WildF.I.R.E. Quarterly Newsletter Summer 2017 · Modern customs include visits to festivals,...


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On the Cover Lughnasadh

A celebration of the


Page 2

Ask E & E

Our Light and Dark Advice Column

Page 3 From the Elders...

Page 4 F.I.R.E. Events Calendar

In this


A Celebration of the Harvest.

Written by: Senior Elder Leandra Witchwood

Lughnasadh is a Gaelic festival marking the beginning of the European harvest season. It was once widely observed through-out Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man. Traditionally it is held on the 1st of August, or about halfway between the summer solstice and autumn equinox. Modern customs include visits to festivals, feasts, dancing, music, arts and crafts, attending workshops, tra-ditional storytelling, and the trad-ing/purchasing of handmade goods. Modern traditions may also include the symbolic sacrifice of one’s bad habits, negative influences, and non-beneficial behaviors, like smoking. Some take the ideal of sacrifice a lit-tle further and use this time for mental and physical cleansing. Fast-ing and meditation are key practices. This occasion is also known for bak-


ing of breads and preserving foods for the future. This is a busy time of year, and this busyness is reflected in the celebrations of Lughnasadh. Prepara-tions for winter are historically essen-tial and reflected in all the harvest sabbats. This is a great time to enjoy locally harvested foods from your farmers market or local CSA. Perhaps, you can enjoy a day of fruit picking at your lo-cal orchard or spend some time in the kitchen sampling new recipes. We welcome you to join us at our Lughnasadh celebration on August 6, lead by a local Druid group. Please visit www.SpiritFire.org to RSVP and more information.

The F.I.R.E.

Quarterly Newsletter

Summer 2017 WildF.I.R.E. www.SpiritFire.org Inspiring bridges of understanding that celebrate diversity!

www.SpiritFire.org Inspiring bridges of understanding that celebrate diversity!

Ask E & E F.I.R.E.’s advice column. Ask a question and get two answers; one with a lighter approach

and the other darker.

Advice from Light E Dear Mimza,

Everyone at some point has experienced a situation

in which they thought they wanted something, just

to find out later that it was not such a good idea.

Recently, for example, I applied to a job I thought I

really wanted, only to be extremely relieved when I

was turned down because I realized I didn't trust

the person I would have been working under.

In a similar way, are you sure that this person com-

ing back is the thing that will make you happy in

life? What if he is not ideal for you? You could be

wishing for your own misery if the relationship

doesn't go well, not to mention the karmic burden if

you force someone to do something against their

will. Maybe the Universe has someone better for


Like me, you seem like a person of action. I'm not

suggesting that you sit at home and wait idly but

that you focus your energies on something like

manifesting your ideal romantic relationship or just

more generally, on bringing love into your life. I

would come up with an affirmation such as, I am

open to giving and receiving love, or, I deserve

pure, unwavering, soul-enriching love, and focus on


If you are truly meant to be with him, then focusing

your workings on the love you want will attract him

into your life. If there is someone better for you, or if

you are meant to focus on self love, then that will

manifest instead.

Wishing you deep peace and many blessings,

Light E

Advice from Dark E Mimza,

First, let’s clear some things up about

the Craft. Even a base level novice would know

you never pay for spell work. Also, your “love

spells” don’t work for anyone. The only thing you

are doing is providing others with a little positive

energy. They are doing the work to find love.

Since you aren’t “new to this” you should already

understand spell manifestation. On to the main

issue of getting your man back…first you must

determine: why did he leave? This is accom-

plished with a very straight forward process. All

you have to do is walk into the bathroom, look in

the mirror and ask, “Who is to blame for his de-

parture?” There are only three answers to this

question. Answer 1, it was his fault. If, by some

remote chance, he was totally to blame for leav-

ing, why would you ever want him back? Answer

2, it was your fault. The reciprocal of Answer 1,

why would he ever want you back? Lastly, An-

swer 3, both of you were at fault. This is the most

plausible, common and truthful response. It is al-

so the most difficult one to arrive at since for most

humans being honest with themselves goes way

beyond magical and borders on miraculous. So,

once you can give the person in the mirror an

honest answer you’ll be well on your way to solv-

ing your man problems.

Our question comes from Mimza, “Please help me get my man back... or just please give

me a few tips on how to make my spells manifest... I'm not new to this, I actually do

work myself.., but the work seems to not be working for me. I do work for others love

spell etc.. it worked for them, perhaps I'm doing something wrong. Please help!”

www.SpiritFire.org Inspiring bridges of understanding that celebrate diversity!

From the Elders...

Embersprite’s SPARK

Leandra’s LANTERN

The Importance of Strong


In my many years as a clergy member, teacher and as a trusted advisor, I have come to know something very important about developing sta-ble communities.

It takes strong leadership!

Without strong leadership organizations don’t tend to last long. The foundations built beneath them crumble before their time. It is much like building a house. You must ensure that the foundation your home sits on is solid and built properly. There is no room for cutting corners or skimping the important support systems that give your foundation longevity.

Being a leader means stepping up when no one

else is willing. It means putting in long hours. It may also mean shedding some tears in the pro-cess. Leaders come and go, but the ones who real-ly care about their cause and their community are the ones who stick around. The leaders who genu-inely care about the people they serve are the leaders we deserve to have in our community.

Leadership is not easy. It takes time and practice. It also takes a certain level of flexibility and humility.

Good-strong leaders lift us up and help us reach our truest potential. They challenge us to see the bigger picture.

This is the kind of leadership we seek to offer at F.I.R.E. Leadership that will help your learn and grow as you live your best possible life.

“Hoof and Horn, Hoof and Horn,

All that dies shall be reborn.

Corn and grain, Corn and grain,

All that falls shall

F.I.R.E. Events Calendar

All events require an RSVP for attendance.

For more information on each event and to RSVP please

visit our website:


08/06/1717 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Loaf-Mass or Lammas Spoutwood Farm Center, Glen Rock PA

09/30/1717 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Autumn Equinox Celebration Location disclosed via email, TBA Pennsylvania

10/28/1717 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Halloween Celebration TBA – Via private email, York

11/18/1717 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Hecate's Tea Location disclosed via email, TBA Pennsylvania

12/09/1717 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Winter Solstice Celebration Location disclosed via email, TBA Pennsylvania
