WORLDWARTI A CHRONOLOGY - DTIC · scoring hits on roads and buildings. Enemy gun positions SW of...


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,, , -U¥"M S ~- --iii#Lt Inf - -AM~ Custodian

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d{',?i~ilitary Intelligence Division, War Department

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3. DATES COVERED 00-00-1943 to 00-00-1943

4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE World War II A Chronology







7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) Department of the Army,101 Army pentagon,Washington,DC,20310




12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited





Report (SAR)




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Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18

cargo ship, 5 tons) sunk by

at 11-29 S, 36-W.


Sicily: Increased enemy artillery and offensive patrolling by units of 13th Corps take place on the Catania

· forces of 30th Corps secure a •u~5""'"'"''u at Sferro, on the Dittaino R.

a S and W of Centuripe occupied by Div, although demolitions are de-

ing progress; Canadian forces ad­in Regalbuto sector despite resistance; street fighting is place in the town. American


along coast road in the ; U.S. cruisers of operations by

enemy positions

planes hammer Axis positions the Mt. Etna line: 12 Baltimores

12 Bostons attack Paterno; A-36's RR station at Biancaville; bombed successfully· by 24

c:'s; road transport between Adrano Bronte attacked by P-40's; force of 5's dispatched to attack Bronte

target covered by clouds and ,""'"'" Randazzo. Ten Baltimores

unsuccessful raid on Randazzo; target bombed by 12 Bostons, score possible hits on bridges

and station. St. :t,(Iaria attacked by 24 Bostons and Baltimores; town covered by bombs. Eleven P-40's attack Mes­sina and Milazzo, damaging docks; Milazzo also bombed by 24 escorted B-25's, which hit docks, quays, and warehouses; fighter bombers attack

oastal targets at Agata, Milazzo, and

aircraft make 40-min. raid on ermo early in morning; an ammu­

and an oil dump hit; fires started ks; 2 AM's damaged; SS Uskide

cargo ship, 2, 708 tons) sunk. Crotone bombarded in early

by naval force of 2 British sand 6 DD's; 2 fires started

area; 2 patrol craft sunk. aples docks bombed by 23 escorted 17's; target well covered; of 15 Axis

attempting interception, 5 de­'"""""'"'"· Forty-seven B-17's with

escort attack Capodichino air-dropping 112 1/2 tons of bombs

target area; aircraft on ground de­d; 1 bomber lost and 12 damaged fire. About 60 Axis planes at­

force; 8 of these shot down. Wellingtons make night raid on RR yards; bombs hit across

and on surrounding factories, ing 2 explosions, 4 large, and

·~~n~·nnl smaller fires.







Solomon Is.: Allied troops on New U.S.: Office of 1 Georgia I. continue advance· on ]'viunda Economic Warfare against weaker enemy resistan,ce:- 43d notifies 16,000 ex-

iv gains 1,200 yards on left flank and - porters that ef-500 on right, capturing considerabl~ - _ fective tomorrow material, while 3'7th Div, N of 43d, act:.< outstanding vances 200 yards on left and 500 on enses for ex-right. Twenty-seventh Inf CT arrives ports to Argentina on New Georgia I. to reinforce Allied issued before 1 forces there. May 1943 are re-

Munda gun positions and dumps area ked. are targets for 27 tons of bombs A by force of 18 SED's and 18 TBF's with 28 fighters as escort; direct hits silence 1 gun position and cause an ammunition Dr. Joseph dump to explode. During attack on Japa- Goebbels has anese shipping at Kahili (Buin area) by ordered all non­formation of 18 TBF's and 11 SED's covered by 55 fighters, large AK or AP to leave Berlin as

aa.:ma.gtj:stn on fire, an AO hit, and 8 barges sunk soon as possible.

a large iron build­after the

ing the rail is machine-

planes engaged by 25-30 Italy: The Italian 1 Zero destroyed for loss of 1 P:-40. Government of

Comparison of photographs taken before Marshall Pietro and after attack reveals 2 less ships in Badoglio voids the

after raid. At approximately same Nuremberg anti-as raid on shipping, Kahili air- Jewish laws in

bombed by 20 B-24's covered by Italy and has fighters; 6 fires started in target ordered the re-

. an additional B-24, failing to r lease of 12,000 i, bombs Webster Cove, Kolomban- Italian Jews. I. During night 2 PBY's raid Vila Burma: Japan

grants 'independ-Allied positions at Rendova, New ence" to occupied

Georgia I., twice attacked by enemy Burma and an-bombers and fighters; no damage or the with-

ties result; total of 3 hostile drawal of the destroyed by Allied fighters or nese military ad-Force of about 250 Japanese ministration. At

"""',.v,,..t<>rl to have landed on Gizo I. the same time Japan tra:csmits a

New Britain: Two RAAF A-20's attack "declaration of Gasmata, damaging 2 buildings with by Burma bomb hits and small boat with strafing. the United Night of 1/2 RAAF Catalina on rcn at­tacks DD and another warship 60 mi. S of Gasmata, scoring direct hits on the DD.

New Guinea: Lae airdrome bombed by '"'''"-·"'u""' single B-24 on rcn. Three enemy bombers ineffectively raid Woodlark I.

N.E.I.: Boela, Ceram, bombed before wn by 1 RAAF PBY and strafed by

another; small fires started among buildings.

China-France: China severs dip­lomatic relations

ith Vichy France



Aleutian ls.: France: Merville Eight B-24 s from airdrome attacked Amchitka bomb 34 B-26's with North Head in- escort of 9 squad-stallations at rons of RAF Spit-Kiska through hole · results in overcast, using 28.3 tons of uuJJW·~H,,T1 hits observed in target' area; light AA fire from small arms en­countered. Later, another mission from Amchitka, consisting of 9 B-25's and 8 P-38's, bombs and strafes coastal defenses at Little Kiska, scoring hits throughout target area; moderate auto­matic weapon fire opposes attack. U.S. BB's and DD's bombard main ·camp, SS base, North Head, and South Head from NE, while cruisers bombard ouv.u.u'"'~ Gertrude Cove, main camp, and Little Kiska from

Eastern Europe

(Cont'd)· Soviet aircraft Kotka .• reporting

slight damage.

Russia: Germans repulse of attacks in and claim sful attacks

Southern Europe •'\

Sicily: Situation in Catania sector ~ virtually unchanged; patrolling

activity takes place. Patrols of 152d Brig contact enemy troops S of the Spezia feature; 78th Div occupies Centuripe where heavy fighting con­tinues; Canadian troops establish themselves in Regalbuto. U.S. 1st Div moves E from Cerami and defeats enemy counterattack W of Traina; Goums, approaching Fratello, reach Pozzo Olippa, NE of Capizzi; 3d Div, in coastal area, approaches Caronia.

U.S. cruiser, Savannah, bombards roads and Axis gun positions in vicinity of Agata, destroying enemy vehicles.

Allied planes continue to pound Axis communication centers: fighter bombers make 70 sorties against Adrano, 24 against Randazzo, and 24 against enemy gun positions. Adrano also bombed by 48 Bostons, 22 B-25's, and 12 Baltimores; considerable damage inflicted on roads and uu.uu•.u.e

Twenty-four B-25's attack Randazzo, scoring hits on roads and buildings. Enemy gun positions SW of Paterno are target for 24 Baltimores. Messina and Milazzo attacked by P-40's with bombs; hits scored on docks. Force of 45 P-40's, on anti-shipping patrol,

l·"""="'o'"" 2 barges, scores near misses on medium freighters in Straits of Messina, and destroys several sea­planes SE of C. Spartivento.

Italy: Naples RR yards are target for night attack by 69 Wellingtons, which drop 94 tons of bombs; buildings hit and fires started; all aircraftre­turn. Eleven Halifaxes and 2 B-24's make night raid on Reggio di Calabria RR yards and station; target area covered and RR station hit; 2 large, and 2 small fires started.




----------~----------~~5 SOUTHWEST PACIFIC


Solomon Is.: On New Georgia I., 43d\. iv advancing on Munda continues to

make progress, the left flank penetra to E end of airfield and the right occu­pying NE slopes of Bibolo Hill; 37th Div makes gains along entire front against stiffening enemy resistance. Enogai forces engaged in cutting off means of escape of Japanese northward from

of 12 B-25's and 6 B-17's, 21 F4U's and 8 P-40's as escort,

E and W shores of Bairoko '""'"'"'h·""' causing large explosion and

•sr>< rrm~ several fires. Four B-25's




by 16 F4U's strafe burned out 9,2 off Kolombangara I. Japanese supply

as along W side of Webster Cove, IJ<.CJlo:moangara I., are targets for 12

s and 8 B-24's escorted by 32 ITn;cnn•rs; about 140 bombs dropped and

started. At night PBY bombs Vila area.

::..:..=:.;:._:;;:..::.;it;,;:ac:::in:=.:: Five RAAF Beaufighters """"''"" airdrome; 1 AA position

I:SI.H~rrct~u and 2 others damaged. Same ked by 6 RAAF A-20's and

P-40's; P-40's also attack along coast, sinking 2 barges

damaging others and scoring hits on jetties; 1 P-40 makes forced landing enemy territory. Night of 2/3 RAAF

attacks 2 vessels in Dampier scoring direct hit on 1.

L_::.:.::.:::__:;;==:.::;.:.' Japanese supply dumps at by 6 B-17's, which

2 large fires. Twenty-five B-25' s ed by 14 P-38's attack coastal

ges and small shipping along Huon from Lae to Saidor; 1 picket

and 1 launch destroyed and more 20 barges destroyed or damaged;

shoot down 11 of 14 intercepting planes and probably destroy an­B-25's destroy 1 intercepting Finschhafen airdrome bombed

ing morning by B-24 on rcn. Eleven B-24's attacking Lae destroy 2 barges and cause explosions and large

from hits on a fuel dump and in jetty areas. Japanese positions in Sala­maua area are targets for 8 B-17's and 17 B-24' s, which drop 84 tons of bombs; extensive damage results. Nine A-20's raid 2 villages S of Salamaua and barges

announces that a Russian ship has been seized by the Japanese.

Western Europe

3 France: Build-

main camp at Kiska; 1

receives light fire. Kiska

lbo,mt>ed by 1 mis­from and 3 from

total of 5 7 P-40's,

8's par-'""'-"1-'"'"~'"' in the at-


or near misses scored on all targets; Little

strafed by 3 of the planes and North Head by 1; light AA fire and small arms fire encountered.

and barracks airfields at


Eastern Europe Southern Europe

Russia: Germans Sicily: Patrols on Catania front report violent area S of Bottaceto Ditch clear of ene-fighting on Mius my; to the left, other patrol units ad-front and claim to vance in Simeto R. area; 51st Div oc-

frustrated cupies Spezia feature. Forces of 38th Soviet attempts to Brig and lst Canadian Div advance E establish a bridge- and N of Centuripe. Determined re-head N of Kui- sistance opposes lst Div at Troina, byshevo. Russians but enemy SW of the town, under heavy report patrol ac- pressure, slowly withdraws; U.S. tivity and local troops capture high ground N and W of fighting in Belgorod town. U.S. troops in coastal sector oc-area. Soviet of- cupy Caronia. fensive in Orel U.S. DD's on patrol S of Lipari Is. sector continues; sink heavily armed enemy lighter and Red Army makes sink 1 of 2 escorting E-boats. British gains E and SE of SS sinks 12,000-ton enemy transport the city, capturing off Brindisi. Domnino, Enemy positions and roads around and Stish. Moscow ano attackea during day by total of reports artillery 96 B-25's, 58 Bostons, 36 A-20's, and exchanges in Mga 36 Baltimores;'bridge damaged, 80 MT area; Germans an- destroyed, and 100 damaged; 127 tons nounce collapse of of bombs dropped in 19 missions; 1 Soviet attacks S of Allied plane fails to return. P-40' s, Lake Ladoga. on bombing and strafing missions,

Finland: Finns damage or destroy large numbers of report night attack enemy vehicles, set 2 ammunition on Kotka by several dumps afire, and strafe Axis AA waves of Soviet positions. Shipping at Messina and planes, which cause Milazzo also attacked; hits scored on some damage and merchant ship and near misses on start fires. ges.

Italy: RR yards at Marina di Catan­zaroa:J:.e target for night attack by 49

; main station, yards, and idge hit; fires started near repair

sheds and power station; 1 bomber missing. Fifty-three Wellingtons make successful night raid on RR yards at Paola, ·scoring many hits in target area.


Or an cargo ship, 7,323 tons) sunk by SS at 13-31 s, 41-12 E.



(Cont'd) ua, destroying,~planes on airdrome

1'-'"·.....,.'~5•~•5 heavy guns and Francisco R.

in Timoeka a~ea, I)utch New • Tllln<~,. .. bombed and strafed by,2 RAAF



Burma: U.S. Solomon Is.: Driving along S coast of 3 heavy bombers at- New Georgia I., left flank of 43d Div

k Japanese base reaches point opposite center of Munda airfield; strong Japanese resistance checks advance of right flank on W slope'"""''"'[]'"" of Bibolo Hill. Thirty-seventh Div,

ite strong enemy resistance, makes slight gains all along the front.

Single PBY bombs Vila beach night of Two enemy barges sunk by Allied

's NW of Munda during .night. Britain: Nine B-25's attack con­

barges at Borgen Bay, 10 of them and damaging the

and explosions indicate de- •r~" 11·n~'n of ammunition cargo. During

night RAAF PBY bombs Gasmata airdrome and buildings.


New Guinea: Total of 14 B-17's and 9 B-24 s bomb and strafe Bogadjim and nearby construction camps and trails; buildings destroyed at Bogadjim and

1uau•''"'"'u" at Kinu fires started on camps and trails; 2 of U.S. charge d'af-reported' 3 intercepting enemy fighters destroyed; faires at Tangiers

rolling stock 1 B-17 lost. Continuing attacks on submits a memo-one storage hostile shipping, 8-B-25's destroy to Jose with 2 large al barges and a launch in Finschhafen Castillo, Spanish

•"'"'"~~"'"'"'u"'. and area. Salamaua Isthmus area bombed Consul-General observed· 3 and strafed by 9 B-25's, which cause a and Minister to

's attack Thazi ammunition dump to explode. Tangier, listing and Monokwari, Dutch New Guinea, bombed various non-

2 B-24's. ne.utral acts of the -12~~¥n~Isg.:ar~One of the B-24's which Spanish Govern-a bombs enemy stores ment since Allied

landings in North Africa.



Aleutian Js.: Sho:rJly 'after mid-

Western Europe

night 3/4, PBY '<'-·'"""'--bombs main camp and SS base at Kiska, starting large fires. Later total of 133 planes 1-'-A~•,n-'

(B-24's, B-25's, A-24's, P-38's, and P-40's) par­ticipates in 18 at-' tacks on Kiska, -'----•-·- 153 tons

light naval forces engage a group of Axis armed trawlers off Texel; several hits be­lieved scored on enemy ships; 1 Allied vessel damaged slightly.

Eastern Europe 'Southern Europe

Russia: Soviet Sicily: Forces of 13th Corps on forces, in strong Gatani~:~ front advance; enemy is con-attacks, improve in"outskirts of the city; during their positions on 17th Brig captures Misterbianco, Mius front and of Catania. Thirteenth Brig "rt1s~;"'~ launch an offensive R. at La Rotondella and Ponte la in Belgorod area, Units of 30th Corps advance N claiming repulse E of Centuripe. First Div launches of all enemy attack against Traina in late counterattacks and but enemy offers such strong improvement of "'""'""~-'" that allied troops are unable Army positions. achieve a break-through. Forces on Pressure on Orel oastal road drive ahead, forcing Axis continues and to withdraw to point about 2 mi. Russians are fight- San Fratello. Force of U.S. ing in the streets of and DD 's bombards };xis the city by the end day and night in support of of the day; Moscow British naval units announces capture bombard coast road and of about 80 in-habited places in bombed by 36 Bostons and this sector. Local Baltimc1res;· buildings hit and large fighting continues 1'='-"'IJ~·u;:,.,uu caused; road NE of the town on Leningrad front. attacked. Twelve Bostons and 24 Ground activity is s attack supply dumps in actively supported , causing fires and explosions. by the opposing air E of Adrano successfully bombed forces. 24 Bostons; troops and roads S of

attacked by 24 B-25's; all fall in target area. Kittyhawks

P-40' s strafe roads in Etna area, "t ... •mTincr 70 MT and damaging 100;

llll<.:eJI1UJLcu·ies dropped on Bronte, ,~v~uct.:o:ou, and Riposte, resulting in

gun positions strafed. Force of Mustangs bombs and strafes enemy and comm1mications. Traina

IIJL;IllliJeu by 72 A-36's in 2 waves. Mes­docks and RR yards attacked dur-

night by 54 Wellingtons; yards, terminal, warehouses, town, and hit.

is target for early morning by about 30 Axis planes; USS Shu­

DD, damaged and some casu­inflicted; intercepting Beau­

shoot down 4 JU-88's. Submarine base at Naples is

231 tons of bombs dropped B-17's; entire target area covered; Axis planes attempt to intercept;

of these shot down and 9 probably. Two Allied bombers fail to return and 23 are damaged. Forty-seven B-25's

with escort of 10 P-38's attack RR bridge at Paola; bombing is inaccurate. Catanzaro attacked by 47 B-26's es­corted by 47 P-38's; hits scored on RR and oil tanks start large fire; of 25-30 Axis planes encountered, 8 destroyed and 3 probably; 1 escort plane lost and 2 damaged. Forty-one Wellingtons 78 tons of bombs on Battipaglia RR yards during night; transformer hit; 1 fire visible 50 mi. causes lar ex-






Burma: A for­mation of RAF Blenheims bombs Mawlaik on the

Chindwin R. 30 miles N of


Solomon Is.: Allied northern flank on New Georgia I. pushes to W shore, 600

N of G~asai (NW of Munda air­) against strol)g enemy resistance, encircling Murida garrison. Left of 43d Div continues to advance coast S of Munda airfield, while flank, supported by tanks, seizes E of Goldie's Hill (Kokengolo). casualties inflicted on Japanese.

ing encirclement of enemy '"o'~ ~'-"em at Munda in afternoon, Gurasai

heavily bombed by 24 TBF's, a group Of 's, and 12 B-25's, covered by 62 ings, and on ; lar~e fires started in target in Thenpakoku area; 9 B-25 s silence intense small

ict. Machine arms fire with strafing. In a surprise attacks made attack on Japanese seaplane'base at

e troop po- Harbor, 16 F4U's destroy 7 in the set 2 barges on fire, and

1~'"''"-'"'-"'J'V area. small boat; docks and supply on Poporang I. successfully

afed. PBY's on night patrol bomb with unobserved results. During Allied PT's sink 100-ft. enemy

off Kolombangara. groups of enemy fighters, con­

of 4-6 and 10-12 planes, inter­over Rendova by 7 F4U's, 8

s and 10 P-40's; in running fights 2 Zeros destroyed; another, afire,

s at Vila; 2 F4F's destroyed. New Britain: B-24 on rcn drops 4

500-lb. bombs on C. Gloucester air­causing heavy explosion and 4

in revetment area. Nine B-25's out sweep against enemy barge

outs along both sides of Vitiaz Strait.

New Guinea: Japanese supply dumps along S bank of Francisco R. attacked

B-24 on rcn and fires started. Tanimbar Is.: Airdrome on Selaru I. ombed and strafed by 3 Dutch B-25's,

also attack nearby villages.




mine op­announces

it will stand the National

Labor Board's June 18 decision refusing underground tr pay regardless of the United Mine Workers proposed contract with the Illinois Coal ators' Assoc u.s.

a clear ma­ity and a strong

of confidence the South Afri­

elections of July. The pro­

parties won seats to 43 for


5 Aleutian Is.: Early in the morn ing, single DD

main at Kiska:, another Gertrude 50 rounds


Western Europe Southern Europe


Three Beaufighters, on anti­patrol, attack an 80-ton

S of Ikaria I.; vessel left sink-

British 13th Corps breaks •ueau.•u"'" on E coast; Catania

Brig at 1015 hours; forward '"'"''aucw-"' advance up coast toward Aci

; farther inland, Paterno falls 13th Brig. NW of Paterno, troops of

Corps cross Simeto R. in vicinity Tenufa Petalunga and report contact

enemy. U.S. troops advancing on Troina are held back by determined op

ition; very bitter fighting takes Allied artillery pounds

ICt~nt:uripe~-Adrano road during night. 1'-AJIL!uuteu U.S. naval and military

occupy Ustica I. (40 mi. NW of 11-">lleriHU), ,

planes continue to pound Axis 1"""'nt,,,.., around Mt. Etna: B-25's, in 4

ions, attack Francaville; buildings up, roads straddled, and several

; Adrano road junction 12 A-20's while B-25's

· roads through town ,,.,T,.,.,·lllll...,ll and fires started; Biancaville

target for 24 B-25's. Sixty-nine 17's with P-40 escort drop 207 tons bombs· on road and RR objectives in

llVl'='<""u''"- area with excellent results; flr·es:ldt~.ring night Messina ferry terminal

RR yards are target for another 1 dropped by 61 Wellingtons, 2 of fail to return. Xittybombers and with Spitfire escort, on anti-

I"'Lup.~u.tts patrol, attack Milazzo harbor; scored on 9 barges, 7 of which are

stroyed; 2 small merchant ships up and near misses scored on 5

and 4 Siebel ferries. ~*~~: Guspini switching station

4 B-25' s escorted by 44 P-40's; hits scored from low level with 75-mm shells.



Mediterranean: SS El Mansourah (Egyptian cargo ship, 140 tons) sunk by aircraft 60 mi. from Cyprus.



Solomon Is.: Munda falls to Allied forces during afternoon, after 12 days of bitter fighting. Known enemy dead number 1,6'71; 28 Japanese captured. Following capture of Munda, Allied ground activity consists of mopping up of small enemy parties to theN anci re­building of the airfield.

Weather prevents attack on Kahili by 19 B-24's covered by 50 fighters; 9 of the returning B-24's, unescorted, bomb Rekata Bay, where intense AA fire is en countered. Seven B-25's escorted by 16 F4U's bomb and strafe enemy barges N coast of Gizo I., setting 1 on fire; on return flight, barges and shore installa­tions at Webster Cove, Kolombangara I., strafed. During night single PBY de­stroys enemy barge loaded with troops in Wilson Strait (off Vella Lavella), while another bombs barges near Giza I. In the Shortland I. area, 16 F4U's escorting P-38 on rcn intercepted by 30 Zeros; 8 Zeros destroyed in combat for loss of l F4U; 2 enemy floatplanes de­stroyed on water.

New Ireland-New Britain: B-24 on rcn attacks small enemy AK 40 mi. NW of New Hanover I., scoring near miss and strafing it. Enemy-occupied village in Witu Is. bombed by another B-24 orr rcn.

New Guinea: Buildings at Finseh-during bombh'lg and

strafing attack by rcn B-24. Nine B-25's attack Bogadjim and Saidor,

mbing the former and strafing both. se small shipping along coast L11

of Alexishafen attacked by 12 s; 1 motor boat destroyed. In



(Cant' d) opposition.

'7 July election the first op­

ty the of the

South Africa

SS their V'-'UUVlll

egarding the onduct of the war.

U.S.: Petroleum

two years from 00,000 barrels a

to 1,400,000 rels. This Ll'l-

cancels the ilities accorded Germany in July

1940 for of troops and war materiel through Sweden to Norway and Finland.

Switzerland: It is reported that


coastal sweep from Wald Bay to Mild1m§~Jg·overJCJ.m 12 B-25's destroy at least 6 barges; bridge and supply dump also bombed and Madang airfield strafed; 1 B-25 de­stroyed by AA fire.

N.E.L: Timor: Lautem is target for 6 Dutch B-25's, which cause explosions and fires. ·


cargo 7,133 tons) by SS at 09-

S, 26-50 W.

Western Europe



Tunisia: Bizerta is target for night attack by over 30 Axis aircraft; 1 cargo ship in harbor damaged;

cargo ship, tons) torp.

sunk at 07-07 19-48 w.


Burma: RAF -;rlighters attack

small boats on the Irrawaddy R., damaging 40.


Solomon Is.: Mopping up operations in Munda area continued by Allied ground

rces. ing afternoon Rekata Bay bivouac

supply areas are targets for 65 tons bombs dropped by force of 17 B-24's,

B-17's, 13 TBF's, 25 SED's, 24 B-25' 35 F4U's; extensive damage results AA positions silenced.

Shortly before midnight Japanese naval consisting of 4 ships (at least 1

and 3 DD's or larger vespel3), attacked with torw::cto,es_,and gunfire by 6 U.S. DD's in VellaY'Qt!ilf; during en­gagement lasting abol'!t iiin hour, 3 ships, including the cruiser, sunk and the 4th believed sunk; no damage sus-



tained by U.S. vessels. . New Guinea: RAAF Hudson on rcn at- France: Tne

tacks Keaukwa, Dutch New Guinea, while French. Committee another bombs a 400-ton AK and 3 Natio:ita~ Lib-arges off the coast; AK damaged and names Vic

stationary. N.E.I.: Laha airdrome on Ambon -bed-at night by 6 B-24's, but. we

'""'ouo~'h" observation of results. _::::~:..:::;::::,;~S::-:.e::::.:a: SS Macuma (British

sunk by aircraft off N of Australia.

Southern Europe

: On the E coast, 151st Brig K'"-'"-''n"' Aci Castello while other units

Div occupy Tremestieri and alucia. Fifteenth Brig advancing

Belpasso and Camporotondo, Nicolosi after encountering

opposition in hills W of the town; ig captures Pedara, E of i, during night. Biancaville­

l.fillr"ll'u area is cleared of the enemy by 51st Div; units of 78th Div, advanc­on Bronte, reach point halfway

toetwelen Adrano and their objective. Div replaces 1st Div in Troina American 7th Army forces make

landings behind enemy line at E of Agata, engaging Axis

inforcements moving W. Naval forces continue bombardment

of Axis troops and positions on N coast while DD force shells Taormina

ing night. Randazzo is target for total of 141

B-25's which, in several missions, drop 155 tons of bombs, damaging roads and buildings and starting large

Same target attacked by 24 Bostons, 70 A-20's, and 48 .._,"'"""'·'-'-''J~ which drop 70 tons of bombs; many

scored on buildings; 7 planes 1u"Ul1J'"!!>''u by intense, accurate AA fire. Seventy-four P-40' s make C1ll''~-ou.L~J.'lllll'.l sorties in Messina area; 4 small ves­sels sunk and barges, a medium fl"<>la,h+"·,., and an LCT are damaged; hits also scored on docks, warehouses, jetty, and buildings in Messina; enemy supplies along the shore damaged. Night of 7/8 149 tons of bombs drcmnedl by 78 Wellingtons on beaches between Messina and Scaletta; bombs burst across beaches and coastal road; large fire causes frequent explosions, pos­sibly an ammunition dump, E of Scaletta; buildings also set on fire.

Italy: RR bridges at Catanzaro and Angitola bombed by 36 and 70 es­corted B-26's, respectively; hits scored on first target; 1 bomber damaged by AA fire. Seventy-one B-25's escorted by 46 P-38's drop 102 tons of bombs on Crotone airdrome with excellent results; building(> dam­aged, explosions and fires caused. Four escorted B-25.'s attack small shipping in Gulf of Euphemia; direct hits scored on 1 barge .and near mtss,est on others; enemy planes intercept and 3 are shot down; 1 P-38 lost. Enemy concentratiom between Palmi and Bag­nara Calabra are target for 21 Well tons; bombs burst across coastal road and in town; 3 Wellingtons missing. Milan is target for night raid by .73 Lancasters from English bases; 191




Mediterranean: Burma: British SS Contractor Mohawk attacks on (British cargo Japanese troop po-ship, 6,005 tons) sitions in the sunk by SS off· Kalemyo area co-Bone. incide with the at-

Indian Ocean: tack of a company SS Umvuma (Brit- of Gurkhas on Japa­ish cargo ship, nese positions W of 4,419 tons) torp. Kalemyo. A strong and sunk at 20- counterattack by 00 S, 57-00 E. the enemy causes

the British to re­treat with following casualties: 1 dead, 29 wounded, 30


Solomon Is.: Despite · e·ather and difficult terrain, Al

ew Georgia I. advance o ie:ta Village approximately 4 1/4 mi. NNW qf JVIunda Pt. '-.-·."

Bairoko Harbor heavily . tion of 6 B-17's, 10 B-24's, 2'4> ·

-25's, 10 TBF's, and 3 SED's 38 F4U's and 7 P-40's; 45 tons of

mbs dropped on both sides of harbor, area also strafed; AA positions

ilenced and fires started; 1 SED lost. Force of 30-60 Japanese dive bombers

fighters raids Allied positions at causing a few casualties at a

hospital; 12 intercepting Allied destroy 3 Zeros and AA fire, 3

ive bombers. New Britain: Nine B-25's carrying

out coastal sweep against enemy barges in vicinity of C. Gloucester intercepted by 3 Japanese fighters, 1 of which is destroyed.

New Guinea: Ground activity limited artillery exchanges; Allied batteries

sfully shelling enemy positions Salamaua area. Since August 1, 62

ao;am;se have been killed in Bobdubi

ee B-24's drop 92 tons of enemy installations in

1ocLla.rHcLua area, causing extensive dam­with direct hits on airdrome, AA itions, and buildings. Salamaua

ou.mLJeu later by single B-24 on rcn. Finschhafen and barges in vicinity strafed by 2 Allied rcn planes operating singly.

In Dutch New Guinea, RAAF Hudson on rcn bombs a small enemy AK and arges near Keaukwa. N.E.I.: Timor: Penfoei, Lautem, and

C. Chater airdromes bombed during early morning by 7 RAAF Hudsons, 1 Dutch B-25, and 2 Dutch B-25's, respectively; fires and explosions caused at all targets.




Western Europe ·._.rl.' \

Southern Europe

(Cont'd) of bombs dropped with good re­

many fires started; moderate, and heavy AA fLre encountered;

uv.H!clca·"' missing. Tllrin and Genoa by 124 Lancasters from Brit-

191 tons of bombs dropped at in well concentrated attack;

fires which spread quickly result; dropped on Genoa.docks and

; large fires and several ex­w~vo<v!.1o caused.

8 Aleutian Is.: Russia: Soviet Allied forces advance along

U.S. DD's continue forces attack NE of forcing enemy withdrawals

early morning Novorossisk, sectors. Units of 13th Corps

bombardment of claiming slight ad- advance up E coast, capturing

Kiska, 1 shelling vance although farther inland other troops

main camp area ~""''ll''""'' concentra- Germans report the San Giovanni la Punta and Aci

another bombs ob- attack as Antonio; enemy rear guard, which

Gertrude Cove; 50 around main ful. Red Army along a line from Acireale to Aci

fired on .,.,,..+·;,-,,.; of depot; troops advancing Antonio is engaged. Trecastagne

and AA fire en- NW of Kharkov oc- by 13th Brig in morning.

observed · 2 planes cupy Bogodukhov heavy opposition, forces of 3

at the former; no to return. and several other capture Bronte; 9th Div troops

return fire re- towns; units pushing Cesaro, 8 mi. NW of Bronte on

ived. toward the Bryansk Randazzo. On N coast, troops defense ring make landed previous night drive back gains W and SW of reinforcements and contact Orel, occupying U.S. forces in this area; San Naryshkino, Bed- and San Agata are both oc-lakhin, Klimenovo, Two U.S. cruisers support Krasnye, and sev- forces in Torrenova area and eral other populated bombed by Axis aircraft, of places. Berlin an- 7 are shot down. Enemy nounces heavy of Acireale and at Giarre and Rh'""'+"•

Soviet attacks, with bombarded by a British cruiser

strong tank support, DD's. SW of Vyazma as Randazzo heavily bombed by medium Red Army drives light bombers: total of 92 B-25's, toward Smolensk. 3 attacks, drop 127 tons of bombs, Local fighting S of roads and buildings and. Lake Ladoga is re- silencing 2 AA batteries; fires and ex­ported; plosions caused; 48 Bostons, 12 A-20'

Soviet Air Force and 12 Baltimores drop 43 more tons makes night attacks on same target with good results. on RR installations attack MT on road N of in Kharkov area, at destroying 18 MT, damaging 60, Umekhin, Pasek, up an ammunition train. Ly-ubotin, Merefa, P-40's, on anti-shipping patrol

and Osnova; several in Messina Strait~, score near misses trains and am- on a merchant sh1p and hits on the munition dumps Twelve A-20's make night raid blown up and fires Messina and Reggio di Calabria; started. results unobserved. Beaches between

Moscow announces Messina and C. Peloro are target for sinking of 3,000-ton 139 tons of bombs dropped by 77 Well­enemy transport in ingtons in night attack; beach heavily the Black Sea; cratered, and several fires started; 1

Berlin announces fails to return.

sinking of 2 small

~----------~------~~ ~------------~---------J




IHiu.H.i'-'CLLnJH"' in Burma: rol­

stock and 2 sheds S of are attacked

damaged; craft, sam­

and sandoway along the between Gwa

and Ramree L attacked with


Solomon Is.: During morning 24 SBD's and 12 TBF's covered by 31 F4U's successfully raid enemy gun positions at Vila, using about 23 tons of bombs; despite intense AA fire, all attacking planes return to base. After­noon strikes on Vila are made by 15 SBD's and 12 TBF's followed by 23 B-25's; 40 tons of bombs dropped on tar­gets, including naval depot, bivouac area, and supply dumps, and extensive damage caused; attacks covered by 62 fighters, 12 of which strafe Rekata Bay on return trip, setting fuel dump on fire. At night 2 PBY's on rcn bomb Vila, causing explosions.

New Guinea: In Dutch New Guinea, Kaukenau and Timoeka bombed and strafed by 1 RAAF Hudson each; build­ings destro~ed and explosions caused. , Three B-24 s on rcn attack 5 small AK near Kaimana.

Tanimbar Is.: Buildings at Larat ex­tensively damaged during attack by the 3 B-24's which had earlier attacked shipping near Kaimana.

Indian Ocean: SS Alcides (Norwegian tanker, -7,634tons) overdue at F from Bandar Abbasi and presumed sunk.



U.S.: Elmer Davis, head of the Office of War In­formation, return­ing to Washington after a three-we trip to Great Britain and North Africa, declares that Germany can­not be bombed in­co submission.

U.S.-Argentina: U.S. Ambassador to Argentina, Norman Armour, leaves Argentina for the U.S. to make an official report to the State Department.

Finland: Stock­holm reports that President Risto Ryti of Finland conferred with government lead­ers on the possi­bility of peace with Germany.

France: ,.... -- ----" Charles De Gaulle in a speech today says that the lead ers who rushed France headlong into capitulation in June 1940 be punished.

Italy: Press dispatches from Berne, Switzer­land, report new peace demonstra­tions in Italy as a result of the 7 August raid on Milan, Genoa, and


Southern Europe

(Cont'd) Italy: Three spans of highway bridge

at Angitola destroyed as result of raid by 35 escorted B-26's; tracks approach ing the RR bridge are damaged by of 36 B-26's escorted by 24 P-38's; SW of Angitola a troop train is strafed near C. Subero, 6 trains strafed near Gioia,

a barge left burning off C. Vaticano P-38's. Thirty-six B-26's with es­

of 36 P-38's attack bridge at Mar­ina di Catanzaro, scoring hits on tar­

During night 13 Halifaxes and bomb RR sidings at San Giovan visibility makes objective dif-

to locate but 4 planes drop bombs approximate area; bursts observed

PuR ferry terminal, among search­and on RR sidings .

Beaufighters, on ·anti-ship­patrol, score near misses and

hits on corvette near Kythera I. and on 5 schooners at Port Livadnia.

9 · Aleutian Is.: Germany: Night Sicily: Mines and demolitions delay Before dawn, 3 of 10/11 457 R.AF progress of 13th Corps along E coast. U.S. DD's opera- bombers attack Troops of 30th Corps advance slightly ting singly, bomb- Mannheim and Lud on line running along S base of Mt. bard Kiska, con- wigshafen, dropp Etna; 36th Brig makes some gains N centrating on rna 1,684 tons of of Bronte against heavy resistance. camp, Gertrude bombs in 40 min- U.S. units advance along Cesare-Cove,- a hill N of utes; large explo- Randazzo road but are considerably Reynard Cove, and sion caused near slowed by Axis mine field and demo-beach; fire is not RR station at for- ; enemy withdraws E of Cesare-returned. mer, and large Fratello road; units of 3d Div in

started on area occupy San Marco d' both sides of the SE of Izyum. ; Axis forces withdraw E of river; only negli- Kharkov area, Zappula R. gible AA fire en- troops make Allied planes pound Axis road countered; 2 of the , .. ~·'"+>-' 0'" progress: transport, and communica-intercepting enemy Randazzo to Messina: fighters destroyed; strafe MT on Bronte-9 bombers are road, destroying 6; cross-missing and 1 in Gesso area bombed by 42 crash lands on re- 5's; Barcellona and Linguaglossa turn. attacked by about 6 light bombers

night while fighter bombers '-'--~----- 16 MT and damage 22 between 1n.<inln1~•:ou and Barcellona; road blocks

at Floresta and Novara by bombers which also sink 4

off Melito. Fiftv-four B-17's 166 tons of bombs on road

wl<;LHJm> N of Messina; although visi­ity is poor, 1 group thoroughly

target area; 8 bombers cu"""'"'"'u by AA fire; 1 crash lands.

IBE~ac:he's between C. Peloro and Mes­bombed during night by 83 Well­

; hits -scored~ on RR's, roads,

;/ ~·





Solomon Is.: U.S. ground forces on New Georgia I. continue to advance northward from Munda: 25th Div pene­trates to Bairoko R. at point 4,000 yards SE of Bairoko Harbor on the right, while forward units on left ad­vance 7,000 yards NNW of Munda

.uuau•v1 against some resistance. Allied patrols from right flank report contact with friendly patrols from Rice Anchorage force.

Japanese ·positions at Bairoko Harbor raided by 21 SBD's and 12 TBF's es­corted by 30 fighters; 22 tons of bombs dropped. Twenty-two B-24's, prevented by weather from attacking Kahili, drop 54 tons of bombs on Vila, starting large fires in runway and supply dumps areas Same target later receives 9 additional tons of bombs dropped by 10 B-25's with fighter escort. During night 6 U.S. DD's attack 4 barges in Vella Gulf, probably sinking 2 of them.

New Britain: B-24 on rcn intercepted over Talasea by 5 enemy fighters, 1 of which is destroyed and 3 others dam­aged. Buildings on Unea I., Witu Is., bombed by B-24 on rcn. Six B-25's bomb and strafe gun positions at Borgen Bay and camouflaged barges offshore; MG position silenced.

New Guinea: Twenty-four B-25's, after sweeping N coast of Huon Penin­sula for barges, attack bridges, build­ings, and camps in Bogadjim area with good results. Salamaua effectively





target areas, starting many fires; only light automatic weapon fire encountered during the raids. During the night single Catalina bombs main. camp, North Head, South

Southern Europe

(Cont'd) , (Cont'd) strong Soviet MT, barges, and beaches, resulting in

fU<,ca,,<>.Q by troops on Smolensk

but only slight '"'""'"'.,.'""'''"' is made .

. nfi-m,.,ff, attacks 1"'-LLi::ii::i!cuJ"' in Donets

Germany: Nurn- Russia: Fighting g is target for in Kuban and Mius

608 tons of sectors decreases. mbs by 590 RAF Soviets continue

bombers in sue- drive on Kharkov: cessful night attac 1 column is about

large fires 20 mi. E of the city; started; 3 of inter- rcu.L'Jule!· force cap-

epting Axis planes Liptsi, to the down; 16 ; a 3d column

ru~;•.LUJJe!·" lost. Raga-England: Two en- to the NW.

planes operate Norfolk area;

dropped on airfield

runways raked cannon fire;

damage results.

and explosions; 1 bomber fails to eturn. P-40's, on anti-shipping patrol

over Messina Straits, damage 1 F-boat and score near misses on 2 Siebel

rries. Augusta-Syracuse area attacked by 2

J..U.C,,.,,"""' totalling about 28, of Axis bombs fall in port area at

•rorrrter, damaging 1 DD; 6 planes shot by intercepting fighters and by

Force of British cruisers and uuJwua..n>" Castellamare di Stabia;

laiitOtller group attacks RR bridges at C.

and Soverato bridges ruv!llLJeu by 36 B-25's with escort of 24 P-3 s; hits scored on approaches; no interception encountered. Seventy-

B-26's escorted by 48 P-38's drop 110 tons of bombs on Angitola bridge; approaches cratered and near misses and 2 possible hits scored on

· of enemy planes encountered,

1 is shot down; 2 P-38's are lost.

Sicily: British 30th Corps makes steady progress up E coast; Guardia, 16 mi. S of Taormina, captured; 168th Brig pushes on to cross Torrente Leonardello on road to Giarre. Troops of 30th Corps, advancing from Bronte toward Randazzo, contact U.S. forces which are pushing E from Cesaro; strong enemy resistance opposes these forces. Strong enemy counterattack SW of C. Orlando repulsed by 3d Div, which then crosses Zappula R.

DD's and light craft operate off E coast and Calabrian coast during night; some coastal batteries offer op­position-

Allied planes pound Randazzo through out the day: total of 36 B-25's make 2 raids, hitting road and RR installations and causing explosions. Linguaglossa bombed by 12 B-25's, while Floresta is attacked by still another group; hits scored on road and town at first target; buildings hit and explosion caused at latter. Eighty-eight Wellingtons make heavY night attack on beaches from Messina to C. Peloro; 175 tons of bombs dropped; numerous fires and explosions result. P-40' s carry out numerous missions against enemy shipping in Messina area; 4 small ves­sels sunk and many. others damaged. Bostons make successfui night attack




(Cont'd) ing 4 explosions;

otive blown

Burma: In

.Lv.c,>w.L~u•a w; no cas­result.

B-25's at-Akyab; build­N of main

------·---,.--, re-the destruc­

of 2 ferry a steamer, and capsizing of a

on the Irra­R.


(conecrJ .~) . -,~;' ,.;... . ... ' bombed in force .. :Oy;~33. B-24 s and 7 B-17's, which dro~;_bp'ilt140 fons·of born on town and enemy(~0siti0ns to the S. Salamaua also attack':rd\~b¥)B:..25 on: rcn. Single B-24 on rcn bomb{;:r,_;:~_e, c:aus in g. fires. "/f';.ci



N.E.I.: Two night attacks on Atn0'0~­are made by 9 B-24's and 1 Dutch B.::-25 "'~'""'''"'" respectively; explosions and large fuer · ·

result from 1st raid. During night 5 RAAF Hudsons attack Kei Is., bombing v1llage and airdrome with good results. Single Dutch B-25 bombs and strafes enemy-held village in Tanimbar Is., causing fires and explosions.

Solomon Is.: On New Georgia L, left column of 25th Div encounters local en­emy resistance S of Zieta.

Fourteeil Allied fighters intercept formation of 50 enemy dive bombers and fighters over Rendova, shooting down 2 hostile fighters; 1 P-39 lost. PBY on night rcn sights and attacks en­emy west bound convoy W of Buka, damaging an AK'with near miss. night, Allied PT' s intercept 2 small auxiliaries SW of Kolombangara and probably sink 1 of them.

New Ireland: B-24 on rcn sights and attacks 2 AK/ AP's accompanied by sev­eral barges off C. St. George; bombing and strafing them; damaging near miss scored on larger of 2 ships. Vitiaz Strait: Enemy village and

barge at Siassi I. (S of Rooke I.) at­tacked by B-25 on rcn.

New Guinea: Salamaua and nearby villages receive 85 tons of bombs dropped by 25 B-24's; 2 ammunition dumps blown up and many buildings and fuel dumps destroyed. Barge hideouts bombed and strafed by 6 Bostons.

Australia: Two Spitfires intercept and destroy 2 Japanese floatp-lanes NE of Millingimbi.

England: The British Govern­ment offers to compensate per­sons for exprop­riated private property at the

ses leased to the United States in 1940.

move is said be the pressure

of Croat members for agreement on the future con­stitutional struc­ture of



IG1er1:rude Cove, Cove,

Head, and Kiska;

ing and straf starts fires in areas; light AA

encountered. night, Catalina

Gertrude and main without op­


Western Europe Eastern Europe Southern Europe

(Cont'd) (Cont'd) in Smolensk on buildings and ammunition dump at

Soviet aircraft Milazzo, start large fire at Fiumefred-~L>IH.u!Lu::: heavy raids and damage MT in Floresta area.

RR instal- attacked by 3 Axis aircraft; 11-"-'''-VJl!<:>, reporting results and 1 attacker is

Lozovaya, down. !B!tr;;renckova, Kras- · San Giovanni bombed by 15

Ill<""''-'"-'•""; 1 large fire started, but eather prevents more accurate ob-ervation of results. P-38's carrying

attack targets in Palmi-Locri a and in C. Spartivento-Catanzaro ; radar station, trains, and tracks

C. Spartivento strafed.






Solomon Is.: Left column of 25th Div on New -Georgia I. drives Japanese back 400 yards.

Twenty-seven B-24's set out to bomb Kahili, but are prevented by weather

m reaching objective; 5 of the return planes bomb supply area at Rekata , scoring many hits. Vila airdrome

bombed at night by PBY on rcn. During night Allied PT's force an enemy barge ashore on SE Vella Lavella.

New Ireland-New Britain: B-24 on attacks enemy shipping 30 mi. W of

1 ~v~u."'''a.u. I., sinking an AK/ AP with direct hit and damaging 2 small sea

ks with strafing; barges off Rooke also strafed. Another B-24 on rcn

ights and attacks 2 small AK's about 90 mi. NE of Kavieng; near bomb miss scored on 1 and both vessels strafed

om deck level. Four enemy barges aded with oil drums attacked by 3

Bostons in Montagu Harbor (E of Gasmata) and destroyed. Enemy ship­ping off C. St. George bombed by PBY,

hich also strafes Gasmata. New Guinea: Eleven enemy barges de­

stroyed or damaged during coastal sweep by 12 B-25's along Huon Penin­sula. Finschhafen strafed by 1 Boston. PBY strafes Madang wharf.



Allied positions on Woodlark I. bombed tov. at night by 15 enemy planes; 1 P-39 de­stroyed and 3 others damaged. At about

same time, 3 Japanese planes drop 4 bombs on Kiriwina, Trobriand Is.,

ithout causing damage or casualties.



Southern Europe .tll'''-,.ru·'1 Western Europe. ~ Eastern Europe ~- •""" ' ' .

. . . (Cont'd) (Cont'd) · · ··c- armeiskoye, Likha­

chovo, Krasnopav­lovka, Lozovaya, and Barvenkovo at­tacked; fires and explosions result.

bursts observed in RR yards, on gas works, and on arms factory; several explosions caused; of 5 enemy planes attempting interception, 1 is damaged; 1 Allied bomber shot down and 3 dam­aged. Angitola bridges attacked by 45 B-25' s with P-38 escort; highway bridge damaged. Thirty-five B-26' s escorted by 21 P-38' s bomb bridge at Marina di Catanzaro, scoring hits at

Germany: Force of 335 B-17's dis-

·some drop their

primary ves andre-

good results; s attack tar­of opportunity

vicinity. About 00 Axis fighter

ends. Same target attacked by 36 38's carrying bombs; RR tracks

1ua~<:1.~t~u and's cars destroyed. Two Mosquitoes bomb and

train and MT in Foggia area. Halifaxes and 4 Liberators make attack on San Giovanni; hits

'"'r'nr·pn on RR sidings and town; many started. Total of about 12 Bas-

and Baltimores make successful attack on Vibo Valentia and Reg­

di Calabria. Greece: Three Wellingtons attack W

of Greece; hits scored on quays eveza and on 2 merchant ships Kyllene. Beaufighters score hits

small ships in dock at Cephalonia start fires there and on Levkas I.

Sicily: Troops of 13th Corps advance up E coast; Archirafi is occupied and then Riposte. Units of 30th Corps, moving N from Bronte, occupy Malet­ta. Troops of 9th Div on Cesaro­Randazzo road encounter bitter resis-

are thrown back. tance, but advance to within 4 mi. of Red Army units SE other units capture of Kharkov capture cutting C. Orlanda-Randazzo road. On Chuguyev and ad- N coast, U.S. forces contact troops vance toward the landed previous day, break enemy de-city; NE of Kharkov. at Orlando, and push E; C. Or-Tsirkuny is oc- Brolo, and Ficarra occupied. cupied, and NW, U.S. naval units bombard bridges and

va is captured. roads from Piraino to- Marina di Patti; troops in highway tunnel probably destroyed.

sector Allied planes attacK enemy troops points only 4 transportation throughout the day:

from Karachev Patti, Falcone, Novara, and Barcellona those in by total of 84 B-25' s, ~hich

continue ad- damage road!; and RR installations and from E and buildings in the towns. Same targets

making slight attacked by Bostons and Baltimores; Germans hits scored on ammunition dumps, renewed at- and gun positions. Seventeen

by Red Army make night raid on Falcone; s S of Lake obscured by clouds but it is

hit. Piedimonte is objective night attack by 24 B-25'sand 23

20's; roads, buildings, and cross-' hit. .of about 10 A-20's,

; ...... ]




Kurile Is.: Kata­oka naval base on Shumushu and the

. Japanese staging area in Kashiwa-

gins; 5 are de­stroyed; 2 B-24' s

to return. Burma: Heavy

bombers attack Japanese rail ter­minal of Y e on the


-- ......

Solomon Is.: Overcoming slight ene­resistance, left column of 25th Div

on New Georgia I. gains 1,500 yards. Heavy enemy artillery fire received by

patrol on SE Baanga I. (NW of Pt.). Coastwatchers report

of 140 Japanese troops and naval on SE coast of Vella Lavella.

Kahili airdrome bombed about noop by 25 B-24's escorted by 22 F4U's and 8 P-40' s; 26 tons of bombs cause heavy explosion and many fires; 20 enemy planes on the ground set on fire and 8 others probably damaged; 11 of 30 inter­cepting enemy planes shot down; 1 P-40 and 1 F4U missing.

New Britain: At dawn 2 RAAF Bostons attack and sef an fire a 60-ton AK off S coast, while 2 others raid supply dump at Gasmata. C. Gloucester airdrome receives 2 hits with half-ton bombs

ldrom)ed by B-24 on rcn. New Guinea: Twelve B-25's, of Bogadjim, bomb and strafe bridges,

camps, and road. Single B-24 bombs Salamaua Isthmus. At night PBY at­tacks enemy barges at Hansa.Bay and along coast of Huon Peninsula, destroy­ing 3 and damaging 7.

In Dutch New Guinea, Timoeka and Kaimana are for 2 RAAF Hud-

~ Secretary 12 the Interior

Ickes re-that strikes

reduced hard supplies by

,500,000 tons. U.S.-P.l.: Pr


(Cont'd) tion limited to scattered MG and 1wc~u'm"' small arms fire.

IArnct1itk:a mis­comprising

B-24's, 21 B-25' s, 15 A-24's, and 15 P-38's,

Eastern Europe

(Cont'd) Barents Sea and of 2 transports in Black Sea.

Soviet aircraft make severe night

on Poltava Krasnograd; ·

, 18 ex­IPl<)Sl<)ns and a

Russia: Germans

Southern Europe

(Cont'd) on armed rcn during night, attacks

, Novara, Castiglione, and F eddo areas, starting 6 fires. Twenty­

e P-40' s, on anti-shipping patrol, op 11,500 pounds of bombs in Mes­

I"'.Llla:·lVJ.ucL<::."'o area. During night IUt:!CL<..:Il'='"' between Messina and C. Pel­

are bombed by 90 Wellingtons; 2 these destroyed and 2 missing.

and strafing carried out by Mustangs in NE Sicily; 3 bridges 1 enemy gun position destroyed.

Italy: Grazzanise airfield bombed by 8 B-26's with P-38 escort; hangar,

and landing areas well ed with bombs; explosions caused; 70 Axis planes encountered, of 9 are destroyed, 7 probably, and

damaged for loss of 2 P-38's. The Lago and Rositello airfields at

are heavily bombed by total 45 B-25' s escorted by 48 P-38' s; get areas completely covered. Ten

Bostons make night attack on Vibo Valentia-Reggio di Calabria-C. Sparti­vento area and attack MT in vicinity of Rosarno. Merchant shipping 8 mi. N of Pizzo attacked by B-25's; vessel

in flames; 1 bomber destroyed by fire. RAF heavy bombers from

U.K. bases make night attacks on Milan and Turin; 505 planes drop 1,247 tons of bombs on first target, and 152 drop 240 tons on Turin; bombing is well centrated and many large fires started; from first force, 4 are missing and 2 crash; 2 are missing from 2d group.

Aegean: Two Beaufighters, on anti­shipping patrol, destroy an 80-ton

in Paros Bay and score hits on another. Bombs are also dropped on seaplane hangar at Corfu; 1 D0-18 left sinking and another on fire; trawler near Preveza left burning.

Sicily: Thirteenth Corps slowly ad­vances in E coast area, occupying Fiumefreddo; Piedimonte occupied during night. Randazzo captured by Div after pincers movement by British and U.S. troops. Axis troops evacuate Montalbano during night. Farther N, 3d Div continues eastward advance, moving 2 mi. E of Patti.

Allied naval forces bombard enemy '·"•····'·- positions N of Riposto and S of Taor­

mma; other units bombard Milazzo. Total of 167 P-40's attack enemy

shipping in Messina area during day; 6 small boats damaged, hits scored




(Cont'd) rolling stock and storage buildings are destroyed; damage is inflicted on tracks at Sedaw; a river steamer is sunk in the Chind­win R. N of

e docks also hit; near Katha

are hit cars

; hits scored 2 river steamers

near Kanni and on 1 near Mali; other shipping damaged in the Irrawaddy R. includes 3 ferry barges hit near

againg and a barge side-wheeler hit near Nat-. at Sizon and

, ... "''"'o'""'" 3 loco­llw;cJ.\tt:J;;; and an un­

number of cars de-

oyed or ua.JllJ.<:L~St:J< .. q hits are reported RR yards at


(Cont' d) ,~- . visible for 60 mi. started:at the latter.

Tanimbar Is.: SinglgB.'j4.bombs en-emy village on Jamde'nar:L: _ · ' '·· .




Howland I.: PBY over Howland I. dam- ItCJJy;_ Berne 13 during 4 attacks by enemy plane, reports that large

rE!turns safely. e demonstra-Solomon Is.: On New Georgia I., left have oc-olumn of 25th Div, with artillery sup- curred in Rome,

, attacks in vicinity of Zieta, gain- Milan, and Turin. some ground and killing 25 Japanese. date, total of 330 Japanese captured Vella Lavella I.

During evening 8 B-24' s drop 8 tons of on Ballale with unobserved · 1 of 2 enemy night fighters at­

'""'-w"''ul.t~< to intercept is possibly de­Seven minutes later, 13 B-24's


- - '


Southern Europe

(Cant' d) approximately 12 others, and a idge damaged. Piedimonte bombed

twice, by 38 and 9 B-25) s, resnP.~i:iv,Ah hits scored on roads, RR, bridges, AA position, and town; bridge also strafed. Twelve B-25's attack Falcone; results obscured by cloud. Twenty­three more B-25's attack Falcone and shipping in Messina Straits; bombs dropped on concentration of barges. Night of 13/14 70 .Wellingtons bomb NE Sicily, dropping 139 tons of bombs on beaches and military targets with good results.

Italy: San Lorenzo and Littorio RR yards at Rome are target for 274 Al­lied bombers; 106 escorted B-17' s drop 264 tons of bombs on former, completely blocking at least 3 lines in­to the yards; AA fire damages 4 bombers; 2 of about 20 intercepting planes shot down; 66 B-25' s and 102 B-26' s escorted by total of 100 P-38' s drop 144 tons on Littorio, severely damaging the yards and airdrome buildings; of 10 enemy aircraft encoun­tered, 2 destroyed; 1 B-26 shot down and 1 missing. During night 19 Bas­tons and 4 Baltimores attack MT at Vibo Valentia and Bagnara, start a large fire at Pizzo, and bcmb and

strafe shipping at Giora.

Sicil_y: British troops continue up road, pushing torward Taormina.

Russia: Russians report unsuccessful enemy counterat­tacks NE of Novor­

Army advances on Randazzo 51st and 78 Di.v' s clear Ran­

De,teJ~minEldlda:~zc>-Linguaglossa road; latter town ossisk. ied by 153d Brig. Ninth Div gains on road E of Randazzo and, to

contacts units of 3d Div near Third Div moves rapidly

coast road, capturing Oliveri and ; Barcellona is by~passed and

reach area about 3 mi. E of town. U.S. cruiser and DD's bombard



Indian Ocean: Dalfram (Brit­cargo ship,

558 tons) sunk SS at 20-40 S,

7-10 E.




(Cont'd) _ raid Kahili airdrome, using 15 tons of

bs; interception unsuccessfully at­It-'""'""""" by 2 hostile night fighters; AA

damages 1 B-24. Vila at-ucr.''"'J"""'I""";""''u in morning by formation of 9 B-

17' s, 31 SBD' s, and 22 TBF' s with 32 F4U's as escort; target well covered with 35 tons of bombs. Same target

attacked by single B-1 7 and during by 2 PBY' s on rcn. During after-8 P-40's and 5 P-39's intercept of 25 Japanese fighters over

l"''·'uucu.Lt<. down 10. Japanese positions Rekata Bay attacked during morning 12 B-25's, during evening by 2 B-s, and at night by 12 TBF's operating pairs.

""'""""--'"'-"-·~:::.:.· During attack on Gas­ield by rcn B-24, 1 enemy

•uuuHJea and 1 fighter destroyed on the

New Guinea: Salamaua town and air­and nearby enemy positions are

u.;;rvf-!r.s for 173 tons of bombs dropped by s m sea sweep 24's, 13 B-17's, and 9 B-26's; the Rangoon explosions caused and target area ea attack a motor left in flames; photographs confirm

off E widespread damage to buildings on I., scoring Isthmus, 3/4 of which are destroyed.

that Two B-24's later bomb Salamaua. 1u1o><w.l'=' the ship. Allied gun positions S of Tambu Bay

a position 25 mi. ineffectively raided at night by 6 hostile of Pagoda Pt. the ers. Single enemy plane bombs

uuJc 11'"-"'·uu is at- Kiriwina after dark; slight damage by a Zero, results. Airfield on Woodlark I. un-

is shot down. successfully bombed during night by 1 avy bomber enemy plane.

lul.;::.a.lJl.t::<> freighter N.E.I.. Nine B-24's carry out highly the mouth of the successful attack on Balikpapan,

in R. bombing oil installations and shipping in qhina: Four P- the harbor; 2 refineries and 7 large oil

40 s attack Lung- tanks set on fire, as well as a vessel in ling, starting fires. the harbor; 1 of the returning planes at­

Dilli, Timor, starting fires. airdrome on Timor is target

night attack by 3 RAAF Hudsons, which cause explosions and fires.

Solomon Is.: Allied left column con­tinues attacks against Japanese in vicinity of Zieta on New Georgia I. Other Allied units on the island engaged

U.S.: The War Com-

in patrolling and blocking trail toN. lrlofoY'l""

Enemy is being cleared from Baanga I. by Allied ground units.

New Britain: Two RAAF BGstons sweep S coast for barges and bomb river bridge near Gasmata, while 2 RAAF Beaufighters attack enemy AA positions at Jacquinot Bay. Twelve


30P-~----------~------------· NORTH AND TIN AMERICAN Western Europe THEATERS

(Cont'd) through overcast which prevents observation of results; no AA fire encountered.

Eastern Europe Southern Europe

· (Cont'd) (Cont'd) holding their posi- Milazzo to cover landing operations. tions. Heavy fight- Gunboats attack coast road at Taor-ing continues near · mma.

1 Karachev and Spas Eleven A-20 s, on armed rcn, attack Demensk where n."'u"'"" and beaches in Messina area. Army troops make concentration of vehicles E of some progress. bombed by B-25's; 10 MT de-Germans claim re-

of Soviet at- Badoglio government declares tacks S of Lake open city. Ladoga. of 14/15 cruisers attack Scalea,

During night over 1000 rounds into the port in aircraft bomb .. ,.,.,,IT!,,,.>, minutes. In early morning British and RR junctions at cruisers and DD's bombard harbor of Poltava and .r-.•·a.<>Hu·-•Vibo Valentia; 1 coaster blown up and grad, causing num- whole harbor area set on fire. erous fires and ex- Weight of Allied air attacks shiits to plosions. Enemy enemy transport and communications RR facilities in inS Italy. Road intersection E of Smolensk region Palmi attacked by 24 B-25's; 24 Bas-also objective for tons bomb Nitola. During night u"''~""·"'"W Soviet Air Force; from San Giovanni to Palmi, beaches

ID.lJ<>«:2.H (SE of at Pizzo, and Lamezia RR yards Smolensk) bombed; bombed by 72 Wellingtons, which drop Russians claim to 139 tons of bombs; several fires have destroyed started along coast; bursts observed several trains and throughout the RR yards and a fire started large fires. started in an oil refinery; 2 Welling-

tons missing. Roads from Vibo Val­entia to C. Spartivento are target for attack by 8 A-20's and 4 Baltimores; hits scored on roads, RR' s and inter­sections; fires and explosions result. P-38's, on sweep over toe of Italy, score probable hits on radar station near Vibo Valentia; airdrome, RR cars, trucks, and power and

station at Rosarno strafed. Dur­ing night roads and RR' s in same gen­eral area attacked by Malta-based Mosquitoes. Four B-24' s and 9 Hali­faxes attack RR installations at San Giovanni during night, scoring hits along RR Nand S of harbor, near berths, and in town, where fires are started.

Milan bombed night of 14/15 by 140 Lancasters from bases in England; 403 tons of bombs dropped in concen­trated and highly successful attack; some bombs fall in Breda Armament Works; 1 bomber fails to return.





(Cont'd) (Cont'd) B-25's, during sweep from Rein Bay to Stettin Bay, sight and attack 10 barges, destroying or damaging all of the~; same planes score hits on buildings at Talasea. During morning Japanese

tions at Bobdubi, Salamaua, and villages attacked in force by 34

s and 14 B-17's, which drop 156 of half-ton bombs; Bobdubi de­

demolished, large fires started Salamaua runway area, and a dock

estroyed. In support of ground forces, the Irrawaddy 12 B-25's successfully bomb and strafe

etween Magwe enemy positions on ridge NW of Tambu Prome attack . Allied troops in this area capture

0 sampans with itions commanding the ridge and and machine destroy 7 pillboxes. Enemy barges

fire, setting a along the Huon Peninsula strafed by 6 ber of them a- Bostons. Three Japanese planes lLTJ.­

fire and damaging successfully bomb Wau during evening. most of the others. oodlark I. is target for 8 bombs A barge at Kanhla dropped at night by single enemy plane. is set on fire and 2 N.E.I.: Timor: During the night factory buildings Tenau and Koepang raided by 4 RAAF at Allanmyo are Hudsons and 8 Dutch B-25's, respec-attacked and hit. tively; fires and explosions result at Other Beaufighters targets. attack targets along the Arakan coast between Hunter's Bay and Gwa, scoring hits on a large ware-house at Sandoway, a large hut near Shauk-kon, and on sandoway boats and sampans, one of which is seen to capsize. In the afternoon a forma-tion of Blenheims bombs buildings at Buthedaung in the SE part of town; clouds prevent ob-servation of re-sults.

Four B-24's a sea sweep S of Rangoon: 1 B-24 bombs the landing strip at Pagoda Pt. with hits reported in the target area; 3 B-24's attack 2 launches in the Bay of Bengal; no bombs hit target, but strafing of launches is very damaging; 1 launch is disabled.

(Cont'd) Buenos Aires in­d;icate that Bol­ivia?s p.~:;pirations

an outlet to the s.ea throughiChile reacl).ed a p'risis this weekl

Cuba-France: Cuba recognizes the French Com­mittee of National Liberation.

Colombia: It is announced today that President Alfonso Lopez of Colombia has

eivers in the I. adjusted so only Japanese

oadcasts can be

::1 •

· ~Easter·n ·Europe Southern Europe

.S.i&ilL.. Troops of 13th Corps occupy Taormina in morning, advance N, a.."1.d also capture Letojanni, During night British commandos make successful

J..u•cu,-·La.J.J.uJc.a"" at Scaletta, meeting o!'J.y slight resistance. Kaggi, W of Taormina, on road to Francaville .. occupied by 231st

, Fifty-fi.rst Div moves into C . Infantry units of 1st Div move

of Francavill e to Novara area. On coast, 3d Div occupies Barcellona

and pushes E to take Spadafora. Units of 45th Div make during night on beaches NW of Barcel­lona.

Enemy troop and barge '"'v'"'"'"u .... Messina 1:1.rea bombed by total of 36 25's, 24 A-20's, and 35 Baltimores;

thoroughly covered. Through­day, missions of P-40's attack shipping Messina area: near

, ............ ~''"u scored on .2 merchant ships and on several barges; crossroads and

installations damaged; fires started RR cars; warehouses set on

"""·"'],'JJUJ.5 from San Agata to Ganzirri 1vvu""'"'"' by 35 B-25' s, which hit roads,

J.'-'J..u.,,Jt:<t.'-', and buildings; AA :fire dam-20 bombers. Twenty-two Bostons

night bomb and str·aie targets in ssina a.rea a..'1d toe of Italy.

~dinia: Forty-seven P-40' s, on of S Sardinia, bomb Cagliari

scol' hits in. vlcinity of air­and bivouacs. Sapri RR yards bombed by 20

IP:=lr~o·PtF>d B-26' s; station, bul.ldings, and IW<ot.'-"'"''1'""'"'"' dam'l.ged; cars destroyed;

started. Sibari RR junction is for 48 B-25' s with P-38 escort;

"'"''"'»'"'" at junction N of yards; JSidll1gf>, repair shops, and station dam­

fires started among 200 cars in and a large explosion, believed · ammunition train, caused. Sapri

!<'-•'.a.""'""'"' again during night by 10 Well­fires and explosions result.

's make successful raid on lcros:sncJadls N of Palmi. P-38' s carry­

bombs effectively attack RR and lhic•h":"'" at Pm1ta dl Stalletti and S of

Groups of Wellingtons make raids on C~traro beaches, Scalea and P..R yards, Paola beaches and

yards, and Viterbo RR yards; con­'"H..llo!Jc-a.lJ.l., damage inflicted on all tar­

many fires started. Five ~uitc>es during night attack targets in

starting an extensive fire in RR at Minturo. Night of 15/16 Milan bombed by RAF planes :from Eng-

bases; 199 heavy bombers drop .56 of HE and 205 tons of incendiar1es

well concentr.ated attack; numeroUs fires result; stronger defenses




East Atlantic: Andaman Is.: convoy from Six B-24's attack Britain to Chatham I. in the

Andaman group; 25 direct hits are scored in the tar­get area; much damage to ware­houses and build­ings is caused and AA battery is de­stroyed; large

visible for 50


Solomon Is.: Allied lar1di:mtBrtiN Lavella I. successfully effected inforced infantry regiment during· morning. About 4,600 troops, including 700 naval personnel, lanp. at Barakoma, SE end of the island. Japanese planes attack landing force intermittently, causing a few casualties and slight dam­age; intercepting P-40's and F4U's ac­count for 17 Zeros and 10 dive bombers, and 8 additional F4U's, after strafing grounded planes at Kahili, intercept and destroy 5 Zeros and 2 dive bombers

force returning there from Vella La vella. For enemy's loss of 22 Zeros and 12 dive bombers during the day, only 2 Allied planes (1 P-40 and 1 F4U) are destroyed. Hostile torpedo planes

vely attack Allied DD' s and S of Rathedaung; craft as they retire from Vella

Lavella to Guadalcanal. On New Georgia I., Allied troops con­

on Zieta from N and S, forcing 1a.u'"'"'~"'" to flee westward. Allied

ces on Baanga I. (3 mi. NW of Munda) continue mopping up operations.

Rekata Bay, Santa Isabel I., bombed ing afternoon by 11 B-25's; 2 fires erved in suppl,_y area .

. New Britain: Four RAAF Bostons and 2 RAAF Beaufighters sweep S coast,

ombing Gasmata dump area and setting small AK at Jacquinot Bay and barge at Wide Bay on fire, while B-24 strafes barges in Borgen Bay. B-17 starts

villages near Arawe with incen-iaries. . New Guinea: Twenty-four B-24's and

1 B-17 heavily bomb Komiatum, Sala­maua Isthmus, and Kela under difficult weather conditions; hits scored along trails, and fires started in villages. Salamaua Isthmus also bombed by B-24 on rcn. Five enemy barges near Saidor destroyed or damaged by PBY during night.

Twenty-six P-39's intercept formation of 12 enemy medium bombers escorted

20-25 fighters over Marilinan (in Watut R. Valley, 38 mi. W of Lae), de­stroying all of the bombers and 3

ters; 4 P-39's missing; bombs dropped near strip by only 2 of the enemy bombers.

Keaukwa, Dutch New Guinea, bombed single Hudson; a 2d Hudson which set

out for same target is missing.






Western Europe Eastern Europe Southern Europe

(Cont' d) encountered over city and 7 bombers

to return. Greece: Beaufighters attack landing

ground and harbor at Kalamata, scor­ing hits on runway and building near quay and silencing 2 AA positions. Schooner off coast attacked and hits scored with cannon fire.

Sicily: Third Div advances from Spadafora to Divieto and turns SE on road to Messina; patrols enter Mes­sina in the evening.

Total of about 50 B-25' s, in 2 attacks, bombs concentration of landing craft in Messina harbor and beaches around C. Peloro; large explosion and fires caused at Messina and buildings in Ganzirri damaged. J?-40' s, in attacks

are throughout the day, bomb and strafe "'"'··~~·•~~ Russian enemy shipping, scoring hits on sev-

e. Soviet eral barges and small craft and dam-advance on aging 3 Siebel ferries. Bostons and

from NE, Baltimores attack beaches from C. E, a.nd SE, l':=rnhrrino-IPeloro to Portifatello, thoroughly Zhizdra and many covering target area; intense AA fire smaller towns. damages several Allied aircraft. Russian offensive Italy_;_ San Nicola and Tortorella air-in Smolensk area fields at Foggia are target for 157 tons continues; Soviets of bombs dropped by 85 B-17's; fields, occupy Tserkovs- buildL11gs, landing and dispersal areas china, ,Lyubun, Les- damaged and several large fires

started; a strong force of 75-100 Axis plal!eS opposes attack; of thes~ 43 are shot down, 7 probably, and 5 damaged;

makes any 7 bombers fail to return. Bridges at ess. Berlin Staletti bombed by 28 escorted B-25' s; reports un- roads and RR only hit. Twenty es·· sful Red Ar corted B-26' s attack temporary bridge

pn::>D-·!a1:ta<:!ks in Lake at P..ngitola, scaring hits on N end. ~'""''u~>~a sector. DurL."lg night Bagnara and Palmi

Soviet troop con- bombed by 6 Bostons on armed rcn; entrations in cen- several fires result in target areas.

tral Donets and SW Forty-nine Wellingtons dispatched of Belgorod heavily during night to bomb Viterbo airdrome attacked by the L · 34 attack objective, damaging hangars waffe. Night of and landing ground and starting fires; 16/17 Soviet planes the remainder drop their bombs on bomb Slavyansk and Grosseto, Tarquinia, and Elba; 1 Well­R<~·ru<mkmn>. SE of ington destroyed and 1 missing,

and Beaches from Maratea to Palmi at-and tacked by 40 Wellingtons in night raid;

many fires started and several small vessels hit. Tu:rin is objective for well concentrated night attack by 154 heavy bombers from bases in England; 208 tons of bombs dropped, resulting in nurrterous fires; Fiat aircraft engine works also attacked; 4 bombers fail to retu:rn.



Mediterranean: Empire Kestrel itish cargo ship

689 tons) sunk aircraft at 37-N, 04-35 E.


Ellice Is.: New type Japanese 4- U.S.: War Mo- 16 engined flying boat intercepted by Allied IU<.LL«.a.c<.uu Director

vn.aLLn~I<;LL~patrol plane over Vaitupu I.; in ensuing F. Byrnes clash Allied plane is damaged. The new the U.S. enemy plane is capable of more than 200•a.~a..u.1"'" knots.

Solomon Is.: Elements of 25th Div, ""'~""''"'"' westward from Zieta, New

I., reach coast near Piru Plan­Munda receives light artillery

from hostile batteries on Baanga •-=-1u'~"'" is done to and other nearby islands. Japanese '""'"""'" small river artillery positions on Baanga I. bombed

RR tracks 13 TBF's and 17 SED's and on near-Karapahtah I., by 19 SED's. Forty­

Div, engaged in mopping up Baanga , meets ·strong enemy resistance. Single B-24 bombs Buka airdrome be­

dawn, while 9 others, prevented by •wc,a.w1"" from reaching objective, attack •.rv'""'occa. Bay; fires result at both targets.

Kolombangara I., attacked during 1<>-f''""''"'"·""' by force of 25 SED's, 12

5 B-17's, and 12 B-25's, with .n..~.·uu,,.._u "'~"'+'·~~ as cover; hits scored on AA

supply area, and naval depot e Harbor. Same target bombed at

by 2 PBY' s on rcn. Rekata Bay, Isabel I., and Haycock I., in Man-

Strait, also receive night attacks, TBF's.

~'Yt....:><.!!gj!;;@;i_' Allied ground forces of .ridge N of Tambu Bay,

over 200 counted enemy dead, force estimated at 700

Tat>ar.tese in Mount Tambu-Goodview IJ"-'1'-'•·•vu (S of Komiatum) area.

B-24 drops 2 half-ton bombs on Lae, starting fires. Allied lron.nn'""~'tir,.,.

n:r:arusucJrJ: plane unsuccessfully attacked Marilinan (Watut R. Valley, W of by 25 enemy fighters; 15 P-38's

P-47's intercept, destroying 12 planes and probably destroying 2

; 1 P-47 lost. Japanese Boram, Dagua, and But at-

in force during night of 16/17 by B-24's and 12 B-17's; explosions and

result at all targets; 3 Allied missing. One bomber of this

~----~~~~~~~-l~~~raidsHansa~~----------_. ______________ ~_.

·. (Cont'd) · • Greece: On.e Wellmgton bombs

harbor; bombs burst between arid town.






(Cont'd) N.E.I.: Enemy shipping and oil in:­•a.••a.c . .Lv!!i:> at Balikpapan, Borneo, at­

by 2 B-24's, which set medium in harbor and oil tanks ashore on

e; of 6 intercepting enemy fighters, destroyed, 1 probably and 1 damaged.

ILamgi50Eir, Kei Is., bombed at night by 25's, 1 of which also bombs

l"'"·l.LLJ.J..LoL.!\.1\ . .L, Tanimbar Is.; results un­lrln,,:,A·rm>f'l because of adverse weather.

RAAF Hudsons carry out night on Taberfane, Aroe Is., causing and explosions.

Australia: Single enemy plane un­ucc;essuuly attacks Broome. Port

raided at midnight by 1 hostile which drops 8 bombs without ef-


~"~1'-'=TIN AMERICAN Western Europe THEATERS

17 ..

Southern Europ_e

Aeolian Is.: The islands of Lipari and Stromboli surrender to U.S. naval expedition.

Sicily: Third Div captures Messina; all organized resistance in Sicily ends.

Allied planes attack Axis shipping throughout the day: 105 P-40' s, ling the area from Messina to Gulf of Gioia, score hits on 12 boats, destroy

larger merch8.1J.t ship and damage 1 cu~cvw'"~, 3 barges destroyed; RR tracks

Palmi damaged. Fifty-seven P-40's anti-shipping patrol from Messina Palmi, destroy 2 barges and 2 bel ferries, hit RR at Bagnara and

on beach. U.S. warships, attacking the

1w.a..uua.uu for first time, bombard Gioia Palmi; heavy explosions result at

If.-.-,.,.,.,,"'"'· British cruisers bombard but results are obscured by

Battipaglia RR yards are target for raid by 33 escorted B-26's;

fires started among RR in­"""''"u':LuiJHi:>. Twenty-eight escorted B­ temporary bridge at l"'''&'w~a., destroy N end of bridge.

of 72 B-25's with escort of 47 P­attacks Polermite-Vallefiorita and Castrovillari, severely dam-. RR and highways. RR cars and

toe of Italy effectively P-38's; radar station at C. machine-gunned. During

force of 48 Wellingtons bombs !J"''"<.;''"'"' between Briatico and C,, ouJut:>Jc-u. fires started at Pizzo and p...a.u!t""''-"' cause large explosions.

Two Wellingtons make night warehouses and shipping in

of Syros I.



Stanley itish cargo

6,921 tons) . and sunk at

-08 S, 48-15 E.


Solomon Is; Grormd ::.'l"~rfiri+rr

Georgia I. limited to'·u.Y RR; extensive dam- . Forty-third Div continues """'·""!""'·"'• age to the RR on Japanese on Baanga L station, the highway During night enemy planes make fre-to the RR station, attacks on Allied positions in vi-

ing stock, and of Barakoma on Vella Lavella L, is reported; only slight damage.

RR bridge also Four Japanese DD' s escorting barges, ,ua.r.uc<i<.<==u and stor- southeasterly course, intercepted N

Vella Lavella I. by 4 Allied DD's of 17/18; during half-hour engage-2 enemy DD' s badly damaged, 1 of is possibly sunk, and many barges

'""'"'t'""''"'"" 8 attacking enemy floatplanes to damage Allied DD's. Two Allied

's escorting landing craft bombed by planes while withdrawing from

Lavella I. at night and 1 small Al-ship is sunk. PT' s attack 4 enemy

off Bairoko Harbor, New Georgia , with rmdetermined results. New Britain: B-24 starts fires at C.

ster airfield with 4 500-lb. bombs. It is reported on night patrol successfully strafes

17 barges off C. Busching. New Guinea: Following up attack,

of 16/17, on 4 enemy airdromes in Wewak area, 26 B-25's with 83 P-

as cover strike same targets, parachute fragmentation bombs low level and strafing grormded · of 204 enemy" planes photo­

before the raid, 120 believed '""'"'t'"m:r<>li or permanently rmserviceable

others damaged; Japanese personnel £..±.£::.~~~~ ...... 9"1:''!''':' supply losses heavy; 10 enemy

intercept, of which 1 is de­l<:t·rmrPii and 2 damaged. PBY destroys

enemy barges attacked near '"v''""'"''''"l". and damages others. Hostile

along Huon Peninsula and SW Britain attacked by 4 RAAF Beau­

and 6 A-20's; AA fire destroys A-20. N.E.I.: Nine B-24's attack Balikpapan,

1nLn11eu. night of 17/18, concentrating on in harbor and town area; 4

1u''"'"''''uu AK' s destroyed or set on fire bombing and strafing from masthead

ight and fires started in town area; '''"'"""'"'" AA fire damages one plane. An-

B-24, failing to reach Balikpapan, s Makassar, Celebes. Ossu,

1uv=c•cu with rmdetermined results by 3 Hudsons. Two RAAF Beau­

strafe lugger off Taberfane, Is., setting it on fire, while 6 s engage 5 intercepting floatplanes,

down 4 and damaging 1. Australia: Spitfires shoot down 4 ene­

rcn planes over Darwin area during day.



Western Europe

(Cont'd) · 40 bombers

return. Force of

Eastern Europe Southern Europe




~--------~~--~~~~-.41 POLITICAL,



18 ..

Aleutian Is.: Holland: Flushing Continued rcn of airdrome bombed Kiska fails to dis- by 58 escorted B-close any Japa- 7's during

• Allied tons of explo-troops land on dropped, with Segula I. without results; mod-opposition; accurate AA complete rcn re- encountered; veals no signs of 1 bomber lost and Japanese. 23 damaged.

seven B-17's with P-47 escort bomb Gilze-Rijen air­field with good results despite cloud and haze; active fighter op-

Russia: Germans announce renewed Soviet attack on Mius front N of Kuibyshevo and

Sardinia: Forty-five P-40' s, 29 of them with bombs, attack Gormeza uu1LLu.u'"' RR' s and a factory; a small

vessel is strafed and left burn-

claim repulse of · Bridges at Angitola are target Soviet attempts to ce of 36 B.:-25' s with P-38 es-advance at Izyum. · both ends of RR bridge hit. Despite strong re- hlT'"~""-.:·ox escorted B-26's bomb road sistance, Red Army Ponte di Staletti. RR com-forces in Kharkov 1lllwl.LI.;a.c"c""'' at Soverato attacked by 24 sector advance NE P-38's with fighter and SE of the city, station, bridges, and yards moving SE of s and P-38' s, on sweep Chuguyev to capture shipping in Gulf of Euphemia, Zmiev, and between oy medium-sized merchant ship

IAlmt:vrka and Pol- Pizzo .. Kittyhawks, A-36's, and P-s attack transport and communica­

in toe of Italy; several MT de-l.:t·r-mr<>rl trains near Scilla strafed, and

started along roads. Night of 8/19 force of 5 B-24's and 11 Hali­

trclOP•l:t<lXE~s bombs RR yards at Crotone;

Demensk; reports

'""'~o"""'e of Soviet 1"-L'"""'"" at Staraya

and Lake

fires and 4 large fires followed explosions result; 1 bomber fails return. Temporary bridge at Angi­

successfully bombed during night 37 Wellingtons.

Russia: Germans Italy: Night of 19/20 U.S. naval report violent fight- force shells enemy positions at Gioia, ing on Mius front starting large fires. and repulse of Foggia RR installations heavily Soviet attacks bombed during day and night: 148 B-Izyum. Bitter 17' s with P-38 escort drop 482 tons, ing continues in damaging roads, warehouses, gas Kharkov area where works, and industrial buildings in the Red Army units to city; consideralble AA fire and about the SE make slight 70 Axis planes oppose attack; 34 "'"''""'' 1

gains and those to aircraft shot down, 9 probably, and 4 W report damaged; 5 Allied bombers and 3

of Nazi counterat- lost and 32 bombers damaged; tack. Soviet troops 175 tons of bombs dropped on same encounter strong target by 71 B-24' s, which damage resistance in tracks, bridges, and repair shops, Bryansk sector leave numerous RR cars burning, and where Axis opposi- start several oil fires; 4 of small -tion holds attackers group of intf!rC~pting planes shot down;




Tunisia: Two waves of enemy aircraft, totalling 66 planes, bomb Bizerta, during night; only slight damage and a few casualties result; intercepting Beau­fighters shoot down 4 of the at­tackers; AA fire destroys 2 more.


Burma: Six B-25 s bomb enemy controlled river ports of Katha and Bhamo; 2 river boats sunk and

damaged at and hits among dock

Uities. At buildings

port installa­repeatedly hit

several fires burning. B­severely dam­

RR yards and l;:sLLJr<1>'"' bulldingS


.. ,,·

Solomon Is.: North of Munda,, New ,, Georgia I., units of 25th D iv have 'cap~/;:·

high ground W of Bairoko and ar'e/ wu·"'".ulb toward high ground E of the ·

, while elements of 1 battalion reached point 2,000 yards N of

ieta R. Road construction hampered unfavorable weather and lack of

engineers and equipment. New mainland in vicinity of Munda

I'-'L•uc.wctt::<> to receive harassing artillery from Japanese batteries on nearby

islands. Forty-third Div on Baanga I. gains about 400 yards on the right.

Eight hostile barges off Vila, Kolom­ua."'"1r"' I., attacked by Allied PT' s

early morning. Three B-24's and strafe enemy positions on S

oast of Choiseul I. RekataBay area is 1'-'''~u•cul., for 10 500-lb. bombs dropped by

single B-24 before dawn. Two F4U's on rcn over Kahili shoot down 2 of 6

encountered. i New Guinea: Continuing aerial of- President

ive against enemy aircraft concen- Syrian Re-trated in Wewak area, 9 B-17's, 10 B- i.e and 24's, and 51 B-25's, with 95 P-38's as nationalist escort, heavily attack airdromes at inority deputy, But, Dagua, Boram, and Wewak and is El Khouric, shipping at the last; an estimated 78 President of a),'aWOuv planes destroyed, of which 25 the Chamber.

shot down in combat and the remain- This action is re-er demolished on the ground; 3 AK's garded as an im-et on fire in Wewak Harbor and several step

sunk; Allied losses confined to Syrian in-2 B-25's and 1 P-38. Hostile barges near Lae bombed by single B-24. ·

N.E.I.: Timor: Fuiloro, Lautem, and Koepang raided at night by 3, 1, and 4

B-25's, respectively; fires started at all targets.

Burma: B-25's Solomon Is.: On Baanga I., 1 battalion Italy: Two Tri- 19 bunals of Except-attack enemy com- of 43d Div, by-passing enemy resistanc

munications 600 yards to the S. An esti­in central Burma. mated 225 Japanese are reported con-Six B-25's in 2 centrated at Supato on SW Vella Lavella

attack Thazi I. Eight B-25's, operating in pairs and ith fighter cover, bomb and sink 100-

barge at Kakasa (S coast of Choiseul I.), score direct bomb hits on beached sea truck at Paraso Bay {N Vella La­vella), and strafe 3 barges at Timbala Bay (NW Vella Lavella). Japanese 500-ton AK sighted and attacked near Buka I., by PBY on night patrol; vessel left in sinking condition.

During night 4 Allied DD's attack 2 small enemy surface craft near Doveli

. (N Vella Lavella), sinking 1 with gun-

ion have been set up in Milan to be-gin trying 1,500 cases of persons charged with con­spiring to over-throw the estab­lished govern-ment, according to Swiss reports.

France: Spokes­men for the French Committee of National Lib­eration say the Committee will declare war on

~---------- ~--------_.----------~

20 ..

Western Eur.ope

s; escort down 9. 1

obably, and ·dam-

Southern Europe

(Cont'd) 2 bombers fail to return; 3d attack on Foggia is carried out during night by 49 Wellingtons; fires started through­out the yards; 2 Wellingtons destroyed.

s 3 for loss of 1 announces

For,ty.,eight B-26's escorted by 41 P-38 s score many hits on RR installa­

and town of Sapri; during night, s between Sapri and Paola are for 37 Wellingtons which dam-7. WoensdrechtiSllllKJne: of Russian

target for an- vessel off RR and highway bridges. Forty-B-17 forma- achi. t escorted B-25's attacking Salerno

hits in RR yards and on station but clouds t attack; of aircraft en-

3 de-

and Mosquitos airfield at and RR yards

Abbeville where everal locomotives

e damaged.

Holland: Force of 25's with Spit­

escort bombs planes and

factory at Flush-

for attack

Bostons with tfire escort.

; AA fire destroys 1 bomber. RR yards at Catan-

are target for 20 A-36's; half the left burning; hits scored on oil

wagons cause explosions.

Russia: Nazis Scalea bombarded by 2 French claim t.'lat strong s night of 20/21. Soviet attacks on RR yards at Benevento are target for Mius front are re- 36 escorted B-25's; locomotive storage pulsed. Red Army and repair sheds and RR junction hit; forces in K..harkov of 350 cars, 30 destroyed or severely sector continue to amaged; escort encounters 15-20 gain, capturing enemy planes, destroying 4 and dam-Lebedin, SW of aging 2. Fifty B-26's with P-38 escort Sumy, and occupy- RR installations at Caserta, ing localities W of 2 huge explosions among Zmiev. Axis troops cars; of over 40 intercepting

Axis aircraft, 8 shot downi 5 P-38's missing. Thirty-six P-40 s, on armed

,...,,nn>·+c:lrcn over toe of Italy, damage ap­proa,ches to 2 bridges and hit RR yards

cars .near Siderno Marina; tracks · in Locri area also hit. During night

36 Wel:!cingtons drop 61 tons of bombs on Villa Literno RR yards, causing




(Cont'd) Reven B-25's fire; intermittent attacks by J~3Sttrese,

leaving fail to damage DD' s. euuw:;e;:; in New Britain: B-24 on rcn bombs Japa-

IH<:tm.e;:;, while 2 camps on Garove and MWldua B-25 s attack rail in the Witu group. Four RAAF lines at Wuntho, eaufighters bomb supply dump near destroying rolling 1'-"a.ou!a.c.:t., while 2 others strafe barges stock. Five P-40's S coast. expend fragmenta- New Guinea: Orodubi and Mou..nt Tam-tion bombs on captured by Allied ground forces;

of Rangse, up operations E of Komiatum Hangsen, and Ran- in progress. Considerable equip-

and strafe ene- and 350 enemy graves foWld. Finschhafen town area bombed by

single B-24. Japanese SS shells Allied landing craft off Nassau Bay.

N.E.I.: Single B-24' s on rcn attack Larat and Saumlakki, Tanimbar Is., Manokwari, Dutch New Guinea, and sink small coastal vessel off Fak Fak, Dutch New Guinea. Enemy lugger off

Is. damaged during strafing at­tack by RAAF Hudson on rcn.

Burma: Twelve t:lolomon Is.: Units of 43d Div reach S P-40' s bomb and of Baanga I. strafe Lakchang, New Georgia I., lightly and in-destroying troop •~-~'••~~.,TT~l raided during early morning quarters and planes. Force of 8 F4U's, storage buildings; •cnveJ•ea by 16 others, raids Shortlands fires are reported. 3 fires and shooting down Six P-40' s set fire , while 8 other F4U' s strafe o large supply installations along shore at

uu.uuuu; at Shing- Bay. Eight P-40' s At night Allied PT' s attack Japanese

attack enemy in- in Kula Gulf at close range, de-stallations S of 1 and damaging others; heavy Kamaing at Seton, fire received from shore bat-starting 3 large and barges.

. Taro is New Britain: Enemy barges at Rein u!c:uc<.-a.!

strafed with unob- strafed by PBY before dawn. served results. New Guinea; Twenty-four B-24's

China: Eight B- overed by 46 P-38's drop 276 500-lb. 25 s escorted by 11 ombs on Boram airfield, destroying at

Western Europe

21 ..

Eastern Europe


Southern Europe

(Cont'd) fires and explosions; only slight oppo­sition encountered.

Sardinia: Monserrato airdrome suc­cessfully attacked by 48 P-40's.

Cancello RR yards bombed by 's, which damage stores depot, and factory; many fires in the yards; 15 bombers, un­

to locate Cancello, bomb Pomi­airdrome with unobserved re­entire formation attacked by 50

of which 25 are destroyed probably for loss of 2 Allied

. Sixty-four escorted B-26's 125 tons of bombs on Villa Literno

yards, severely damaging tracks rolling stock; large explosion

in center of yards; of 40-50 lintF>J'<'FmtinP" planes, 25 shot down, 9

and 11 damaged; 4 B-26's o<::t"NnT<>rl. Twenty-seven B-17's es­

by 36 P-38's bomb Aversa RR ; main track cut; warehouses,

Nazis are also stock, and gas works damaged. Jcc>untel~attacking in night 10 Halifaxes and 6 B-

and Spas Crotone RR yards; fires in cu'"'"""" sectors; area and town result; large

report re- explosions caused in yards. pulse of these at- LU>Ji:!gua RR yards are target for tacks. attack by 63 Wellingtons, which

Night of 21/22 numerous fires. Fighter bombers Soviet planes attack communications on Bovalino-enemy transport in '"'"P"n''"'"" road, destroying 8 MT and Mius area, bombing 1\.ld.lil<::li',J.HI', 24.

junctions of ebaltsevo and

· hits




(Cont'd) P-40' s bomb tlie

Burma: Two P-40 s destroy 23 enemy rafts in the Chindwin R. N of Maingkwan with a bombing and straf­ing-attack. Six more P-40' s bomb and strafe the town itself, scoring a

hit on an en­emy ration dump. Hsopzup is also strafed, with un­observed results. Four B-24's bomb enemy barracks

of Kyaukpyu on end-of Ramree I.; avy damage re­

from 5 direct and 2 near


(Cont'd) (Cont'd) least 5 enemy planes on the ground and Germans have starting large fires; of 3.0-35 in.tercept- taken much of the ing enemy fighters, 19 destroyed;· 6 sting out of the probably destroyed, and 3 da~maged; .1 Ploesti raid as B-24 shot down. South bank,.<:>f Fraw"""'c"far as the oil R. bombed and strafed by 6 'Bostons. companies are

N.E.I.: Two small enemy luggers off concerne_d. Nila I., Damar Is., bombed by RAAF Hudson on rcn.

Solomon Is.: Allied reinforcements arrive at Barakoma, Vella Lavella I., during morning. Landing successfully effected despite 3 enemy air attacks

cause minor damage and some casualties. Allied ground forces oc­cupying S portion of Baanga I. capture 2 5-in. field guns in position to fire on Munda. On New Georgia mainland, Al­lied patrols move toward SW shore of Bairoko Harbor without opposition. Al­lied artillery now in vicinity of Zieta.

Continuing efforts to clear enemy barges from Vella Lavella area, 8 B-25's covered by 16 fighters strafe barges at Marquana Bay, Doveli, arid Paraso Bay (N coast of Vella Lavella I.). Fifty-ft. Japanese barge destroyed by PT' s in Beagle Channel.

New Guinea: In Salamaua area,. Allied ground forces clear portions of Bobdubi Komiatum track. Strong Japanese po­sitions reported near junction of the track.

B-24 drops 4 500-lb. bombs on Logui. But and Dagua airdromes are targets successful bombing and strafing attack by 18 B-25's escorted by 60 P-38's; 34 enemy planes destroyed or badly damaged on the ground; AA positions

'""''"""'"'~,· launch and 4 barges destroyed 36 of about 50 intercepting

destroyed and 6 others destroyed; 3 P-38's lost.

B-1 7' s drop about 24 tons of on road S of Bogadjim. : Eleven B-24's successfully

mines at Pomelaa, Celebes, at noon, setting loading plant and ware­houses on fire, and causing further dam age throughout target area by strafing; enemy AK/ AP damaged in harbor and a transport plane destroyed in the air;

12 intercepting enemy fighters de-

e needs. U.S.-Canada:

The Joint War Aid Committee of the United States and Canada is created to study the problems that arise out of the operations of U.S. lend-lease and Canadian mutual aid programs.

U.S.-Russia: Maxim Litvinoff, Russian Ambassa­dor to the U.S., is relieved of his post and Andrei Gromyko named as his successor.




forces. ground make un­

sed landing Gunners Cove, ti.

Western Europe

incendiaries; k cloud neces­

s blind bomb­fires and

Russia: Heavy fighting continues Mius front; Berlin reports repulse of Soviet attacks at Izyum; Moscow claims gains SW of Voroshilovgrad. Red Army advances NW of Kharkov; W of the city, Axis infantry and tank forces continue

avy counterat-. tacks. Enemy also

counterattacks SW of Spas Demensk.

Italy: Salerno RR yards are target ----s4escorted B-26's; tracks dam­

and RR bridge 9-emolished; bomb­ked by over 50 Axis planes,

which are shot down; 30 more at­escort; 2 of these destroyed.

'"""·~eJc·nu bombed also during night; 51 ellingtons drop 92 tons of explosive well concentrated attack.




Burma: Six P-40 s attack Maing­

with fragmen­and regular

starting two s. Six B-25's

k Meiktila in flights; results

of ~st flight unob­but the 2d

served results. Two aircraft are hit by accurate AA fire at Meiktila and 1 at Monywa, but all return safely.




(Cont'dl. . . troyed and 3 others 'pr:Bbaqly destroyed ..

On Timor, Beaco bombed by 3. RAAF Hudsons and Betano by 2 others. Japa­nese seaplane base at Taberfane, Aroe Is., bombed by 7 RAAF Beaufighters; lugger sunk and small boat damaged offshore; interception attempted by' 5 floatplanes, of which 2 are destroyed and another probably destroyed.

Australia: Darwin raided during early morning by 18 Japanese bombers which cause only slight damage.

Solomon Is.: Formation of 30 TBF's U.S.-Syria: Un- 22 and 12 B-25's with fighter escort bombs the new govern enemy barge centers at Oula and Supato, ment of Syria as-SW Vella La vella I.; targets well substantial covered and many fires started. Eight and estab-PT' s search coves along S coast of itself as a

I. for enemy barges; 6 ated and attacked in Ringa Cove, but

AA fire from shore prevents ob­of results; 1 PT badly dam-

::.:.::.;::-:::::::.:::,;:;.::~.B-24 drops 4 500-lb. airdrome.

New Guinea: Komiatum Ridge Allied ground forces, who are now

Salamaua airfield from 2 mi. to SW; Salamaua Isthmus shelled by Allied artillery.

attacks small enemy AK and 2 near Wewak, sinking 1 barge and the other barge and AK beached.

N.E.I.: Timor: Dilli town and air­---bombed before dawn by 7 Dutch

B-25's; fires result in target area.


THEATERS Western Europe Eastern Europe Southern Europe

23 Aleutian Is.: Completed rcn of Rat I. discloses no Japanese or evidence of their earlier occupation of the island. One Japanese captured at Attu.

Germany: Berlin is target for heavy night attack by 560 RAF bombers drop 1,633 tons of HE and incendi­aries; entire W part of the city left

smoke to 20,000

; fires burn sev­al days; strong

ter opposition "'""~"'m>o"''"' 56

Russia: Soviet Sicily: Palermo bombed by over 20 forces on Mius Axis planes just before dawn; 2 sub-front push W and marine chasers sunk and a coaster occupy Donetsko damaged; 4 planes shot down by AA Amvrosievka, fire and intercepting Beaufighters. about 40 mi. SE of Sardinia: Forty-seven P-40's make Stalino; this cuts sweep over S Sardinia; bombs burst the Taganrog- along RR and among barracks and Stalino RR, the last factory buildings N of Cagliari. rail line from the Italy: Seventy B-25's escorted by 48

. S _of Izyum, A-36's and 24 P-40's bomb Battipaglia f1ghtmg con- RR yards with good results; Salerno

Moscow and Mohtecorvino highways also hit. "'"'~~-~•~ slight im~ Twelve B-24's attack Bari RR yards;

t of Sovwt fires started in the town but observa-11-''-'"'''·'u''" in this tion of results hampered by clouds, area and repulse of sn;oke, and dust; 2d group, of 16 B-8 enemy cqunter- 24 s, unable to locate target, drops attacks. Red Army bombs on Bari airdrome, damaging

capture hangar area, field, and RR to the S. by storm, In successful night raid, 78 Welling-

Omer· accurate AA ing the city tons drop over 150 tons of bombs on o~poses attack. the W, N, and Bagnoli RR yards, causing 2 large

. Nine E; enemy forces W fires and an explosion· a few bombs ~~;::::::... operate of the city continue also dropped on Villa Literno and

and strong counterat- Ischia L target; ks. Soviets

UU.LLICICU and at- local fight-with ing in Spas De~mE;ns:kl

caused; shot down and 2


sector. Berlin reports

Luftwaffe attacks on Russians in Mius and Donets areas and W of Kharkov. Soviet

make night raids on Debaltsevo, Barvenkovo, and Chistyakovo RR installations and enemy troop con­centrations and airdromes W of Kharkov.




(Cont'd) A formation of

wk fighter­lbc>mlJei:s attacks

enemy station N of

Kalewa; direct hits observed on buildings. Eight B-25's bomb Myingyan; results unobserved.


Mediterranean: Burma: Seven B- Howland-Baker Is.: PBY sights Japa- U.S.: John L. Enemy aircraft 24 s bomb Meiktila nese 4-engined flying boat in vicinity of again attack Allied cantonment area, Howland-Baker islands; enemy fires convoy from Great scoring 29 hits in once on PBY without effect. Britain to the get area, and Solomon Is.: On. New Georgia I., Piru Mediterranean; estroying a bar- Plantation occupied by elements of 25th SS Fort Ville Subse- Div to point 1,600 yards N of Cutter Pt. Marie (British 3 B-25's after light enemy resistance; Bairoko cargo ship, 7,122 the Meiktila Harbor shelled by some Allied artillery, tons) set on fire. although bad roads prevent movement of

the bulk into position. Patrols of 43d Div on Baanga I. encountering no re­sistance.

target area, Munda airfield is target for 2 bombs ing heavy dam- dropped before dawn by 2 enemy planes; and starting 2 1 F4U·damaged. Allied fighters inter-

fires. The cept 2 flights of Japanese planes over bridge is Vella Lavella I., shooting down 9 and on bombing damaging 2 without loss to themselves.

runs first by 9 B- Two B-25's escorted by 2 P-39's strafe 25's in 3 flights and tin hut on Wagina I., in the Manning

by 6 B-24's, Strait. the first wave, New Britain: Gasmata targets bombed i='~w'""·""-'-'u~

center span of by 3 RAAF Bostons and strafed by 3 bridge is RAAF Beaufighters; supply dump near

ed, and dam- jetty destroyed. is inflicted on New Guinea: Allied ground forces

and tr have crossed the Francisco R. and are consolidating· their positions on heights about 2,200 yards W of Salamaua air­field; Japanese offering strong res is­tance SE of Bobdubi.

During early morning 4 U.S. DD's bombard Finschhafen and other targets along, Huon Gulf; 540 rounds fired with good results. Finschhafen is also tar­get for bombing and strafing attack by 6 B-25's. Japanese positions in Mara­wasa area (60 mi. NW of Lae) attacked by 4 B-25's; grass fires observed. Seven B-26's bomb Kela Village near Salamaua, destroying buildings with 48 500-lb. bombs. B-24 bombs enemy village on Rooke I. Two Japanese raid Nassau Bay (luring evening.


Western Europe Eastern Europe Southern Europe





(Cont'd) (Cont'd) -bomba village NoE.I.: Seven B-24's boml::J . .Kendari,

Buthedaung Celebes, through thick clou.d'~Rhich ob-Japanese scures target and results;)iLjincggqer

oops are 2 other villages in the ~~t',,s.,:di.ide,ch),Jy stationed. Bombs of 5 RAAF Hudsonk>T:Wo RA;AF" .'>

are seen to burst Beaufighters and 2 Dutch B'"'2J:?'s attack; on the target and a targets in the Tanimbar Is.

is left burning. In the morning Beaufighters, Hur-ricanes, and Mo-hawks attack ene-my communications in various parts of Burma. Over 60 supply craft, a 3-

lorry and 2 motor

are de-

none target. One

se fighter, of weak op­

fighter is believed

be downed by own anti-air­




Eastern Europe ..

Russia: SW of Voroshilovgrad and S of Izyum, Soviets continue offensive but strong Axis counterattacks succeed in checking

Army advance. Soviets claim

· 144 tons of slight gains W and dropped with S of Kharkov; NW

good results; of the city, strong fighter op- Axis counterattacks

~..~u,~u.LvH slight; of are slowing the of-intercepting planes, ve consid-7 shot down, 2 erably. Germans

and 2 claim repulse of 1u,, ......... 5 • ., ... , 3 bomb- Red Army attacks ers missing and 42 S of Zhizdra. damaged. Night of 24/25

Force of 110 B- Soviet aircraft at-1 7' s attacks Focke tack RR junctions Wulf repair and in Bryansk sector, storage depot at Unecha Villacoublay; 257 and Novozibkov, tons of bombs and Barvenkova, dropped, seriously Kharzyzhsk, and damaging hangars, llovaiskaya, in workshops, and area; fires dispersal areas and explosions re-on SW side; mod- sult and Soviets erate AA fire and claim 10 trains are weak fighter op- burning. Ene-position encoun- my airfields and tered; 1 Axis plane troops in Kharkov shot down, 2 sector also at-probably, 1 dam-. tacked. aged. Bombers Moscow reports are supported dur- inking of 2 enemy ing entire trip by totalling P-47's in relays; 8,000 tons, a of enemy aircraft coastal vessel, and engaged in combat, a patrol boat in 6 destroyed, 1 gulfs of Riga and probably, and Ei Finland. damaged. Fauville and Conches air-dromes at Evreux bombed by 42 B-1 7' s with Spitfire escort; hangars, parked aircraft, and dispersal hit; 1 bomber fails to return and 9 are damageq.

Southern Europe

Italy: Twenty-four A-36's each simultaneous attacks on Sapri, Castro­villari, and Sibari; ·at first target, a tunnel blocked and tracks damaged; RR yards and buildings at second hit; an enemy cruiser off Sapri is set on fire. MT near Reggio di Calabria bombed and strafed by force of Kitty­hawks. Five B-24's make night rai.d on Crotone; hits scored on chemical works cause explosions and numerous fires; bombs also fall in town and R...R. yards. Forty-eight Wellingtons, in night attack on Torre Annunziata RR yards and steel works, cause 5 large fires.

Dodecanese Is.: Lindos and harbor at Cos bombed by Wellingtons, wW1 unobserv-ed results.




Burma: Eight B-25 s attack RR yards at Yabin. First flight de­stroys tanks and 20 railway cars; the other flights miss the targets.

ine B-25's hit Kanbalu RR yards on the main tracks, causing consider­able damage. The same formation

attacks the Mu


Solomon Is.: On New Georgia I., Al­lied ground forces in the B;airoko area occupy w shore of Bairoko Harbor and part of the E shore; Enogai' force clashes with Japanese at Leland. Lagoon, NE of Bairoko. Ground activity on V ..,_.,,n.,-.~v~ Lavella I. limited to patrolling; 11 Japa nese captured in vicinity of Sandfly Bay on W coast.

Japanese barge center at Ringa Cove, Kolombangara I., bombed by 26 SBD's, 21 TBF's, and 12 B-25's with 24 fighters as escort. Four P-39's strafe Kakasa, Choiseul I., starting 3 fires and sinking 1 and damaging another barge offshore. Japanese planes raid Allied

re- positions at Bairoko 5 times during the . Eight B-25' s day; AA fire destroys 1 hostile float-

rail installa- plane. Fourteen F4U's intercept force at Kanbalu of 9 enemy dive bombers and 20 fighters

is unreported. last operation

day is car­out by 5 B­on the at Yamethin

unsatisfactory sults. RAF Beau-

on offensive sink 13 sup­

sampans and IU<l.lll<<!';c others


over Vella Lavella I., destroying 2 dive bombers and 9 fighters.

New Britain: Wide and Jacquinot Bays and Arawe attacked by single Allied

planes. New Guinea: Forward elements of

Allied ground forces in Salamaua area consolidate positions 1,400 yards W of

airdrome. Thirty-six B-24' s escorted by P-38' s

124 tons of bombs on Wewak; and explosions noted, but other ts obscured by clouds; of 12 enemy

attempting interception, 1 shot Salamaua bombed by 1 B-24

fails to reach Wewak. Allied itions at Nassau Bay unsuccessfully

mbed during evening by 2 enemy s; AA fire damages attacking air-

~~~=_:I;:.s~.: Two Dutch B-25's, 2 , and 1 RAAF Hud­

search for enemy barges off Tanim­Is.; B-25's locate 2 and leave them

lsil1king; remaining planes, failing to barges, attack enemy-occupied


25 Aleutian Is.: Lone Japanese captured at Attu.

Western Europe Eastern Europe Southern Europe

· Augusta bombed by 8 FW­near misses scored on 2 mer-

ships but no damage inflicted on installations. British cruiser bombards

ian coast in afternoon; negligible pppo:slt.lon encountered. Locri bam-

by force of DD's, wlth unob­results.

Foggia satellite airfields are target low-level strafing attack by 140 P­

in morning; 48 grounded planes l:iRstlrmred and 11 damaged; MT, trains,

<.:UilUHUlHL:O.LlUlli::O in the area alSO; of 16 interceptin~ Axis air-

1 destroyed; 6 P-38 s shot down missing. Following the P-38's,

1 s bomb the Foggia RR yard up a train and gun battery; of

intercepting planes, 7 de­'"'+'"''rr"'" without loss to Allled force.

attac,k on Foggia is made by 128




(Cont'd) tion and frag­

tion bombs, direct hits

IH~mk:ow airdrome, ing extensive

to many install a

are engaged in a

minute battle ith over 40 Zeros.

ing the action, escorting P­shoot down 10 s, while B-24'

destroy at 9 enemy air­

Two B-24's shot down.

ID""'~'hmo RR, and score 24 hits in the town and 1 hit on a large building which goes up in smoke. Table I. is also bombed, but

tisfactoril~ by 1 B-24.


,. /

'- .. '.'

Solomon Is.: All organized Japanese resistance on New Georgia I. ceases; no resistance encountered by 25th Div occupying Bairoko; about 20 vehicles and considerable quantity of rations abandoned by enemy. Eight small islands between Baanga and Arundel islands occupied by 43d Div without op­position.

Six enemy air attacks on Vella La­vella I. during the day result in a few Allied casualties. Formation of SED's,

bomb Taungup TBF's, and B-25's drops 11 tons of e several fires bombs on Japanese barge hideouts and

started in the gun positions W of Vila, Kolombangara get area. I., starting 3 large fires; AA fire

China: Two slightly damages 1 Allied plane. Rekata ----so£ bombers Bay, Santa Isabel I., is target for 30

attack the harbor B-24's escorted by 28 fighters; columns area of Hong Kong. of smoke observed after direct hits in In the first wave, target area. Two additional B-24's 8 B-25's escorted later bomb Bay. Two P-40's



U.S.: The War Labor Board by a 8-4 vote rejects an agreement be­tween the United Mine Workers of America and the Illinois Coal Op­erators Associa­tion. The agree­ment provided for payment of $1.25 a day to cover travel time portal to portal for the miners and is generally con­sidered a victory for the union.

Canada: Presi­dent Roosevelt addresses the


26 ..


(Cont'd) 1 7' s with P-38 escort, which drop

tons of bombs, thoroughly covering satellite airfields; 60-100 Axis planes

attack; 17 shot down, 2 prob-' and 2 damaged; 1 Allied bomber and 2 missing. Taranto RR yards

for night bombing by 70 · numerous fires result.

strafe tug and barges N Civitavecchia, setting 1 barge on

Sardinia: Forty-seven P-40's drop bombs in town and har­

Carloforte and strafe MT,

1 uu.w.u.l.u~""' and power lines in Guspini enemy planes destroyed on the

Italy: During night a commando --lands at Bova Marina, on S coast

for rcn; party returns, having some prisoners, and reports undefended.

at Grazzanise is target for of 107 B-25's and B-26's escorted

5.0 P-38's; hits scored on re­shops and barracks; landing

lcr·ab'!-rf~cl; 8 Axis aircraft destroyed on ; of intercepting planes, 3



Mediterranean: Allied convoy at­tacked by Axis planes off Bone; SS John Bell (U. S. cargo ship, 7,242 tons) and SS Richard Renders (U.S. cargo ship, 7, 194 tons) snnk at 07-15 N, 08-24 E.


(Cont' d) (Cont' d) by 6 P-40's hit the with 8 others as cover strafe 3 enemy Kowloon dock area, MTB's off Choiseul I., causing 2 to ex­causing many fires plode and setting another on fire. Six on the land in- B-24's with 24 fighters as cover bomb stallations and de- Kahili airfield, using 100-lb. bombs; of stroying 1 550-ft. 50-60 enemy planes attempting inter­ship. Another ship ception, 4 are destroyed. of same footage is New Ireland: B-24 on rcn sights and hit directly and a bombs Japanese medium AK/ AP 60 mi. small transport is NW of Mussau I.; vessel left listing set afire. In the badly as result of 2 direct hits and 2 second wave 7 B- near misses. 25's escorted by 12 New Britain: Three attacks on Ga P-40's hit the targets, including airdrome, dump secondary target of and AA positions, carried out by 4 the Taikoo docks Bostons, 3 RAAF Beaufighters, with demolition on night patrol. Two RAAF .l::le•aune:ntl3r bombs. The attack Japanese small shipping off is nnsuccessful. ove I., Witu Is.; 1 patrol boat set on Enemy AA fire is fire. heavy and accurate, New Guinea: Hansa Bay area attacked but all planes re- times by total of 35 B-24's, 11 B-turn. 7's, and 53 B-25's; targets include

and supply areas, gnn posi­at Condor Pt., bivouac area at

and shipping in the bay; almost tons of bombs dropped and objecti

•~•·~~;~,.;; small freighter snnk, 2 small vessels badly damaged or snnk,

st 2 luggers destroyed and many badly damaged or snnk, 6 barges

klA·~tl"m;,Pn and numerous others dam-. on shore, fuel dumps

and large explosions and fires erved throughout the area. Beach

Finschhafen strafed by PBY on

Solomon Is.: Allied 4th Echelor, ar­rives at Barakoma, Vella Lavella I., during morning.



Burma: On a sea sweep by 2 B-24's over the Gulf of Martaban, the N end of the rnnway at Pagoda Pt. land­ing gronnd is

Enemy barge hideouts and gnn position:tth1e L'UlllllLLL:

of Vila, Kolombangara I., bombed, 3d successive day, by 11 B-25's, 26 TBF's, and 29 SED's with fighter cover; results nnobserved. F4U's destroy 2 ap:otnE,se barges in Hamberi Cove, Kol­

ombangara I. Seven B-24's bomb Re­kata Bay, scoring hits on target area; '"''~uu<:>.wn and fire noted. Two P-40's

search sight and attack a ft. steamer and 3 small craft off

coast of Ganongga I., setting the and 2 of the other craft on fire.

inville area, 9 B-24's bomb


C'd (Cont'd)

down for loss of 1 B-26 and 1 P­Eighty-two escorted B-17's drop

42 tons of bombs on Capua airdrome, ing hangars and barracks and

lrl<•<>t""''Ti"''"' 16 grounded aircraft; about planes attempt interception; 8

5 probably, and 8 damaged. and RR junction at Locri bombed

24 B-25's; gun positions in Reggio Calabria area attacked by A-36's.

ID"'E\u.uH RR yards are target for night k by 50 Wellingtons, which damage

buildings, and iron and steel ks; 2 bombers fail to return.




(Cont'd) river craft and at-

2 factory buildings near Thayetmyo. Off

Hurricanes rlP>:trrm two 80-ft.

4 smaller arges and sink a

( of ""''·"'!""'"'''·! along the between and Gwa Bay

are also attacked

<'ri1rrr+'rr~tJ:ti'"'·"" PACIFIC AND PACIFIC THEATERs·.

and damaged. Fi.Jrrsc~hltafen, Salamaua Peninsula, and China: Five B- R. road bombed by single Al

25 s escr.rted by 11 bombers on rcn; 2 large ex-P-40's attack the IJJ~v.,.•v•·'"' result in Salamaua Peninsula Tien Ho airfield, Canton, with regu- r~:~=-:::;:-::-Is=-·:=-: Japanese seaplane base at lar and fragmenta- attacked at noon by '7 RAAF tion bombs. Many s; 1 enemy floatplane de-direct hits are on the ground and a large power scored on the han- damaged offshore; of 5 floatplanes gars, runways, and , 1 probably destroyed and an-revetment areas, damaged. and the hangars are strafed by 2 P-40' s

miles Kong, 20

"'"'"'"''""' Lancer intercept

formation. As result of the run­

fight, 5 enemy ircraft are shot own, probably 8

more, while only 1 P-40 is downed. The Kowloon Dock area in Hong Kong is again attacked by 15 B-24' s escorted

10 P-38's and '7 s. Many hits are

on the Bailey kyards, the

plant, crane , machine

shops, and 2 ves-. sels in drydock.

Twenty Zeros in­intercept the ing force after it leaves the target, and 5 are shot down, 4 probably destroyed, and 1

f~?i,~}~:~: ~tt


(Cont'd). though. they do not acknowledge its!' authority a.s. t"J:ie governmeri:i:~f Fl·ance. Russia in a much broader

of rec­ognition acknowl­edges it as the ''representative of the state in­terests oi the French Republic and leader of all French patriots fighting against Hitlerite tyranny.

Germany: Hein­rich Rimmler, head of the Ges­tapo, is appointed Interior Minister. This move is re­garded as an in­dication of in­creasing Nazi concern over German morale.

26 C'd

France: St. is target for 3Ei6 tons of 2,000-lb. bombs dropped by 185 B-17's, with good results; moderate, accurate AA fire and mediocre fighter opposition encoun­tered; 8 enemy planes shot down, 4 probably, and 5 damaged; 4 bomb-

missing; es­provided by

177 P-47's. Thirty five B-26's with Spitfire escort at­tack Poix airdrome wit.l. fair results; no opposition en­countered. Force of 21 escorted B-

dispatched to k power

at Rouen; bombs dropped

u"'''-''1l"""" of cloud coverage at tar­get; strong fighter opposition ?nCOUll­tered and 1 Axis plane shot down, 8 probably, and 5 damaged; 1 bomber

ils to return. Germany: Force

of 582 RAF heavy drops

,671 tons, includ-319 4,000-lb.

in pulver­night attack

on Nurnberg; wide­spread fires cover

get area; lnullllE"rcms enemy

oppose at­of which 5

are shot down, 3 bably, and 1

(UO .. LUC%<0'~,· 33 bomb-

Russia: Soviet troops continue at­tacks on Mius front but are opposed by strong enemy counterattacks. SW of Voroshilovgrad, Red Army units make slight gains, W of Kharkov, Soviet troops ad­vance somewhat; Kotelva, which has changed hands several times, is reoccupied. Red Army units are again on the of­fensive in the Bryansk sector, which has been quiet for several days; although Germans claim repulse of the Rus­sian attacks SW from Orel, Moscow announces capture of Sevsk, after heavy artillery bardment.

Night of 27/28 Poltava, and Roslavl bombed by Soviet aircraft; several enemy trains destroyed; fires and "'•;::Hc>H<>I caused. Enemy airdromes also at­tacked during night; parked aircraft set on fire and ex­plosions caused.

Southern Europe

Italy: Five commando parties landed during night for rcn purposes; some

isoners captured. Railways and communications are

for continued attacks by Allied . Sixty B-17's with P-38 escort Sulmona marshalling yards,

inflicting severe damage on tracks, locomotives, and industrial buildings; 3 violent explosions caused; 20 enemy planes shot down for loss of 1 Pllied hnmr>.,r. Benevento RR yards bombed

64 B-25's escorted by 46 P-38's; main track cut, and entire yard c with bombs; of 40-50 intercepting planes, 16 shot down; 3 B-25's de­stroyed. Fifty escorted B-26's attack Caserta, starting several fires. Salerno RR yards are target for night attack by 45 Wellingtons, which score hits near station and repair shops; 2 fires result. Catanzaro rail and road junction attacked by 48 light and bombers. Eighteen A-20's at­tack gun positions in Reggio di area; A-36's bomb RR communications at Sibari, Paola, and Cetraro. Nis;ht of 27/28 12 Halifaxes and 4 B-24 s bomb marshalling yards at Crotone; fires started in town, near chemical works, and in yards.



Algeria: Be-30 and 40

is aircraft make dawn attack on Algiers; 3 de­stroyed.


Solomon Is.: Allied troops land on Arnndel I., in the New Georgia group, without opposition. , On Vella Lavella I., U.S. Marine AA gnnners claim de­struction of 10 enemy planes and prob­able destruction of 12 others since Al­lied landing on the island.

Twelve B-25's escorted by 16 fighters bomb and strafe Kakasa, Choiseul I., setting 2 barges on fire and starting fires on shore. P-39's strafe houses on E and NE Giza I., barge hideouts at Ringa Cove, Kolombangara I., and ene­my positions in Sigolohe I. area, off NW

of Santa Isabel I. During night api~nElse planes nnsuccessfully bomb c:u!\J~••vu.

U.S. PT's for 2 hours in waters SE of Ganongga I.

New Hanover: B-24 scores 2 near misses with 500-lb. bombs on small enemy AK off New Hanover I. New· Britain: In Jacquinot Bay area,

ammnnition dump and barges attacked single B-24. Five RAAF J:)<:::allllE:,Hct:nl

te against Japanese small shipping I., Wl.tu Is., destroying a

, a 40-ton vessel, and a patrol and damaging other small craft.

New Guinea: In the Bogadjim area, idges over Mindjim and Gori rivers

ed by 8 B-25's; 3 hits scored on tter. Single B-24 drops 2 500-lb.

on Finschhafen. To S of Fin-6 A-20's attack Japanese

ges in Langemak Bay. Four 500-lb. mbs dropped in Lae area by single

B-24. N.E.I.: Timor: Atamboea is target for

raid by 5 RAAF Hudsons which start fires; another Hudson, failing to reach objective, bombs Dilli. Dilli also raided at night by 6 B-25's, while a 7th bombs C. Chater; large fires result at both targets.



Western Europe

28 ..

2~ ..

Southern Europe

Sicily: Augusta bombed by 12 Axis ircraft during morning; 1 LCT out­ide the harbor slightly damaged. Sardinia: Forty-four P-40's, on

ep over Sardinia, drop fragmenta­bombs on buildings at Flumina

of 26 enemy planes encoun-8Vfeltere,j. 6 shot down, 4 probably, and 2

f-!<:<Uu>t~,t:u for loss of 1 P-40. British cruiser and DD born­

enemy positions near C. Pellaro; no effective opposition encounteted.

Allied planes continue to pound Axis RR installations and communications. Marshalling yards at Terni are target

successful attack by 76 escorted 1 7's which damage tracks, rolling

freight sheds, gas works, trans­former, and royal arsenal; 6 of inter­cepting Axis aircraft shot down and 1 damaged; 1 P-38 lost. Forty-six B-25's with fighter escort attack Cancello causing 2 explosions and fires; 15 ene­my planes oppose Allied force; 3 of these shot down. Aversa marshalling yards severely damaged by 74 B-26's escorted by 47 P-38's; tracks at N and S .ends of yards cut; of 30 enemy planes encountered, 10 shot down, 4 probably, and 12 damaged. Two B-25's shell installations on Vonototene I., causing a large explosion. Lamezia bombed by force of 12 Bostons and 36 Baltimores with good results; Catan­zaro attacked by 48 B-25's; RR yards, tracks, and bridges at Castrovillari, Cosenza, and Catanzaro damaged by 72 A-36's. Taranto RR yards bombed twice: 39 B-24's hit main station and a cruiser in the harbor and cause ex­plosions in siding and repair shop area; 49 Wellingtons during night score hits in vicinity of repair shops and power house. Six Bostons start fires in night raid on gun positions at San Giovanni.

Sicily: Catania bombed by small group of enemy planes; only slight damage results. Augusta is target for over 30 Axis aircraft during night; 3 of the attackers shot down.

Italy: Marshalling yards at Orte are target for 39 escorted B-17's, which hit station, rolling _stock, and entrance to yards and destio'y train sheds; of 30 enemy planes opposing attack, 1 is

dqwn, 4 probably, and 7




Burma: Seven B 25 s drop fragmen­tary clusters on Akyab, scoring hits on buildings in Millionaire Square, E of Muslim Mosueu, and on AA emplacements. Many fires are started; later is again attacked by 9 B-25's in 3

Fires are started in Million-

area. Fires earlier by

Air Force are burning in the

of the town.

Burma: Five B-24 s make attacks in N Burma: 2 B-24's hit NW end of

'starting and causing damage; 1

scores direct on large ware­

;M~u.;;;,e~..£L Kaluda

Solomon Is.: No resistance encoun­tered by U.S. patrols advancing inland on Arundel I., but evidence of previous Japanese occupation noted.

Early in the morning B-24 on rcn bombs and hits small Japanese AK off Faisi. Kahili airfield strafed at dawn

1 F4U covered by 2 others; explos large fires result and 8 grounded

set on fire. Twelve B-25's es­orted by 16 fighters bomb barges and

shore targets in Sigolohe area, NW of Santa Isabel I., from 100-ft. altitude and 1 _.::~:=,.:;..:.. strafe the area; 4 barges destroyed. At

3 B-25's on rcn drop a few bombs Bay, an enemy vessel off

Lavella I., and Kabukeai I., W of

;;.:;;.:,;._.::=...::::.=:::~· B-24 bombs Japanese AK , damaging it with 2 near

Allied rcn plane bombs and •sn·:o~n•s PG or PC at 00-06 S, 151-15 E;

misses cause vessel to list and e speed. Another Allied rcn plane

and destroys Japanese bomber at 00-20 N, 152-15 E.

New Guinea: Allied ground forces re­enemy attacks W of Salamaua air-

ield. Hansa Bay shipping and shore installa­

tions attacked by 27 B-25's which drop approximately 25 tons of bombs and strafe the area; small AK set on fire, 9

8 barges, and l power launch and other small craft dam­

fires started in fuel and IC:IllilllwacJLuH dumps; AA fire destroys 1

Thirteen B-17's drop 29 tons of on Lae waterfront; 3 jetties

ammunition dumps set on and a number of barges destroyed.

Harbor, Salamaua, bombed and by 6 A-20's; results chiefly un­

h~,,-.,,~_.. but destruction of 1 barge camouflaged barges off Long

uulllLJeu and strafed by single B-24. shoots down enemy rcn bomber E

Woodlark I. During evening Japanese bomb Nassau Bay.

Solomon Is.: Allied troops on Arundel U.S.-Germany: I. consolidating positions; 1 Japanese Germany has been killed. Beached enemy barge contain- officially warned ing 12 dead Japanese discovered on S by the U.S. that shore of Vella Lavella I. Japanese instigators and calibre gun at Vila, Kolombangara I., perpetrators of fires on Allied barges. crimes against

NE of Vella Lavella, small enemy civilian popula-steam vessel and 2 barges set on fire tions of occupied by F4U's. During night U.S. PT's sink countries will be



hostile barge N of Vella Lavella and punished.


30 ..

(Cont'd) capture Lyubotin, a

on the RR to

Souther-n Europe

(Cont'd) ight B-25's attack Cosenza

and RR junction, damaging road and town. Thirty-six A-36's score hit

Angitola bridge; 24 Bostons and 12 timores cause a large explosion in

zia RR yards. Torre Annunziata yards are target for successful light attack by 51 B-26's escorted 40 P-38's; iron and steel works h-it; 40-50 intercepting planes, 16 shot

4 probably, and 6 damaged. lot>jec:ti\re bombed during night by 78

which drop 132 1/2 tons. junction at Bagnara hit by 11 P-

Sicily: Augusta unsuccessfully at­tacked by smali number of enemy fighter bombers during dayli~ht.

Sardinia: Forty-eight P-40 s bomb bridge at Decimomannu and strafe

ozneseJnS!{al radar station at Pula. Italy: Thirty-fiv.e escorted B-17's

attack Viterbo airdrome; 3 hangars hit, administrative and control build­ings strafed, aircraft destroyed on the ground; 2 of the intercepting planes shot down. Aversa RR yards success­

bombed by 19 B-26's with P-38 explosions and fires result;

opposed by 70-75 Axis planes, 17 of which are shot down, 4 probably, and 12 Lamezia, Sapri, and




(Cont' d) (Cont' d) results; 1 B-24 1ua."'"''"'" 2 off N Kolombangara. Enemy bombs Toungoo w outs W of Vila strafed by unobserved results. 2 barges set on fire and another Myitkyina RR Allied search plane engages yatds are attacked se medium bomber W of New by 9 B-25's in 3 rgia I.; both planes damaged in com-flights, which de- In the Bougainville area, B-24 on stroy many tracks bombs enemy vessel 12 mi. N of and 40 cars. Later with undetermined results. PBY it is hit by 6 B- ks DD and CL W of Buka during 24's which damage morning, damaging the latter with buildings W of the it or near miss and possibly damaging target with demol- DD. ition bombs. A Britain: Gasmata supply areas single B-24 bombs ruu•l!u;c:u A-20's which hit a barracks at Six RAAF Beau-Kyaukpyu on Ram- destroy 2 Japanese barges dur-ree I. with excel- sweep along S coast. lent results. Guinea: Japanese positions SE of

RAF fighters on by Allied troops; pill-offensive patrol """·~rrmPrl and heavy casualties along the on the enemy. and over Hunters Force of 35 B-24's, with 44 P-38's as Bay sink more than scort, drops 1i3 tons of bombs on We-60 loaded sampans, and Boram airdromes in morning damaging many causing large explosions and others, and 1 river dispersal areas; a number of steamer; at Kaun- aircraft destroyed; interc gin on the lower w:erl!~Jce:u by large groups of enemy Irrawaddy railway , of which 25 are shot down, 12 uu.•~uu•e;"' are set destroyed, and 17 damaged for on fire. s of 1 B-24. Alexishafen and Bogad­

areas are targets for 45 B-25's ich drop 52 tons of bombs and heavily

strafe targets; buildings, fuel dump::, and barges destroyed. Bridges S of Bogadjim bombed by 2 B-17's .

. In Dutch New Guinea. Babo bombed during daylight by 9 B-24's; grounded

set on fire and 2 large fires started in building area; an additional B-24 fails to reach Babo and bombs alternate target, Moloe I., Tanimbar Is.

(Conf'd) Denmark:

Twenty Danish ships are scuttled in Copenhagen Harbor.

The Germans decreed

law in Den-

u.S. : Secretary 3 0 Cordell

Western Europe Eastern Europe Southern Europe

(Cont'd) (Cont'd) (Cont'd) planes shot down; continue offensive, Pellaro successfully bombed by A-36' 25 bombers lost. claiming slight Paola attacked by Bostons> and Catan-

France: St. gains despite strong zaro by total of 45 escorted B-25's and bombed by 24 B- Axis resistance. Baltimores. Sixty B-25's with P-38 25's, 34 B-26's, Army forces escort bomb RR yards at Civttave,ccJ1la!,l and 16 Venturas make sub- completely coveriilg target area. with Spitfire es "•l"'"c""""'~' gains: S Civitavecchia also bombed during 96 tons of explosive troops 47 Wellingtons cause considerable dropped; 1 B-25 through Axis damage. missing. Forty- to capture five RAF planes · Bryansk-make night attack is crossed on St. Orner; no op­position encoun­tered; several fires

; 2 Welling­missing.





strafe a motiveS of

Puchi and the RR stations at Sienning and Tingszekiao;

latter explodes; 1 P-40 and 2 P-38' s

slightly dam­aged. Seven B-25's escorted by 4 fighters bomb Owchihkow. Later in the day Owchih­kow is again the target for an attack by 3 B-25's and 7 P-40' s. Hits are scored in the of the town, starting several fires, 2

heavy black smoke indicating oil storage hits. The P-40's go

(Cont'd) planes shoot down 36 enemy planes; 1 B-24, 2 P-39's, 1 P-40, and 1 F4U missing. Rekata Bay bombed by 2 additional B-24's which fail to reach Kahili; no AA fire encountered. Near Santa Isabel I. F4U attacks and destroys an enemy fighter.

New Ireland: B-24 bombs enemy AK/ AP 235 mi. NE of Mussau I., scor­ing near miss on it.

New Britain: Nine B-26's drop 25 half-ton bombs on C. Gloucester air­drome, destroying or damaging 5 grounded planes. Nine B-25's sweeping NW coast bomb and strafe 9 beached barges, scoring 2 hits, and strafe coastal villages.

New Guinea: Dagua and But a in the Wewak,area and Tadji runway (7 mi. SE of Aitape) bombed by total of 27 B-24's escorted by fighters; 17 of the planes drop about 57 tons of bombs on Dagua, setting 9 planes on fire and damaging others, destroying fuel dump, and causing large fires and explosions; remaining planes drop total of 35 tons of bombs on But and Tadji; 3 large fires, probably burning aircraft, result at the former; results at Tadji unob­served. Six A-20's attack 5 camou­flaged barges in Mape R., setting 3 on fire and damaging the others. During week endLng Aug. 30, U.S. PT's on night patrol along S coast of Huon Peninsula sink 10 enemy barges and probably de­stroy 2 others.

Aroe Is.: Six RAAF Beaufighters raid Taberfane; 1 of 7 airborne enemy float­planes destroyed and 2 others damaged; same force sets 100-ton vessel off the coast on fire; 1 Beaufighter missing.



L'< · ••. "'

(Cont'd) the French Com­mittee of National Liberation.

31 ..

Western Europe

to Berlin; 1,359 tons, including 268 4,000-lb. bombs, of HE and incendi­aries dropped, causing concen­trated fires; Axis aircraft active in opposing attack; 4 shot down; 47 bombers fail to return.

France: Mazin­garbe power' station and chemi­cal w;rks are tar­get for 36 escorted B-26's; 41 tons dropped with fair resUlts; weak AA fire and no fighter opposition encoun­tered. Simultane­ously/ 36 escorted B-26 s make suc­cessful attack on airdrome at Lille; no enemy planes offer opposition but moderate to intense AA fire destroys 1 bomber and damages 8. RAF Typhoons and Mitchells bomb airfield near St. Pol. Amiens air­drome damaged as result of attack by 105 B-17's with P-47 escort; of in-

Eastern Europe

1u•"·"''" area; on

Smolensk-Vyazma RR is occupied.

Southern Europe

Italy: British BB's, Nelson and 'Rod­ney; bombard coastal defenses NE of Reggio di Calabria; at least 1 gun knocked out, and large fires started in target area. Same BE's with a light cruiser and 9 DD's shell batteries in C. Pellaro area.

Marshalling yards at Pisa are target for 152 B-17's which drop 454 tons of bombs, damaging aircraft factory, RR shops, and gas-works; of 25 enemy planes encountered, 6 shot down. Cosenza RR installations bombed by 48 B-25's; large fire and several ex­plosions result. Cosenza marshalling yards are also target for 4 missions, totalling 48 light bombers. Forty-five B-24's attack Pisa ma:r:§halling yards, hitting station, bridge, yards, and engine sheds and causing explosions and fires. A-36's attack RR and sea­plane base at Sapri and RR yards and harbor at Cetraro; 4 missions of 12 light bombers each carried out against Catanzaro. During night, force of 46 Wellingtons bombs Salerno RR yards, causing violent explosion; 1 bomber missing. Night raid carried out against Grottaglie airdrome by B-24's and Halifaxes, which cover field with bombs.




(Cont'd) to strafe,

additional . On Shin-3 B-25's drop

inN section the town while P-40's destroy

machine-gun stations and an AA emplacement. On

ir return the 7 -40's strafe 3 ats leaving all 3

uLLi ''""'"'. 1 P-40 is slightly damaged.

..... ...,;,,,... -Go'


Burma: A forma- Solomon Is.: Allied 5th Echelon lands tion of RAF dive at Barakoma, Vella Lavella I., at 0800. bombers attacks Shortly after the landing, retiring DD's the buildings and protecting LCT's attacked by 12 enemy jetty area at Buthe- dive bombers and 6 Zeros; 4 P-40's daung. All bombs intercept, destroying 5 dive bombers.

in target area, Five formations of Japanese planes and direct hits are raid Allied positions on Vella Lavella

I. during the day; AA fire destroys 4 of the attackers. On theW coast of the island, the Supato and Loti Loti reported clear of Japanese; Allied ground units advancing N to clear Japa­nese from coastal areas.

From Arundel I. Allied 155-mm guns shell Vila, Kolombangara I.; howitzers of same calibre being moved up as reinforcements.

Japanese defenses and radio station Vila bombed and strafed by 22 B-

25's, 16 TBF's, and 34 SED's; 5-in. coastal gun and radio station probably destroyed and smoke and explosions observed in vicinity of other gun positions.

New Ireland-New Britain: PBY on night patrol attacks enemy shipping concentrated S of C. St. George; near miss or hit scored on small AK and other vessels strafed; Gasmata also bombed. In the V.Qtu Is., single B-24 on rcn bombs 3 barges off Garove I., and another bombs and strafes jetty on Unea I.

New Guinea: In the Salamaua area, Allied troops continue to clear out pill­boxes 2 mi. SW of the airfield, while coastal force advances northward.

Reiss Pt. jetty bombed and strafed by single B-25.

Sorong and Kokas, Dutch New Guinea, raided with unobserved results by 2 B-24's.

N.E.I.: Boela, Ceram, bombed by the


in ames­to Polish

President Wlady­slaw Raczkiewic:<:.

Bolivia: The Bolivian Cabinet resigns in protest against the attacks on Labor Minister

Manuel Bal-



Western Europe Eastern Europe Southern Europe




~Cont'd) (Cont'd) P-40 s raid a new B-24's which raided Sarong and Kokas. enemy airfield at Four RAAF Hudsoi'is bomb Taberfane, Ichang on the Upper e Is., and 3 others bomb Langgoer, Yangtze with Is.; explosions and fires result at fragmentary targets. clusters and a ' strafing attack, IUClU!Cl~.U!~ many

and storage tanks. e P-40's dive-

a ship near Stonecutters' I. off Hong Kong, scoring a direct hit, and strafe a smaller

t, blowing up the iler; both ships

are left sinking. Striking at targets B of Hankow, 4 P-38's score direct

its on the Yoyang and yards,

"'"''"''"'·"h"' the After 1 P­

is shot down and pilot killed, the

3 move on to destroying 1
