

Design a cover and components for Puffin’s classic ‘Grimm’s Fairy Tales’ by Jacob and Whilhelm Grimm using type as image to give a personal yet modern response. Concept: Board 1/6 Alice Vine Brief: / +44 (0)7525 422 944 Board 2/6 Alice Vine (ii) (i) /

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Alice Vine

OUGD303Brief 4 Puffin Book Competition


Board 1/6

+44 (0)7525 422 944


Design a cover and components for Puffin’s classic ‘Grimm’s Fairy Tales’ by Jacob and Whilhelm Grimm using type as image to give a personal yet modern response.


Using main characters and props from the most well known of the Brothers Grimm stories, the cover and range depicts the tone and variety that the Fairy Tales have to offer.

Alice Vine

OUGD303Brief 4 Puffin Book Competition


Board 2/6

+44 (0)7525 422 944

(i) By using a dark contrasting background colour of slate grey, I was able to capture the true ‘grimness’ of the Fairy Tales and allow it to pop out in contrast to it’s competitors on a book shelf. I produced some promotional badges to continue the involvement of characters to promote the book as a whole and the sub stories within it.

The letters themselves are spot varnished to (ii) add an extra focus point and excitement to the cover, making the scale and finish work together to imply a real speciality and quality to the book and it’s re known stories.



Alice Vine

OUGD303Brief 4 Puffin Book Competition


Board 3/6

+44 (0)7525 422 944

As another option to customers and suppliers, I sub divided the book into five of it’s most well known stories. Here you can see an example of some book ends that I produced using inspiration from just one of the stories, Cinderella.

I used a strict colour code to keep the range consistent and recognisable to the original book, and incorporated the Puffin logo with this to give a sense of edition and speciality to the range under such a prestigious name.

Alice Vine

OUGD303Brief 4 Puffin Book Competition


Board 4/6

+44 (0)7525 422 944

From board three you will have seen the start of the Grimms Fairy Tale bookmark range where they work in multiple crite-ria. As well as having a cheeky stance on some of the charac-ters eyes of feature popping out from the top, by printing onto acetate they give an interactive extra to the young reader by overlaying over the text to add image to pages without pictures (i).

The acetate prints continue with the original print process of spot varnish on each of the book covers (ii). They provide an extra engagement with the range but still enhance the strict style, colour scheme and print finish of the original design.



Alice Vine

OUGD303Brief 4 Puffin Book Competition


Board 5/6

+44 (0)7525 422 944

(i) The original artworks using the official ‘Puffin’ template, logo and copy. I used hand rendered type and digitally coloured image.


Alice Vine

OUGD303Brief 4 Puffin Book Competition


Board 6/6

+44 (0)7525 422 944

Here the designs are pushed into point of sale and on screen scales and formats. The design works large scale from the piercing blocks of colour seen from a distance in contrast to the dark background as well as up close where the more intricate details of the illustrations can be picked up.
