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Making Good Choices andDecisions

For most students, the middleschool years bring greater freedom.With added freedom comes the burdenof more responsibility. To be successfulin middle school, students must be capa-ble of making good choices and deci-sions. As educators we often ask our-selves what we can teach our students tomake sure that they are making goodchoices. Many times we find ourselvestelling them to(1) figure out what their choices are;(2) write down the positive and

negative things about eachchoice;

(3) make sure that they have all ofthe information that they need;and

(4) think about the choices and thenmake a rational decision.

At Carver, our success is de-pendent upon the good choices and de-cisions that all of our students make.Making good choices and decisions arean important part of the curriculum atCarver Middle School. Our teachers,faculty and staff continue to emphasizethe pros and cons of making great deci-sions.

This school year, parents, pleasemake it a point to emphasize to yourmiddle school student the importance of

making good decisions. Remindhim/her daily about the 4-step processto making a GREAT decision. Stay in-volved, ask questions, and be proactivein the life of your middle school student.

At Carver we have an open doorpolicy. Please feel free to call the schoolfor any assistance or information thatyou may need. Carver is your school,and your support and involvement arecritical to our continued success.Sincerely,

Dr. Melissa J. WoolridgePrincipal,George Washington CarverMiddle School


Wildcat Roar

School Contact Informa-


Office: (918) 925-1420,

Fax: (918) 925-1450


624 East Oklahoma Pl.

Tulsa, OK 74106




Wildcat Roar Deadline:

The 2009 December

Newsletter deadline is

Nov. 20th. Send articles



(Becky Eagleton) and cc:

to Carol Crumb, Crum-



Inside this issue:

November 2009

Parent Leadership Academy Promotion Ceremony.L-R: Mr. Ehrle, Shelley Cooper, Lourdes Torres,

Heidi Dickens, Dawn Lowe, Dr. Woolridge

PTSA News pg 2

Carver Clubs pg 4

Carver Athletics pg 5

Girl Scouts pg 6

NYC Fieldtrip pg 6

Farrow’s Fuss pg 7

7th grade fieldtrip pg 8

Jazz ’n Jeans pg 8

Calendar pg 9

Teachers, Parents and students, we arestill accepting memberships to the CarverPTSA. Our goal is to obtain 100% mem-bership, which means we need 645 mem-bers for the 2009-2010 school year. Weare a slightly over halfway to meetingthat goal.

We ask that everyone do their part inpurchasing at least 1 membership perfamily. Memberships are only $5.00 ea.Please complete the attached form andreturn to the office with your payment of$5.00 per member. If you are interestedin sponsoring a student, please let usknow and arrangements can be made forthat as well.

Page 2November 2009

2009-2010 PTSAUpcoming Meeting dates:

11/10/09 - 6:30pm

All meetings held in the Carver


PTSA 2009-2010 Membership formCarver Middle School

Name (First and Last)Address: Zip Code:Membership Type (Circle one) student, parent, Community, teacher, alum

Name (First and Last)Address: Zip Code:Membership Type (Circle one) student, parent, Community, teacher, alum

Name (First and Last)Address: Zip Code:Membership Type (Circle one) student, parent, Community, teacher, alum

#of memberships x $5 = $ TotalTurn this form, with your check payable to Carver PTSA, or cash, into the Carver Front Office. If you can’t walk it in,please mail it to: Carver Middle School, 624 E. Oklahoma Place, Tulsa, OK 74106

New Wildcat Logo !!

Look for it on upcoming Carver Spirit Wear which the PTSA willbe selling – order forms will be available soon! Thanks to LanishaNievar for help in getting the new logo design. Go Wildcats!



Gimme 5 Reasons to Join PTSA Today!1. Get Connected!There’s no better way to know what’s happening at your school.

2. Be a Role Model!You’ll show your child the importance that you place on education.

3. Join Others!Over 5 million PTA members worldwide are working together to

advocate on behalf of every child.

4. Discover Great ResourcesPTA offers a variety of programs designed for parents,

teachers and students.

5. Enjoy Personal DevelopmentGain valuable experiences with other

parents and educators in the community. For additional informationplease contact:

Dawn Lowe-Membership Chair

Page 3November 2009

Carver 8th

graders at the

Carver Shadow

Day at

Booker T.


High School

Carver Speech

Department winsTrophyFourteen Carver students at-

tended a speech tournament at

Bishop Kelley on October 31.

Results of the

novice class :

Chase Pritchett - 3rd place ,


Felicia Robinson - 2nd place,


Kylie Hollar - 2nd place, dra-

matic interpretation;

Sonja Hochlaf - 2nd place,


And a 3rd place sweepstakes

trophy for the Carver Speech

Department under the direction

of Fran Frakes!


Seventeen FCCLA (Family,Career and Community Leadersof America) students attendedthe Northeast - 1 District leader-ship meeting on October 8,2009 at the Tulsa TechnologyCenter, Lemley Campus.

Carver was well-represented. Kierra Carlisle,Areon Smith, TerranceBillingsley and Collin Ceasarsung the patriotic song, whileChelsea House, LaChelle Kingand Cheldyn Ramsey danced tothe song, “Shine,” during Rollcall. The students donateditems and made get-well cardsfor the children at St. Francis

Hospital. Motivational speaker(Sugar) Kelly Barnes delivered apowerful message.

On November 5, MarkaylahKnox, Logan Dierker and CheldynRamsey will represent Carver inSTAR Events in Owasso.

Coupon books to Reasor’s Gro-cery Store will be sold during themonth of November. The cost willbe $5.00; the savings to you will bewell worth the $5.00 price and willmore than pay for the couponbook. Mrs. Coleman is asking thateach FCCLA member sell at least 3of the coupon books. If you wouldlike to purchase a book of coupons

please send $5.00 to Mrs. Cole-man or stop by room 401 or findyour favorite FCCLA member!

FCCLA will also hold aCanned Food Drive during themonth of November. Food Itemswill be donated to Neighbor forNeighbor. Last year we placedthird in the Neighbor for Neighborcity wide drive.

Meetings are held onWednesdays from 3:40 – 4:30. Itis not too late for your student tojoin! For more information contactMrs. Coleman:colemlo@tulsaschools.org


Page 4November 2009

TSA (Technology Student Association) studentsattend meetings on Tuesday after school from 3:40 to5:20. Though any Carver student is welcome to take partin TSA, it does require them to actively work towardscompleting projects for competition. We will be attendingtwo competitions: the Tulsa Mini Conference, January 21,and State competition March 29, 30, and 31. Studentstaking part in TSA need to wear the approved dress tocompetitions: black shoes, gray slack pants, white buttondown shirt and a Navy Blue Blazer. I will provide TSApatches and Ties.

The other activity we have going on this year isFirst Lego League Robotics (FLL) which also meets at thesame time as TSA. Thanks to sponsorship from CarverPTSA, this is our first year to take part in this activity Thecompetitive team of ten students will take part in a re-gional competition November 14th at Owasso 7th gradecenter. We may have other events that we are invited toattend but this is the only current one I have informationon.

The Gateway Program is in a field test of the cur-riculum this year which makes the class very challengingfor students and teacher. However it is proving to be a

very successful.A wish the program has is to find a way to accept

donations towards the purchase of a “Desktop Factory 3-d Printer” http://www.desktopfactory.com/This printer would allow the class to design and printsmall parts in a three dimensional model that can bemade to function. It is a cutting edge form of prototyp-ing and would greatly increase the student knowledgebase. This printer and supplies will cost around$6500.00. I am looking for grant opportunities andwould be very open to suggestions on how to accom-plish the task of finding or raising funding for this en-hancement to the Gateway program.

I wish to say thank you to everyone who sup-ports and enjoys having the Gateway pre-engineeringprogram at Carver; I fully believe it provides most stu-dents who have interest with valuable skills and strongbases in Math and Science to further their educationalgoals. I also would like to say thank you to each parentwho has provided items from the wish list to help sup-port the program.Thank youWilliam Ollar, Carver Gateway to Technology

Carver’s TSA (Technology Student Association) is Alive and Kicking andAll About Pre-Engineering

Carver Lady Wildcats Basketball11/3 vs. Edison, at Edison

11/9 vs. Whitney, at Hale

11/10 vs. Lewis&Clark, at Carver

11/12 vs. Monte Cassino, at MC

11/17 vs. Foster, at Carver

11/23 vs. Byrd, at Memorial

11/30 vs. Thoreau, at Carver


Page 5 Wildcat Roar

Carver Athletics

Miss Christy took photographs at our

football games and uploaded them towww.psophoto.com/carverwildcats

Carver Athletics will receive 25% of

any purchases of photos from the


All 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students interested in running track should plan to attend a parent meeting atCarver Middle School, Monday, November 2nd from 6:30-7:15 p.m. The track team(s) will be coached bycurrent BTW coaches (Coach Nash and Coach Carpenter). Practices will take place at Booker T. WashingtonHigh School, Monday-Thursday, 4:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m.

Carver Baseball Parents: We will

have a meeting in the Carver

Cafeteria on November 11, 2009,

at 6:00pm to discuss Spring base-

ball at Carver. We ask parents of

players who may be interested to

attend and give your input. If you

cannot attend but are interested

or have any questions, please call

Rick Eagleton at 584-0462 or e-

mail him at



Carver Swim Team

Great News! The Carver swim team is up and runningfor a second year. Booker T. Washington Coach PhilBrougher has agreed to coach the team atthe BTW pool. The pool is open for Carver studentsto swim M-F from 3:45 - 5pm or M-W-F from 6:30-8am. Coach Brougher is available at these times forsome stroke evaluation and work-outs. The cost is $25per month. The following days the pool will be closeddue to BTW swim meets:

No swim: Tuesdays 11/3, 11/10 (meet at BTW), Thurs-days 11/12, 11/19 (meet at BTW), 12/3, 12/10 (meet atBTW) and Monday 12/7.

Coach Brougher invites our students to come to watchthe meets and see what swim team is all about in HighSchool. We will explore the option of entering some citywide swim meets as a Carver team if the interest is there.Please contact Kathy Ostrem with any questions atkathyostrem@sbcglobal.net


From Mr. Ehrle’s Desk:

Carver Middle School will be host-ing recruiting visits from two pres-tigious schools: Phillips ExeterAcademy of Exeter New Hamp-shire will be here Monday, No-vember 2; and the HockadaySchool of Dallas will be here No-vember 11.

Parents may visit these schools’websites at www.exeter.edu andwww.hockaday.org. Parents arealso welcome to come to Carverto listen to either or both of thepresentations which will be con-ducted during AOI, 12:10-1:00pmon their respective days.

Girl Scouts of EasternOklahoma is very excited to an-nounce that we have beenawarded a generous Explorationgrant from Lockheed Martin toimplement a brand new Mix ItUp! Program to middle schoolgirls in eastern Oklahoma.

Mix It Up! is a Girl Scoutsof Eastern Oklahoma programdesigned to target middle schoolgirls and guide them to success. Itis a curriculum that connects withgirls’ interests and encouragesthem to take the lead in the areasof science, technology, engineer-ing and math (STEM).

Utilizing the Discover,Connect, and Take Action keys ofthe Girl Scout Leadership Experi-ence, Mix It Up! organizes pro-gram components into categories:Financial Flair (financial literacy),Science and Tech Trek (STEM)and Take Action (provides frame-work for creating, planning, andorganizing a Take Action project).

Each activity subscribes to a simi-lar format utilizing an introductionwith talking points, a hands-onexperience, and a reflection anddiscussion.

In addition, Girl Scouts ofEastern Oklahoma recently re-ceived funding from Best Buy toreach out to girls in underservedareas.

Girl Scout meetings are

held at Carver Middle School

every Thursday, 3:30p-5:00pm.

Registration is ongoing. We en-

courage girls to take advantage of

this opportunity. You can partici-

pate in other extra curricular ac-

tivities and still be a Girl Scout!

This program is conducted

throughout the school year and

continued in the summer with

camping opportunities. For more

information, please contact

Shannon Guillory at 918-812-

9283 or Dawn Lowe at 745-5234.

Lockheed Martin Funds New Girl Scouts

Program, Mix It Up!

Walking Tour of Central Park, TenementMuseum, Walking Tour of BrooklynBridge, guided sightseeing tour of Har-lem and the Bronx, Apollo Theater,Bronx Zoo and the Museum of NaturalHistory.

Whew! How can you pass this up?

For more information, contact AimeeRoulac, 7th grade Language Arts: rou-laai@tulsaschools.org.


The Summer Trip to NYC is tentativelyscheduled for June 6-11, 2010. This trip isopen to Carver 6th and 7th graders.

Sites we’ll visit:

Empire State Building, guided sightseeingtour of New York City, Metropolitan Mu-seum of Art, Broadway theatre perform-ance, Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island,

Page 6November 2009

6th Grade Counselor John Myer’s birthday!

By now we have all heardthe news about the Swine Flu,also called H1N1. This flu be-gan last spring and has contin-ued throughout the summer.H1N1 continued to spread asstudents reported back toschool in August. Close on theheels of H1N1 is the SeasonalFlu, which generally runs fromNovember through March.

Carver Middle School hasbeen taking action to ensure thehealth of all students. The cus-todial staff constantly disinfectsand cleans all areas. The PTSAhas donated large quantities ofdisinfecting wipes that havebeen distributed to teachers andstaff. Hand sanitizer units havebeen placed in the cafeteria, andstudents sanitize their handsbefore getting a plate lunch.Hand sanitizer units can also befound in classrooms and offices.

Basic hygiene is recom-mended for all students, staff,and faculty. Washing hands of-ten with soap and water is ad-vertised and recommended.This is especially true aftercoughing or sneezing. In theabsence of soap and water, alco-hol-based hand cleaners are alsoeffective.

Covering the mouth andnose with a tissue is the bestpractice. In the absence of atissue, coughing or sneezing

into the shoulder or elbow is anoption. Germs are spread aftertouching eyes, nose, and mouthareas.

If a student becomes sickthey should remain home for atleast 24 hours after there is nolonger a fever of 100 degrees orabove or signs of a fever(without the use of fever-reducing medicine). Keepingsick students at home meansthat they keep their viruses tothemselves rather than sharingthem with other students. Asalways, encourage sick individu-als to drink plenty of fluids toremain hydrated.

Getting vaccinations foryour students and family canhelp reduce the risk of contract-ing either the Seasonal Flu orH1N1 virus. Consider thechoice of vaccinations whenthey become available.

If any flu symptom becomesmore severe, parents shouldcontact their health care pro-vider. Use the same judgmentwith H1N1 as you would withthe Seasonal Flu.

If you have any other ques-tions related to the health andsafety of students at CarverMiddle School, please contactme directly; Valarie Farrow 925-1 4 2 6 o r e m a i l f a r -rova@tulsaschools.org

Farrow’s Fuss(a monthly column, from Ms. Farrow, focusing on health & safety


Page 7 Wildcat Roar


7th grade

Students of the Month


Logann Little

Abraham Boardersash

Blair Ferguson

Alan Tett

Jazz and Jeans with special

Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame

singer, Olivia Duhon

November 7

Doors open 6:30pm

Contact Kara Folkins

glfolkins@hotmail.com or Karen

Bruns kfbruns@cox.net

Page 8 Wildcat Roar


The 7th grade will be going to the ORU Mabee Cen-ter on November 23rd to watch short stories brought to lifeon the stage. After the performance the students will enjoylunch at CiCi’s Pizza.

The cost of this trip will be $10 which will cover thecost of transportation and lunch. Permission slips will bedistributed on Thursday, October 29th with the deadline forreturning to be Wednesday, November 18th. Sorry, but wewill not be able to accept permission slips and money afterthat date because tickets have to be purchased in advance.

-Ms. Judith Smith

Carver student, Tonja Evans, assists at the TPS MagnetSchool Fair

Student Council NewsCongratulations to the 6th grade

Student Council officers:

2nd Vice President:

Breanna Sheffey

Class Representatives:

Myles Murdock & Keenan Hurd

Several Carver students recently entered the“Sustainable Energy: Its Importance to Our Community”essay contest. The essays were between 500 and 1500 wordsand included 3 references. The students were competing tohave a $30,000.00 wind turbine installed at our school andother energy related supplies for the classroom.

This contest was sponsored by Mayor Kathy Taylor’sOffice and Tulsa Public Schools. Although the winning essaywent to a student at Hamilton Middle School, we are soproud of the students that wrote very impressive essays - onvery short notice!

Mrs. Jorgenson and Mrs. Duvall would like to thankthe following students for exceptional effort and communityservice to our school:Justin Ostrem, Aaron Hockett, Re-becca Nievar, Isaac Sheikh, and Patrick Wilson.

Them’s Fightin’ Words!

Special Thanks to Panera Bread for pro-

viding the yummy bagels for Munchies

For Moms at the Book Fair!


Anyone desiring to have a meetingat the school needs to first contactMrs. Crumb, 925-1421 orcrumbca@tulsaschools.orgin order for her to check the Mas-ter Calendar for availability and toget the proper approval for build-ing usage.Thanks,Mrs. Crumb

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

Book Club

Track teammtg, 6:30


TSA mtg

Newspaper Club


Science Club



Girl Scouts


Last day to


and Jeans

Report Cards



8 9

Book Club10 TSA mtg 11


Baseball mtg,6:00pm


Girl Scouts

13 14

15 16

Book Club

Track team



TSA mtg

Newspaper Club


Deadline for

7th gr.






Girl Scouts

20 21

22 23

Book Club

ORU 7th




TSA mtg

Newspaper Club

25 26 27 28

29 30

November 2009
