Y5T1W13 Peek at the Week 11


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  • 7/28/2019 Y5T1W13 Peek at the Week 11


    YEAR 5TERM 1 / 2012

    WEEK 13/

    students name SUBJECT Test 11


    11I Write 3 words with the prefixes DIS-, DE-, TELE- and TRANS-.


    1. 1.

    2. 2.

    3. 3.





    Each answer is worth 2 points.

    II Draw symmetrical shapes.1. 2. 3.

    4. 5. 6.

    Each answer is worth 2 points.

    Score 18

    Score 12

  • 7/28/2019 Y5T1W13 Peek at the Week 11


    YEAR 5 TERM 1 / 2012 Test 1


    page 2 of 4

    III Circle the correct answer.1. Hades was a god of

    A the Underworld.B the Death.C the Souls.

    2. Hades and Zeus wereA friends.B enemies.C brothers.

    3. Hades wife wasA Hada.B Persephone.C Athena.

    4. Hades livedA in the temple.B in the Mount Olympus.C in the Underworld.

    5. Hades dog, Cerberus, hadA one head.B two heads.C three heads.

    6. Orpheus played aA flute.B lyre.C guitar.

    7. The name of his love wasA Eurydice.B Jasmine.C Medusa.

    8. Orpheus played his instrument andA sent his wife to the Underworld.B saved his wife from the Underworld.C could have saved his wife if he had not

    turned to see if she was following.

    9. Sisyphus job in the Underworld was toA roll a bog rock up the hill.B feed Cerberus.C row the boat on the river Styx.

    10. To do a Sisyphean task means to do something:A very difficult.B very boring.C over and over again without any

    concrete result.

    Each answer is worth 2 points.

    IV Complete each sentence with the word SOLID, LIQUID, or GAS. Use each word once only.

    1. A ____________________________ has a definite shape. It does not take the shape ofits container. It also has a definite volume because it can be measured.

    2. A ____________________________ does not have a definite shape. It sometimes takesthe shape of its container and sometimes flies freely around you. These particles are not

    connected to each other and take up whatever space is available.

    3. A ____________________________ does not have adefinite shape. It takes the shape of its container. It does

    have a definite volume because it can be measured.

    Each answer is worth 2 points.

    Score 20

    Score 6

  • 7/28/2019 Y5T1W13 Peek at the Week 11


    YEAR 5 TERM 1 / 2012 Test 1


    page 3 of 4

    V Answer the questions. You may use the atlas to help you answer the questions.

    1. Where are rainforests located geographically? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    2. Name 5 rainforests. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    3. What is the biggest rainforest in the world? ___________________________________4. Where are deserts located geographically? _____________________________________


    5. Name 5 deserts. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    6. What is the biggest rainforest in the world? ___________________________________7. Name 2 big rivers in North and South America. _________________________________


    8. Name 2 big rivers in Asia and Europe. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    9. Name 2 big lakes in North and South America. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    10. Name 2 big lakes in Asia and Europe. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    11. What is the largest continent? _______________________________________________12. What is the smallest continent? ______________________________________________

    Each answer is worth 2 points.

    Score 24

  • 7/28/2019 Y5T1W13 Peek at the Week 11


    YEAR 5 TERM 1 / 2012 Test 1


    page 4 of 4

    VI Chris and Chloe conducted an experiment. They weighed 10 balloons, then blew them upand weighed again. The table shows their readings. Present their data in the line graph.

    Use a separate piece of paper, attached to this Peek.

    Balloons (mg) before being blown up

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Chloe 10 14 15 18 12 15 17 10 11 13

    Chris 12 13 10 11 12 14 10 11 15 10

    Balloons (mg) after being blown up

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Chloe 34 39 31 29 38 37 33 43 35 30

    Chris 35 37 29 30 40 32 33 41 36 31

    This answer is worth 20 points.


    Score 20