Writing Prompt #4



Writing Prompt #4

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Writing Prompt #4

Star Struck

I have spent my fair share of time standing in lines with the kids so they could get an autograph of their favorite athlete. Most of the time this is in line after a college sporting event getting the team to sign the standard team poster to hang on the bedroom wall. A few times there may be a professional sports figure who was doing some signing for charity or community events. Usually you get two seconds with the star, who barely looks at you and you move down the conveyor belt type line. If you’re lucky and you get an extra second you can get a quick photo maybe even ask to have your photo taken with this person. This does not make me feel like I really met the celebrity but only got to witness them go through the publicity motions. There are a few people in my mind in which that process would seem worthwhile.

Alecia Beth Moore AKA P!nk, the famous pop star, singer, songwriter and actress (Bio.com). She is one of my favorite current artists. I have an appreciation for her style. She has been able to take her childhood dramas and tribulations for what they were, her past. Her songs reflect the hardships she went through and how they made her a better person. She learned from them in a positive way. She grew into be a better person not the next generation of the same drama. She developed her strengths within and worked hard to be the best she could. Her song lyrics in her song Perfect (the clean version) reflect her speaking mostly to her young self as a reflection of what a positive role model for young girls should be.

Another musical icon in my life is Bob Dylan. Now I know he is an acquired taste. Not everyone is a fan of his singing in fact lots of people say he can’t sing at all. But there is one thing for sure and that is he can write amazing songs that last generations. The poetry behind his lyrics cannot be compared to anyone. I have spent many hours, days listening to Bob.

Hillary Rodham Clinton is a great role model for women and young girls. She impresses me as a woman of honor and respect. Her husband made a very large public spectacle of himself and their marriage. Hillary did not let his indiscretions bring her down. She proved to be a strong contender for the Democratic Presidential nomination. Most people see her as a powerful woman and is not looked at as the poor woman whose husband cheated on her. There are a lot of political affairs were it is the poor wife who is left looking pitiful. Not in this case Hillary came back and proved no woman needs to live in the shadows of a man.

Jim Carrey made the most amazing commencement speech to Maharishi University of Management on May 24th

2014. I enjoy Jim Carrey as an actor. I think he is funny like most people, but who knew he had a softer side, a serious side. Listening to his speech filled with so many wonderful words of wisdom had me enthralled. To me he is a well-rounded man and person. His insights and comical relief makes me want to know him more. This is the best part of his speech the part that really touched me: “As far as I can tell, it’s just about letting the universe know what you want and working toward it while letting go of how it might come to pass. Your job is not to figure out how it’s going to happen for you, but to open the door in your head and when the doors open in real life, just walk through it. Don’t worry if you miss your cue. There will always be another door opening. They keep opening. And when I say, life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you, I really don’t know if that’s true. I’m just making a conscious choice to perceive challenges as something beneficial so that I can deal with them in the most productive way. You’ll come up with your own style, that’s part of the fun!” (“About MUM”). Words we can all live by.

A few years ago when watching American Idol I heard a singer who caught my attention. Maybe it was because of her rendition of the well-known Me and Bobby McGee and my love for Janis Joplin, but none the less I thought she was great. I followed Crystal Bowersox for the season, rooted for her and I enjoyed her singing and how she presented herself on the show. She was young then and at 29 now could still be considered young. She was a single mom with a little boy and she just wanted to get herself out of the rut she was in. She lived a hard life and wanted something better for her son. Singing was the way she knew how to make his life better. She made it to runner up that year. She was still

able to get record deals and has been on tour across the country several times since the show. I would say she seems to be doing well. I would like to meet this person, this strong independent woman who knows what she wants and goes it.

Music has always been important to me. Most of the artists I become fans of is because of their lyrics, strong lyrics with a point. Not surprising here with these people I have mentioned. All have used their words in speech or music to make some bold statements. In every case their words have connected with me on some level. What does that say about me? I take words to heart. Nothing like good quote from a song to get me motivated or inspired. Like my favorite quote from a great song by Crosby, Stills and Nash "Don't let the past remind us of what we are not now". I have used that quote several times to pick myself up from a difficult time in my life. To me these are words to live by. Every one of these people have spoken to me that same moto in some way, shape or form.

Works Cited

“About MUM” Maharishi University of Management Full Jim Carrey Address Video and Transcript

Comments. N.p., n.d. Web 11 Feb. 2015

Bio.com. A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2015.
