Workshop Summaries


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Nicolle A. Rosa MercadoWorkshop SummariesUPR CayeyBiol.4997Prof. E. Diaz and Prof. E. Gonzalez

1) Importance and Pipetting Practice

In this laboratory we reviewed pipetting concepts. We did large and small volume exercises with a focus on micro-pipets. Concepts, such as the uses of the first and second stops, were discussed. It is very important to keep these concepts fresh due to the fact that they are the most practiced labora-tory techniques. Pipetting is the key to any experiment because, if the amount measured is not pre-cise or if the pipet is contaminated with another substance, everything might go wrong. The exer-cises were verified based on the color obtained at the end. The amount was verified by (setting the micro-pipettes to the total amount of substances that were placed in the tube to ensure that the amounts were measures accurately.

2) Microscopy and Photomicrography

During this laboratory, microscopy and micro-techniques were reviewed. It is of uttermost impor-tance for every scientist to know how to work with a microscope. Microscopes provide great evi-dence of discoveries that have been made. They are also very helpful for studying different micro-scopic organisms, such as bacteria. Here we reviewed the uses of different parts of the microscope. We also learned how to take pictures using QCapture. The class was divided into four groups and each learned a different micro-technique. Each individual was assigned to teach another student how to use the technique he had learned. My task consisted of learning how to use a fluorescence microscope to teach the technique to one of my colleagues. I was taught how to use the phase-con-trast microscope. In conclusion, each student learned how to work with two different micro-tech-niques and reviewed the uses of the microscope’s parts.

3) Workshop UNC - From DNA to Protein

In this three day laboratory experience we were taught several genomics and proteomics techniques. We reviewed techniques such as agarose gel electrophoresis and SDS-PAGE. The first day of the workshop we were taught how to extract our own DNA using easy-to-find products. During the sec-ond day, we ran a PCR and read the results through agarose gel electrophoresis. The representatives of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill also helped us review the central dogma of biol-ogy and how these procedures work. The third day we spoke about proteins and their importance in lysosomal storage disorders. We discussed how to prepare SDS-PAGE, Western Blots, and Coomassie stains. These techniques are very common laboratory tools. They are very important in biology and, specifically, in genetics because they help scientists to differentiate genes and proteins due to characteristics, such as their size, that can only be observed by using these tools. A person who knows how to do these techniques has a great advantage in the scientific community.
