Year 6 activities overview: Week 7 Day 2€¦ · PowerPoint. • Once completed ... •I can use...


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Year 6 activities overview: Week 7 Day 2• Each day we will produce a PowerPoint providing you with approximately 4

hours of work in order for you to continue your studies at home. These will consist of: Reading, Writing, Maths and Foundation activities.

• Everyday there will be a star activity which is work one gold star once we return to school.

• Try to balance your subjects. We will re order subjects each day.

• Foundation subject activities will usually be a longer and be due to be completed over several days.

• Answers for closed activities will now be on the same day’s slides!!

• Remember – you can always email us if you’re unsure of what to do! Email us at either:

• or

Activity: Reading (40 minutes)

1. (20minutes)

Remember, your log in details are in your diaries.

2. Read your reading book (20 minutes). This can be aloud to an adult or independently. Make sure that you record this in your homework diary.

Make a note of 5 new words you didn’t know, find the meaning in a dictionary and write a sentence about each.

Additional extra: If you have a younger sibling at home, help your parents out and listen to them read. Help them with their fluency and expression.

Change between text and answers.

When on section 2 changes between questions and answers.

Activity: Reading (20 minutes)

Comprehension- Charlie Small

Once there, the will be a text, questions and answers.

Try this link

Activity 1: Spellings (approximately 10 mins):

Practise the spelling you have been set.

Writing Activity 1

A selection of test base test have now been set for you to work on throughout the week if you would prefer not to use Oak Academy.

English writing- Setting descriptions

This week, we are going to be using out Oak National Academy for English. You can work through the lessons and complete as much as you deem fit.

• There are five lesson that have been produced you can complete some of these of your relax and review days.

• You don’t have to complete the module. Just do what you can.

• Some lessons are short; some are long.

• Depending on what you want out of the week/ your ability, you can miss some lessons. Please use the links on the next slide.

Unit- Describing settings

Lesson 1 comprehension-

Lesson 2 reading focus-

Lesson 3 identify features-

Lesson 4 Figurative language-

Lesson 5 Describing settings

Here is a Year 6 example of a

description for later in the week

Activity: Maths Fluency ( 15 mins)

Activity 3: Maths (1 hour)

• Download today’s Algebra resource pack from the link on the next slide. This will be next to the icon for today’s PowerPoint.

• Once completed, be sure to check your answers carefully. Ways of checking your work include: using an alternative method, using the inverse operation or approximating your answer.

• More than half the questions are classed as greater depth questions- with some KS3 questions now included.

• The answers for this pack can be found in the back of the booklet. Again, be honest with yourself. Don’t cheat! If you have any misconceptions with the Maths, don’t hesitate to email either teacher, referencing your question number.

Problem solving- algebra

• To access today’s work please follow the link below. Answers to the questions are on the second tab

You can now choose either History or Geography

Find the subject you would prefer to learn this week


For History this week we are going to look back to the work we did in Autumn term about WW2. we are going to learn about

some of the aspects we did not look at in-depth.


Use link to learn about:

What was life like in Nazi Germany?

Year OneGeography | Year 6 | The Amazing Americas | Location, Location | Lesson 2

The Amazing Americas


Success Criteria


• Statement 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

• Statement 2

• Sub statement

Success Criteria


• I can use geographical terminology to describe the

location of a range of places across the Americas.

• I can explain the meaning of key vocabulary relating to

geographical location.

• I can explain how latitude affects the physical features of a

geographical region.

• I can use maps and atlases to locate countries and regions

of the Americas.

• I can tell you the geographical location and key characteristics of

different places across the Americas.

What Do You Think

It Looks Like?Divide your paper into two.

On one half, draw or

write about a place in

North America.

On the other half, draw

or write about a place in

South America.

Share your ideas with

a partner.

How are the places similar?

How are they different?

Latitude and LongitudeThis world map shows the lines of latitude and longitude.

What do the lines of latitude and longitude tell us?

Antarctic Circle

Arctic Circle


Tropic of Cancer

Tropic of Capricorn

(You can revise latitude and longitude here.)Which lines of latitude and longitude do North and South America cross?Will the places in each land mass look the same? Why/Why not?

Climate ZonesWhat are the features of the different climate zones?

What impact does the climate zone have on a place?

Antarctic Circle

Arctic Circle


Tropic of Cancer

Tropic of Capricorn

1 2 3 4 5

Antarctic Circle: An imaginary line around the southernmost part of the Earth. Circles the South Pole.


What do you know about these areas?

Click each of the areas to find out more.

Arctic Circle: An imaginary line around the northernmost part of the Earth. Circles the North Pole.


Tropic of Capricorn: An imaginary line around the globe at latitude 24°south. The sun is directly above this line at the solstice around 21st



Equator: An imaginary line around the globe at latitude 0° north. The sun is directly above this line around 20th March and 23rd



Tropic of Cancer: an imaginary line around the globe at latitude 24° north. The sun is directly above this line at the solstice around 21st



Key Vocabulary

Work with a partner to

complete the Word Search

Activity Sheet. Then write a

definition of each of the key

words found.

Use maps, atlases,

information books and

the internet to help you

complete the

Geographical Locations

and Characteristics

Activity Sheet.

Unlike the United

Kingdom, the Americas

cover a huge area of the

globe, extending over

several lines of latitude

and longitude. This means

that the characteristics of

different countries and

regions vary significantly.

These will include

temperature, rainfall,

vegetation and land use.

Geographical Locations

and Characteristics

Making Comparisons

How are the places

you have studied

different to the UK?

How are they similar?

Where would you

prefer to live?

Success Criteria


• Statement 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

• Statement 2

• Sub statement

Success Criteria

Aim• I can use geographical terminology to describe the

location of a

range of places across the Americas.

• I can explain the meaning of key vocabulary relating to

geographical location.

• I can explain how latitude affects the physical features of a

geographical region.

• I can use maps and atlases to locate countries and regions

of the Americas.

• I can tell you the geographical location and key characteristics of

different places across the Americas.

Silly SATsDay 2

Last week, was when you would have taken your Year 6 SATs if we were in school. We are sure that there are lots of mixed emotions about this as we know how very hard you have worked since September. To mark the occasion, a teacher in another school has made some Year 6 Silly SATs. The questions and answers are fun (some impossible!) so will hopefully make you and your parents chuckle. We have included them in this week’s home-learning as an optional extra, but you could do them at any time over the next few weeks if you have the opportunity.

• Reading Paper

Today’s answer
