Year 10 Music Final Push Evening - Temple Moor High School


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Year 10 Music Final Push Evening

Curriculum time remaining – How many Music lessons are left?

21 lessons left before the exam!

3 lessons before Easter

16 lessons between Easter-May half


2 lessons after May half term before


Extra support

Intervention is every Tuesday after school –2.50-3.50pm

Easter revision session – Wednesday 10th

April at 12-2pm.

May half term revision session – date tbc

Students are more than welcome to come to see me during break/lunch or other days after school if they check my availability.


All coursework is due in by Easter – Friday

29th March.

Students should have handed in 2

compositions and recorded 2 performances.


The final exam is on Tuesday 4th June (PM)

The exam is 1 hour 30 minutes in duration.

The first hour is a listening section of the

exam. Students will listen to music from a

range of different genres and will be asked

questions about key features of the music.

Some questions are worth 1 or 2 marks - It is really important that students understand the different musical elements to be able to access these. They can’t describe the dynamics if they don’t know what dynamics are!

Some questions require the students to work something out musically as they listen. For example, matching notation/tab or a rhythm to what they can hear or filling in missing notes.

There are also more contextually based questions. These will ask about key features of specific musical elements. Students need a broader understanding of these different genres to be able to answer these effectively.


The second section of the exam is a 30 minute

section based on the set works that the students

have been studying.

Haydn: Symphony No. 101 in D major, The Clock,

Movement 2.

The Beatles: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, With

a Little Help from my Friends, and Within You,

Without You.

Overview of this section

How can you support?Listen to the set works at home:

Haydn: Symphony No. 101 in D major, The Clock, Movement 2.The Beatles: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, With a Little Help from my Friends, and Within You, Without You.Also listen to as many different styles of music as you can so that students get used to hearing them.

Discuss the pieces:You may not know all of the information about the pieces but ask students about what instruments they can hear, what technology the Beatles used, how Haydn used musical elements in The Clock.

Create revision resources:Students have PPs on the set works and revision notes. I will give them example 2 and 8 mark questions and also other resources to support. Flashcards – Test them using these once they are made.

Flashcard example – Haydn


Whole symphony = D major

2nd Movement = G Major – modulates

to G Minor then back to G Major. (8 bars of

Eb major also)

Any questions?

Mrs Johnson

Programme Leader of Performance