Y6 World War 2 Retrieval Practice Odd One Out


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luftwaffe Adolf Hitlerswastika

The odd one out is .

I think this because .

Another example that would fit this set is .

Y6 World War 2 Retrieval Practice Odd One Out


The odd one out is .

I think this because .

Another example of something that would fit this set is _________________.

3. Some of these are examples of allies powers. Which is the odd one out?

The odd one out is .

I think this because .

Another fact about the allies powers is _________.

United Kingdom Italy FranceUnited States

4. Some of these are associated with the Holocaust. Which is the odd one out?

The odd one out is .

I think this because .

Another example that would fit this set is ______________________.

Star of David Auschwitz freight wagon cross memorial

1. Some of these things are associated with the Nazi party. Which is the odd one out?

2. Some of these are associated with the Blitz. Which is the odd one out?

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Winston Churchill

salute China

luftwaffe air raid shelter siren boats

Y6 World War II

England GermanyAdolf Hitler

How DoThey




HolocaustThe Blitz


Winston Churchill

VE Day