y A. E. JOHNSON C0„ -...


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) G i l b e r t . There was a barn-building bee over to

%aae Isaacson last Saturday. I suae has a very large herd of cattle.

The dance at A. J. Davis last Friday wgbt was as theyterm it, "a good one,"

one present haviug a nice time. tJari Johnson has been bomewhat sick

for the past few days but is now con--«aleseent.

We understand that August Berglund line rented the old Hans Isaacson place. Tliw will give August plenty of work as It will have a very large field to go over

Nete Swanson returned from St. Paul Kkwt Saturday.

Mr. Forstrom has rented Ole Hokau SOD'S old place.

6ut> i. Swanson of Crow Wing coun ty ha , \< over on the P. A. Neleon place

Erick Anderson went to Brainerd last Briday.

Car' and Albert Johnson kittle Falls last Saturday.

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Charley Crow has returned irom North Dakota.

Charley Regnell was at the county sea ^business Saturday.

Bt>rn—a son to Mr. a ad Mrs. Pete Olson.

Mr. Tom McCarty has built a nice Swuse here. It would be a good thing to get our- county all settled.

Many, of our farmers were iu Little Kails and beard Chas. A. Towne. "He es-a.good man," they said.

Our.-roads are in awful poor condition aodxmr path master ought to look over 4hopoad at section 36. It is all mud and water.

Alfein Sanderson was at the county ae&t mi business Friday.

Guar Darliug girls will have to get a t&oat to get down to see the boys at Settle Falls, for bicyc'e riding is impossi­ble now days without getting drowned.

Mrs. Annie Johnson was visiting here 3nat Sunday at the Elm Park farm.

®*u* carpenters are awful busy now

dfarfry Swanson is building many stanneys here this year. He does nice iwwk.

Ike Swedish cemetery has been seeded si> with rye this fall.

&man from Soencer Brook, Minn., ms& up here last week and looked over ^situation in view of starting a store. >58e will decide later on.


Lucas Couut-y. J Frank J. Chen?y makes oath that he is

ii&i? senior partner of the .firm of F. J. ®&»ney & Co., doing business in the city

'Toledo, county and state aforesaid, aaid. that'said firm will pay the sum o .we hundred dollars for each and every aast' of catarrh that cannot be cured by

ose of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY.

Swora to before me and subscribed in any presence this 6th day of December ^i>. 1886..

A. W. GLEASON. H®al4J Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh ^ure is taken internally

acts directly on the blood and araeous surfaces of the system. Send S®p.testimonials, free.

F«. J-; CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Soid by . Druggists, 75c. Sail's Family Pills are the best.

on W. B. Jones, opposite city Bafi) foe bicycle repairing, full line of Iwyete supplies. Second band bi-<s$eles on sale.

Swanville. Oct. 25.—J." W. Cofi *ld i s tending b a

fiat Mr. Pretzel. Win. Beseman, Luke Casey and Chas.

falm were $in the village looking after ftfee town's interests, last week.

M Av. Biteman has moved his family in a-part of A. P. McRae's house.

Cfarence Stith and Otto Rhoda went asot to Taraarac Lake. Sunday, to spend a week hunting ducks:.

F. Ducker of Culdrnm is doing the oarpenter work on the new bank.

Mr. .Pretzel has moved his family into a part o! A. 6. Hedtke's house.

<T~ D. Stith is goiug to build an addi-Saor on his store in the near future.

jRfeiry Stith returned home from Wright jouiity,. Sunday, where he has been visit­ing for the past week.

€. W/Co field who has been quite sick -in*ithe past month is still very poorly in

We understand that there is 10 be a a&ow in Sullivan's hall on Saturday night of this week.

Several office-seekers visited our village Ifcsfc weeV.

Daniel and Sam Campbell, o! Cularum, were village callers buuday. Several of our Young people attended

^ party at Burtram Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Mehegan enter­

tained a party of friends Saturday ^r*ning. The evening was spent with agosic and games..

Plows Cheap. For the next 30 days I will sell

,ai»el and chilled plows cheaper than awer before*. and guarantee every plow to work as good as the ̂ best thai is mad*. Call and get my $riees before buying elsewhere.

Lalso keep on hand plow points f&t*a-majority of the chilled plows in •sphere*


St. Paul Northern Pacific, Northern Pacific aci St. Paul •% Duluth

Are lor sale at Lower Prices and Easier Terms y ^ than ever before.... ,

A. E. JOHNSON C0„ Little Falls, Minn

H. LANDAH L, Agent.

Pierz. The next registration meeting will be

held in the old Vander Harr store on Tuesday, November 1st, from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. The election will also be held at the same place.

Ignatz Zellner got the contract to carry the mail from Pierz to Lastrup twice a week for $100 per year.

Frink Marshik bought a $45 lot of fruit trees from the Spring Hill Nursery Co. of Ohio for $5. They were ordered by Petee Nagel but refused to take them.

Church services have been changed as follows: Sunday and holidays, early mass 8:00 a. m., high mass at 10:30 a. in., vespers at 2:30 p m.: mass on week days at 8:15 a. m.

Rev. FaTher Stephen will go to St. Cloud Wednesday, 26th.

Gerhard Wilkes moved to his farm in the village last week.

Mr. Joseph Faust and Miss Mary Shaefer of Buh were announced to be married Sunday.

A jewe'ry ageut lost his samples on the road between here and Little Falls Tuesday and was found again by Mr. Konen.

The new school house in . District No-90 in the town of Buh is nearly com. pleted and will open Nov. 7th with Miss Seibert of St. Cloud as teacher.

Marshik k Phillips are painting and remodelling their store in upper town.

The Modern Woodmen here got seven new members Saturday evening

Frank Kadell of Agram who was sick in Dakota for some time has returned again and is now in Little Falls.

George Sigetha of Ripley who had his foot badly cut by a rolling co'lter on a gang plow in North Dakota about two weeks ago, is now in John Neuman's hotel mdf>r the care of Dr. Roy. Wm. Depo of Buh is also reported danger­ously ill at the hotel.

The republican candidates nearly all visited us last week. We hear that the democratic candidate will be here on Nov. 1st.

Ask your grocer for Royal Best Patent flour.

Lost. Irish setter dog, about one year

old, answering to name of Major; has a chain, leather-lined collar, with padlock; name of owner on name plate; reward for his return.


Give the Children a Drink called Grain-0. It is a delicious, appe­tizing, nourishing food drink to take the place of coffee. Sold by all grocers and liked by all who have used it because when properly prepared it tastes like the finest coffee but is free from all its in* jurious properties. Grain-0 aids diges­tion and trengtheus the nerves. It is not a stimulant but a health builder-and children, as well as adults, cau drink it with great benefit.. CostHabout as much as coffee. 15 and 25:*

Gilbert Jack Hotckkiss returned from Browns

Valley, Tuesday of last week.

Chas. Tough is getting ready for win­ter. He is siding his house.

Sam Tough is working for his brother. Dan, west of Ft. Ripley.

John Bevery, of Valley City, N. D., is visiting his .mother, Mrs. Annie Bevery.

E. Cobein is hustling bis plowing, he thinks it is going to freeze up by the 8th of ovember.

Mrs. Ida Braley is on the sick list.

Morrill. Too much rain of late h is stopped fait

plowing and made it bad for doing o. Ler farm work. »

The crack of the shot yuu is heard in the land and as muoh us the small wishes, to his own satipfa< t on the doom of th6 budding partridge is sealed.

A healthy boom still continues in in Morrill i mnd nor cold stops the settlers from «. »uuim. *V\v are triad to see this and t here i* laud ( rt < d good laud too) enough for all who come.

Mrs. Ella Daj will return to Morrill in a few day* from Minneapolis, where she was called in the early spring by | the sickness of her son George, who was dead when she arrived there and a few days later, Eugene, her only remain­ing non, died, leaving her to "return to her home here alone. Ibis indeed sad and we are all sorry for Mrs. Day.

Fred Ruda bought a threshing outfit as also did Flanda Litka this fall and both machines are busy threshing the largest crop or grain ever raised in Mor­rill. Wheat will average 25 bushels per acre here this year.

C. Cheeley dug five hundred bushels of potatoes from one acre of land this sea­son of the Burbauk variety. He sent some of them to the St. U"ud street fair and they w^re said to be the largest of any there but did not merit a prem­ium un account of one of them having been pierced with the tine of a fork in digging thus making it black inside.

Harrison Venuarce of Irving, Kandi­yohi county, with two wagons and five men, started up iu the Leech lake Coun­try to hunt deer, but friends iu Sr. Cloud discouraged them on accouut of Iudians, and they caine to Morrill for their fun. Shuler and Vromau of Kice are itvre huntiug with W. H. Chase. We wish all these hunters success and piles of tun.

How to Look Good. Good looks are really more than skin

deeP. depending entirely on a healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the liver is inactive, you have a bilious look; if your stomach is disordered, you have a dyspeptic look; if your kidneys are af­fected, you have a pinched look. Secure good health, and you surely will have good looks. Electric Bitters" is a good Alterative and Tonic. Acts directly on the stomach, liver and kidneys, 'purifies the blood, cures pimples, blotches and boils, and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed, Sold at L. D. Brown's Pioneer Drug Store at 50 cents per bottle.

Western Canada at the State Fair. , The thousands of people who visited the State Fair, held at St. Paul, were given the opportunity to see an exhibit of grains and grasses and other pro­ducts of the farm that seldom occurs. The exhibit spoken of was one that was made by the government of the Domin­ion of Canada, for the purpose of dem­onstrating to the people of Minnesota that outside of the limits of their state and in western Canada, there was rap­idly developing a country that would easily maintain all the surplus popula­tion of the overcrowded east. The ex­hibit was certainly a revelation to those who have never visited the provinces of Manitoba, Assiniboia, Aloerta and Saskatchewan, wherie the grains and grasses were grown. There were also, shown specimens of the soil, which B Davies, Canadian Government Agent lo4 East Third St., St. Paul, wbo was in charge, explained, was the only soil capable of producing such a rich pro­duction as this exhibit certainly was. Mr. Davies says that fully five thousand heads of families have gone from differ ent states of the union and settled in western Canada this year. He has ex cursions leaving twice a week for Winni­peg and Edmonton, and will be pleased to send samples aud other information to those requesting it, by addressing him as above.

Busiest Place In Town


There are three great reme­dies that every person with weak lungs, or with consump^ tion itself, should understand.

These remedies will cure about every case in its first stages; and many of those more advanced. It is only the most advanced that are hopeless. Even these are wonderfully relieved and life, itself greatly prolonged. •

What are these remedies ? Fresh air, proper food and

of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo-phosphites. - Be afraid of draughts but not of fresh air." Eat nutritious food and drink

: plenty of milk. Do not forget I that Scott's Emulsion is the

Oldest, the most thoroughly tested and the highest en­dorsed of all remedies for weak throats, weak lungs and consumption in all its stagesv

IPC.ami $i.oo; alltaiggiitft. ; OS'


VIKTO : B OS. They are making up an immense

stock of their well known Hand­made Harnesses, for which they have a big demand throughout Morrison county. Every stitch and strap just as represented Bis: supply of horse .furnishing goods at money-saving prices to *the buyers. Their


is the largest in the city! Shoes that fit well aud wear well are what they sell and sell stacks of tbemb'-" r There is nothinglike leather J' ,'

Aid good leather always in demand;

Royalton. Miss Lutie Warner, of St. Cloud visited

at S. O. Paddock's a couple of days last weeK.

Miss Rose Poppenburg, of Brainerd, visited her friend, LenaGeissell last week.

W. Digby, operator at the depot left last Friday for Minneapolis for a week's vacation. Rumor says that he will re­turn with a bride.

W. Walter Ellis the "Whistling Won­der," gave an entertainment attheopera house last 1 hursday evening. Mr. Ellis is truly without a rival as a whistler and imitator and Royaltou was giveu a rare treat. He was assisted by local talent and by Miss Addie Tanner, of Little Falls, who sang a couple of selections which added much to the evening's enter­tainment.

Mrs. A. P. Robinson and Mrs. Geo. Nichols of Little Falls were in the village Monday, shopping.

Miss Sarah Holmes, of Si. Cloud, visited friends in the village Sunday.

Fred Freeman, of St. Cloud, visited his friend Ed. Geissel, Sunday.

Mrs. Gallagher visited friends in Little during the week.

Mrs. Lewis Wakefield'visited relatives in Green Prairie last week.

Miss Bertha Fowler visited her brother at Ft. Ripley a few days lasc week-

Mrs. and Mrs. Al. McKenzie of Kim­ball, visited relatives in the village dur­ing the week.

Mrs. Ella H. Man tor, Grand Chief of Honor, visited the Royaltou lodge on Wednesday evening. She was accom­panied by Mrs. Anderson of Little Falls.

Miss Dora Brown left Thursday for a visit with relatives at Fair Haven, Minn,

Will Galley is baggage rustler at the depot.

A very pleasant Darty was given at Mrs. M. H. Wayne's last Wednesday evening in honor of her grandson, JesBe Doian.

Miss Dow, who has been visiting at A. €, Wilson's the past few weeks, returned to her home at Minneapolis last Satur­day.

An Enterprising Druggist. Thefe are few men more wide awake

and enterprising than L. D. Brown, who spaces no pains to secure the best of everything in his line for his many customers. He now have the valuable agency for I>r. King's Newr Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This is the wonderful remedy that is produc­ing such a furor all over the country by its many startling cures. It absolutely cure» Asthma.Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all affections of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. Call at the above drug store and §et a trial bottle free or a regular size for

I cents and $1.00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. Pioneer Drug Store.

North Prairte. Chas. Weber, candidate fo» superinten­

dent of scho :ils of Stearns county, was over at [North Prairie last Sunday mak­ing acquaintance?. •

Eugene ^mk who has been working in a'briek yard at Perham ?ame home Sat­urday. He is, however, apt to go back and resume his woTk.

The Pulaski family moved into the* village last Tuesday. They interd to-permanently settle in busiuess.

Robert Carnes and family have moved: over to, their residence at Two Rivers last Friday. Mr. Carnes is well known around here, a good business man, therefore entitled to the farmers* patron­age. He will run the Two River milL

Rev. A. Gospodor was in St. Cloud Tuesday and Wednesday. :.

Our new pipe organ arrived yesterday. Six teams are ordered to deliver it from Royalton. The man who w to set it up is here since Monday. It is bought)-from a Milwaukee firm and should be a grand construction. ...

A WOrd to the Wise is Sufficient. Ely's Cream Balm has completely

cured me of catarrh when everything rise failed.—Alfred W. Stevens, ; Cald­well, Ohio.

Ely's Cwaitt Balm works like a charm; it has cured me of the most obstinate case of cold in the headj 1 would not be without it.—Fred'k Fries, 283 Hart St.. Brooklyn, N. Y.

A 10c. trial size or the 50c. siie'pf Ely's Creain Balin will be mailed. Kept by'draggi«rt*v 3®, FJKT?1

St., N.Y. '>* ' 5'r &

Vleastmrgiiu 1 ^ We are enjoying nice weather after

the prolonged rains; -. - , -Farmers have been unable to do any

plowing for about a week en account of 11*** wet weather.

Mr. rod Mrs. Krueger drove to Little Falls Sunday. t

Joe Lopuish and Joe Super returned The from the wost last week. They report

the Umsimig in'a poor condition on account of much rain..

Ole Bergstroui look a horse to a veter­inary surgeon at Lin Je Falls last Thurs­day to be treated for;* swollen leg. The animal is getting bet ter.

Mike Hlitt was in Little Falls Thurs­day ou business.

Th$ nine-year-old son of Aleck Super died last Saturday. Funeral took place Mondayat 9 a. m.

The picnic given for the benefit of the Catholic church here last Sunday was iu every way a success. People were pres­ent from all the neighboring towns.

School commenced in the new school h o u s e M o n d a y m o r n i n g w i t h V . J . Wotzki as teacher.

Gustoff Krueger has just finished building a new corn crib.

The Ladies' Aid Society of the Luth­eran church will meet at Mix. Lun-green's next Thursday.

Among those from Little Falls who attended the pi<*nic here Sunday were Mrs. Paul Hopkiun and Mrs. Jack Shi-low formerly of this |.in


Came onto my premises, 1 % miles south of city, one steer of roan color, Oct. 2d. Owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take same away. 32-31 CHRIST KUESEL.

Huff. Oct. 25.—Mr. Stephen Treacy is busy

now completing his house ou Sec. 15, and will move into it shortly.

Mr. Geo. Clommer returned from the west last week. He did pretty well and got home eafe.

Peter Burr came home from Dakota, Saturday, but is under bond to return there in the future as a witness in a criminal case.

Mr. E. W. filrod has returned from Ft. Ripley and is finishing up his visit here, after wh>eh he will visit frien Is iu Iowa and finally return to his home in Oregon when he finds it too cold here for him here.

Another surprise party Saturday at W. H. GeshV, the occasion being his wife's iorty-secoud birthday, ft was a complete surprise to her and a good din­ner and a good time was had, many guests being present.

Mr. H. Oby is finishing his barn.

Just as we expect. Mr. Herb. Hamlin and Miss Edith Ireland were married Saturday at Little Falls, or Sunday somewhat else, but they owned up and we congratulate them and wish them all possible felicity.

Mr. Stiner and family returned from the north last week and are now fixing up for winter at his home on section 9.

We hear that some of our men who went west to work, are having trouble collecting their wages and hence their re­turn is delayed.

Fred Halbert took a fat cow to Little Falls Saturday.

Rev. Stubs preached at the church Sunday and will be here next Sunday to remain a few days,

Geo. W. Gishe's son, Arthur,, ia on the isick list this week.

I There are a few farmers who have potatoes to dig yet.

Mr. John M. Gish i» reported sick at Eagle Brad but not dangerously-

It is reported .that the Macllvain family are suffering for food. They live on section 9, this town.

Abe Sibley Jias left the Bonebrakebouse and moved into a sbantiy of hiw own on adjoining land.

Mr. Silas Bennett has put up* a stable and is now putting up a house ou his land in section 22.

Will Bennett moved into *vhat is known> here as the S>, C. Bailey house, which rumor says be-has bought.

D o You Use...

Note heads, • > .

V Letter heads,





- Receipts,


1 Tags,

r t Dodgers, ,

or Anything

; . Else in the "

{•1 % Printing Line?

If yeu do we can priat them xmm f.r

.j " ' •**£>

Prairie. J W. E. Coe was in Little Falls ou busi­

ness Friday afternoon. .

Mrs. Henry Cook called at Mrs". C. f!. Threbby's Thursday, Oct. 20. « < |

David Moran and wife spent' Wednes­day of this week in Little Fallir.

Fzra Eroux was in Little business Tuesday, Oct. 25. *

FalU mt ' . f M\

Master Ernest Gardner is working for F. A. Mason this week.

Mr. David Farrand i6 working tor Jean Reardon.

Mr. ahd Mrs. James Gardner visited at Robert Russell's Saturday evening**?

Mr. Philip Chase was in Little Falls on business Saturday. . £l

G. W. McKee sold a fine two-year-old colt to Harry Cook Thursday.

August Gonquist visited G. W. Mc­Kee Tuesday ana Wednesday.

Master Ernest Gardner worked for G, W. McKee Tuesday.

Mr. aud Mrs. Henry Hill visited at Mrs. C. E. Trebby's Monday and Tues-day.

Mr. Frank R. Cock called on G. W. McKee Saturdav.

Mr. Hunter of Anoka called on l^is auut. Mrs. L. W. Ayer Saturday.

Mrs. Russell has been quite sick tho past week.

Mrs. James Garduer worked for Mrs. C. E. Threbby Thursday afternoon.

Mr. Arthur Reaper began school Monday.

The infant daughter of Mrs. Charlie] Doucette is quite sick this week.

Mr. c. E. Trebby was in Little Falls on business Friday afternoon.

Fred Burrall was in Little Falls o& business Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Hector Doucette spent Saturday in Little Falls. ]

Miss Minnie Reaper spent Friday and! Saturdav with her parents Mr. and] Mrs. Alex Reaper. , «

Is S. Trebby passed through here Sun-'

day. Mr. Hunter of Anoka visited his cousin,

Mrs. O. B. Sims Saturday.

Miss Veruette Trebby was very pleas­antly surprised lasc Friday evening by a crowd of jroung people from the sur­rounding town, most of whom were her old school fritends. Among those who were there were Misses cora Gardner, Eliza Reaper, Jennie Johnson. Fanuttf Farrand, cora Reaper, Minnie Johnson, Ella Russell and Bena Russell; Messrs. Albert Johnson, Earnest uardner. Frank Frarrand. Charley Johnson, Bert Gard­ner, David Farrand, Leon Gardner, Willie Russell. Peter Larson, claus Johnson Arthur Reaper and F. 4. Maspn, Mr. ana Mrs. Robert Russell. Games were plaved during the evening after whieh refreshments were nerved, Mrs. Russell acting as chaperou. reported a pleasant time.

We see by la t week's pape- it wns Mr.| Trebby who would remove to New York? the first of December. We wish to cor­rect it as it is Mr?. Trebby instead of Mr. Trebby. i



Up sals.. j Henry Sparrow of Royaltou was ati

Upsala Friday and Saturday buying upi cattle. f"

Ed Petterson bas bought a carload of| cattle. He intends to take them to Stj Paul.

Mr. Hansen and Miss HauH..g went ta Royaltou Saturday.

C. P. Johnson and Miss Aunie Johnso Visited John Johnson Sunday. |

Ernest Extrom came home from Da­kota. |

It is said that Mr. Thompson and Mifti Hannan are married. We hear so mucbj talk about weddings that we don'l] know what tb think. j

North Prairie. f John A. Barton was in Little Falls]

last Saturday on business. He began: teaching Monday in district No. 8. i

The town board met at the town! clerk's residence, Anton Barton, lastj Tuesday for the purpose of registering! the voters of this town. Ohe hundr^K and foi-ty-niue were registered. j"

Candidates Shaw, J. L. Meyer, E. S.j Smith, Frank Lyons and S. P. BriclS were over last Sunday shaking handt; with friends. u#

It is rnmored that Able has houghi Mr. Arnold's mill and other property ii connection with the mill for 97000.

Mr. Carnes is running the Two Uive mill himself.

Thomas Kitowski, of St. Cloud, spen< a few days in our village last w eek.

For a nice, light, whltK bread, use Royal Best Paten flour.

Little Fails Market Rep Prices corrected each week on Xhundaj

.5 . "• .5 .*3.30—8.5 . j 8.1


Wheat—No. 1 Northern Wheat—No. 2 Northern..;... Flour, Beat, per barrel " t Straight

; Bakers Barley No. 1........ ....... .... ?Rye .•.«*......... ,.... Oats .. Corn; Flax : New Potatoes.... Onions......... Beans, white navy ......... ... Beans, brown.; Bntter,da!ry....................... Batter, crear»e*~v . ............... Butter,common "oil ana print...;. Eggs, per dos............. Turkeys, dressed, per lb............̂ "- ̂• ̂ alive, per lb......... Chickens, dressed...—

" alive Cattle: steers, alive j^r lb..

Cows, alive per lb..... " . V*al calves, live per lk .̂ 04—i *

Sheep, (at, live per lb_ Host, lire perlb.,..,...̂ ......;., H<«s,.dNSMd

--rtWU .. .,g*eeaj

1.00 IA



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