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JULY 2016



Wycliffe College is a co-educational independent school for pupils from ages 2½ to 18.

We aim for students to:

Achieve their full academic, spiritual, physical and creative potential

Feel happy and secure

Communicate effectively in all situations

Be creative, innovative and independent in their thinking and approach to learning

Develop a social and environmental conscience

Exhibit self-belief and willingly take responsibility

Be generous of spirit and respectful of others

Develop resilience to meet the challenges of life ahead

The Senior School has some 400 pupils, 230 of whom are boarders. The youngest entry point

into the Senior School is Year 9. Most of these students arrive via the Wycliffe Preparatory

School. There are strong links between both parts of the College, with Year 8 using Senior

School Design and Technology and sports facilities. There are a number of taster/ Shadow

visits and days starting with Year 5. Prep School parents are regularly invited to visit to meet

key staff and in most cases prospective Prep School parents visit the Senior School before

choosing Wycliffe. We also admit an increasing number of pupils from other feeder schools.

The Head of the Senior School is constantly seeking to forge strong links with a wide range of

local schools.

We believe that a personal visit is invaluable. Wherever possible, prospective pupils and

parents will have the chance to meet either the Head or his Senior Deputy. In addition they

will sit down with relevant academic staff, usually either the Head of Lower School or the

Head of Sixth Form, as appropriate. We think it vital that visitors get a full tour of the school,

taken by one of the current pupils who will act as a guide. We are happy to arrange individual

visits and ‘shadow days’ where prospective pupils can either spend a day or a night with us to

ascertain the nature of Wycliffe? We hold a number of Open Days in March and September

which give a general introduction to the school. Details are published on our website. Please

contact our Admissions Manager, Charlotte Phillips on 01453 820412 or by email at

charlotte.phillips@wycliffe.co.uk to arrange a visit.

1. Equal treatment

Our aim is to encourage applications from candidates with as diverse a range of backgrounds

as possible. This enriches our community and is vital in preparing our pupils for today’s

world. Generous bursaries are offered in order to make it possible for as many as possible

who meet the school’s admission criteria to attend the school.

Wycliffe College is committed to carrying out our responsibilities with regard anti-

discrimination by complying fully with the Equality Act 2010. No applicant will be treated

less favourably during the application process or during the assessment on the grounds of


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their skin colour, race, ethnic or national origin, gender, gender reassignment, religion or

belief, sexual orientation, socio-economic group, disability or special educational needs.

2. Religious Beliefs

Although Wycliffe College has Christian roots, we do not select for entry on the basis of

religious belief, and we offer the opportunity for all faiths to practice their own faiths.

However, parents should be aware that there is a compulsory Wednesday Chapel service, and

that all pupils are expected to attend the other assemblies and key community events

throughout the year. If a pupil has a strong and deeply-held religious belief that prevents

them from attending the Wednesday service, a written request from parents asking specific

permission from the Head to be excused will be needed. An alternative supervised time of

reflection is arranged for those pupils who have opted out of attending the Wednesday


3. Learning Difficulties and Disabilities

In line with the Equality Act 2010, Wycliffe College does not discriminate in any way

regarding entry. We welcome pupils with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities providing that,

with reasonable adjustments, our Learning Support Department can offer them the support

that they require. We welcome pupils with physical disabilities provided that our site can

cope with them, subject to any reasonable adjustments. However, we advise parents of

children with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities or physical disabilities to discuss their

child’s requirements with us before he or she is offered a place to ensure that we can make

adequate provision for him/her.

The School may request further information, such as a copy of an Educational Psychologist’s

report or a medical report and any associated correspondence from the pupil’s current school

that the School considers necessary to make a fair assessment regarding the School’s ability

to cater for the child’s needs. Where the pupil has learning difficulties, our SEND Co-

ordinator will meet with parents and the pupil, assess the pupil and if needed will visit a

pupil’s current school to observe the pupil in situ and to talk to staff before making a


We will discuss thoroughly with parents and their medical advisers where appropriate the

adjustments that can reasonably be made for the child if he/she becomes a pupil at the


We welcome children with medical needs/physical disabilities and recognise that with

appropriate support and reasonable adjustments most children can take part in normal school

activities. Parents have prime responsibility for their child’s health and should provide the

School Medical Centre with information about their child’s medical condition/disability before

he/she is offered a place so that potential barriers to learning and participation are identified

and, if necessary, additional arrangements are put into place prior to admission.


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Parents of disabled children may be invited to a preliminary meeting with the Head to discuss

ways in which any disadvantages could be lessened or eliminated to ensure that the applicant

can be adequately catered for should an offer of a place be made.

4. The entry procedure

Wycliffe College is an academically inclusive school. We base admission on references from

the candidate’s previous school, and diagnostic testing of International students to ensure

that they can access their chosen curriculum. Our selection process is designed to identify

pupils who are able to benefit from our balanced and well-rounded education and to make a

positive contribution towards the life of the school.

Please see the supporting document for the full Admissions procedure for the senior school.

The School will do all that is reasonable to ensure the application process (and any

information about the School) is accessible for disabled applicants and will make such

reasonable adjustments as necessary. Parents must inform the School of any special

circumstances relating to their child which may affect their child’s performance in the

admissions process.

In the Senior School the usual points of entry are at 13+ for Year 9, 14+ for Year 10, 15+ for

our Development Year for international pupils with limited English and 16+ for Year 12.

We may also have occasional places at other ages. Please contact the Admissions Manager for


Applicants for admission should register as early as possible in the year prior the desired

academic year of admission. (The registration form is at Appendix 1).

5. The assessment process

The aim of the process is to identify potential which we are committed to nurturing. We are

looking for well-rounded pupils with a genuine interest in education in the broadest sense of

the word, with interests that not only include but stretch beyond the confines of the

academic curriculum. The school has strong traditions in music, drama, art, debating,

community activities and sport. There are many extra-curricular activities, all of which are

important in developing a well-balanced, confident individual. Most siblings join us at

Wycliffe College. However, admission is not automatic, and there may be occasions where

we judge that a sibling is likely to thrive better in a different academic environment. All

pupils start on an equal footing, with identical opportunities to display their academic

aptitude, varied talents and extra-curricular skills.

6. Scholarships

Scholarships are designed to reward excellence and to celebrate exceptional talent. In

recognition of this achievement, the scholar is offered a reduction in the fees throughout


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his/her time at Wycliffe subject to annual review in respect of on-going satisfactory

performance and the continuation of any individual subject award at GCSE or A level. Further

scholarships may be offered to entrants to Year 12.

Parents are asked to indicate on the registration form at the end of this document whether

they wish to apply for a scholarship. Details of the arrangements will be sent to all who

express an interest.

We encourage parents of Scholars who anticipate that they will experience difficulty in

meeting the balance of the tuition fees, to apply at the same time for one of the school’s

means tested bursaries and assisted places scheme when they register their child.

6.1 Year 9 Scholarships

Year 9 Scholarships are awarded for outstanding performances in each subject and in

general academic areas. They carry a financial award to the pupils who is awarded

the scholarship. Academic scholarships are available to both Wycliffe Preparatory

School and external candidates and students are tested in Verbal, Non-Verbal, Spatial

and Quantitative Reasoning. Scholarship candidates, both internal and external, are

nominated by their schools after consultation with respective staff and parents. There

is also a range of co-curricular scholarships available to all candidates – music, sport,

design, drama and art. The assessments are taken in January/February prior to

September entry. See Appendix 1 for more details.

6.2 Sixth Form Scholarships

A limited number of scholarships are available to applicants to our Sixth Form based

on merit and their potential to contribute positively to the Wycliffe community.

Honorary scholarships are also awarded to Wycliffe students who have excelled at

GCSE in Year 11.

There are four categories of scholarships:

All round excellence


Creative, including Fine Art, Design Technology, Drama and Music


Students may apply in more than one category.

Students are not expected to revise for the scholarship examinations.

All academic scholarships awarded require as a condition of their continuance, that

the recipient pursues that subject to full A level. The academic assessment tests

Verbal, Non-Verbal, Spatial and Quantitative Reasoning via the CAT4 testing system.


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In creative disciplines and other areas as appropriate, a portfolio of work may be

requested. In addition there will also be a formal assessment.

For Sports Scholarships, it is expected that applicants are outstanding in at least one

major sport that is offered at competitive level at Wycliffe and also show potential in

at least one other sport.

Music scholars may, exceptionally, be permitted to not take Music or Music Technology

A level if they contribute significantly in other ways to the musical life of the school,

as determined by the Director of Music.

The all-rounder award recognises a significant commitment to Wycliffe life and the

potential for further contribution. It is intended for those applicants who are deserving

of recognition but who may not shine in any particular academic, creative or sporting

field but who nonetheless are outstanding members of the community.

See Appendix 2 for more details.

7. The scholarship process

Whilst Year 9 scholarship candidates are required only to complete an application form,

along with supporting references and (if external) a completed registration form, Year 12

scholarship applications are slightly different. In addition to the application form,

references, etc. candidates must also submit a letter of application to the Head,

indicating the areas in which they wish to be considered for an award.

They should include in their letter, which may be hand-written or typed, how they believe

they will be an asset to the school, how they will be ambassadors for the Sixth Form in

general and that subject in particular and evidence of what they have achieved already, both

academically and in extra-curricular activities.

For all scholarships, Heads of Department make recommendations on the basis of the results

and make recommendations on the basis of the results and on their existing knowledge of the


The Director of Sport will interview Sports applicants.

Applicants for the All-rounder scholarship will be usually interviewed by the Head of Sixth

Form and the Deputy Head (Academic)

House staff, tutors and heads of relevant departments are asked for references for



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A meeting will be held involving the Head, the Finance Director, the Deputy Head

(Academic), the Director of Sport, the Head of Sixth Form and the Admissions Manager to

discuss the applicants and make recommendations.

The Head and Finance Director determine how the available scholarship awards are

distributed between deserving applicants. The number and size of awards made will depend

on the quality of the candidates.

External candidates take part in an identical process with references requested from their

schools and any other appropriate interested body (e.g. sports coach, individual tutor or

drama/music group).

8. Bursaries

Wycliffe wishes to encourage the inclusion of children from all sections of society whose

parents feel that they can share in and benefit from the ideals and environment of the


In order to facilitate the accessibility of the College to parents who would otherwise be

precluded for financial reasons, the College makes available bursaries each year to children

wishing to join the school and for parents of children who are already a pupil at Wycliffe

where financial circumstances have changed such that a pupil may not be able to continue to

attend Wycliffe without means tested assistance.

The amount made available for bursaries each year will vary depending on funds made

available by Trustees and not all applications for a bursary will be successful. Trustees may

grant awards of up to 90% of school fees subject to a minimum parental contribution of not

less than £2,000 per annum (£167 per month) but this does not restrict the discretion of

Trustees to make increased awards in appropriate circumstances.

Bursaries can be awarded to pupils who already hold another award (e.g. a scholarship) but

the total of all awards is normally limited to 90% and the minimum parental contribution as


All bursary awards are reviewable on an annual basis. If a parent’s financial circumstances

remain unaltered from the previous year, the general policy is that the award will continue

for the following year.

8.1 Applying for a Wycliffe Bursary

Any parent seeking financial assistance with school fees will be asked to complete a

Statement of Financial Circumstances Form which is available from the Finance

Department, the Preparatory School Registrar or the Senior School Admissions

Manager. This is a comprehensive financial questionnaire which seeks to establish the

financial status of the applicant.


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8.2 Assessment of the application and whether a bursary can be granted

The Finance Director will make a recommendation to the Head or the Head of the

Preparatory School. Such an assessment will be based on funds available and parental

contribution tables which are to be used as a guideline. Whether an award is granted

will be subject to satisfying both the school’s admission criteria, the financial position

of parents and the child’s performance against other eligible candidates if applicable.

9. International Applicants

Wycliffe has a long tradition of welcoming international pupils. We need to evaluate the

level of English required to begin a mainstream academic programme. We ascertain this by

expecting every international applicant to take a CAT4 assessment (specific to their chosen

year of entry) and to hand write an essay in English. We offer a place based initially on the

results of these tests, plus any information gleaned from school reports/reference and

interview feedback we may have had with the pupil if they have visited Wycliffe.

Despite this pre-testing it is not always possible to ascertain a pupil’s academic ability and

suitability for a more independent style of learning expected in the UK education system,

particularly in the Sixth Form. When a Sixth Form place is offered we always reserve the

right to transfer them to our Development Year programme if it is clear that the demands of

the Sixth Form are too exacting. The school’s decision is always taken in the pupil’s best


Whilst attempting to build an academic profile through school reports, references from

educational agents and the like, Wycliffe also carries out extensive ‘pre-sessional’ testing

before the start of the year which rigorously examines their ability to pursue a mainstream

Sixth Form course within the 5 day pre-sessional programme prior to the start of the Autumn

term. Pupils are given a full induction into every aspect of Wycliffe school life. If their

English is not deemed sufficient, an alternative to Sixth Form is provided through entry into

the ‘Development Year’.

The aim of this course is to provide them with the linguistic skills (through an intensive ESOL

programme and limited access to mainstream subjects as pre-AS level) to enable each student

to fulfil their academic potential in a foreign tongue i.e. English. The normal route for these

students is then to transfer across to the appropriate mainstream programme of study once

Wycliffe is satisfied that they are suitably equipped with the language skills to perform at this

level. Extra EAL tuition can also be arranged for individuals at the parent’s expense.

As well as possessing English language competence international pupils should be able to

demonstrate aptitude in academic areas in order to undertake sixth form studies. We assess

a pupil’s ability and potential from the academic reports we receive and we make a

judgement on suitability based on our knowledge and considerable experience of a specific


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country’s education system and expectations. We take this into account when we decide to

offer a place or advise on specific subject choices.

10. School’s contractual Terms & Conditions

Copies are on the School’s website and are made available to parents as part of the

admissions process.


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Art Scholarships

Wycliffe College offers a number of Art Scholarships each year, with awards made on the

presentation of a portfolio of artwork indicating potential as well as performance in the field

of Art for example drawing, painting and printmaking. However evidence of creativity in

other Art and Design disciplines is of interest.

Candidates will also be expected to produce a piece of work whilst in the Art School on

Scholarship Day. This exercise will be followed by a brief interview with the Head of Art,

where the candidate will discuss his or her portfolio including Personal work, schoolwork and


Acceptance should indicate a willingness to make a leading contribution to the visual arts at

Wycliffe in the field of Art.

Awards are maintained until GCSE Level when personal performance and parental needs are


Design & Technology Scholarships

Wycliffe offers Awards in Design and Technology to Year 9 candidates who are able to show a

real interest and ability in the creative aspects of design and a good understanding of

technology concepts. They should be able to exhibit a high level of graphical communication

and craft skills.

Successful applicants would be expected to show strong commitment, following the subject

to GCSE level and hopefully beyond.

Selection is in three stages:

(i) A design examination of one-hour duration. No advance preparation is required.

Candidates will be required to analyse a given design brief.

Sketch two alternative designs that satisfy the specification provided.

Review their ideas.

Produce a final design that shows some development from the initial idea

along with some technical knowledge of materials and construction


They may want to bring a pencil case with their favourite drawing equipment.


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(ii) A portfolio of D&T related work that the candidate has either produced at school

or home, showing as full a range of experience as possible.

It should include design drawings and an appreciation of the design


Evidence if possible, of completed practical projects, ideally in a range of

different materials (photographs accepted).

(iii) A brief interview with the Design and Technology staff.

Drama Scholarships

Wycliffe College offers Drama Awards to girls and boys for entry to Year 9.

In assessing candidates at this age we are looking for potential as much as actual

achievement. They should indicate commitment and possess energy and ideas. Successful

applicants are expected to make a special contribution to school life through their drama and

to take full advantage of the opportunities on offer to develop their skills. They will study

Drama to GCSE level, and it is hoped they will continue with A Level Theatre Studies in the

Sixth Form.

Selection is primarily by interview, practical workshop and audition speeches. Candidates

may offer either acting or design for assessment.

All candidates will participate in a thirty-minute practical workshop. All candidates will be

expected to talk about a theatrical production they have seen in the last year, in a short

interview with the Head of Drama. Additionally, acting candidates should prepare a short

piece to perform, of approximately two minutes’ duration, from a play of their own choice.

Design candidates should produce sketches of set, costumes or lighting from a play of their

own choice.

Wycliffe is renowned as a friendly place and we make candidates feel at home and at ease

but Examinations can still be quite an ordeal. For this reason, the Head of Drama is always

pleased to meet prospective candidates and their parents prior to the audition. Having

visited the College and met the staff, the candidate may feel more relaxed and confident on

the day of the examination and could, therefore, be in a better position to do herself/himself

full justice.

Music Scholarships

At Wycliffe College, we can offer scholarships to students of all orchestral instruments,

keyboard instruments and voice. Potential is more important than actual achievement

although a good Grade 4 standard or above is normally the standard expected for a

candidate's major instrument.


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Free instrumental tuition on up to three instruments is offered as part of any Music

Scholarship awarded but free instrumental tuition may also be offered to other candidates.

Auditions involve candidates performing two contrasting pieces on their first instrument and

one piece on their second instrument (if any), together with sight-reading and ear tests for

the grades reached. Candidates who are not offering voice as their first or second instrument

are encouraged, if possible, to prepare a song.

Sport Scholarships

At Year 9 entry level we are looking for games players whose performance is of a very high

standard at school level. Candidates are likely to be playing sport at county representative

level or above, or they should demonstrate the potential to do so should their current

circumstances not allow representative sport. There would be an expectation of a high level

of commitment to all spheres of sport at Wycliffe. Sports Scholarship Awards will be made on

the demonstration of potential in two or more of the major team sports:

Rugby Hockey Netball

Cricket Football Tennis

Applicants should be outstanding at first team level at school or club, in at least one of the

sports listed above.

Ability in the following fields will also be considered:

Swimming Athletics Rounders

Selection will be made through interview and practical assessment, which will involve fitness

testing and performance in the selected sports. Supporting evidence of previous

accomplishments in sport, in the form of references should be submitted by scholarship day

or at the interview.


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Art Scholarships

Wycliffe offers a number of Fine Art Scholarships. Awards are made on the presentation of a

portfolio of artwork indicating potential as well as performance in the field of Fine Art, for

example drawing, painting and printmaking. However evidence of creativity in other Art and

Design disciplines is of interest. Candidates will be expected to produce a piece of work in

the Art School on Scholarship Day after which they will be interviewed by the Head of Art.

We are looking for skill and potential but, above all, enthusiasm and commitment to the


Acceptance should indicate a willingness to make a leading contribution to the visual arts at

Wycliffe in the field of Fine Art

Design & Technology Scholarships

Wycliffe offers Scholarships in Design and Technology for candidates wishing to follow the A-

Level course. They should be able to demonstrate real interest and ability in the creative

aspects of design, alongside a good understanding of technological concepts. They should

exhibit a high level of graphical communication and craft skills. Candidates should normally

have studied Design and Technology to GCSE Level. Successful applicants will be expected to

show strong commitment and are likely to be interested in pursuing their design studies into

Higher Education.

Selection is in two stages:

(i) Presentation of a portfolio of work (GCSE project completed so far will form a major

part), showing as full a range of experience as possible, plus evidence (photographic)

of previously completed practical projects, ideally illustrating experience in a range

of different materials. These could either be school projects, or projects that have

been completed for a hobby or special interest.

(ii) An interview with the Design and Technology staff

Drama Scholarships

Wycliffe College offers Drama Scholarships to both girls and boys for entry into the Sixth


Candidates entering at Sixth Form level take A-Level Theatre Studies and are expected to

have a genuine interest and strong commitment to Theatre, possibly as a future career.

Successful scholars are expected to make a special contribution to school life through their

drama and to take full advantage of the opportunities on offer, e.g. acting in or lighting, set


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or costume designing for School or House plays; directing House plays or video projects;

organising and running workshops and general stage management.

Candidates are invited to express a particular interest in acting, design or directing. Acting

candidates will be expected to perform two short pieces, of approximately two minutes'

duration, from plays of their own choice. Only one is necessary for Design / Directing


One piece should be from a contemporary play, one from a classical play (Shakespeare,

Jacobean, Restoration or Greek), and offer two contrasting roles. If there are more than

three Candidates they will take part in a 20 minute workshop.

Design candidates should also produce a small portfolio of work based upon a play of their

own choice. All candidates should be prepared to discuss their work in detail.

All candidates are also expected to write a short review of a theatrical production they have

seen within the previous year. This should be submitted on Scholarship Day.

The selection process considers the standard of the audition pieces alongside the written

review of a live performance / technical portfolios and the information discussed in the

interview. All elements are important when considering the application.

There will be an interview with the Head of Drama and the Headmaster or Head of Sixth


Although Wycliffe is renowned as a friendly place and we try and make candidates feel at

home and at ease, scholarship examinations can still be quite an ordeal. For this reason, the

Head of Drama is always pleased to meet prospective candidates and their parents prior to

the audition. Having visited the College and met the staff, the candidate may feel a little

more relaxed and confident on the day of the examination and could, therefore, be in a

position to do herself/himself full justice.

Music Scholarships and Exhibitions

Wycliffe offers Music Scholarships and Exhibitions to girls and boys for entry into the Sixth

Form, as well as to girls and boys less than 14 years of age.

A number of Scholarships and Exhibitions are being offered. All awards include instrumental

tuition; free tuition on one or two instruments may also be offered to other promising

candidates. Awards offered in November or March are conditional upon candidates achieving

at least five GCSEs at C Grade or above in the following June.


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The vast majority of Sixth Formers at Wycliffe study four AS-Level subjects, reducing to three

in the Upper Sixth; music scholars and exhibitioners are generally expected to study AS and

A2 Level Music.

At Sixth Form level we are looking for players of outstanding ability who have a real sense of

commitment to music. The average ability of candidates in recent years has been Grade 6

standard on their principal instrument, though musicians of exceptional promise but slightly

lower levels of achievement are also encouraged to apply.

At Wycliffe, we offer Music Scholarships on all orchestral and keyboard instruments. The

ability to play a second instrument may be advantageous but not essential.

In the audition the candidates will be asked to perform two contrasting pieces on their first

instrument and one or two pieces on their second instrument. They will also be given sight-

reading and ear tests for the grade that they have reached.

Wycliffe is a friendly place and we make candidates feel at home but scholarship

examinations can be quite an ordeal. For this reason, the Director of Music, Mrs Gemma

Russell, is always pleased to meet prospective candidates and their parents at any time prior

to the audition. This enables her to hear the candidate play informally and to give parents

some idea of their son or daughter's chances in the audition proper. Having visited the

College and met Mrs Russell beforehand, the candidate may feel more relaxed and confident

on the day of the examination and could, therefore, be in a better position to do

himself/herself full justice.

Sport Scholarships

At Sixth Form level we are looking for games players whose performance is of a very high

standard at school level. Candidates are likely to be playing sport at county representative

level or above, or they should demonstrate the potential to do so should their current

circumstances not allow representative sport. There would be an expectation of a high level

of commitment to all spheres of sport at Wycliffe. Sports Scholarship Awards will be made on

the demonstration of potential in one or more of the major team sports:

Rugby Hockey Netball

Cricket Football Tennis

Applicants should be outstanding at first team level at school or club, in at least one of the

sports listed above.

Ability in the following fields will also be considered:

Squash Basketball Rowing


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Selection will be made through interview and practical assessment, which will involve fitness

testing and performance in the selected sports. Supporting evidence of previous

accomplishments in sport, in the form of references should be submitted by scholarship day

or at the interview.