Www.hertsdirect.org Smoking and Mental Health HWb workshop 9th July 2015 Emily Clarke Assistant...


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Smoking and Mental Health HWb workshop 9th July 2015

Emily Clarke

Assistant Manager

Hertfordshire Stop Smoking Service

Liz Fisher

Head of Provider Services

Tobacco Control Lead


What we are covering:

• Why this is so important

• Motivation and barriers to quitting

• What’s happening locally

• Hertfordshire Stop Smoking Service – what can we offer?

• Making a referral

• Better together – workshop discussion and next steps


Why Tobacco Control remains important

• Single most important cause of premature death and disability

• Kills 80,000 people prematurely in England alone and 1,500 people in Herts die every year

• Accounts for 50% of health inequalities between better and worst off

• Disproportionately affects

most deprived groups

• 135,300 smokers in Herts

• Cost the NHS £55 million in 2013-2014


Smoking Still Kills

Courtesy of ASH

Obesity: 34,100

Smoking: 79,100

Alcohol: 6,669


Illegal drugs: 1,605

HIV: 504


Leading cause of preventable death


All deaths in men and women aged 35 and over in England, 2013

Source: ASH (2015) Smoking Still Kills


Herts smoking prevalence 2010-2013


Smoking in People with Mental Health Conditions

Source: RCP and RCPsych (2013) Smoking and Mental Health


Smoking and Mental Health• Greatest impact on health


• High prevalence – no change over 20 years

• 70% in some groups

• 16-25 years of life lost

• 42% of all tobacco smoked

• Misconceptions about wanting to quit and impact on mental health


Smoking and Mental Health

• Improved mental health reduces lifestyle risk behaviours

• Smoking responsible for most of the excess mortality in people with severe mental health conditions

www.hertsdirect.org Slide courtesy of Gay Sutherland

www.hertsdirect.org Slide courtesy of Gay Sutherland

www.hertsdirect.org Slide courtesy of Gay Sutherland


Tobacco – an NHS priority NICE PH48





Smokers who would find quitting difficult

Source: RCP and RCPsych (2013) Smoking and mental health


What’s happening locally?• CLeaR review on tobacco control

• NHS systems leaders’ commitment to tobacco control

• Herts smoking and mental health action group

• Implementing NICE PH48 – supporting HPfT to become Smokefree

• Implementing NICE PH45 – harm reduction approaches

• Mental health and smoking master classes

• Developing more specialist stop smoking services – behavioural sciences

• Included within the Quality Metrics for HPfT


What does a Stop Smoking Service offer?

Medication (on prescription)• Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) x 7

• Zyban & Champix

Behavioural SupportAt least 5 weekly meetings with

trained advisor or a 7 week group

Carbon Monoxide Monitoring

The service is FREE

Ongoing Encouragement

Periodic phone support in the first year (3, 6

and 12 months)


HSSS Referral Form

Hertfordshire Stop Smoking Service

Referral Form Smoking has been discussed with this patient/client who has agreed to be referred to

Hertfordshire Stop Smoking Service and will be contacted by the team to discuss quitting. Information may be shared with other appropriate health professionals.

* Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory

PLEASE SEND TO: Hertfordshire Stop Smoking Service

Hertfordshire County Council, Apsley Campus 1, Brindley Way, Hemel Hempstead. Hertfordshire. HP3 9BF Freephone: 0800 389 3998 Telephone: 01442 453071 Fax: 01442 453070

Email: stopsmokingservice@hertscc.gcsx.gov.uk

* Patient/Client’s Forename:…………………………………........ * Primary phone (Landline): …………………………………….

* Patient/Client’s Surname:………………………………………… * Messages can be left on this number: Yes: No:

* Date Of Birth………………………………………………………. Mobile ……………..……………………………………………..

* Gender: Female: Male:

* Messages can be left on this number: Yes: No:

* Inpatient: Yes: No:

* Is the patient/client pregnant? Yes: No:

* Address 1:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

* Address 2: ……………………………………………………............................................................................................................

* Town: ………………………………………………………………. * Postcode: …………………………………………………………

Email: ………………………………………………………………. * Stop before the Op? Yes: No:

Does partner/any member of the household smoke and want to be contacted by HSSS? Yes: No:

Name and contact number:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

* Date of referral: ………………………………………………. * Referrer’s Name: ……………………………………………

* Job Title: ………………………………………………………. * Referrer’s contact number……………………………….

* Department: …………………………………………………… * Organisation: ………………………………………………. (Please avoid abbreviations)

* Locality/Area ………………………………………………….. Referrer’s Email ……………………………………………

I would like confirmation that this patient/client was contacted: Yes: No:

* Does the Client/Patient have disabilities or mental illness that we need to be aware of? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

HSSS is committed to calling/texting all referrals up to 3 times, at different times of the day. If the team has been unable to contact the patient/client, a letter plus supporting information pack will be sent.

Thank you for referring this patient/client to Hertfordshire Stop Smoking Service


Better together:

• Raising the profile of smoking and mental health

• Improving the knowledge and motivation of stakeholders

• Identification of people with mental health conditions who smoke

• Offering advice to people with mental health conditions who smoke

• Offering intensive behavioural support and medication to service users

• Making Smokefree the norm in mental health settings


Thank you!


HSSS Contact Details

• For further information or to refer a patient/client:

Email: stopsmokingservice@hertscc.gcsx.gov.uk

(secure address)

Phone: 0800 389 3 998 or 01442 453071

Fax: 01442 453070

Text: 80818 (patients can just text ‘Smokefree’)

Website: smokefreehertfordshire.nhs.uk

All of the above are available to staff, patients and the public


Further readingPrimary Care Guidance on Smoking and Mental Disorders:


RCP report: https://www.rcplondon.ac.uk/sites/default/files/smoking_and_mental_health_-_key_recommendations.pdf

NICE PH48: https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ph48

NICE PH45: https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ph45

BI training: http://www.ncsct.co.uk/pub_training.php
