Work From Home Wireframe for Contact Centers During COVID … From Home...


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Work From Home Wireframe for Contact Centers

During COVID Crisis3 1 M A R C H 2 0 2 0

Madhuri Singh, Principal Consultant, InGroup ConsultingCopyright © InGroup Consulting. All rights reserved



01COVID Crisis & BCP

02Work From Home Lifecycle

03Work From Home – Readiness

Levers & Checklists

04WFH Program Effectiveness

Copyright © InGroup Consulting. All rights reserved

05Our Services


COVID Crisis & Business Continuity Challenge for Contact Centers


Employee Safety First

The COVID 19 became the

most unprecedented global

disruption and literally has

bought the world to a halt.

Businesses are

demonstrating how they

value their people asset and

best precautionary measures

during this pandemic

Work From Home –

Operational Agility

Businesses are rapidly

deploying Work-from-home

to ensure employee health

safety and as well as to

ensure business continuity

Identify Operations structure

and IT options to

operationalize WFH.

Conduct implementation


Customer Assurance

Contact centers are

experiencing a spike in

volumes since the COVID

19 outbreak.

To continue serving

customers during this

dynamic environment is

paramount to businesses.

Business Continuity &


Accelerating feasible options

to make the Work From Home

model operational. Seek Sign

off’s from client prior to


PMO and Crisis Management

teams to keep the

communication going

Securing Employees Securing Customer Connect Securing BCP / DRSecuring Service Delivery

Moving work from Contact Centers to Work From Home Model

Drive Employee


Extensive Client


Efficient WFH Transitions

& Project Management

Identify & Priortize

Clients to a WFH model

WFH Operational Through Secure


Employee Communications

WFH Feasibility Analysis & Prioritization

Client Communications & BCP Sign Off


Work From Home – Lifecycle Blueprint

WFH Agent: Virtual Setup

• Virtual Recruiting Model: Access to

wider talent pool, agent profiling,

online tests, interviews via video

• Onboarding: WFH Agent working

protocol online, Technology setup

prerequisites checklist

• Training: Online learning via video,

self paced learning modules and

online assessments

• Coaching: Team updates and one-to-

one coaching via videos

WFH Operational


• Workforce Management: Scheduling


• Call Monitoring: Remote call

monitoring, live drop-in on calls by


• WFH Agent Engagement &

Performance: Team engagement

activities and monitoring software tools

that help track agent performance

• Realtime Reporting: Clients to avail

real-time reports

WFH Agent Environment & Tech


• WFH Agent Workspace: Dedicated work

environment, noise free zone

• Devices: Computer, lock down devices. Noise

cancellation headsets

• Network & Connectivity: Secure access

control through VPN or VOIP .Mandatory high

speed internet access

• Applications: WFH agent to have access to

all applications in order to serve the customer

• Remote Desk Support: Helpdesk 24x7x365

WFH Model Business Reliability

• BCP: Master data record of clients and

processes by process complexity,

uninterrupted / priority services, technology

maturity, ease and speed of implementation

• Data Security: Strong security solutions for a

WFH environment. During crisis management,

obtain critical client sign offs for exceptions

• Legal: Check for contractual obligations

• Audits & Scans: Periodic security

assessments, IP addresses scan, penetration

tests and vulnerability scans


Work From Home – Implementation Challenges During COVID

Sourcing new agents at short notice

Lack of enough staff to helpnew and existing agents

Lack of enough time with the supervisor to monitor adequately and provide coaching

Lack of enough training staff to train new agents and help existing agents

High absenteeism, short staffed to manage callvolumes

Glitches in activating remote barge-ins and or lack of time with Supervisors and QA’s to meet call monitoring goals

First priority to conduct teamhuddles for in-house and WFHagents followed by -1-on-1 coaching and team engagements

Glitches in activating remote barge-ins and or lack of time with

Challenges in finding an optimal, cost effective and speed to implement solutions

This can be a challenge for many agents, for instance in India and Philippines…many agents do not have proper home infrastructure to support WFH

In some cases, desktops need to be shipped / sent to agent’s home location, can cause additional work load in terms of procurement and logistics

Applications and Support made available but constraints on 24x7 resourcing and remote access

Business continuity plan with assumed changes signed off by customer. Usually this process can cause delays if client is unwilling

This is a critical pre-step in setting up WFH. Chief Information Security Officer needs to sign off the assumed guidance for this DR period

Necessary changes to the MSA for this interim crisis period needs to be highlighted, documented and agreed upon. SLA’s waiver can be sought for this period

List the precautionary measures that will be followed for the WFH program. This operation needs to be executed diligently


Work From Home – Setting up the Essentials

Hardware (PC / Laptop), system requirements & headsets

Network access and internet support

Anti-virus and recovery

Updated employee information

WFM and shift schedules

Timecards and tracking of agent availability, Time on system etc.

Clear guidelines, expectations, roles, responsibilities

Help agents stay connected through communication tools

Agent adherence schedule

Real time supervisor dashboard

Quality assurance, compliance monitoring, remote agent training

MIS and dashboards to track SLA adherence and agent productivity


Workforce Management & Scheduling

Agent Protocol & Communications

Operations Management: Tracking Productivity, Quality & SLAs

Desktop controls and remote agent access management

Protecting customer’s personal & financial data

Encryption, Fraud prevention through call analytics

Data Security


Prioritizing Clients and Queues for WFH Transition




lingualVoice Data






Maturity &




Waivers (deviations

from MSA) signed


Ease of WFH


Impact to


Client 1



Client 1


Client 1


Client 2



Client 2



Client 3


For illustration purpose only






















Key Activities:

• Communicate to clients of the urgency to invoke BCP plans, obtain sign offs, necessary waivers etc.

• Identify and prioritize which clients are ready to move to a WFH model. Assign IT, Ops, PMO SPOCs & teams







High Medium Low






Work From Home – A Hi-Level Transition Timeline For WFH

Work From Home - Implementation Plan


March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 202 July 2020 August 2020 September 2020



















Wk1 Wk2 Wk3 Wk4 Wk5 Wk6 Wk7 Wk8 Wk9 Wk10 Wk11 Wk12 Wk13 Wk14 Wk15 Wk16 Wk17 Wk18 Wk19 Wk20 Wk21 Wk22 Wk23 Wk24 Wk25 Wk26 Wk27 Wk28 Wk29 Wk30 Wk31 Wk32

Client 1 communications

BCP plan sign offs

Pre-assign PMO & ERT teams

Local Authorities Mobility


Devices, Network & Connectivity

Infrastructure Setup


Remote Agent - UAT

Other Key Dependencies

CLIENT 1: Process A

Existing Agent Pool (40%) moved to


CLIENT 1: Process B

Exiting Agent Pool (20%) moved to




Preparatory Phase

Technology & Infra Setup

Wave 1 – Client 1 – 2 Processes Identified for Work From Home Rollout

Wave 2 –

First wave of WFH

implementation that can

happen for several prioritized

clients / queues

Next wave of WFH implementation

that can happen for the next set of

identified clients




For illustration purpose only


WFH – Devices, Network & Connectivity Setup Checklist (1/2)

Tasks Actions Check Point and Dependencies Check

Workspace at


• Advise agents to identify a comfortable workspace at home where

they can set up their work desk with the essentials of a computer,

phone, headsets and necessary tools

• A dedicated workspace at home maximizes agents productivity and


• Conducive environment guidelines to be shared or discussed with

every remote contact center agent


Desktops /


• Provide company laptops or desktops. Ensure necessary encryption

protocols and asset tracking mechanism prior to distribution for asset


• If the company is unable to procure and distribute company-provided

computers, identify if your agents’ personal laptops or desktops are a

viable option for remote work.

• In either scenarios, seek clearance from HR department to

ensure it is line with workforce policies and procedures

• Seek guidelines from Legal and Compliance teams to ensure

there are no customer data privacy concerns, GDPR etc.

• Ensure Clients are aware of the Work From Home policies and

how customer data privacy concerns are being addressed. Get

sign offs


Softphones &


• Provide the agent with a softphone and the software. When the

company tech team can control the PC content, implementation and

connection issues can typically be addressed

• Provide agents with functional headsets that are compatible to their


• While Softphones are easy to use, make sure the agents are

trained and conduct a few mock call interactions so that they are

ready to use

• Test the headsets with a peer team to ensure the agents can be

heard clearly and the audio quality is good. An essential test

before agents begin interactions with customers

Key Objectives:• Speed to implementation

• Services Restoration

• Business Reliability


WFH – Devices, Network & Connectivity Setup Checklist (2/2)

Tasks Actions Check Point and Dependencies Check


• Option 1: Analog phone or a cellular phone provides consistent

quality without the need for any network engineering. However, this

involves upfront activation costs and monthly on-going expenses

• Option 2: VOIP eliminates the above costs but will require either

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) voice connectivity via the internet or

Virtual Private Network (VPN) support

• Check on guidelines from the IT team on connectivity options that

are compliant with company policies & procedures

• Assess datacenters’ remote access capacity for handle the

volume of workload coming from remote agents

• IT department to evaluate remote agent’s internet performance

before deploying the solution

• Provide an easy guide (document) and job aids to agents on how

the log on procedure into remote network services like VPN,

telephone with necessary password protocols and procedures

Applications &


• Remote contact center agents need the same access to applications

and tools just as their peers do when in office. Also supervisors

working remotely will need access to contact center mgmt. tools

• Ensure remote agents know their username and password to log into

systems and applications

• Have a handy list of applications and tools that every agent

desktop needs to have in order to perform their duties

• To avoid any last minute access challenges, ensure the agents

check their username / passwords and reset if agents have

forgotten their access details



• Virtual Desktop Interface (VDI) will be useful to companies when they

want to maintain control on remote agents’ applications

• Seek guidance from IT teams on how VDI environment can be

supported to diagnose, troubleshoot or assist remote agents in

enabling VDI. Also refer to BCP / DR plans and stay consistent

with guidelines. Any necessary changes to guidelines need to be

reviewed and signed off by the functional stakeholders

Antivirus &


• Ensure that company and employee provided computers have the

latest version of antivirus installed and processes in place to protect

equipment from virus related impact, malicious hijacking of

information, malware etc.

• This is a critical aspect and needs to be signed off by the IT

support team that the process has been installed, checked and

protocols for recovery are available

IT Helpdesk &


• Provide remote agents with numbers and email ids to reach out to IT

helpdesk for any support on connectivity, internet issues, desktop

applications etc.

• Provide assistance on priority to remote agents whenever there is

a need. Every IT helpdesk shift manager needs to be cognizant

of the remote agents support requirements and address swiftly


WFH – Data Security Checklist (1/2)

Tasks Actions Check Point and Dependencies Check

Remote Agent



through Multi-



/ biometrics

• In order to ensure that remote agents are authorized to access

systems, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) can be enforced. A

system with MFA will require the remote agent to input username,

password as a first step followed by information that needs to be

retrieved from an additional device such as numeric key fob or other

client device. The remote agent can login by correctly passing

through the 2 level authentication process

• Another option is through biometric scanning devices for fingerprints,

retina scans, voice print technology etc. Given the nominal cost of

biometric scanning, it is an available option in addition to the

username + password access. However, in the current COVID crisis

situation, this might not be a ready solution for most companies but

can be considered for future BCP/DR events

• Seek guidance from the Chief Information Security Officer on the

best possible option to grant remote access to agents

• Conduct a session with remote agents on how MFA or Biometrics

work. Follow it up with a reference document



Personal &



• Use automated systems to handle personal financial information. For

instance if the remote agent needs to take a payment from the

customer, in that event the remote agent can pass the customer to

an IVR and the customer inputs the payment card details. Once that

is done, the customer is directed back to the agent. This ensures

that the agent never has access to this financial information

• List of all processes that require to handle customer payments to

be made available to the IT teams

• IT teams to check by each process on the automated IVR option

for payment taking enabled

Key Objectives:• Risk mitigation plan

• Business impact assessment

• Client Buy-ins


WFH – Data Security Checklist (2/2)

Tasks Actions Check Point and Dependencies Check



• Ensure call encryption software / solution is extended to the remote

agents. This option helps even if their connection or calls are hacked,

it would be impossible to make sense of the data.

• Calls that deal with personal health data or payment information are

typically the ones that need encryption as compared to generic

customer service calls

• IT / Telephony teams to extend phone call encryption as a

solution and especially that encryption begins at the start of the

call as opposed to encrypting calls after the agent hangs up and

the calls gets routed for data storage

Call Analytics &



• Call analytics help to find internal agents fraud and also protect

agents from malicious callers.

• Historical call data and content helps in finding suspicious behaviors,

triggers and signs and this knowledge can be used to avert any

future incidents. Also real time call analysis call data alerts remote

agent of a suspicious caller

• Information Security teams and IT teams to work together to

implement Call Analytics to prevent and alert on fraudulent or

malicious activity

• During COVID, most companies might not have this feature and

necessary waivers to be sought from clients and signed off



• Virtual Desktop Interface (VDI) will be useful to companies when they

want to maintain control on remote agents’ applications

• Remote agents to login to virtual desktops, this ensures that their

local desktop is disabled. And on their virtual desktop, features like

print screen is disabled thus limiting a remote agents access to data


• Seek guidance from IT teams on how VDI environment can be

supported to diagnose, troubleshoot or assist remote agents in

enabling VDI. Also refer to BCP / DR plans and stay consistent

with guidelines. Any necessary changes to guidelines need to be

reviewed and signed off by the functional stakeholders


WFH – Workforce Management & Scheduling Checklist

Tasks Actions Check Point and Dependencies Check





• Ensure remote agents’ and remote supervisors contact information

is accurate and updated in the HRMS and other systems. Update to

include emergency contact information

• Managers and supervisors need to have a copy of the agents’

information accessible without having the need to connect to

company’s network

Access to



• Set clear guidelines for remote agents related Work Force Planning

activities and schedule. Ensure they have necessary access to WFM

• In case of Work From Home Supervisors, , ensure they have access

to WFM to build schedules, manage call flow and call volumes based

on number of agents available

• Test remote access and functionalities available for both remote

agents and supervisors as necessary

• Supervisors and WFM teams need to be aware of the current

absenteeism rate or unavailability of remote agents due to the

pandemic and bake these assumptions to schedule workforce



• Plan and share the need for a rigid adherence schedule. The remote

agents need to be aware that their actions, log in and log out hours

can be monitored and tracked virtually

• Explain the need for schedule adherence and how it can impact

service levels if agent is not available during their schedule.

Ensure they sign in and out of systems at start and end of shift

• Prepare and share schedule in advance to remote agents so that

there is enough preparation time and also the supervisor will

know if any changes need to be made due to remote agents’

unavailability or absenteeism

Key Objectives:• Resource management plan

• Service impact assessment

• Client sign-offs on any staffing issues


WFH – Remote Agents’ Protocol & Communications Checklist (1/2)

Tasks Actions Check Point and Dependencies Check

Remote Agents’


• A written policy or a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) should

be made available to all remote agents so that they understand

clear and uniform rules.

• This document should focus on detailing job responsibilities,

organizational, functional / department goals and objectives,

customer impact and individual work performance KPIs

• The manager and remote agent need to go over the document

together and ensure the understanding is in place and that the

remote agent needs to abide my the policies and procedures

Remote Agents’

access to Internal


• Outline expectations and protocols for internal communication

with all remote agents

• Share with them the types of communication to expect and

broadcast medium i.e. emails, conference calls or internal portals

• Ensure the remote agents have a list of numbers, email ids’ of

employee communications team and access to information


1. Daily


• Set expectations with remote agents that you will have a rigor

around daily communications on various things such as: Team

Updates, Process Updates from their supervisors

• Supervisors to schedule time to communicate with remote agents

group. Let them know that supervisors are accessible on their

emails and or through IM

2. Corporate Email


• Ensure all remote agents have corporate email access in order to

communicate with their supervisors, team members and also be

able to receive corporate emails addressed to all employees

• Supervisors and IT team to ensure the remote agents have valid

and functioning email address

Key Objectives:• Communications priority

• Emergency Updates

• WFH Agent Protocols


WFH – Remote Agents’ Protocol & Communications Checklist (2/2)

Tasks Actions Check Point and Dependencies Check

3. Keeping

Remote Agents in

the Loop

• Work from Home will see a new dimension of challenge due to

social distancing. Remote agents will feel being left out from buzz

of a normal workplace. Therefore, it’s imperative that Supervisors

/ Managers put a plan in place to involve the remote agents as

part of normal routine. Few examples of activities:

• Include remote agents in team meetings via Zoom or Skype calls

• Establish social media communities to help agents stay


• Run fun events that can be done virtually too…for e.g. Dress up

theme days where remote agents can share and post pictures

along with rest of the team

• Run contests that boost productivity and have incentives /

rewards program tied to it

• Supervisors to ensure they find ways to involve remote agent

groups so that they stay connected socially and culturally.

3. Emergency

updates on COVID

as necessary

• Let the remote agents be aware about any regular updates from

your organization and where they get posted

• All FAQ’s, HR resources and other frequently needed documents

need to be made accessible for all remote agents

• Supervisors to ensure they share information on all internal

employee communications and how this will continue to reach

the remote agents population

4. Communicating

Illness and

Medical Attention


• While Work From Home is being initiated as a means to mitigate

the potential risk of Corona Virus (COVID 19) spreading within

the organization; there is still a chance of your remote agent still

being at the risk of contagion beyond the purview of the

organization. Ensure they know who to call to inform of


• Work with HR and develop an effective way to track and report all

agents who fall ill. Also capture the following:

• Details of date of illness reported etc

• Date of corona virus testing received

• Period of quarantine

• Continuously monitor and update employee records

• Stay vigilant, monitor and mitigate any further spread within the



WFH – Operational Tasks Checklist (1/3)

Tasks Actions Check Point and Dependencies Check

Remote Agents’

Activity Reports

• Supervisors / Managers to have access at work as well as remote

access to call logs and reports that show all agents activity and

performance output

• Pay close attention to look for outliers in productivity and metrics

that can impact SLAs. For instance:

• Time on system

• Calls to agent availability ratio

• Schedule adherence

• AHT (talk times, wait times, hold times)

• % of calls answered

• % of calls abandoned

• Supervisors and Managers to check remote access to all

system generated MIS tools

• Identify remote agents with lower productivity, understand the

challenge areas and provide them with necessary help,

coaching and guidance

• Supervisors to publish daily dashboard on call volumes, staffing

percentage, Agent absenteeism, SLAs etc.

Call Quality


• Supervisors to ensure adequate call monitoring is done for remote

agents (same ratio as done for at work agents)

• Virtual call barging: Supervisors can plan a schedule to do surprise

so virtual call barging with remote agents. This always gives the

supervisor a pulse for the agents quality of work and allows them

to identify agents areas of improvement

• The other advantage of drop in on live calls is that supervisors can

provide silent coaching to the agents over a chat to help agents

provide consistent level of service

• Supervisors to check remote access to call monitoring system

and reports

• Publish dashboard on percentage of calls monitored vs.

scheduled and agent call quality index

• Supervisors to have a documented schedule to how all remote

agents will get adequate call monitoring coverage and virtual

drop in on live calls

Key Objectives:• Service Delivery guidelines for WFH

• Visibility to WFH agents routine

• Being accessible to WFH agents

• Monitoring performance


WFH – Operational Tasks Checklist (2/3)

Tasks Actions Check Point and Dependencies Check

Remote Access

& Screen


• A further advanced level of remote agent monitoring can involve the

supervisor having remote access and screen sharing of remote

agent’s desktop. This allows the supervisor to see real time the

agent’s screen and how they are navigating the systems while talking

to a customer

• This observation is helpful to the Supervisor to provide necessary

coaching and providing tools and resources that can sharpen the

remote agent’s process knowledge and customer service skills

• Check with IT if the existing call monitoring systems allows

remote access to remote agent’s desktop. If yes, enable access

Virtual Training

for Remote


• Remote contact center agents might need some level of training to

keep up with the required skill or need to get trained on something

new either on tools or customer processes. In such time, virtual

training for remote agents is the solution and it can be done via

video, voice or chat

• Supervisors to explore options to conduct virtual training sessions

for remote agents

• Supervisors to enable access to any relevant collaboration and

communication tools such as Zoom, Skype for video calls and

Chat tools

Access to


• Remote contact center agents need to have access to the pool of

subject matter experts (SMEs) with whom they can interact over an

IM to video (ensure it is integrated into the agent’s softphone). If this

technology is available, the agents can simply “click to connect” to an

available supervisor or a SME seamlessly

• This type of tool helps the remote agent meet customer needs,

resolve issues without having to transfer calls. This will help the First

Time / Call Resolution which in turn will have a positive impact on


• Seek guidance from IT teams if this option is available which can

be integrated into the agent’s softphone

• If available, enable access.

• Educate the remote agent on how to leverage this feature while

on a call with the customer to gain access to a supervisor or a




• Ensure that remote agents have access to the business processes

knowledge base. Supervisors to train remote agents on navigating

the knowledge base

• Check access as part of setup activity and seek help from IT

helpdesk if unable to access knowledge base


WFH – Operational Tasks Checklist (3/3)

Tasks Actions Check Point and Dependencies Check





Remote Agents’


• Agents are likely to feel isolated, feel cut off with the WFH home

arrangement especially if they have been part of the brick and mortar

office. Here are few methods to marginalize virtual distance:

• Ensure visibility of co-workers, an enterprise social network is

particularly useful in helping co-workers stay connected

• Encourage peer resolution to solve problems (group chats,

group on the enterprise social network)

• Keep score. Implement real time scorecards so that

everybody is aware of each others performance. This helps to

focus on individual performance

• Create groups and run health competitive ‘champion

challenger’ contests between groups. This helps to feel part of

the group and drive group goals

• Engage-Applause-Reward: Practice reward / recognition and

try to add gamification to amp up the fun and value

• Allow time for one-on-one communication with the remote

agents; let them know the Supervisor or any key resources

are always accessible and can schedule time

• Check with IT on how to implement the enterprise social network

• Supervisors to schedule time to build and roll out Remote Agents

Engagement plans


Tasks Actions Check Point and Dependencies Check

IVR Scripting

• Prudent to make any required changes to the IVR scripts to reflect

the current contact center situation managing through the COVID


• Changes in script could include to reflect any change in hours of

operation, wait time information, encourage to use the self help


• Check with IT if the existing call monitoring systems allows

remote access to remote agent’s desktop. If yes, enable access

Priority Queues

/ Calls


• Review the call routing parameters for the prioritized queues and

ensure all high priority calls, emergency calls get answered

• Supervisors to explore options to conduct virtual training sessions

for remote agents

• Supervisors to enable access to any relevant collaboration and

communication tools such as Zoom, Skype for video calls and

Chat tools

Call Volume


• During COVID, most call centers are experiencing a spike in call

volumes. In order to manage the excessive volumes, call centers

activate the Call Back feature or a Virtual Hold. This gives the

customer the option to hang up and receive a call back once the

agent is available

• If the contact center receives calls after the working hours, it might

be a good option to activate the Voicemail through the ACD. This

way the customer queries get answered efficiently the next day

• Seek guidance from IT teams if this option is available which can

be integrated into the agent’s softphone

• If available, enable access.

• Educate the remote agent on how to leverage this feature while

on a call with the customer to gain access to a supervisor or a


WFH – Call Volume Management

Key Objectives:• Plan ahead on IVR changes, call

routing and volume spikes

• Secure client sign-offs for the interim



Make Your WFH Program Successful


Rapid configuration of WFH

production environments, real-time

decision making, budget tracking,

resource mobilization



Diverse agent demographics, work-

life balance, skill sets, team

engagement, communications.

Keep the teams connected

#Rapid replication

Replicate the WFH scenario for

larger set of clients, multi locations,

leverage learnings of previous

WFH implementations

#What’s Next

Recover from COVID crisis, re-

evaluate business continuity plan,

technology, contact center design,

simulate crisis situations, drill test.

Try to be Ready



Productivity stats, quality control,

resource availability & usage, SLA


#Business continuity


Document challenges and data

collected during WFH

implementation and see how to

better the business continuity



We can help you

WFH Process

Diligence, Design &


• Develop or Refine a BCP / DR blueprint for Work From Home

• Create a WFH Process Design and a well documented Standard

Operating Procedure guide

Consulting Solutions for WFH Strategy,

Diligence to Service Delivery Assurance

• Guidance to invoke / support WFH implementation and

recommend strategies to cope during COVID

• Advice on potential risks & mitigation plans on WFH

• Approach to problems detection, RCA and potential recovery


• Logical action prioritization based on service and customer


• WFH implementation problems detection

• Technology solutions for a robust WFH

WFH Plan - Assessment,

Analysis, Advice

• Operational framework for WFH

• Agent Performance Management – SLAs and Metrics to

measure agent performance

• Enhancing Operational Efficiency through WFM best practices

• Recruiting, Training and Coaching approach for WFH

• Enhancing Customer Experience strategies



Assurance, Automation

Talk to our experts for a free

consultation on how to

achieve “Work From Home”




Madhuri SinghManaged the paging contact

centers in 1994 followed by next 2

decades in the BPO industry..

Expertise in Customer Management

Services and solutions. Avid

researcher & erstwhile coder

Vijay Reddy

30 years of services and

contact center

experience especially in

managing At Home

Agents network across


Suresh Ramani

Global Operations Leader,

Multi-domain specialist, 28

years of BPM practice across

several geographies. Deployed

large Remote Working model

across Americas and offshore

Prabhu Srinivasan

2 decades of experience

in business strategy,

Service Delivery

Frameworks, Advanced

Contact Center Design,

Six Sigma Leader