANSDevelopment of professional development plans,

quality teaching programs and learning experiences


LearningLearning Behaviour and ConductBehaviour and Conduct Self DevelopmentSelf Development

•   Be responsible for your own learning.•   Believe you can succeed.• Achieve to the best of your ability.• Develop confidence in learning new skills and knowledge.• Challenge yourself – take opportunities to extend your learning.• Seek to achieve high quality standards in the work you produce.• Develop a positive attitude towards learning.

• Respect teachers’ right to teach.• Respect other students’ right to learn.• Follow all instructions of your teachers without argument.• Take responsibility for all of your actions. Do not blame others.•   Be honest.•   Use acceptable language.•   Conduct yourself in an appropriate manner, when travelling to and from school, at sport or on an excursion.

• Do your best.• Believe in your own potential and worth.• Be proud of what you have and can achieve.• Look after your physical and emotional health at all times.• Treat mistakes as an opportunity to learn.• Concentrate on solutions, not problems.• Recognise opportunities to be a leader.

CommunicationCommunication Positive RelationshipsPositive Relationships Welfare and SafetyWelfare and Safety

• Be a good listener.• Respect other people’s opinions.• Let others finish what they have to say.• Ensure you do not use inappropriate body language and facial expressions.• Use discussion rather than argument or confrontation.• Use appropriate and acceptable language, when communicating with other students, teachers and staff.

• Respect the rights of others.• Value and acknowledge the achievement of others.• Do not seek power through anger, aggression or argument.• Do not physically or emotionally hurt other people.• Build good relationships with your teachers.• Accept and value differences in others.• Understand how bullying and harassment affects others.

• Follow all school policies and procedures.• Talk to a teacher if you need support.• Ensure you do not bring illegal, prohibited and banned items to school.• Report any dangers or actions of others which may result in harming yourself or others.• Understand the dangers of drugs and transmitted diseases.• Talk to a teacher or another adult if you think a friend or someone you know is at risk.

School EnvironmentSchool Environment Attendance and PunctualityAttendance and Punctuality Dress and AppearanceDress and Appearance

• Value our school’s cultural heritage and traditions.• Help create an environment where everyone is safe and happy.• Protect our school’s buildings, equipment and resources.• Protect all fauna and flora. • Keep our grounds and classrooms free from litter.

• Be punctual to school and all classes• Bring a note from home if you are late, absent or if you want a Leaver’s Pass.• Only leave the school with permission from Executive staff.• Attend Sport, Carnivals and other events as required.

• Follow our School’s Uniform Policy.• Dress in an appropriate manner which is acceptable in a school setting.• Take pride in wearing the uniform of Lismore High School.• Be neat and tidy.

Links to Southern Cross UniversityLinks to Southern Cross University

Extension Classes – use of facilities

STARS - University Extension Programme

Playing fields project

Study Skills Day

Careers Market

Emphasis on the Environment and Emphasis on the Environment and LearningLearning

Development of Learnscapes Staff & Student surveys have been drafted P & C have committed to financially supporting us Learnscapes Plan in development

Lismore High SchoolLismore High School

• History of academic performance:

• On of the best schools in the Region 3rd on the North Coast in the HSC (Higher School Certificate) including Private and Public Schools

• Commitment to academic excellence

• Comprehensive school welfare / caring and sharing

•Academic and Cultural achievement

•Development of contemporary curriculum model

•Outstanding ELLA and SNAP results

SIPA This is a research project led by Dr James Ladwig

and Professor Jennifer Gore, as a collaborative effort between the University of Newcastle and the NSW Department of Education and Training (DET).

• Aims to understand and enhance the quality of

professional learning, pedagogy and student learning in NSW public schools.

•SIPA is funded jointly by the Australian Research Council (ARC) and the NSW DET as part of the

ARC linkages program

Lismore High School Contemporary Lismore High School Contemporary Learning ModelLearning Model

Changing Syllabus requirementsChanging Syllabus requirements

Exhaustive EvaluationExhaustive Evaluation

Current Education ResearchCurrent Education Research

Changing Educational landscapeChanging Educational landscape

over the last ten yearsover the last ten years

Focus: Continuity of skills and knowledge development: Focus: Continuity of skills and knowledge development: Strands for Extension, Core and Learning Assistance Strands for Extension, Core and Learning Assistance


Three Tiered Learning Model

Foundation Lessons

Explicit Teaching

Using Background Knowledge

Learning Skills


Setting Criteria

Discussion on Outcomes

Ensuring Student Understanding

of Criteria/Outcomes

Student FocusStudent Focus


Demonstration ofDemonstration ofOutcomesOutcomes


Learning in DifferentLearning in DifferentWays – Team orWays – Team or

Independent LearningIndependent Learning


Use of TechnologyUse of Technology

Home LearningHome Learning




FeedbackFeedback(student and teacher)(student and teacher)

Dialogue onDialogue onLearningLearning

Learning Assistance: Tutorial Centre; Stage Learning Assistance: Tutorial Centre; Stage Appropriate OutcomesAppropriate Outcomes

Extension: Learning CentreExtension: Learning CentreStrandStrand

Based on a continuum of learning Years 7-12

Features of the ModelFeatures of the Model

Maintains maximum student choice for School Certificate

Allows for acceleration

Allows flexible progression Caters for individual student ability Provides for academic extension and support for students needing learning assistance Provides multiple pathways for students to cater for interests and ability levels Based on NSW Department of Education and Training Quality Teaching and Learning Model

Careers Adviser

• Mr Goldie has created and maintains the school website which can be accessed at

•• There will be a link to this presentation from the

site shortly

Let us be judged by our actions
