Www.ifrc.org Saving lives, changing minds. Contingency Planning and Response Preparedness Recent...


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www.ifrc.orgSaving lives, changing minds.

Contingency Planning and Response Preparedness

Recent developments and


www.ifrc.orgSaving lives, changing minds.

International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement

National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies “National Societies”

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies “International Federation”

International Committee of the Red Cross“ICRC”ICRC

www.ifrc.orgSaving lives, changing minds.


Disaster ResponseRelief, Shelter, Health, Wat/San &

Hygiene, Info Management, Advocacy

Goal: Community

Resilience and Risk Reduction

Emergency preparedness is essentially a humanitarian endeavour that requires a long- term approach…

Disaster Management Continuum

www.ifrc.orgSaving lives, changing minds.

CP - Key Lessons Learned

CP should not be a complex task undertaken only by specialists – simple, participatory, practical, realistic.

Preparedness actions that are identified as a result of the CP should be addressed. Regular updates, simulations.

Contingency planning should be done in the context of well articulated preparedness framework – not in isolation.

Senior managers and decision makers involvement/buy-in is essential during the process

Funding for contingency planning and preparedness should be considered a core organisational activity.

Joint scenario development and planning can lead to more coordinated and complimentary humanitarian action.

www.ifrc.orgSaving lives, changing minds.

Contingency Planning

CP guide in the final stage of revision after last global workshop

Field tested in five countries and feedback being incorporated

Training package developed simultaneously

Interactive E-learning module on CP planned

Global RP group being set up and workshop planned

www.ifrc.orgSaving lives, changing minds.

Global Response Preparedness Workshop

Finalise the CP guide and training material

Adopt the response preparedness matrix/ framework

Agree on the long term approach for CP and develop a plan of action

Select priority countries – practical CPs, Preparedness Plan

Simulation strategy – Global/Regional pool of Simulation Managers, National Level exercise

National response preparedness – NDRT, NDPRM etc

Performance and accountability indicators for dissemination of early warning against the actual preparedness action taken

www.ifrc.orgSaving lives, changing minds.


Develop baseline, indicators and measure impact with regards to EP initiatives (national, regional and global)

Knowledge sharing

Can be used as a tool for contingency planning

Harmonized and integrated approach to planning

Establish short, medium and long-term trends in relation to EP

Enables NSs to compare their status to global, regional and/or sub-regional trends

www.ifrc.orgSaving lives, changing minds.

Well Prepared Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies (WPNS)

1. Emergency preparedness, policy, plans and laws

2. Damage, needs, hazard/risk/vulnerability and capacity assessment

3. Coordination4. Information and report management5. Resource and response mobilization6. Community-based disaster preparedness,

mitigation and disaster risk reduction7. Advocacy

WPNS 2009–2011.docx

www.ifrc.orgSaving lives, changing minds.

National - Regional - Global Response Continuum

National Network of

local branches Trained staff &

volunteers Local first aid

& rescue teams

Systems, assets

Early warning

Regional Network of

National Societies

Trained staff & volunteers

Regional Disaster Response Teams

Systems, assets

DMIS links

Global Movement FACT DREF ERU DMIS Appeal Logistics Security

www.ifrc.orgSaving lives, changing minds.

Response Preparedness Matrix


Policy, Strategy, Mandate Early Warning, Risk Analysis, Monitoring and Evaluation HR, Training and Teams Materials, Logistics, Procurement, Warehousing, Systems and

Procedures Finance, Resource Mobilisation, Emergency Funds Needs Assessment Coordination, Pre-agreements, Contingency Planning, SoP, Simulations Information Management, Database, Reporting Safety and Security Recovery PreparednessResponse Preparedness Matrix.docx
