Write & Edit Communication Texts, Analysis Doc


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Hal Edgar 

A Razor’s Edge:

Purpose: To bring awareness of Australia’s homeless plight, to inform others of Mission

Australia’s plans to combat these problems, and to ask and gain donations from the


Target Audience: Middle to high income earners who have the disposable income to

donate to Mission Australia.

Presentational Devices: The words “Over 100,000” and “razor’s edge are in large bold

writing. Draws the eye and instantly evokes curiosity, encouraging the viewer to read

more. The image of a dozen people standing precariously on a giant razor is fascinating.The words “please make a donation today” is in writing almost as big and bold as the

title. This is undoubtably the most important part of the article, and they author wants to

get this across to the audience as plainly as possible.

Language Devices: The text is in dot points, making it quick and easy to read, not boring

the reader. Gets across all the important information very fast.

Is it Successful: As an article I think it is very well done. The images and layout is

effective and eyegrabbing, and they text is short and to the point. However, whether it

actually achieves its purpose in convincing people to donate is unknown, people are oftenunwilling to give away their money.

Lake Pedder:

Purpose: To inform the public of the atrocities committed against the environment, andthe beauties destroyed. What a tragedy it all is, and perhaps to get people to take action

against further development at the expense of nature.

Target Audience: The general public. He wants word of this to get out to as many peopleas possible so that the people will raise their voice in outrage against this and hopefully

future “desecrations”.

Presentational Devices: There really isn’t much in the way of presentation. As an opinion

 piece it is simply text, and the author uses his talent with words to sway his audience.

Language Devices: One of the author’s most powerful devices is descriptive language,

“impossibly beautiful”, “national treasure”, “majestic valley” all create a mental image of 

a sparkling, untouched paradise, as they author intended. He then uses words like “raped

and destroyed”, “crime”, “haunted” and “vindictive old men”. This gets the audience


riled up against these people and automatically puts them on side with the author himself 

and his beliefs. He then goes on to mention the heroic protestors. “Selfless, honest, and

 passionate”, “the tragedy burnt a whole in their souls”, “they deserved better”. Such blatant idolism is supposed to inspire the same feeling in the readers. Short, succinct

 paragraphs give plenty of breathing space and make the article easy to read.

Is it Successful: Yes, I think this is very well written and stirs the readers emotion and

 passion just as intended.


Purpose: To recruit new members. To grab attention, bring awareness to the group

Anonymous. When people see this image they eill ask question, research to find out

more, and hopefully join. The more members, the better.

Target Audience: Generally young activist and internet junkies/trolls. People who want to

 protest and draw attention to corruption with the safety of anonymity, or just make fun of others exploiting the same safety.

Presentational Devices: The faceless man in the business suit could be anyone and iseveryone. The unknown is his power. It shows a faceless and leaderless organization, and

gives people a feeling of power as they cannot be identified.

Language Devices: The words Anonymous beneath the image emphasize the feeling of  being able to do and say what you like without being caught. The words “Because none

of us are as cruel as all of us” are pointing at the inherent cruelty of people, and how they

are far crueler when in the safety of numbers, or, even better, faceless. It emphasizes the power of being unidentifiable or in a crowd

Is it Successful: It wouldn’t inspire me to join the group, but it is a very interesting imageand makes a good point. I think it will achieve it purpose with many other people


Cartoon (Text 5)

Purpose: A satire of typical stereotypes in the community, that of men having to be bigand tough. To humour.

Target Audience: Adults, mainly those with a satirical sense of humour, and enoughleisure time to be able to sit back and read such comics and cartoons (likely in their 

weekend papers).


Presentational Devices: A simple drawing with two children in a sandbox, one pointing

aggressively at the other, who is standing defiantly with his arms crossed, while one

shouts “My dad’s is bigger than your dad!” This is in fact a stereotype within astereotype.

Language Devices: The text breaks the stereotype and raises the issue of gender roles in ahumours way, using big words that a child of the depicted age would never use.

Is it Successful: In a way. It is amusing, and gets its point across, but someone is notlikely to reflect on it for long, as it is a cartoon and peoples minds will quickly move on.
