[XLS]ec.europa.eu · Web viewrespect voor de voedselproducent, in de media, word er altijd...


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ContentCountry of residenceIf "Other", please specify:You are replyingFirst nameLast nameEmail addressAre you involved in farming?Yourcontribution,Respondent's first nameRespondent's last nameRespondent's professional email addressName of the organisationPostal address of the organisationType of organisationIf "Other", please specify:How many employeesdoes thecompany have?Please specify the sector:If "Other", please specify:Is your organisation included in the Transparency Register?If so, please indicate your Register ID number:Your contribution,1. In your experience, are there certain trading practices in business-to-business relations in the food supply chain that qualify as unfair trading practices (UTPs), because they grossly deviate from good commercial conduct and/or are contrary to principles of good faith and fair dealing?2. In its report, the Agricultural Markets Task Force has listed specific practices in the food supply chain that in its view qualify as UTPs. Do you agree that these practices can be considered to be UTPs?: Payment periods longer than 30 days for perishable products2. In its report, the Agricultural Markets Task Force has listed specific practices in the food supply chain that in its view qualify as UTPs. Do you agree that these practices can be considered to be UTPs?: Payment periods longer than 30 days for agri-food products in general2. In its report, the Agricultural Markets Task Force has listed specific practices in the food supply chain that in its view qualify as UTPs. Do you agree that these practices can be considered to be UTPs?: Unilateral and retroactive changes to contracts (concerning volumes, quality standards, prices)2. In its report, the Agricultural Markets Task Force has listed specific practices in the food supply chain that in its view qualify as UTPs. Do you agree that these practices can be considered to be UTPs?: Imposing contributions to promotional or marketing costs2. In its report, the Agricultural Markets Task Force has listed specific practices in the food supply chain that in its view qualify as UTPs. Do you agree that these practices can be considered to be UTPs?: Imposing claims for wasted or unsold products2. In its report, the Agricultural Markets Task Force has listed specific practices in the food supply chain that in its view qualify as UTPs. Do you agree that these practices can be considered to be UTPs?: Last-minute order cancellations concerning perishable products2. In its report, the Agricultural Markets Task Force has listed specific practices in the food supply chain that in its view qualify as UTPs. Do you agree that these practices can be considered to be UTPs?: Requests for upfront payments to secure or retain contracts ("hello money")3. Other specific practices in the food supply chain are sometimes considered by certain stakeholders, authorities or experts as potential UTPs. Do you agree that these practices are UTPs?: Withholding by one party of essential information to both parties3. Other specific practices in the food supply chain are sometimes considered by certain stakeholders, authorities or experts as potential UTPs. Do you agree that these practices are UTPs?: Passing onto other parties of confidential information received from partner3. Other specific practices in the food supply chain are sometimes considered by certain stakeholders, authorities or experts as potential UTPs. Do you agree that these practices are UTPs?: Unilateral termination of a commercial relationship without objectively justified reasons3. Other specific practices in the food supply chain are sometimes considered by certain stakeholders, authorities or experts as potential UTPs. Do you agree that these practices are UTPs?: Imposing an upfront access fee for selling a product (listing fees)3. Other specific practices in the food supply chain are sometimes considered by certain stakeholders, authorities or experts as potential UTPs. Do you agree that these practices are UTPs?: Imposing on a contract party the purchase of an unrelated product (tying)3. Other specific practices in the food supply chain are sometimes considered by certain stakeholders, authorities or experts as potential UTPs. Do you agree that these practices are UTPs?: Requesting additional payment to have a product displayed favourably on shelves (shelf-space pricing)3. Other specific practices in the food supply chain are sometimes considered by certain stakeholders, authorities or experts as potential UTPs. Do you agree that these practices are UTPs?: Imposing to suppliers costs related to product shrinkage or theft3. Other specific practices in the food supply chain are sometimes considered by certain stakeholders, authorities or experts as potential UTPs. Do you agree that these practices are UTPs?: Imposing private standards relating to food safety, hygiene, food labelling and/or marketing standards, including strict verification procedures3. Other specific practices in the food supply chain are sometimes considered by certain stakeholders, authorities or experts as potential UTPs. Do you agree that these practices are UTPs?: Inconsistent application of marketing standards leading to rejection of orders3. Other specific practices in the food supply chain are sometimes considered by certain stakeholders, authorities or experts as potential UTPs. Do you agree that these practices are UTPs?: Inflexible and/or stringent standards for minimum remaining shelf life of goods at the time of purchase3. Other specific practices in the food supply chain are sometimes considered by certain stakeholders, authorities or experts as potential UTPs. Do you agree that these practices are UTPs?: OtherIf "Other", please specify:If needed, please provide further comments to your answers to Questions2 and 34. In your experience, what is the incidence of UTPs occurring in the food supply chain?5. Which among the following trade practices would you consider to be unfair and having the most serious impact?If "Other" (1), please specify:If "Other" (2), please specify:If "Other" (3), please specify:6. On which of the following actors may UTPs occurring in the food supply chain have appreciable negative effects?: On farmers6. On which of the following actors may UTPs occurring in the food supply chain have appreciable negative effects?: On processors6. On which of the following actors may UTPs occurring in the food supply chain have appreciable negative effects?: On traders6. On which of the following actors may UTPs occurring in the food supply chain have appreciable negative effects?: On retailers6. On which of the following actors may UTPs occurring in the food supply chain have appreciable negative effects?: On consumers6. On which of the following actors may UTPs occurring in the food supply chain have appreciable negative effects?: On SMEs (whatever their position in the chain)6. On which of the following actors may UTPs occurring in the food supply chain have appreciable negative effects?: On third countries operators, linked to/producing for the EU market7. Do you agree that UTPs which may occur in the EU food supply chain can have indirect negative consequences on the actors listed below even when they are not direct victims of the UTPs?: On farmers7. Do you agree that UTPs which may occur in the EU food supply chain can have indirect negative consequences on the actors listed below even when they are not direct victims of the UTPs?: On processors7. Do you agree that UTPs which may occur in the EU food supply chain can have indirect negative consequences on the actors listed below even when they are not direct victims of the UTPs?: On traders7. Do you agree that UTPs which may occur in the EU food supply chain can have indirect negative consequences on the actors listed below even when they are not direct victims of the UTPs?: On retailers7. Do you agree that UTPs which may occur in the EU food supply chain can have indirect negative consequences on the actors listed below even when they are not direct victims of the UTPs?: On consumers7. Do you agree that UTPs which may occur in the EU food supply chain can have indirect negative consequences on the actors listed below even when they are not direct victims of the UTPs?: On SMEs (whatever their position in the chain)7. Do you agree that UTPs which may occur in the EU food supply chain can have indirect negative consequences on the actors listed below even when they are not direct victims of the UTPs?: On third countries operators, linked to/producing for the EU market8. Do you think action should be taken to address UTPs in the food supply chain?9. If you think that action should be taken to address UTPs in the food supply chain, who do you think should take such action?10. If you think that action should be taken at EU level to address UTPs in the food supply chain, what type of EU action is most appropriate?11. In your opinion, how would your preferred option for EU action on possible UTPs in the food supply chain affect the following aspects?: Wider choice offered to consumers11. In your opinion, how would your preferred option for EU action on possible UTPs in the food supply chain affect the following aspects?: Higher degree of innovation in the chain11. In your opinion, how would your preferred option for EU action on possible UTPs in the food supply chain affect the following aspects?: More legal certainty for business11. In your opinion, how would your preferred option for EU action on possible UTPs in the food supply chain affect the following aspects?: Level-playing field in the internal market11. In your opinion, how would your preferred option for EU action on possible UTPs in the food supply chain affect the following aspects?: Better enforcement of rules on UTPs by authorities11. In your opinion, how would your preferred option for EU action on possible UTPs in the food supply chain affect the following aspects?: Smoother commercial transactions between operators in different Member States (cross-border transactions)11. In your opinion, how would your preferred option for EU action on possible UTPs in the food supply chain affect the following aspects?: Prevention/reduction of food waste11. In your opinion, how would your preferred option for EU action on possible UTPs in the food supply chain affect the following aspects?: Otherif "Other", please specify:If needed, please provide further comments to your answers to questions 10 and 11:12. Should an EU approach to UTPs in the food supply chain consist of laying down harmonised definition and general principles to be respected (for instance related to the general concept of unfairness) and/or laying down unfair trading practices to be addressed?13. Do you think that the Voluntary food Supply Chain Initiative is sufficient to address UTPs that may occur in the food supply chain?14. Do you consider that there should be a minimum standards applying to the enforcement of rules on UTPs?15. In your opinion, are the following elements an important part of an effective public enforcement of rules on UTPs?: Designation of a competent authority15. In your opinion, are the following elements an important part of an effective public enforcement of rules on UTPs?: Own initiative investigations15. In your opinion, are the following elements an important part of an effective public enforcement of rules on UTPs?: Ability to receive and to treat confidential complaints15. In your opinion, are the following elements an important part of an effective public enforcement of rules on UTPs?: Possibility to file collective complaints (e.g. of farmers'associations)15. In your opinion, are the following elements an important part of an effective public enforcement of rules on UTPs?: Possibility of fines in case of violations15. In your opinion, are the following elements an important part of an effective public enforcement of rules on UTPs?: Transparency of investigations and results15. In your opinion, are the following elements an important part of an effective public enforcement of rules on UTPs?: OtherIf "Other", please specify:16. Do you have more ideas concerning UTPs and possible action to be taken?1. Do you think that collecting and publishing information on agricultural markets at EU level brings added value, compared to what the national public or private systems of information collect and publish?2. Why would an EU market transparency tool be useful ?If "Other", please specify:3. Why are EU market transparency arrangements not useful?If "Other", please specify:4. In your opinion, would further EU market transparency arrangements complementing the existing ones (as defined above) be useful?5. Which of the following approaches would be best suited to enhance EU market transparency?: Introduce an EU-level obligation for operators along the supply chain to report on prices5. Which of the following approaches would be best suited to enhance EU market transparency?: Improve current tools, developed by the European Commission based on available data (existing EU Market Observatories and other market monitoring tools)5. Which of the following approaches would be best suited to enhance EU market transparency?: Coordinate and integrate Member States' information systems and price observatories through common platforms5. Which of the following approaches would be best suited to enhance EU market transparency?: Incentivise operators along the supply chain to develop self-managed, voluntary systems of information with public accessIf needed, please provide further comments to your answers to question 5:6. To which extent do you agree with the following statement: It is expedient to introduce measures at EU level to increase market transparency for the following stages of the food supply chain?: Input industries for food production, e.g. fertilisers6. To which extent do you agree with the following statement: It is expedient to introduce measures at EU level to increase market transparency for the following stages of the food supply chain?: Farming6. To which extent do you agree with the following statement: It is expedient to introduce measures at EU level to increase market transparency for the following stages of the food supply chain?: Food processing6. To which extent do you agree with the following statement: It is expedient to introduce measures at EU level to increase market transparency for the following stages of the food supply chain?: Trade6. To which extent do you agree with the following statement: It is expedient to introduce measures at EU level to increase market transparency for the following stages of the food supply chain?: Retail6. To which extent do you agree with the following statement: It is expedient to introduce measures at EU level to increase market transparency for the following stages of the food supply chain?: ConsumptionIf needed, please provide further comments to your answers to question 6:7. For which sectors would possible new measures enhancing market transparency be most useful? (Please tick as many as apply and if neither just leave blank.)If "Other sectors", please specify:8. To which extent do you agree with the following statement: Market transparency at duly aggregated level should be increased for the following categories of market information concerning agri-food products?: Prices8. To which extent do you agree with the following statement: Market transparency at duly aggregated level should be increased for the following categories of market information concerning agri-food products?: Production8. To which extent do you agree with the following statement: Market transparency at duly aggregated level should be increased for the following categories of market information concerning agri-food products?: Stocks8. To which extent do you agree with the following statement: Market transparency at duly aggregated level should be increased for the following categories of market information concerning agri-food products?: Costs of production8. To which extent do you agree with the following statement: Market transparency at duly aggregated level should be increased for the following categories of market information concerning agri-food products?: Consumption8. To which extent do you agree with the following statement: Market transparency at duly aggregated level should be increased for the following categories of market information concerning agri-food products?: Margins8. To which extent do you agree with the following statement: Market transparency at duly aggregated level should be increased for the following categories of market information concerning agri-food products?: OthersIf "Others", please specify:If needed, please provide further comments to your answers to question 89. Do you have more ideas concerning market transparency?1. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: the possibility to enter into value-sharing agreements such as exist in the sugar sector between farmers and the operator that processes their products can also be of interest for farmers in other agricultural sectors?2. Which are the sectors where value-sharing agreements can be of interest?If "Other sectors", please specify:If needed, please provide further comments to your answers to question 2:Please feel free to upload a concise document (maximum 5 pages), such as a position paper. The maximal file size is 1MB. Please note that the uploaded document will be published alongside your response to the questionnaire which is the essential input to this open public consultation. The document is an optional complement and serves as additional background reading to better understand your position.United Kingdomas an individual in your personal capacityNocan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeDisagreeVery regularlyPayment periods longer than 30 days for perishable products;Last minute order cancellations concerning perishable products;Imposing an upfront access fee for selling a product ("listing fees")AgreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeCombination Member States and European UnionLegislative actionVery positivelyPositivelyPositivelyPositivelyVery positivelyPositivelyVery positivelyGeneral principles / harmonised definitionand list of specific unfair trading practices to be addressedPartially disagreeAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeThey ensure greater compatibility of information on markets throughout the EU (data standardisation);They offer more complete information on markets throughout the EU;They increase the accuracy of information on EU markets;They offer more timely and regular information to operators;They allow data access through a single pointAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable cropsAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeDairyGermanyas an individual in your personal capacityYescan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.Partially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially disagreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeVery regularlyUnilateral and retroactive changes to contracts (concerning volumes, quality standards, prices);Requests for upfront payments to secure or retain contracts ("hello money");Imposing private standards relating to food safety, hygiene, food labelling and/or marketing standards, including strict verification proceduresAgreeDisagreePartially disagreeDisagreeDisagreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreePartially disagreePartially disagreeDisagreeDisagreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeCombination Member States and European UnionMix of legislative and non-legislative actionPositivelyPositivelyVery positivelyVery positivelyVery positivelyVery positivelyPositivelyList of unfair trading practices to be addressedPartially disagreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreeDisagreeDisagreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeThey offer more complete information on markets throughout the EUPartially disagreeDer Agrarmarkt ist transparent !!!!!!! der Automarkt nicht !!!!!Partially disagreeFranceas an individual in your personal capacityMelaineSAUVEEmelaine.sauvee@agroparistech.frYescan be published with your personal information (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part including my name or my organisation's name, and I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent publication)AgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeNo opinionRarelyAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreeDisagreeAgreeNo opinionAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeCombination Member States and European UnionLegislative actionNegativelyPositivelyVery positivelyPositivelyVery positivelyVery positivelyPositivelyNo opinionGeneral principles / harmonised definitionand list of specific unfair trading practices to be addressedDisagreeAgreeAgreePartially disagreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeNo opinionPartially agreeThey ensure greater compatibility of information on markets throughout the EU (data standardisation);They increase the accuracy of information on EU markets;They offer more timely and regular information to operators;They allow data access through a single pointPartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially disagreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable cropsPartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeNo opinionAgreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable crops;Olive oilAustriaas an individual in your personal capacityThomasReslthomas.resl@gmx.atYescan be published with your personal information (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part including my name or my organisation's name, and I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent publication)AgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeExploiting of market dominant positions e.g. organic farming associationsVery regularlyPayment periods longer than 30 days for agri-food products in general;Imposing claims for wasted or unsold products;Imposing an upfront access fee for selling a product ("listing fees")AgreeAgreeDisagreeDisagreeDisagreePartially agreeDisagreeAgreeAgreePartially disagreePartially disagreeAgreePartially agreePartially disagreeAgreeCombination Member States and European UnionLegislative actionPositivelyPositivelyVery positivelyPositivelyVery positivelyVery positivelyNo opinionGeneral principles / harmonised definitionDisagreeAgreeAgreeDisagreePartially disagreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeThey ensure greater compatibility of information on markets throughout the EU (data standardisation)AgreeAgreeDisagreePartially disagreeDisagreeAgreeDisagreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially disagreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable cropsAgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeDairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable cropsGermanyas an individual in your personal capacitymaritaradeisenmaritaradeisen@web.deNocan be published with your personal information (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part including my name or my organisation's name, and I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent publication)AgreeNo opinionNo opinionAgreeAgreePartially agreeNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionPartially agreePartially agreeNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionAgreePartially agreePartially agreeNo opinionRegularlyUnilateral and retroactive changes to contracts (concerning volumes, quality standards, prices);Imposing an upfront access fee for selling a product ("listing fees")AgreeNo opinionNo opinionPartially agreeAgreeNo opinionPartially agreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeNo opinionPartially agreePartially agreeEuropean UnionNon legislative action (e.g. recommendations)Very positivelyVery positivelyPositivelyPositivelyPositivelyPositivelyPositivelyNo opinionList of unfair trading practices to be addressedPartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeNo opinionPartially agreeThey offer more complete information on markets throughout the EUPartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeMeat;Fruits and vegetables;Wine;Olive oilPartially agreePartially agreeNo opinionNo opinionPartially agreeNo opinionNo opinionPartially agreeMeat;Fruits and vegetables;Wine;Olive oilNetherlandsas an individual in your personal capacityNocan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.Partially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeNo opinionAgreePartially disagreeNo opinionDisagreeAgreeNo opinionNo opinionRegularlyLast minute order cancellations concerning perishable products;Programmed overproduction leading to food waste;Inconsistent application of marketing standards leading to food wasteAgreePartially agreePartially agreePartially disagreePartially disagreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeNo opinionPartially disagreePartially agreeNo opinionPartially agreeAgreeEuropean UnionMix of legislative and non-legislative actionNo opinionPositivelyPositivelyVery positivelyPositivelyPositivelyPositivelyNo opinionGeneral principles / harmonised definitionand list of specific unfair trading practices to be addressedDisagreePartially agreePartially disagreeDisagreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeNo opinionDisagreeThey risk providing competitors with too much information, which could lead to uniform and higher prices for the next level in the supply chain and for consumers;They are not able to give accurate data because agro-food products are not standard enough across the EU to be comparable;Smaller stakeholders are not using them as part of their daily workNo opinionAgreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable crops;Wine;Olive oilFranceas an individual in your personal capacityYescan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeVery regularlyUnilateral and retroactive changes to contracts (concerning volumes, quality standards, prices);Unilateral termination of a commercial relationship without objectively justified reasons;Programmed overproduction leading to food wasteAgreePartially agreePartially disagreePartially disagreePartially agreePartially agreeNo opinionAgreePartially agreePartially disagreePartially disagreePartially agreePartially agreeNo opinionAgreeCombination Member States and European UnionMix of legislative and non-legislative actionVery positivelyPositivelyNegativelyPositivelyPositivelyVery positivelyPositivelyEnsure the same level of requirements for products imported from countries outside EUGeneral principles / harmonised definitionand list of specific unfair trading practices to be addressedDisagreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeThey ensure greater compatibility of information on markets throughout the EU (data standardisation);They offer more complete information on markets throughout the EU;They increase the accuracy of information on EU markets;They offer more timely and regular information to operators;They allow data access through a single pointNo opinionAgreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetablesIrelandas an individual in your personal capacityYescan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeRegularlyPayment periods longer than 30 days for agri-food products in general;Unilateral and retroactive changes to contracts (concerning volumes, quality standards, prices);Last minute order cancellations concerning perishable productsAgreePartially agreePartially disagreeDisagreeDisagreePartially agreeNo opinionAgreePartially agreePartially agreeDisagreeDisagreePartially disagreeNo opinionAgreeCombination Member States and European UnionLegislative actionPositivelyNo opinionVery positivelyNo opinionPositivelyPositivelyPositivelyList of unfair trading practices to be addressedDisagreeAgreePartially agreeDisagreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeNo opinionPartially disagreeAgreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable cropsGermanyas an individual in your personal capacityNocan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeNo opinionAgreePartially agreeNo opinionNo opinionAgreeNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionVery regularlyPayment periods longer than 30 days for perishable products;Unilateral and retroactive changes to contracts (concerning volumes, quality standards, prices);Last minute order cancellations concerning perishable productsAgreeAgreePartially disagreeDisagreeAgreeNo opinionNo opinionAgreeAgreeAgreeDisagreeNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionAgreeCombination Member States and European UnionLegislative actionPositivelyVery positivelyVery positivelyVery positivelyVery positivelyNo opinionVery positivelyNo opinionGeneral principles / harmonised definitionand list of specific unfair trading practices to be addressedNo opinionAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeNo opinionPartially agreeThey ensure greater compatibility of information on markets throughout the EU (data standardisation);They offer more complete information on markets throughout the EU;They allow data access through a single pointAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeNo opinionAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Wine;Olive oilAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionSwedenas an individual in your personal capacityYescan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.Partially disagreePartially disagreePartially disagreePartially agreePartially disagreePartially disagreePartially agreePartially disagreePartially agreePartially agreePartially disagreePartially disagreePartially disagreePartially agreePartially disagreePartially agreePartially disagreeRegularlyUnilateral and retroactive changes to contracts (concerning volumes, quality standards, prices);Unilateral termination of a commercial relationship without objectively justified reasons;Inconsistent application of marketing standards leading to food wastePartially agreeAgreePartially disagreeDisagreePartially disagreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeVoluntary initiatives (self-regulation)Partially agreeDisagreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeThey ensure greater compatibility of information on markets throughout the EU (data standardisation);They allow data access through a single pointPartially agreeDisagreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially disagreePartially disagreePartially disagreePartially agreePartially disagreePartially disagreePartially agreeAgreeAgreePartially disagreePartially disagreePartially disagreeNo opinionAgreeFranceas an individual in your personal capacityYescan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreePartially disagreeAgreeAgreePartially disagreeNo opinionDisagreeNo opinionDisagreeNo opinionDisagreeNo opinionRegularlyPayment periods longer than 30 days for perishable products;Payment periods longer than 30 days for agri-food products in general;Last minute order cancellations concerning perishable productsAgreeDisagreeDisagreeDisagreePartially agreeNo opinionNo opinionAgreePartially agreePartially disagreeDisagreePartially agreeNo opinionNo opinionAgreeEuropean UnionLegislative actionNegativelyPositivelyPositivelyVery positivelyPositivelyPositivelyPositivelyGeneral principles / harmonised definitionand list of specific unfair trading practices to be addressedDisagreeAgreeAgreeDisagreeDisagreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeThey ensure greater compatibility of information on markets throughout the EU (data standardisation);They increase the accuracy of information on EU markets;They offer more timely and regular information to operators;They allow data access through a single pointNo opinionAgreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable crops;WineSlovak Republicas an individual in your personal capacityYescan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.AgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeDisagreePartially agreeAgreePartially disagreePartially disagreeDisagreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeDisagreeDisagreeDisagreeDisagreeRegularlyUnilateral termination of a commercial relationship without objectively justified reasons;Imposing an upfront access fee for selling a product ("listing fees");Imposing on a contract party the purchase of an unrelated product ("tying")AgreePartially agreePartially agreeDisagreeAgreeAgreeDisagreePartially disagreePartially disagreePartially disagreeDisagreeAgreePartially agreeDisagreeAgreeEuropean UnionLegislative actionVery positivelyVery positivelyNegativelyVery positivelyVery positivelyVery positivelyNegativelyPositivelyList of unfair trading practices to be addressedDisagreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeThey ensure greater compatibility of information on markets throughout the EU (data standardisation)AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable cropsAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeMeat;DairyItalyas an individual in your personal capacityLucaPresottolucaxx85@hotmail.comNocan be published with your personal information (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part including my name or my organisation's name, and I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent publication)AgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeNo opinionAgreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeNo opinionAgreePartially agreeRegularlyLast minute order cancellations concerning perishable products;Imposing an upfront access fee for selling a product ("listing fees")AgreePartially agreePartially disagreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeNo opinionAgreePartially agreePartially disagreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeNo opinionPartially agreeMember StatesNo opinionPartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeThey offer more complete information on markets throughout the EU;They increase the accuracy of information on EU markets;They offer more timely and regular information to operatorsPartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially disagreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeNo opinionMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable crops;Olive oilPartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeNo opinionFranceas an individual in your personal capacityNocan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.Partially agreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeNo opinionRegularlyImposing contributions to promotional or marketing costs;Imposing an upfront access fee for selling a product ("listing fees");Programmed overproduction leading to food wasteAgreePartially agreeDisagreeDisagreeAgreeNo opinionPartially agreeAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeCombination Member States and European UnionMix of legislative and non-legislative actionNegativelyPositivelyPositivelyPositivelyPositivelyPositivelyPositivelyNo opinionGeneral principles / harmonised definitionand list of specific unfair trading practices to be addressedPartially agreeNo opinionPartially agreeAgreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeNo opinionPartially agreeThey ensure greater compatibility of information on markets throughout the EU (data standardisation);They offer more complete information on markets throughout the EU;They increase the accuracy of information on EU markets;They offer more timely and regular information to operators;They allow data access through a single pointAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeMeat;Dairy;Arable cropsAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeMeat;Dairy;Arable cropsAustriaas an individual in your personal capacityYescan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeRegularlyUnilateral and retroactive changes to contracts (concerning volumes, quality standards, prices);Imposing claims for wasted or unsold productsAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeEuropean UnionLegislative actionVery positivelyVery positivelyVery positivelyVery positivelyGeneral principles / harmonised definitionand list of specific unfair trading practices to be addressedPartially disagreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeThey ensure greater compatibility of information on markets throughout the EU (data standardisation);They offer more complete information on markets throughout the EU;They increase the accuracy of information on EU markets;They offer more timely and regular information to operatorsAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeDairyAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeDairyFranceas an individual in your personal capacityNocan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.Partially agreeAgreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeRegularlyUnilateral and retroactive changes to contracts (concerning volumes, quality standards, prices);Last minute order cancellations concerning perishable products;Requests for upfront payments to secure or retain contracts ("hello money")Partially agreeAgreePartially disagreeDisagreeDisagreeNo opinionNo opinionAgreeAgreePartially disagreeDisagreeDisagreeNo opinionNo opinionAgreeCombination Member States and European UnionMix of legislative and non-legislative actionPositivelyPositivelyVery positivelyPositivelyPositivelyPositivelyNo opinionGeneral principles / harmonised definitionand list of specific unfair trading practices to be addressedPartially disagreeAgreeAgreePartially disagreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially disagreePartially disagreeThey are not able to give accurate data because agro-food products are not standard enough across the EU to be comparablePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially disagreeAgreePartially disagreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeMeat;DairyPartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeDisagreeSwedenas an individual in your personal capacityNocan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.No opinionNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionPartially agreeNo opinionNo opinionPartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeDisagreePartially disagreeDisagreePartially disagreePartially agreeRarelyPartially agreePartially disagreePartially disagreePartially disagreePartially agreePartially agreeNo opinionAgreePartially disagreePartially disagreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeNo opinionAgreeCombination Member States and European UnionMix of legislative and non-legislative actionPositivelyPositivelyPositivelyPositivelyPositivelyNegativelyPositivelyGeneral principles / harmonised definitionand list of specific unfair trading practices to be addressedDisagreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeThey offer more complete information on markets throughout the EU;They increase the accuracy of information on EU markets;They allow data access through a single pointPartially agreePartially disagreePartially agreeNo opinionPartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable crops;Wine;Olive oilPartially agreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreePartially disagreePartially agreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetablesMaltaas an individual in your personal capacityNocan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.Partially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeDisagreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeNo opinionAgreePartially agreeNo opinionVery regularlyPayment periods longer than 30 days for perishable products;Last minute order cancellations concerning perishable products;Imposing on a contract party the purchase of an unrelated product ("tying")AgreePartially agreePartially disagreeDisagreeAgreeNo opinionNo opinionAgreeAgreePartially agreeDisagreeAgreeNo opinionNo opinionPartially agreeCombination Member States and European UnionLegislative actionPositivelyVery positivelyNo opinionNo opinionVery positivelyPositivelyVery positivelyNo opinionGeneral principles / harmonised definitionand list of specific unfair trading practices to be addressedDisagreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeThey increase the accuracy of information on EU markets;OtherThe common market allows the free flow of agricultural good all over the Union, monitoring at a European level would track those goods as they cross different borders. This way identifying cross border abuses becomes easier.AgreePartially disagreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetablesPartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeNo opinionRetailers and traders should make their lists of partners and the criteria for acquisition public.No opinionFranceas an individual in your personal capacityNocan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.AgreeAgreeNo opinionAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeNo opinionAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeVery regularlyPayment periods longer than 30 days for perishable products;Unilateral and retroactive changes to contracts (concerning volumes, quality standards, prices);Last minute order cancellations concerning perishable productsAgreeNo opinionDisagreeDisagreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeCombination Member States and European UnionLegislative actionVery positivelyPositivelyVery positivelyVery positivelyVery positivelyPositivelyVery positivelyGeneral principles / harmonised definitionand list of specific unfair trading practices to be addressedNo opinionAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeThey ensure greater compatibility of information on markets throughout the EU (data standardisation);They offer more complete information on markets throughout the EU;They increase the accuracy of information on EU markets;They allow data access through a single pointNo opinionPartially disagreeFranceas an individual in your personal capacityNocan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeVery regularlyImposing an upfront access fee for selling a product ("listing fees");Programmed overproduction leading to food waste;Inconsistent application of marketing standards leading to food wasteAgreePartially agreeDisagreeDisagreeAgreePartially agreePartially disagreeAgreePartially agreeDisagreeDisagreeAgreePartially agreePartially disagreeAgreeCombination Member States and European UnionMix of legislative and non-legislative actionVery positivelyVery positivelyPositivelyPositivelyPositivelyPositivelyVery positivelyGeneral principles / harmonised definitionand list of specific unfair trading practices to be addressedDisagreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeThey offer more complete information on markets throughout the EUPartially agreeAgreePartially disagreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable crops;Wine;Olive oil;Other sectorsfish & sea products, other vegetable oils, "sweets" industry, beveragesAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable crops;Wine;Olive oil;Other sectorsfish & sea products, other vegetable oils, "sweets" industry, beveragesPortugalin your professional capacity or on behalf of an organisationPauloLucaspaulo.lucas@zero.ongZERO - Associao Sistema Terrestre SustentvelRua Alexandre Herculano, 371 - 4. Dto.4000-055 PortoNon-governmental organisation, platform or networkCivil societyYes150692021687-73can be published with your organisation's information (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part including my name or my organisation's name, and I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent publication)Partially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeDisagreeAgreeDisagreeAgreeAgreeRegularlyPayment periods longer than 30 days for perishable products;Programmed overproduction leading to food waste;Inconsistent application of marketing standards leading to food wasteAgreeAgreeDisagreeDisagreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeDisagreeDisagreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeEuropean UnionLegislative actionPositivelyNo opinionPositivelyPositivelyVery positivelyNo opinionVery positivelyVery positivelyIncentives to short food supply chains and local food systemsGeneral principles / harmonised definitionand list of specific unfair trading practices to be addressedDisagreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeThey ensure greater compatibility of information on markets throughout the EU (data standardisation);They offer more complete information on markets throughout the EU;They offer more timely and regular information to operators;They allow data access through a single pointAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeMeat;Fruits and vegetables;Arable cropsAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeMeat;Fruits and vegetables;Arable cropsFranceas an individual in your personal capacityThibaultNowaczykthibault.nowaczyk@gmail.comNocan be published with your personal information (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part including my name or my organisation's name, and I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent publication)Partially agreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreePartially disagreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeNo opinionRegularlyUnilateral and retroactive changes to contracts (concerning volumes, quality standards, prices);Last minute order cancellations concerning perishable products;Unilateral termination of a commercial relationship without objectively justified reasonsNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeCombination Member States and European UnionMix of legislative and non-legislative actionPositivelyNo opinionVery positivelyNo opinionVery positivelyNo opinionVery positivelyList of unfair trading practices to be addressedPartially agreeAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeThey offer more complete information on markets throughout the EU;They increase the accuracy of information on EU markets;They offer more timely and regular information to operatorsAgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable crops;Wine;Olive oilAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable crops;Wine;Olive oilGermanyas an individual in your personal capacityYescan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.Partially agreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeRegularlyPayment periods longer than 30 days for agri-food products in general;Withholding by one party of essential information to both parties;Unilateral termination of a commercial relationship without objectively justified reasonsAgreePartially disagreeDisagreeDisagreePartially disagreeNo opinionPartially agreeAgreePartially agreePartially disagreeDisagreePartially disagreeNo opinionNo opinionAgreeCombination Member States and European UnionMix of legislative and non-legislative actionVery negativelyNegativelyPositivelyNegativelyPositivelyPositivelyNo opinionGeneral principles / harmonised definitionand list of specific unfair trading practices to be addressedPartially disagreePartially agreeAgreePartially disagreePartially disagreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreeThey ensure greater compatibility of information on markets throughout the EU (data standardisation);They offer more complete information on markets throughout the EUPartially agreePartially agreePartially disagreePartially agreeDisagreePartially disagreeDisagreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeFruits and vegetables;Wine;Olive oilPartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeNo opinionPartially agreeFruits and vegetables;Wine;Olive oilAustriaas an individual in your personal capacityYescan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.AgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreePartially disagreePartially agreeRegularlyPayment periods longer than 30 days for perishable products;Programmed overproduction leading to food waste;Inconsistent application of marketing standards leading to food wasteAgreePartially disagreeDisagreeNo opinionPartially agreeNo opinionNo opinionAgreePartially disagreePartially disagreePartially disagreePartially agreeNo opinionAgreeCombination Member States and European UnionLegislative actionNegativelyPositivelyPositivelyNo opinionPositivelyNo opinionVery positivelyControlling Traders and Concerns (Enterprises) and Controlling agricultural production and prizes for agricultural productsGeneral principles / harmonised definitionand list of specific unfair trading practices to be addressedPartially agreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeThey offer more complete information on markets throughout the EU;They offer more timely and regular information to operatorsPartially agreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable crops;Wine;Olive oilAgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeNo opinionPartially agreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable cropsAustriaas an individual in your personal capacityYescan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.AgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreePartially disagreeAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeRegularlyPayment periods longer than 30 days for perishable products;Payment periods longer than 30 days for agri-food products in general;Last minute order cancellations concerning perishable productsAgreeNo opinionAgreeNo opinionAgreeNo opinionNo opinionAgreePartially agreeAgreePartially disagreeAgreeNo opinionNo opinionAgreeEuropean UnionMix of legislative and non-legislative actionVery positivelyPositivelyVery positivelyPositivelyVery positivelyPositivelyVery positivelyList of unfair trading practices to be addressedAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeThey ensure greater compatibility of information on markets throughout the EU (data standardisation)AgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreePartially disagreeMeat;Fruits and vegetables;Wine;Olive oilAgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeMeat;Fruits and vegetables;Wine;Olive oilGreeceas an individual in your personal capacityNocan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeDisagreeDisagreeAgreeAgreeDisagreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeVery regularlyImposing on a contract party the purchase of an unrelated product ("tying");Programmed overproduction leading to food waste;Inconsistent application of marketing standards leading to food wasteAgreeNo opinionDisagreeDisagreeAgreePartially disagreeAgreeAgreeNo opinionDisagreeDisagreeAgreePartially disagreeAgreeAgreeMember StatesPartially agreeAgreeAgreeNo opinionAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable crops;Olive oilAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeNo opinionFranceas an individual in your personal capacityYescan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeVery regularlyPayment periods longer than 30 days for agri-food products in general;Unilateral and retroactive changes to contracts (concerning volumes, quality standards, prices);Unilateral termination of a commercial relationship without objectively justified reasonsAgreePartially agreePartially disagreeDisagreeAgreeAgreePartially disagreeAgreePartially agreePartially disagreeDisagreeAgreeAgreePartially disagreeAgreeCombination Member States and European UnionMix of legislative and non-legislative actionVery positivelyPositivelyVery positivelyVery positivelyVery positivelyPositivelyPositivelyGeneral principles / harmonised definitionand list of specific unfair trading practices to be addressedDisagreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreeDisagreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable crops;Wine;Olive oil;Other sectorsAll sectorsAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePortugalas an individual in your personal capacityNocan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.AgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeVery regularlyUnilateral and retroactive changes to contracts (concerning volumes, quality standards, prices);Imposing claims for wasted or unsold products;Imposing on a contract party the purchase of an unrelated product ("tying")AgreePartially agreeDisagreePartially disagreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeDisagreePartially disagreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeCombination Member States and European UnionMix of legislative and non-legislative actionNo opinionNo opinionPositivelyPositivelyPositivelyPositivelyNo opinionGeneral principles / harmonised definitionand list of specific unfair trading practices to be addressedPartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeThey ensure greater compatibility of information on markets throughout the EU (data standardisation);They offer more complete information on markets throughout the EU;They increase the accuracy of information on EU markets;They offer more timely and regular information to operatorsPartially agreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeNo opinionAgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable crops;Wine;Olive oilAgreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable crops;Wine;Olive oilFrancein your professional capacity or on behalf of an organisationNon-governmental organisation, platform or networkCivil societyNocan be published provided that your organisation remains anonymous (I consent to the publication of any information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent publication.Partially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionPartially agreePartially agreeNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionPartially agreeNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeNo opinionAgreeAgreeNo opinionNo opinionAgreeNo opinionNo opinionPartially agreeVoluntary initiatives (self-regulation)Partially agreePartially agreeDisagreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeDisagreeThey are not cost effective as it would create an extra burden on stakeholders supplying the data in terms of costs and time;They are not able to give accurate data because agro-food products are not standard enough across the EU to be comparable;Smaller stakeholders are not using them as part of their daily workPartially disagreePartially disagreeBulgariaas an individual in your personal capacityGeorgeDimitrovg.dimitroff@yahoo.comYescan be published with your personal information (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part including my name or my organisation's name, and I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent publication)AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeNo opinionNo opinionAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeDisagreeAgreeAgreeVery regularlyImposing contributions to promotional or marketing costs;Last minute order cancellations concerning perishable products;Imposing an upfront access fee for selling a product ("listing fees")AgreeAgreeDisagreeDisagreeDisagreePartially agreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeDisagreeDisagreeDisagreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeCombination Member States and European UnionLegislative actionPositivelyVery positivelyVery positivelyVery positivelyVery positivelyVery positivelyVery positivelyGeneral principles / harmonised definitionand list of specific unfair trading practices to be addressedDisagreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeThey ensure greater compatibility of information on markets throughout the EU (data standardisation);They offer more complete information on markets throughout the EU;They increase the accuracy of information on EU markets;They offer more timely and regular information to operators;They allow data access through a single pointAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable crops;Wine;Olive oilAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeNo opinionPortugalas an individual in your personal capacityNocan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreePartially disagreeAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreeRegularlyPayment periods longer than 30 days for agri-food products in general;Imposing claims for wasted or unsold products;Imposing private standards relating to food safety, hygiene, food labelling and/or marketing standards, including strict verification proceduresAgreePartially disagreeDisagreePartially disagreePartially agreePartially disagreePartially disagreeAgreePartially agreePartially disagreePartially disagreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeEuropean UnionLegislative actionVery positivelyVery positivelyVery positivelyPositivelyVery positivelyPositivelyVery positivelyGeneral principles / harmonised definitionand list of specific unfair trading practices to be addressedPartially disagreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeThey ensure greater compatibility of information on markets throughout the EU (data standardisation);They offer more complete information on markets throughout the EU;They increase the accuracy of information on EU markets;They offer more timely and regular information to operators;They allow data access through a single pointAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable crops;Olive oilAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable crops;Wine;Olive oilGermanyas an individual in your personal capacityPeterSchwappachPeter.schwappach@reg-ufr.bayern.deYescan be published with your personal information (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part including my name or my organisation's name, and I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent publication)Partially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeNo opinionRegularlyUnilateral and retroactive changes to contracts (concerning volumes, quality standards, prices);Imposing on a contract party the purchase of an unrelated product ("tying");Imposing private standards relating to food safety, hygiene, food labelling and/or marketing standards, including strict verification proceduresAgreeAgreeNo opinionNo opinionPartially agreePartially agreeNo opinionAgreeAgreePartially disagreePartially disagreePartially agreePartially agreeNo opinionAgreeCombination Member States and European UnionMix of legislative and non-legislative actionPositivelyPositivelyPositivelyNo opinionVery positivelyNo opinionPositivelyList of unfair trading practices to be addressedPartially agreeAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeNo opinionAgreeThey ensure greater compatibility of information on markets throughout the EU (data standardisation);They offer more timely and regular information to operatorsAgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreePartially disagreeDisagreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetablesAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially disagreeAgreeDisagreeNo opinionAgreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;WineGermanyas an individual in your personal capacityNocan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.Partially agreeNo opinionNo opinionAgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeDisagreeNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionRegularlyUnilateral and retroactive changes to contracts (concerning volumes, quality standards, prices);Last minute order cancellations concerning perishable products;Additional payment to have products displayed favourably on shelves ("shelf-space pricing")AgreePartially agreePartially disagreeDisagreeAgreeAgreeNo opinionAgreePartially agreePartially disagreeDisagreeAgreeAgreeNo opinionAgreeEuropean UnionLegislative actionPositivelyPositivelyNo opinionNo opinionVery positivelyPositivelyPositivelyGeneral principles / harmonised definitionand list of specific unfair trading practices to be addressedDisagreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeThey ensure greater compatibility of information on markets throughout the EU (data standardisation);They allow data access through a single pointAgreePartially agreePartially disagreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeMeat;Dairy;Arable cropsAgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeNo opinionNo opinionGermanyas an individual in your personal capacityYescan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.Partially agreePartially agreeDisagreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeNo opinionRegularlyUnilateral and retroactive changes to contracts (concerning volumes, quality standards, prices);Last minute order cancellations concerning perishable products;Unilateral termination of a commercial relationship without objectively justified reasonsAgreeNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionAgreeNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionPartially agreeCombination Member States and European UnionMix of legislative and non-legislative actionNo opinionPositivelyVery positivelyNo opinionPositivelyNo opinionNegativelyNo opinionGeneral principles / harmonised definitionand list of specific unfair trading practices to be addressedPartially agreeAgreePartially agreeNo opinionPartially agreeAgreeNo opinionAgreeNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionAgreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable cropsSpainas an individual in your personal capacityYescan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeNo opinionNo opinionAgreeAgreeAgreePartially disagreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeRegularlyUnilateral and retroactive changes to contracts (concerning volumes, quality standards, prices);Last minute order cancellations concerning perishable products;Unilateral termination of a commercial relationship without objectively justified reasonsAgreeNo opinionDisagreeDisagreeDisagreePartially agreeNo opinionAgreeNo opinionDisagreeDisagreeDisagreePartially agreeNo opinionPartially agreeVoluntary initiatives (self-regulation)Partially disagreePartially agreeDisagreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeNo opinionAgreePartially agreeThey offer more timely and regular information to operators;They allow data access through a single pointPartially agreeDisagreeAgreeAgreeNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionAgreeAgreeNo opinionDairy;Fruits and vegetablesAgreeNo opinionNo opinionAgreeNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionDisagreeFranceas an individual in your personal capacityYescan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeVery regularlyPayment periods longer than 30 days for agri-food products in general;Withholding by one party of essential information to both parties;Passing onto other parties of confidential information received from partnerAgreeDisagreeDisagreeDisagreeAgreeNo opinionAgreeAgreeDisagreeDisagreeDisagreeAgreeNo opinionAgreeAgreeEuropean UnionMix of legislative and non-legislative actionNo opinionNo opinionVery positivelyVery positivelyVery positivelyNo opinionVery positivelyGeneral principles / harmonised definitionand list of specific unfair trading practices to be addressedDisagreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeCompetent Authorities already exists. The problem for me is the power of the industrial lobby on those authorities. This is making our legislators "blind"AgreeThey ensure greater compatibility of information on markets throughout the EU (data standardisation);They offer more complete information on markets throughout the EU;They increase the accuracy of information on EU markets;They offer more timely and regular information to operators;They allow data access through a single pointAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree1/Time to clean this mess. Too many dishonest persons in the "regulation" system. Make it more accessible for citizens2/think about the power of digital currencies (ethereum like) to regulate exchangesAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable crops;Wine;Olive oilAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeUse blockchain and digital currencies at a European levelAgreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable crops;Wine;Olive oilGermanyas an individual in your personal capacityNocan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.Partially agreeNo opinionNo opinionPartially disagreePartially agreeNo opinionAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeDisagreeAgreePartially agreeRegularlyImposing an upfront access fee for selling a product ("listing fees");Imposing on a contract party the purchase of an unrelated product ("tying");Programmed overproduction leading to food wasteAgreeAgreeDisagreeDisagreeAgreePartially disagreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially disagreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeCombination Member States and European UnionMix of legislative and non-legislative actionPositivelyVery positivelyPositivelyNo opinionVery positivelyPositivelyVery positivelyGeneral principles / harmonised definitionand list of specific unfair trading practices to be addressedPartially disagreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeThey ensure greater compatibility of information on markets throughout the EU (data standardisation);They offer more complete information on markets throughout the EU;They increase the accuracy of information on EU markets;They offer more timely and regular information to operators;They allow data access through a single pointPartially agreeAgreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable crops;Olive oilAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreePartially disagreePartially agreeMeat;Dairy;Arable crops;Olive oilGermanyas an individual in your personal capacityYescan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.DisagreePartially disagreePartially disagreeDisagreePartially disagreePartially disagreePartially agreePartially disagreePartially disagreeDisagreePartially agreePartially disagreePartially disagreePartially agreeDisagreePartially disagreePartially agreePartially disagreeNo opinionSind Bauern zu Dumm fr Landwirtschaft (Marktwirtschaft: siehe Milch- & Rbenquote) & knnen nur auf kosten der Bevlkerung leben?Es folgen ein Lebensmittelskandal nach dem Anderen & jedesmal jammert der DBV ber ihre hausgemachten Fehler! Solange die Bauernverbnde nicht die Wahrheiten zur Bevlkerung sagen ist die Agrarpolitik nur scheinheiliges Getue!Die Politiker werden immer vorgeschoben, aber haben keine Ahnung wie es geregelte und vernnftige Agrarpolitik machen soll, kann!Seit ber zwanzig Jahren bin ich in der Landwirtschaft & kann mit gutem Gewissen sagen: 20-30% der Landwirte Wirtschaften mit wissen & Ehre & wollen etwas frs Land & den Acker tun. Der Rest wartet nur auf Bauland oder die alljhrliche Zahlung der EU.Falls irgendwann mal offen alle Zahlungen & Probleme behandelt werden, steht vielleicht die Bevlkerung wieder hinter der Landwirtschaft. Leider ist es so, dass alle Landwirte einen dummen suchen, der ihre Arbeit macht! Knechte, Mgde, LohnunternehmerRarelyDisagreeDisagreePartially disagreePartially agreeAgreeNo opinionDisagreeDisagreeDisagreePartially disagreePartially disagreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreeDisagreeDisagreePartially agreePartially disagreePartially disagreeNo opinionPartially agreePartially disagreeAgreeEs werden immer noch schon verbotene Pflanzenschutzmittel (Spritzmittel) verwendet! Wer erwartet allen Ernstes noch Transparenz von den Landwirten & der EU?Partially disagreeOtherWeil jeder den anderen betrgt und fr gnstiger und mehr verbotene Substanzen einsetztDisagreePartially disagreeOtherSwitzerlandas an individual in your personal capacityNocan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.AgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeNo opinionAgreeNo opinionAgreeAgreeAgreeNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionAgreeAgreeAgreeUnfair negociation power to determine the price of agricultural products between farmers and other stakeholders; farmers are not enough considered by the other stakeholdersVery regularlyUnilateral and retroactive changes to contracts (concerning volumes, quality standards, prices);Last minute order cancellations concerning perishable products;Programmed overproduction leading to food wasteAgreeDisagreeDisagreeDisagreeAgreeNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionAgreeCombination Member States and European UnionMix of legislative and non-legislative actionNo opinionNo opinionVery positivelyVery positivelyVery positivelyNo opinionVery positivelyGeneral principles / harmonised definitionand list of specific unfair trading practices to be addressedPartially agreeAgreeAgreeNo opinionAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeThey offer more complete information on markets throughout the EU;They increase the accuracy of information on EU markets;They offer more timely and regular information to operatorsAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeNo opinionNo opinionAgreeNo opinionNo opinionNo opinionAgreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable crops;Wine;Olive oilAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeArable cropsSloveniaas an individual in your personal capacityjernejredekjernej.redek@gmail.comYescan be published with your personal information (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part including my name or my organisation's name, and I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent publication)AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeVery regularlyRequests for upfront payments to secure or retain contracts ("hello money");Unilateral termination of a commercial relationship without objectively justified reasons;Additional payment to have products displayed favourably on shelves ("shelf-space pricing")AgreePartially agreeDisagreeDisagreeAgreeNo opinionNo opinionAgreePartially agreeDisagreeDisagreeAgreeNo opinionAgreeCombination Member States and European UnionLegislative actionPositivelyVery positivelyVery positivelyNo opinionVery positivelyPositivelyPositivelyGeneral principles / harmonised definitionand list of specific unfair trading practices to be addressedPartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially disagreePartially disagreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially disagreeAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeMeat;Fruits and vegetablesAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetablesOtherUnited States of Americaas an individual in your personal capacityYescan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeVery regularlyPayment periods longer than 30 days for perishable products;Imposing claims for wasted or unsold products;Imposing an upfront access fee for selling a product ("listing fees")AgreePartially agreeDisagreeDisagreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeDisagreeDisagreeAgreeAgreeNo opinionAgreeCombination Member States and European UnionMix of legislative and non-legislative actionPositivelyPositivelyPositivelyPositivelyPositivelyVery positivelyNo opinionGeneral principles / harmonised definitionand list of specific unfair trading practices to be addressedDisagreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeThey ensure greater compatibility of information on markets throughout the EU (data standardisation);They allow data access through a single pointAgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreePartially disagreePartially disagreePartially agreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetablesAgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetablesGermanyas an individual in your personal capacityYescan be published provided that you remain anonymous (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent the publication.AgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreePartially disagreeAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially disagreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeDisagreePartially agreePartially disagreeNo opinionRegularlyPayment periods longer than 30 days for agri-food products in general;Unilateral and retroactive changes to contracts (concerning volumes, quality standards, prices);Last minute order cancellations concerning perishable productsAgreePartially agreePartially disagreeDisagreePartially agreeNo opinionPartially disagreeAgreeAgreePartially disagreeDisagreeAgreeNo opinionAgreeAgreeCombination Member States and European UnionMix of legislative and non-legislative actionPositivelyVery positivelyVery positivelyVery negativelyVery positivelyVery positivelyVery positivelyGeneral principles / harmonised definitionand list of specific unfair trading practices to be addressedDisagreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeThey ensure greater compatibility of information on markets throughout the EU (data standardisation);They offer more complete information on markets throughout the EU;They increase the accuracy of information on EU markets;They offer more timely and regular information to operatorsAgreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeMeat;Dairy;Fruits and vegetables;Arable crops;Wine;Olive oilAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeFruits and vegetables;WineFranceas an individual in your personal capacityAgnesDelefortrieagnes.delefortrie@gmail.comYescan be published with your personal information (I consent to the publication of all information in my contribution in whole or in part including my name or my organisation's name, and I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent publication)AgreeAgreePartially agreeAgreeAgreePartially disagreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreePartially disagreePartially agreeDisagreePartially agreePartially disagreeRegularlyUnilateral and retroactive changes to contracts (concerning volumes, quality standards, prices);Last minute order cancellations concerning perishable products;Unilateral termination of a commercial relationship without objectively justified reasonsAgreePartially agreePartially agreePartially disagreeNo opinionPartially disagreePartially disagreePartially agreePartially agreePartially disagreeDisagreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeCombination Member States and European UnionMix of legislative and non-legislative actionNo opinionPositivelyPositivelyVery positivelyPositivelyVery positivelyPositivelyGeneral principles / harmonised definitionand list of specific unfair trading practices to be addressedDisagreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeThey ensure greater compatibility of information on markets throughout the EU (data standardisation);They offer more complete information on markets throughout the EU;They increase the accuracy of information on EU markets;They offer more timely and regular information to operators;They allow data access through a single pointAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreePartially agreeAgreeAgreeAgreePartially agreeMeat;Fruits and vegetablesPartially agreeAgreeAgreePartially disagreeAgreePartially agreePartially agreeMeat;Fruits and vegetablesFrancein your professional capacity or on behalf of an organisationPrivate enterpriseLess than 10 employees (Micro enterprise)AgricultureNot applicablecan be published provided that your organisation remains anonymous (I consent to the publication of any information in my contribution in whole or in part (which may include quotes or opinions I express) provided that it is done anonymously. I declare that nothing within my response is unlawful or would infringe the rights of any third party in a manner that would prevent publication.AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree