Winter Review 2019 -


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W i n t e r R e v i e w 2 0 1 9

What you seek, is seeking you - Rumi Sitting on her desk by the window, she wondered, of what lies beyond the four walls. She could see children running, the cars honking loud, she could see the trees being cut wantonly and her Instagram flashed an update from a friend who was visiting Paris. What is happening to me? Am I at the wrong workplace? she grumbled. I need to connect to all that’s happening outside, that will help me in public relations. Disturbed, she went out for a smoke. As she walked, she spotted a plant struggling its existence through the concrete wall. She crossed a flutist, playing a popular Bollywood tune, she crossed a teenager painting the Warli art of the crossroads wall, she spotted a nursery where plants were flowering profusely and the homeless who were making cane baskets on the footpath. She was taken aback, by the informal knowledge they had. It was reminiscent of the ignorance she had of the world outside her profession and the ignorance that the world had of hers. If today I escape, this gap would widen and there would be so many more, frustrated, ignorant and unaware people like me. She walked back to the office, motivated. She would develop this bridge, so strong that the gap would no more persist. The thought of Unlearn was born. The painter, the basket-maker, the flutist, all would then be her gurus. Unlearn would be a culture to follow.

Unlearn is a platform for collaboration, for culture cultivation, design development through innovative methods. The design has become a commodity, anyone can mine it, many refine it, but we understand designs differently. Ideas are expressed and are brought into action. The purpose has always been to empower the team, make leaders and create memories. Learning is a fabulous foundation, but designers need to grow more.

Newarch unlearn - you teach, you learn


GOSHTIReading between the lines, the stories of Newarch workplace.

The bonding between the co-workers, the code of conduct, the established relation between the plants and the horticulturist, and so much more.

Goshti (stories) explores these and so much more in humorous story clips.

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KITCHEN GARDENIndoor edible gardens is a venture derived as a result of rooftop gardens, community gardens and vegetables grown on nature strips.Unlearn plans to establish a trend. Edibles in a commercial environment would help purify the air, put workers in touch with the natural environment and build a sense of community. If taken good care of, the gardens will harvest a limitless supply for everyone.

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CHI KUNGChi kung is the flow of energy through the universe. It is said to flow through channels in the human body and, if blocked, can lead to poor health.

Chi kung at Unlearn involved performing movements that stimulate the flow of chi (energy) through the body.


Team BuildingKnowledge Building Material Exporation Skill DevelopmentCreativity

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PRANAYAMAWe as children are rarely taught to be observant of the breath, yet it is a critical component of our daily lives. Workplace is an important part of any adult life that extensively needs this technique. At Unlearn, we learn to control our breath, and hence control our mind. Newarchers practice this technique at workspace daily.



PLEASE DON’T STOP THE MUSICLet the beats take control,

Grab a pen, draw a line and step to the next

Wreck the paper, with strokes of colors...

Graphotherapy with music is the perfect wellness solution to kickstart the weekend

COLOURED CANVASConducted by Ar. Tushar Shetty The values of fluidity, seamlessness and aesthetics in water colour paintings are synonymous with that of natural landscapes. Learnt, practiced and displayed on canvas, the exercise eventually aimed at percolating the above values in the design thought process of the Newarchers.

DOODLEDiligent but restless, optimistic but frustrated and looking for new challenges, cheerful, confident and proud team player, high intellect introvert, calm, collected and determined to succeed – what do your doodles say about your professional life? A flip to the last page of the diary reveals a lot of secrets. Unlearn unveiled these in an organised workshop with Newarchers doodling away the week’s work.

BOLLYWOOD LANDSCAPEWhat is it that about landscapes that stimulate the sentiments and emotions of the audience? To what degree do the audience engage with the narrative of surroundings because of landscapes?

Newarch Unlearn utilises the visual representation of landscape in Bollywood films and the various interpretations that can be found in both its production and consumption within the realm of the culture industry.

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PAPER FOLDEngaging body and mind in making of paper products, ‘Newarch Unlearn Saturday’ inculcated the value of sustainability at grassroots. With simple folding-pasting technique Newarchers resorted to the childhood art of reused paper origami. Now these products are used in office as dustbin, pen-stand & bag.

BLIND DASHThe sweetness of a flower’s scent, the pungent chilli that hits the nostrils before the tongue, the freshness of wheatgrass – eyes see, but nose remembers! A landscape architect working largely with the greens is compulsively associated with these scents and so many more …

F URNITURE VENDORA vendor-consultant Vijay Bhatia’s interaction dived into product manufacture stories for outdoor furniture. MATERIAL: Synthetic Raucord weave materialGENRE: Furniture HIGHLIGHTS: Reduced carbon footprint thanks to durability.

What they say:

“Wonderful session by Unlearn, where you learn something new that maybe you have not known in depth or never heard of. Would like to attend more and get associated with this thought process. Best wishes and luck for your future ventures. ”

- Ar. Vinay Desai

BAMBOO BONDThe stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind. Inspired by this quality, landscapes at Newarch are all about the tie, the bonds, the knots for stability and grips in the natural environment.


GRAPHOLOGYConducted by Mr. Vineet BansodeGraphology session spoke of the pseudoscience of handwriting analysis through simple demonstration techniques and was well received by curious Newarchers.

Unlearn Insights –• The strokes and angles that you follow while writing can tell a lot about your characteristics. • Certain ways of writing can help you improve on traits- e.g.: determination finds a reflection in the way you hold your pen.• The look of your handwriting has nothing to do with graphology.• Writing crystallizes the thoughts hence writing daily of affirmations and goals is beneficial.

WARDO SCRAMBORETUMWho would have thought the crazy Latin jargon of botanical names and fun filled scrabble could go together! While plants grab lion’s share in the landscaping across the globe, the tedious vocabulary of Latin botanical plant names often forms a hurdle. The Newarch Unlearn Saturdays pulled Scrabble out of the childhood memory lane and fused it with tree names to foster fun learning.

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Team BuildingKnowledge Building Material Exporation Skill DevelopmentCreativity

What they say:

“Let me thank you very much for inviting me for the lecture by Mr. Bansode. It was indeed such a pleasure attending and listening to him. It was only due to your initiative and considering us suitably entitled to attend the lecture, we were in position to attend and enjoy.” - Landscape Architect Rajoo Pradhan


KANBANConducted by Mr. Pushkaraj KolhatkarKanban is a Japanese term translating to visual card. It is a simple yet effective capacity and workflow management tool. It is a sign, a trigger for action, a target management system.

Unlearn Insights –• A to do list can be unlimited, a Kanban has to be limited. All work must be detailed out in Kanban and must always be put into must, should, could, wont categories.

C ITY TRIBEShe could join all the dots now. The city, the art, the people; she could relate it all. Using a set of basic geometric shapes: a circle, a triangle, and a square she expressed – disappearing sparrows, the shrinking forest, the social interactions across balconies, nostalgia of puddles as play zones, the invisible transport tracks the ruled her day and so much more. Circle and triangle, minimal shapes, that are traditionally tribal symbol of different elements of nature, found place in the expressions of the City Tribe. Newarchers expresed city life in the form of Warli sketch.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

NLPConducted by Mrs. Anupama and Mr. Umesh NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. It describes the fundamental dynamics between mind (neuro) and language (linguistic), and how their interface affects our body and behavior (programming). Newarchers interacted with Skillathon Consultants who carried out the workshop.

Unlearn Insights –• Every person has different pattern of learning based on their sensory preferences and dominant left or right brain. NLP tests makes one understand their pattern of learning. • NLP techniques help one communicate effectively with others as well as with oneself and victory over senses can be achieved by filtering our thoughts.


THE BONG CONNECTIONCreativity, culture, concoction.The Newarchers learned Bengali.

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Team BuildingKnowledge Building Material Exporation Skill DevelopmentCreativity

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MASTER CLASSLandscape architect Hrishikesh Phadke and Newarch Unlearn regularly conducts the Masterclass at the Newarch office with invitees and attendees from across the city. During this session, a mixed group of students, seniors and freshers present, participate and learn design and related topics in an interactive manner.

When you zoom out, you see more than just Saturdays… purpose has always been to empower the team, make leaders and create an impact!“ “

RUBIK’S CUBEIf you are curious, you’ll find the puzzles around you. If you are determined, you will solve them - Erno Rubik 6 people, one event, 6 colors.The Rubik’s cube brought about skilled development and team building.

HEALTHY HABITSConducted by Mr. Madhav JoshiA session for Newarchers concentrated on food habits and routine alterations for a healthier living. It focussed on prevention of the disease than the cure; the quantity of food, eating patterns, schedules and how each of them affect the body and internal organs. ‘You are what you eat’ – the session conducted was about transition that treatment. It would further concentrate on habits related to physical and mental disorders.

Unlearn Insights –• Thumb rules of chemistry, food and body composition • Foods to be strictly avoided and the ones to be consumed • Alterations in routine

ICE BREAKERThe Newarch cells – EDU, INK and UNLEARN interact within and with the Newarch office over a common platform – the ice breakers. Research work with pedestrian psychology and design principles, publication launch and occasion celebrations are all, but a medium to form the Newarchers community.






Newarcher is a community; identifying, absorbing and exploring landscape and its allied profession. It looks at uniting the designers, the planners, the academicians, the ecologists, the geologists, the students and the artisans – without the barriers of language and medium.

Unlearn fosters what is often called ‘deep learning,‘the kind that demands both understanding and remembering of relationships, causes, effects and implications for new or different situations. Such learning depends on attendees actually restructuring their brains and that demands effort’

NewarchIndulging effectively in open space design, NEWARCH® LANDSCAPE LLP was founded by Ar Hrishikesh Phadke in 1999. With a vision to successfully function for 100 years, the organisation is committed towards translating the needs of the community and the environment into sustainable solutions.



UnlearnUnlearn is a platform for collaboration, culture cultivation, design development through innovative methods. We connect network across professions for superior designs, to grow personally and foster relationships.


Redesigning with Miyawaki – The competition aims at a design intervention to retain the existing quality of a neighbourhood park yet add qualitatively to the greens. The outcome would be consolidated researched document about the Miyawaki method, its advantages, disadvantages and optimum implementation methods; which is recently attracting a lot of attention due to its instant advantages.

MASTERCLASSMaster Class is an immersive experience with the experts in the field of Landscape design at Unlearn. It would produce discourses and workshops directly with the instructors and audience, to strike a balance between academics and practice.

OUTDOOR EVENTS While the cell interacts with the professionals across varied fields, the most important of it all is interaction with the outdoors. We encourage the Newarchers to be a part of finished and unfinished project walks. Interactions with the experts and team building outdoor experiences.

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CELLSof Newarch




To get involved, write to us at :

8 Guest Lecture

24 Wellness 20 Workshops








Published by INK





5 Vendor Presentation



Vile Parle





Navi Mumbai
