Www.cabi.org KNOWLEDGE FOR LIFE CABI product training CAB Abstracts - Advanced searching Tom Corser


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CABI product trainingCAB Abstracts - Advanced searching

Tom Corser

● Advanced searching page● Independent field searching● Multiple field searches● Refine by date, language, doc. type and FT

● CABI’s metadata fields and practical examples

● CAB Thesaurus platform

● Additional CABI fields

● Manual field searching using field tags

● Q&A

CAB Abstracts – adv. searchingAgenda

Advanced searching

• Independent field searching for search terms• Language, document and full text filters• Date refining options

CAB Abstracts – adv. searchCABI metadata fields

What are metadata fields?

● Extra keywords tagged to database records

● Keywords use controlled vocabulary from CAB Thesuraus

● Aims to improve accuracy of search results

● Should always be used in conjunction with CAB Thesaurus

CAB Abstracts – adv. searchCABI metadata fields

● Organism descriptor - organism name

● Geographic location - area relating to the subject of the article

● Descriptor - other descriptive terms outside OD&GL categories

● Broad term - Searches for that term and narrower terms

● Identifier – non-preferred terms & any outside CAB Thesaurus




Super indexes

Super index name Super index field tag Fields searched Example

Title title: English titleForeign title


Author author:

 Personal authorAuthor variant

Additional authorDocument editorCorporate author



Subject subject:

Geographic locationOrganism descriptor




East Africa

Africa South of Sahara

Francophone AfricaAnglophone Africa

West Africa Southern AfricaCentral AfricaSahel

RwandaSudan Tanzania Ethiopia




CAB Abstracts – adv. searchCABI metadata fields

Broad term - practical examples

● Search for research coveringlarge geographic regions

● Search for research on all organisms from Linnaean category

● Combine with NOT to omit narrower terms


• Controlled vocabulary for indexing terms• Hierarchical structure• Searchable database for easy referencing• Multilingual resource covering 11 languages

CAB Abstracts – adv. searchAdditional CABI fields

● Subset codes (SC codes) – allow uses to search database subsets

● CABICODES – highly specified subject categories

Why use these codes?

● Subset codes:- Time saving and efficient searching

- Limiting to particular product databases and FT content

● CABICODES: - Refine results to certain research areas- Create alerts for narrow research areas for pertinent updates

Description Field Tag

Additional Authors adAuthor Affiliation aaCAS Registry Numbers ry

Conference Dates cdConference Title ctCorporate Author caCountry of Publication cp

Descriptors deDigital Object Identifier oi

Document Editors edDocument Title doEmail emEnglish Item Title etNon English Item Title ftGeographic Location glIdentifiers id

Description Field TagISBN bn


Item Type it

Language(s) of Summary ls

Language(s) of Text la

Location of Publisher lp

Main Abstract ab

Organism Descriptors od

Pan Number pa

Personal Author au

Personal Author Variants av

Publisher pb

CABI Product Code sc

Up-posted Descriptors up

Web URL ur

Year of Publication yr

CAB Abstracts – adv. searchManual field searching

● Simple field searching and date refine options in advanced search

● CABI’s metadata fields

● Practical uses of subject, broad term and

● Building complex searches with CAB Thesaurus

● Manual field searching using field tags and ACBI specific indexing codes

CAB AbstractsWe have covered…



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