Women in Business - Women of Achievement - 2016




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of achievementwomen

of Kitsap County

2 7 T H A N N U A L

F R I D AY, A P R I L 2 2 , 2 0 1 6 | N O O N - 2 P M | K I T S A P C O N F E R E N C E C E N T E R

Congratulations to our 2016 YWCA Women of Achievement honorees.

Now in its 27th year, the Women of Achievement Awards have been given a bit of a makeover. There is now for-mal criteria that nominees must meet, and specific descriptions for each cat-egory.

A YWCA of Kitsap County Woman of Achievement inspires others. She has achieved outstanding success in her field by breaking new ground or old barriers; showing vision, creativity and initiative; being a leader and a role model; and making an impact in Kitsap County.

Our categories this year include Arts/Culture/Design, Business/Finance, Community Champion, Education/Training/Development, Environmental Sustainability, Health/Wellness, Nonprofit, Public Service, and a new category of Outstanding Workplace. Each of the winners are extraordinary women and each are delighted to help support YWCA of Kitsap County.

Like the Women of Achievement Awards, the YWCA of Kitsap County has gone through its own makeover this past year. The result is that YWCA Kitsap County is now re-grounded in

its mission and identity as a YWCA. As I often remind YWCA staff and

volunteers, “YWCA is not simply a social service organization. We are a social change organization.” Our mis-sion, “To eliminate racism, empower women and promote peace, justice,

freedom and dignity for all,” is our cor-nerstone. It guides our work, whether it be local, state, national or interna-tional.

For more than 150 years, YWCA has been at the forefront of the most critical social movements — from civil rights to affordable housing and pay equity, to violence prevention and health care. YWCA is one of the top 25 charities in the United States, with total revenues of over $775 million. We are part of a national and international movement, serving more than 2 mil-lion in the United States and 25 million worldwide in 120 countries. And yet, YWCA remains each community’s best kept secret.

The work of YWCA is often hidden and difficult to talk about. YWCA is the largest provider of domestic violence services and one of the largest provid-ers of child care in the country and yet we’re still confused with the other “Y.” I often joke, “We’re the one without the pool.”

YWCA works every day to eliminate racism and empower women. The work we do in the 220 local YWCA associations throughout the country informs our social policy agenda on the national level. Through advocacy

and local programming, we create real change for women, families and com-munities.

Here in Kitsap County, YWCA “works to ensure the personal safety, rights, welfare and dignity of those who experience domestic violence while building partnerships and increasing community awareness to create posi-tive social change.” Yes, that means we provide vital services to families caught in the cycle of domestic violence. But that also means that we work with oth-ers to change the world in which those families live.

As we celebrate our 2016 YWCA Women of Achievement, I ask you to join us in our mission. Be a part of an organization with a proud history look-ing forward to an even stronger future. By supporting the YWCA, becoming involved as a volunteer or writing a check, you’ll be joining a national movement to “eliminate racism, empower women, and promote peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.”

You’ll be changing the lives of those who are the most vulnerable in Kitsap County —- and changing the world in which they live.

— Denise Frey, executive director, YWCA of Kitsap County

YWCA Kitsap grounded in its mission to help women

YWCA Kitsap Executive Director Denise Frey

Mom of two helped by YWCA Kitsap domestic violence programsBy LESLIE KELLYlkelly@soundpublishing.com

It happened on Father’s Day 2015. That was the day that Karen decided she’d had enough.

Karen had lost custody of her baby when he was born because she and her boyfriend were struggling with drug addiction. That was “the bottom” for Karen, but not for her boyfriend.

When she confronted him about his continued drug use, “He came at me and he hit me, split my head open and gave me a black eye.”

Karen found temporary shelter at a homeless shelter and discovered she was pregnant again. She was able to move into the YWCA ALIVE shelter, where she made connections with a number of other YWCA programs that helped her begin the path to a better life. One thing was clear: Karen wanted

to get her son back and provide a home for him and the daughter she was now expecting.

Her commitment meant routine drug testing, participating in drug rehabilita-tion treatment, weekly meetings with a social worker, attending AA meetings, and weekly support groups with other domestic violence survivors.

The YWCA also helped her with her legal needs. She was able to get a pro-tection order with the help of the legal advocates at the YWCA so she would have legal remedies if her abuser tried to contact her.

“They went to court with me and they did everything possible to help me,” she said.

And, when she went into labor much too early, the YWCA advocates were there to help her get to the hospital for an emergency C-Section. After she was

released from the hospital, she started hemorrhaging and had to be rushed back to the hospital for emergency sur-gery. The YWCA again stepped up to help and made sure she knew she was not alone.

Four months later, Karen has been able to get an apartment with a Section 8 voucher through the YWCA and Bremerton Housing Authority. She and her children now live together. Her daughter is four months old and her son is 1. A case worker checks in fre-quently.

Looking back, Karen said she knew her children’s father was abusive.

“I ignored it, thinking one day he’d change,” she said. “And at that point, I didn’t think I was worth anything.”

But as the verbal, mental and physical abuse continued, she decided to get out for her own sake and for her children.

“I didn’t want them growing up in an environment with all that yelling and screaming,” she said, noting that she had been in a similar environment as a child and teenager.

She will finish her drug treatment in August and, by September, her CPS case will be finished. She plans to stay in her apartment until she can rent a small house on her own.

And she is looking at possible career choices. She previously worked as a medical aide and administrative assis-tant.

“I love working with children, the disabled and the elderly,” she said. “But because there’s now a record of my child being removed, I don’t know whether I’ll be able to do that again.”

Ultimately, she wants to get off of



Lori ByerlyEnvironmental Sustainability

Bringing change to the U.S. Navy is never easy. But Lori Byerly likes a challenge and because of her efforts, the Navy’s first completely alternative fuel base was established at Naval Station Everett.

Byerly has worked in a diverse series of positions in her 34 years as a civilian employee of the Navy and is currently the assistant production officer of the Naval Facilities Engineering Command Northwest Public

Works Department.

For the last several years, as a project manager, she directly supervised six employees and oversaw upwards of 100 personnel within the Product Line throughout NAVFAC NW, about 75 of them within Kitsap County. Under her leadership, the Product Line was responsible for earning several Energy Conservation and Sustainment awards from the Navy.

“She exudes all the qualities recognized by this award; she is a leader, a mentor, a professional, a visionary, and so much more,” nominator Christopher Floro stated.

Byerly continually strives to identify new opportunities for sustainability and other important energy conservation efforts. She is proud of her work to bring alternative fuels and new technology, such as car sharing, electrical vehicles and hybrid refuse equipment programs, to her workplace. Her strong advocacy and professional passion have led the way for the Navy to expand on sustainability and energy conservation.

Byerly facilitated the establishment of a Flex Car test site to study the program’s feasibility and cost effectiveness. She was involved in the installation of alternative infrastructure projects at all four bases in the Northwest, resulting in a 300 percent increase in alternative fuel reporting and utilization.

While her career ascent serves as an inspiration to men and women alike, it is especially noteworthy that she is the most senior female civilian employee in the Production Division. Her selection for the position shows her ability to break barriers and serves as an inspiration to those around her. Byerly has paved the way and set a path for women in the Production Division to follow.

“She has achieved significant and sustained differences for the Navy and our environment through her work and accomplishments in Kitsap County,” Floro noted.

Tleena IvesHealth and Wellness

“Feeling my strongest when I can feed myself the S’Klallam way (truly strong and clever). Feeding my Indian — feeding my mind, body, soul and heart.” – Tleena Ives

With the personal changes she has made in her own life and by sharing them with others, Tleena Ives certainly meets the qualifications for the Health and Wellness Award.

Ives has used her own experience and identity to promote and advocate for healthy lives and communities. She has made a significant impact in her own community by improving the health and wellness of others.

Ives started her own wellness journey after leaving an abusive relationship. She found herself a single mother of four. She had been an athlete in high school and played college basketball, but now she was 100 pounds overweight.

“I looked at myself and I knew I wanted to be a better person for me and for my children,” she said. “I wanted to be a better mom to my kids.”

Ives then began her quest to be healthy physically, mentally and spiritually. She utilized S’Klallam and Suquamish diets, rich in fiber and fish and very low in processed grains and sugar, to get healthy and stay healthy. She began to “pull” in a canoe, and heal culturally and physically. She started kickboxing and earned her certification to teach it. And, gradually, she shed pounds and gained mental and physical well-being.

She is now certified to teach many forms of fitness including PIYO, TRX, and Insanity. Ives is running in the Boston Marathon this year and while she’s there, she’s representing the S’Klallam and Suquamish Tribes on a panel at Harvard to discuss Native American health and wellness.

“A community is only as healthy as all of its members,” Ives likes to say. That’s why she teaches others how to get healthy. And she says, “If I can do it, anybody can.”

Ives earned a bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts in Indigenous Education from Evergreen State College. She carries the ancestral names of Ha?Ha?mu and Kwewatanat and is an enrolled member of the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe and a descendent of the Suquamish and Colville Tribes. She is the Tribal Liaison at the Washington State Department of Early Childhood Education.

Susan LeavellEducation, Training and Development

Susan Leavell is a champion of learning and has been a devoted supporter of student development for decades. Throughout her time working for Central Kitsap School District as a para-educator and ISS (in-school suspension) supervisor, she’s supported learning inside and outside the classroom. She motivates others to gain knowledge.

“Susan is a believer in learning for the whole child, and takes social, emotional learning as

seriously as academic learning,” nominator Gail Danner said. “She champions the at-risk and under-served students and truly has a heart for fostering their growth and development.”

Outside the classroom, Leavell has long served as the WEB/YSBP (Where Everyone Belongs/Youth Suicide & Bullying Prevention) adviser, shepherding students in their quest to create a positive, supportive environment for all students and to eliminate youth suicide in our community. Despite retiring in 2014, Leavell continues to work weekly with students, creating a dynamic, interactive opportunity for them to work with their peers.

Leavell has volunteered on numerous political projects, health-related projects including breast cancer awareness, school district fundraisers, and school levy projects. She regularly collects donations for domestic violence victims at the YWCA shelter and has devoted untold hours partnering with the City of Bremerton and a local environmental organization to restore Jarstad Park and the salmon creeks that border it.

She is a long-term Kitsap County resident. She graduated from East Bremerton High School and worked for Central Kitsap School District from 1981 to 2014.

“During those years, in addition to working with our students, I was privileged to develop and advise the student mediation program and the anti-bullying program,” she noted. “I was elected to serve classified employees of the district as president of our local union and later was elected president of the regional WEA Olympic Council, representing all WEA members employed on the Olympic Peninsula.”

CKHS counselor Niki Orando noted, “Susan’s dedication, commitment and investment is paramount in a time when youth are faced with such pressure and struggles, including mental health concerns. Susan is a quiet volunteer. But to those who know her, Susan’s dedication, commitment, and investment in the Kitsap community have been a gift for many, many years.”

Lt. Genie EltonPublic Service

Lt. Genie Elton understands public service.

Elton graduated in 1997 from the Washington Reserve Law Enforcement Academy and in 2000 from the state Criminal Justice Training Academy. She was in the

inaugural class at the National Jail Leadership Command Academy in 2009 and is a lieutenant in the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office of Corrections. She is known for her willingness to create and promote relationships within the jail and the local community.

“I find working at the Kitsap County Jail fulfilling,” she noted. “It’s a way to provide a service to our community. I work with people who inspire me to try harder and to be better at what I do. We’re always thinking, changing, and growing in the ways that we do business.”

Bremerton Police Chief Steve Strachan

nominated Elton, saying she is “a leader in the Kitsap County Jail. Genie demonstrates leadership within the agency and the law enforcement community in a difficult environment requiring diplomacy and safety.”

In December 2014, Elton received the KCSO Divisional Commendation for her community volunteer work. She leads the Special Olympics fundraising effort each year. She is a volunteer mentor at the Youth Leadership Academy and recently mentored young students interested in law enforcement careers. Under her guidance, the students toured the jail, met detectives and a SWAT team member, learned about evidence logging, and witnessed a court hearing. “Genie works tirelessly and always represents law enforcement as a woman, administrator, and formal and informal leader,” Strachan reported.

Elton volunteers with the South Kitsap School District and Olympic College, is a Sheriff’s Office honor guard member, and is editor of the Sheriff’s Office Strategic Planning Committee.

“What is most important in my life is my family,” Elton said. “Volunteering in the community is a big part of our free time together. My husband and I hope that exposure to the needs of our community will help instill in our children a heart of gratitude and a sincere want to help others.”

Robin O’GradyNonprofit

Robin O’Grady is the recipient of the YWCA Kitsap County’s 2016 Woman of Achievement Award in the Non-Profit category. Because of her impeccable leadership, vision, and sustained focus,

the West Sound Treatment Center (WSTC) grew four-fold during her eight-year tenure as executive director.

Under O’Grady’s leadership, WSTC has strategically addressed the vital needs of our community, bridging the issues of addiction and homelessness. With a fierce drive to ensure that all services are built around modern behavioral science models, WSTC wraps individuals in a system that optimizes their chances for success. Her genuine heart and tireless passion for the important work of caring for the vital needs of the community are evident in the span and success of the outstanding

programs of WSTC.

With many helping hands, O’Grady has developed several critically impactful programs at WSTC, including O’Hana House, The Lighthouse, Forward Bound, Compass Vocational Services and most recently the New Start treatment and re-entry program at the Kitsap County Jail. She received the 2015 Citation Award from the International Association of Workforce Professionals.

Originally from Long Beach, California, O’Grady spent much of her childhood in the Pacific Northwest and moved to Washington permanently in 1997. Early in her life, she experienced domestic violence, poverty and addiction. At age 24, she made the conscious decision to go into treatment. Shortly after, O’Grady’s life work in human services began when she served as a volunteer in a nonprofit women’s residential program and was later hired as staff.

O’Grady graduated from California State University, Dominguez Hills, and has been leading, managing, and developing programs for low-income individuals and families for more than 27 years. She is the author of “The Optimist’s Edge”, which focuses on the power of determined action, servant leadership, and shared vision. O’Grady has two teenage sons and enjoys hiking, reading and spiritual practices in her spare time.


Stacy MarshallCommunity Champion

Stacy Marshall identified a community need and dedicated herself to making it happen.

Just months after her 6-year-old son Owen passed away from complications of cerebral palsy, Marshall was inspired to create a new children’s play area at Rotary Park on Bainbridge Island. She dreamed of an “all-inclusive” playground that would give children of all abilities the chance to engage in play. Partnering with the

Bainbridge Island Metropolitan Park and Recreation District, Bainbridge Island Parks Foundation, Bainbridge Island Rotary, and other organizations and residents, she led the fundraising and development efforts to make her dream a reality. Owen’s Playground will open this summer.

“She inspires so many with her spirit of encouragement and inclusion,” nominator Allyson Brown wrote. “I can’t think of any woman more suited to win this award.”

Marshall is also an entrepreneur with a heart. She and husband Kelsey own Grounds for Change, a certified organic coffee roaster specializing in 100 percent Fair Trade coffee. Through their business, the couple has been able to live out their values of sustainability and has been recognized several times for fair practices and positive impacts in the local area. The business supports a number of national and local charities as well.

Marshall tells the story of how, while on a trip to Costa Rica a few years ago, she and her husband met and talked with coffee farmers who were transitioning from the standard cultivation of coffee to organic operations. The transition was a three-year intensive, intimidating process, where farmers faced substantive crop loss.

“We saw how committed the farmers were,” she said, adding she saw how organic agriculture benefitted the farmers financially and physically, with no exposure to chemicals. The Marshalls are fans of coffee and organic agriculture, and the trip “fueled the idea for Grounds for Change.”

“What motivates me in my personal life and in my work is the cultivation of empathy and compassion, both in myself and in others,” Marshall noted. “There are so many opportunities, every day, to learn from each other in meaningful ways. Each time I’m allowed to understand another person’s journey, joys and struggles, it makes me a richer, more compassionate person.”

Mallory MorrisonArts, Culture & Design

Mallory Morrison has a passion for dance.

Morrison is the director and studio owner of Bremerton Dance Center, as well as the assistant artistic director and manager of the nonprofit dance company Peninsula Dance Theatre. For years, she has dedicated herself to teaching dance and enhancing the performing arts in Kitsap County. She has inspired countless children and young adults in Kitsap County to express

themselves and achieve their dreams through the art of dance.

Morrison excelled at dance from a young age. She began teaching at 16 and joined Peninsula Dance Theatre as a company member in 1996. After attending Central Washington University, Morrison returned to Kitsap County and has been involved with Bremerton Dance Center and Peninsula Dance Theatre, organizations founded by her grandmother Lawan Morrison.

Bringing arts to local public schools is also important to Morrison. Each year, she is instrumental in organizing and staging two field trip performances of Tchaikovsky’s classic ballet “The Nutcracker” to student audiences. Focusing on low-income schools, she extends scholarship opportunities to students that otherwise could not afford to attend. Peninsula Dance Theatre’s “School Tour” takes dance productions directly to local area schools to allow students to connect with classic stories, dance and music. This year, Morrison led Peninsula Dance Theatre in collaboration with the Bremerton Symphony in a production of “Peter and the Wolf” for local school children.

Morrison is an active volunteer with Regional Dance America and serves on the board of its Pacific Region. She manages a scholarship program to help fund dancers attending summer workshops, oversees an annual fundraising gala, and works with local community volunteers and parents to provide opportunities for young dancers.

“It is important to me to have the arts accessible to all young artists and community members,” Morrison said. “Our youth should have a place where they safely train and perform quality shows that our community members can enjoy. With both Bremerton Dance Center and Peninsula Dance Theatre, I get to grow with my students. Some dancers will start with me at the age of 3 and I get to see them blossom into beautiful young talented artists and adults.”

Julie TapperoBusiness and Finance

Julie Tappero opened West Sound Workforce in 1998. She had two goals — helping the region’s businesses thrive and improving the lives of local job seekers by finding them meaningful employment near their homes. Since 1998, her company has placed more than 6,000 people in jobs.

Tappero graduated with distinction from California State University, Long Beach with a bachelor of science degree in

business administration and human resources management. Her passion for business and community extends far beyond running her company. She has been writing a monthly column on human resources topics for the Kitsap Peninsula Business Journal since 2006.

“Business leaders throughout the region look to her for insights and opinions regarding maintaining a safe, legal, and thriving workplace,” nominator Greg Sandstrom said.

Tappero serves as chair of the Olympic Workforce Development Council and has served as chair of the Kitsap Economic Development Alliance, a member of the Kitsap Aerospace and Defense Alliance Recruitment Committee, and a member of the statewide Community Economic Revitalization Board. She is treasurer of the West Sound Human Resource Management Association and the legislative director for the Staffing Association of Washington. Tappero is an active Rotarian, a member of three chambers, and a past president of the Gig Harbor Chamber of Commerce.

“The opportunities I’ve had to stretch beyond my wheelhouse, take on new challenges, and master new responsibilities have kept me motivated, and I happily think of myself as a lifelong learner,” she said. “Owning a business has allowed me to give this same opportunity to others.”

Tappero has financially supported many community causes, including the Olympic College Foundation, Puget Sound Naval Base Association, Relay for Life, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Communities in Schools, Kitsap Community Resources, Cribs for Kids, and the SHRM Foundation. In 2010, she helped create the Alliance of Women Owned Businesses, a thriving organization whose mission is to empower women to achieve higher levels of business success.

“She is a perennial volunteer who has dedicated a phenomenal amount of time and energy to supporting Kitsap’s community,” Sandstrom said.

Pacific Northwest TitleOutstanding Workplace / Chris Rieland

Pacific Northwest Title has been selected for this year’s YWCA Women of Achievement Award as Outstanding Workplace.

As the first recipient of this award, Pacific Northwest Title has set the bar very high. Under the leadership of Chris Rieland, president

and CEO, Pacific Northwest Title exemplifies the model of “taking care of business by taking care of employees.”

Pacific Northwest Title promotes a healthy balance of work and life for its employees. The company is known for encouraging employees to balance their career, family, community and personal growth.

“Chris Rieland has created a culture at Pacific Northwest Title that is a direct reflection of our mission statement, which says, ‘Our culture is to foster bold, ethical leaders creating trust, respect and integrity, and create a workspace that values

learning and growth and where we are committed to fulfilling a balance between life and work,’” said Vickie Lawrence, her nominator.

Pacific Northwest Title also serves as a role model for its employees in philanthropy. It received the United Way Campaign Chair Challenge Award and was a capital campaign contributor for the Haselwood Family YMCA. Pacific Northwest Title was honored with the 2014 “Business Making a Difference Award” from the Kitsap Community Foundation, and was recipient of the Central Kitsap PTSA Council Community Partner Award for 2014.

Rieland has encouraged staff participation in the local Board of Realtors, Builders Association of Kitsap County and the Kitsap County Housing Coalition. Rieland and the staff at Pacific Northwest Title annually provide Thanksgiving dinner and present Christmas gifts for the students at the Central Kitsap Alternative West High School.

Pacific Northwest Title employees know that Rieland makes a difference in the lives of others by her words and actions each and every day. In her own words:

“Maintaining integrity and respect above all else in the workplace has been the most important thing to me,” Rieland said. “Where the heart is as important as the brain. Our team celebrates a place of passionate and committed people who are determined to make a difference in the lives of others.”

government support, find perma-nent work and be self-sufficient.

“Without the YWCA’s pro-grams, it may have never hap-pened,” she said.

“I had no one out here to help me. No family or friends. When I needed [the YWCA], they were there and they still are. They take me to appointments when I need them to, at a drop of a hat. And they help out with furnishings for the apartment, with diapers and clothes and toys. They are my family.”

Her advice to other women who need to leave an abusive relation-ship: make a plan.

“Keep setting aside the things you’ll need, the essentials,” she said. “Find someone to help you and get away. I know it’s really, really hard, but it can be done. And there is another life out there, where you don’t have to

walk on egg shells all the time and be afraid that your children will get hurt.”

As for drugs, although that super-energetic high during drug use is something she still remem-bers, she’s not tempted.

“I can’t imagine ever doing that again,” she said. “It’s not the life I want. There will always be struggles and stress in life. But it’s up to me to make the decision how I’ll handle it.

“Watching my children play, laugh and smile is the best ‘high’ a mom can have.”

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Former publisher receives Special Recognition AwardBy LESLIE KELLYlkelly@soundpublishing.com

YWCA of Kitsap County will honor Lori Maxim with its 2016 Women of Achievement Special Recognition Award.

Maxim has spent the majority of her professional life in Kitsap County. In her almost 28 years with Sound Publishing, the largest community news organization in Washington state, she went from overseeing a 20-person advertising staff to being vice president of the company’s West Sound Operations.

As a business woman, she started out small and with each year added more to her achievements. As a female executive in a male-dominated indus-try, she never let the “glass ceiling” stop her. She’s been able to climb to the top of her profession with hard work while maintaining a balance with family time and volunteering in the community.

During her tenure with Sound, she created a national sales team, helped launch the Bremerton Patriot and the Federal Way Mirror, helped facili-tate the acquisition of the Kingston Community News, and negotiated the contracts to publish Crosswind, Trident Tides and Northwest Navigator for the military.

“So many wonderful people have touched my life over the past 28 years in Kitsap County,” Maxim said. “I will always cherish and remember those friendships. I owe this community heartfelt thanks for supporting and encouraging me. This community has a special place in my heart.”

In March this year, Maxim accepted a position as director of revenue for Morris Multimedia, and is now based in Gainesville, Georgia.

“Lori is a good friend and has been such an integral part of Sound Publishing; it’s quite hard to see her go,” Sound Publishing President Gloria Fletcher said. “Her passionate leadership and positive attitude will be

sorely missed.”Maxim, a native of Bellevue, earned

a bachelor’s degree in business/marketing at Seattle University and completed additional management and leadership studies at Fraser Valley College, The Learning Institute, and Thompson Rivers University.

She was advertising manager from 1986-88 of Metro Valley Newspaper Group in Abbotsford, B.C., then joined Sound as publisher of the Bainbridge Island Review and the North Kitsap Herald. She served as regional pub-lisher and director of national sales and advertising until 2000, when she became vice president.

“Professional, personable and honest, these are just a few of Lori Maxim’s numerous qualities,” said Laurie DePaola, a customer of Maxim’s who retired from Fred Meyer after 32 years with the company.

“I have worked with Lori for many years and she is undoubtedly one of the best print media sales executives I have ever worked with. Her extensive knowledge and innovative thinking

helped Fred Meyer develop a strategic and cost-effective media plan in the Puget Sound area.”

Among those who nominated her for the award was David Emmons, executive director of the Olympic College Foundation.

“Lori has served on the Olympic College Foundation as a board member since 2011,” he wrote. “Her strengths in fund-raising and her expansive knowledge of the commu-nity make her a considerable asset to the board. Lori is a passionate board member and strives to make a dif-ference in providing equal access to education and has been tireless in her efforts to help generate the financial support of the college to make this a reality for many young adults.”

In 2015, Maxim was the guiding force in the return of the Olympian student newspaper on the Olympic College campus. She mentored staff and students to see the rebirth of a major source of communication to the college’s community across three campuses.

Maxim also has been an instru-mental part of finance and business in the nonprofit community, notably with her commitment to United Way

of Kitsap County. She has served as a board member and in the capacity of “Loaned Executive” during capital campaigns. She participated annually in the Day of Caring.

“Lori Maxim was a very important and integral member of the United Way of Kitsap County Board of Directors between the years 2001-06,” said David Foote, executive director of United Way of Kitsap County.

“As part of the leadership at Sound Publishing she provided several thousand dollars annually of in-kind services, helping United Way save marketing dollars that could be repur-posed to help local agencies provide services to low-income working fami-lies. Without her service and input, United Way would not have been able to provide the best service possible to donors and residents.”

Maxim also facilitated awareness of Kitsap County nonprofit organiza-tions through regular donations of ad space in Sound Publishing’s non-daily newspapers. She served for several years on the Washington Newspaper Publishers Association Board of Directors; her final year on the board was as its president.

Contributed photo

Lori Maxim, former Sound Publishing vice president.

Jane WoodwardRealtor, John L Scott Real Estate

360-779-852019723 10th Ave NE #200 | Poulsbojanewoodward@jonhlscott.com www.janewoodward.johnlscott.com

Congratulations to the Women of

Achievement 2016!

Your number one local community news source.


Congratulations to this year’s Women of Achievement!

Including our very own Lori Maxim, thank you for your 28 years of service

to the community and to Sound Publishing.

We are Proud to support the YWCA.