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Computer Center


Prepared by

Ph. D Ghassan H.Abdul Majeed

Computer Center Director /Baghdad University

Assisst. Lec. Aseel Hussan Assisst. Lec. Ahmad Obaid

Head of Continuous Training Division Head of eGovernace & Network security Unit

Eng.Sondus Hassan Eng. Abdullah Abd Ali Jassim

Internet Applications Unit Head of Internet Applications Unit

Ms.Alaa Hilmi

Personal Unit

First- The Computer Center, Birth & Development

The Computer Center was established in 1984 with a limited staff most of them with a

bachelor degree and a director, with degree. Professor Sohail Saad- allah was the first

director . The structure of the center was not clear; there were no units, nor departments

and the centers role was limited on the maintenance of the university computers and

organizing simple courses about the basics of computer using besides being a place to store

information about the work of the university headoffice such as the warehouse system, the

library, etc.

In 1994, Professor Harith AL-Jumaily took over the responsibility of directing the

center; since then the number of courses increased in various majors and the number of the

systems that facilitate work in the university increased such as personal system and the

unified computing system ,etc.

In 1998 the center was headed by Dr. Rafeh Hashim . During his period , the internet

service became available at the center and for many colleges at the University of

Baghdad .The number of courses and participants increased annually. The number of

courses annually exceeded , one thousand and the number of participants annually exceeded.

At the beginning of 2005, the management of the center was assigned to Prof.

Ghassan H. Abdul Majeed, . There has been a great transformation in the management of

center .It has become a highly qualified center for training and tests. International

institutions such as (Microsoft ,Cisco,Oracle,Adobe,etc, has given the center that power.

Now , the center provides international examinations for more than(2000) two

thousand certificates that covers computing technology .The number of courses has

increased to more than 300 hundred courses . The number of participants has exceeded 10

thousands in 2010.

The Computer Center represents the first counseling institution for the Ministry of

Higher Education and Scientific Research in all issues dealing with Computer . The center has

achieved various achievement in addition of providing more than 2000 international

certificates. The center acquired the rank of the first best examination center out of 14000

examinations centers distributed in most countries. That achievement was based upon the

assessment made by Certiport Company. It evaluated the Computer Center for with efficiency

of administration, execution of examination ,and the ability to solve problems and providing

examination requirements .

Second- The Names of the Directors and when they took over:

1- Dr. Suhail Saad Allah 1984-1994

2- Prof. Harith Taha Al-Jumaily 1994-1997

3- Dr. Rafea Hashim Al-Suhaily 1998-2004

4- Dr. Chassan Hamed Majeed 2005-

Third - The Administrative and Scientific Cadre of the center

The scientific cadres (The Present states))






The Technical Administrative and Service Cadre (The Present states)



and below






Fourth – Contents of Computer Center:-

The computer center includes the following:-

1- 14 Classrooms with complete equipment.

2- 300 computers.

3- 2Video conferencing systems.

4- The internet service is supplied by 4 internet systems including 2 VSAT systems & 2

Broad band systems.

5- Now, we are implementing advanced ICT network inside the computer ceisco with

depending on advanced Cisco systems.

6- eLearning tools and expand in the use of last technologies.

7- 250KVA generator for electrical power backup.

8- 4 servers ,each server have 2 Xeon processors and each Xeon includes 2 cores.

Fifth- The Goals of the Center and its means:

1. Planning , implementing & developing the ICT infrastructure of university of Baghdad.

2. Building cooperation relationships with worldwide companies to import their ICT and

use it in Iraq.

3. Transfer the ICT to the colleges by building cooperation relationships with them.

4. Developing the experiences of the employees of ministries in ICT fields.

5. Submit the consultations in ICT fields.

6. Designing & hosting the websites.

7. Training on using computer and its various types of applications .

8. Mechanizing the manual skills and systems to increase accuracy, decrease effort and


9. Network installation and Internet service conduction.

10.Computers maintenance.

11.Giving the consultations in computer fields.

12.Evaluating students and teachers efficiency and performance through the indirect

mechanizing test and giving them online certifications.

Sixth- Courses and Organized Certificates given by the center:

The local certificationsNo.

The Academic Promotion of Faculty1

Window XP, Word 2007,Excel 2007,Power Point 20072

Advanced Excel 20073

Computer Maintenance and Windows operating system4

Computer and Printing maintenance5

Maintaining Windows XP6

UPS & Power Supply Maintenance7

Corel Draw Ver. 118

Photo Shop CS49

Adobe Premiere Ver. 610

MS project11


Dream Waver13


Front Page 200315



Access 200318

Advanced Access 200319

Visual Basic. Net20

Oracle 10g & Developer 10g21

Sun Micro system Essential22

Sun Micro system Administrator23

Linux with Redhat enterprise 524

Windows 2008 Server25

CCNA security26

Advanced Linux with Redhat enterprise 527


AutoCAD 2D 200829

AutoCAD 3D 200830

Advanced AutoCAD 2D 200831

Computer Network according to CompTIA32

VSAT Satellite Internet Systems33

Wireless Networking34


Arc GIS 9.2 (Level-1)36

Arc GIS 9.2 (Level-2)37

SPSS Ver.1238

Advanced SPSS Ver. 1239

IC3 courses higher Studies students, government and

private sector employees.40

The International CertificatesNo.

IT Information Technology ( Level-1)1

IT Information Technology ( Level-2)2

CCNA Network Fundamentals3

CCNA Routing Protocols and Concept4

CCNA LAN Switching and Wireless5

CCNA Accessing to WAN6

CCNA Industrial (640-802)7

Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server

Environment (70-290)8

Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows

Server 2003 Network Infrastructure (70-291)9

Planning and maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server

2003Network Infrastructure (70-293)10

Planning , implementing and maintaining a Microsoft Windows

Server 2003,Active directory Infrastructure (70-294)11



(IC3) Internet Computing Core Certification14

IT Skills15

Photo Shop CS516

Dream weaver CS517


More than 2000 International Certificates from different sponsors

(see www.cc.uobaghdad.edu.iq)19

Seventh- The Center Publications (publishing):-

The center participates in publishing text books for the Ministry of Education in

computer field for preliminary and secondary schools:-

1- (Third and fourth class) Elementary stage (It will be taught in 2012/2013).

2- (First , second and third class) Intermediate stage (It is being taught now).

3- (Fourth class) secondary stage (It is being taught now).

4- (Fifth class) scientific branch (secondary stage) (It is being taught now).

5- The center produces many scientific lectures dealing with Computer Science.

Eighth. The activities of the center to serve the government institutions and the society:

NoticeNumberSort of activitySequence

-The Culture of Authorizations4Symposiums1-

- The Electronic Government

- The direct tests

- International certifications for

postgraduate students


More than 10 thousands courses in

computer fields


-Ibn-Sina Project

-Cisco Academy

- Microsoft Academy

- Using Smart Cards



5Other activities-6

eHealth project7-

eLearning by

using advanced

On Line services


Ninth- strategy of Computer Center- past & present stages with activities

Computer Center – University of Baghdad became a pole of international experiences

in ICT fields in Iraq according to importing these technologies to our country, studying it,

developing ICT solution to the targeted Iraqi end users with activating the scientific side of

our university depending on pioneer projects and social services by using advanced ICT to

reflect the real range of the positive effect to push ahead the progression of Iraq and to enable

our university to return back the real powerful level in Arab & International societies with

benefits from the scientific relationships with International organizations & giant companies

which give an excellent ideas about the high trustworthy of University of Baghdad.

To achieve the above aims , Computer Center in University of Baghdad has 6 types of

cooperation relationships as follows:-

1-Agreement of cooperation with Kindi Medicine College, College of Medicine College of

Engineering – electrical Engineering Department with the ability to expand the pioneer

projects and social services with other colleges according to the targeting the advanced high

experiences in ICT & SCADA systems of Computer Center and engage these experiences

with specialized experiences of other colleges in medical and engineering fields to produce

very powerful pioneer projects which lead to advanced social services depending on

International standards.

2-Relationships with international universities ,e.g. the Kindy Medicine College presents our

eHealth & eLearning Project which is done by Eng. Abdullah A. Jassim and supervised

by Prof. Dr. Ghassan H. AbdulMajeed to University of Kingston, London according to

DelPHE program which is administered by the British Council of Universities and the

project is accepted directly and completely.

3-Cooperation relationships with Iraqi universities to help them to develop their experiences and support them by consultation in ICT fields , The universities include Mustansirya Univ. , Univ. of Technology, Nahrain University, Foundation of Technical Education, The Iraqi Commission of Computers and Informatics, University of Anbar, University of Diyala.

4-Cooperation relationships with World Wide companies who are the producers of ICT like

Cisco, Microsoft, Oracle, Oracle Sun & InterSystems according to the IT Academies to

enter the ICT in Iraq. This is the most important achievement of computer center on the

National Level, the academies in Computer Center can be shown below:-

A-Cisco Academy which is officially certified by Cisco Corporation.

B-Microsoft IT Academy which is officially certified by Microsoft and now, Computer

center agree with Microsoft to enable Baghdad Univ. to participate in projects

according to Microsoft Institute.

C-Oracle IT Academy which is officially certified by Oracle.

D- Starting the preparation to open training courses of InterSystems software solutions.

E- International testing centers of PearsonVUE, Prometric, Certiport for international

standardized testing and certification for practical experiences in ICT.

6-Cooperation relationships with regional corporations which have agencies from the world

wide companiesas follows:-

A-relation ships with Silk Road Group Who are the regional agent of Dell Corp. to

activate the investments in the projects in the following fields:-

Cooperation in the pioneer orojects like advanced eHealth & eLearning projects.

Planning to establish a data center in University of Baghdad - Al-Jadriya Complex.

Opening an official training center of Oracle in Al- Jadriya Complex.

B- Relations with Legends Land Group/Official Microsoft training Center to develop and

speed up the use of Microsoft ICT in Iraq.

C- Computer Center has a plan to open completely on the investment in ICT &

applications according to the benefits of the relationships with the regional

companies & the world wide companies to enable the the use of the advanced ICT.

D- relationships with many Iraqi Ministries like Ministry of Higher education and Scientific Research ,Ministry of Technology, Ministry of Communication to help them in developing their experiences and supporting them in consultation in ICT fields.

Tenth- Strategy of Computer Center- the futuristic stages:-

The success and excellent reputation of Computer Center locally and internationally,

this continuity of positive steps need the appropriate care of supporting in different levels

according to:-

1- Enabling the computer center as follows:-

A- To become a Post Graduate Institute of ICT.

B- To be one of the official references in ICT fields.

C- To be one of the Iraqi researches door and applying the quality assurance towards the

accreditation in ICT fields.

D- Signing agreements with different world wide universities and research centers to

entering the participation in the projects of Iraq and give a clear idea to the external

educational enterprises about the ability of Iraqis to consume the latest ICT and reuse it

in projects inside Iraq which is very important aim.

2- Enable the employees of Computer Center To complete the Higher Studies to get the

M.Sc and Ph.D in ICT.

3- Activating the cooperation agreement between Computer Center and College of

Engineering-Electrical engineering Department to open Higher studies in ICT fields for

the employees of Computer Center.

4- Encouraging the expansion in the investment projects like eHealth & eLearning to activate

the social services with the latest ICT depending on the international standards.

Eleventh- Activities in eMedia and clearing the work of Baghdad University in the Society:-

1- Computer Center submit the project of electronic media in University of Baghdad by Eng

Abdullah Abd Ali Jassim and supervised by Prof. Dr. Ghassan H. AbdulMajeed- Director

of the Computer Center .Depending on this project the Computer center established the

news website www.uobaghdad.edu.iq of our university and hosting, designing and

organizing its sub domains of Colleges ,P.G.Institutes & Centers.

Computer center participate in and support the website unit which is linked directly with

the office of the President of the University .This unit takes the responsibility of the

website and its news and other contents.

2- The computer Center does a powerful work with very positive results in Iraq during the

following pioneer projects:-

A- Project of ICT infrastructure of eHealth in health and medical education fields.

B- Project of eLearning using advanced capabilities.

C- In 2012 , the Computer Center will submit 3 technical projects with new ideas

depending on the cooperation with worldwide companies Cisco & Microsoft

besides to the cooperation with other specialized universities to complete these

future projects.

3- The above pioneer projects support the pioneer projects of other colleges for the social

services. Therefore, it is necessary to document all the pioneer projects and its activities

besides to the contact with the ministries, worldwide universities, organizations &

companies to achieve these aims ,the computer center do the following:-

A- Activating the official website of university www.uob.edu.iq which specialized in

pioneer projects and social services by cooperation agreements between computer

center and other colleges.

B- Establishing a specific website for each pioneer project or social services with

making a sub domains from uob.edu.iq for each pioneer project or social services:-

www.ehealth.uob.edu.iq for eHealth pioneer project.

www.ort.uob.edu.iq for pioneer project of obesity researches and treatment.

www.crmed.uob.edu.iq for pioneer project of cancer researches.

Twelfth . The Future Plans:

1- Inaugurating a training center for certifications of Oracle foundation in coordination with a

Silk Road Company, the center hopes to establish separate building for this training center

annexed to the Building of the Computer center.

2- Coordinating with Microsoft Company to train 30,000 scholars in all Iraqi Universities

about the elements of MTA with a Certification started at the beginning of 2011 and all

costs will be on the Company.

3- Establishing the archive system for the library of the university of Baghdad and an

electronic circulation system..

4- Establishing the Data Center in the University of Baghdad campus , responsible for

the administration of all services dealing with the Technology of information of all

Colleges , Institutions of the University and center , the building of new Center will be

beside the Computer Center.

5 - Originating new unit in the Computer Center by the name of security of networks

which takes over the security issues for Computers, framework connection, and treatment

all of security issues in the electronic Government project.


Site: - University of Baghdad / Al-jadiriyah complex

Tel: - 01-7764512

E-mail:- info@cc.uobaghdad.edu.iq

Website:- www.cc.uobaghdad.edu.iq
