Why wear motorcycle gear while riding



What is considered to be motorcycle gear and how does it protect you.

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Chaotic Motorsports

Just Ask yourself “Do I like my skin and Brains? “

If you answered yes then read on!

• Motorcycle Helmets – to protect your face and head from impact as well as flying debris. Come in several variation.

• Gloves – to protect your hands from direct contact with the road as well as getting a good grip.

• Jackets – offer lots of impact protection as well as abrasion resistance ( just means the cowhide gets it and not your skin).

• Boots – are there to offer protection for your feet as well as giving you good grip on the pegs and shifting.

• Riding Pants – probably the most neglected but essential for keeping your skin on your legs and butt if you go down.

Helmets come in a variety of forms and you are bound to find one that grabs your eye. If you like the motorcycle helmet you pick and you think its cool you are way more likely to wear it!

When choosing a helmet get one you really dig just make sure it is DOT or Snell Certified.

When it comes to helmets you can choose between a full-face, half face or a beanie. Just as a side note the full-face offers the best protection

If You want to see more variety in motorcycle helmets visit our online store.

Motorcycle gloves are a vital piece of motorcycle gear that no smart rider sets out on the road without. You can find many really cool varieties when it comes to gloves. The most commonly used materials used to make gloves are leather, mesh or a synthetic leather and Kevlar. Depending on the climate you will either look for a glove that is perforated or is solid leather with a warm lining. Gloves also come in a few different types. You can go the full gauntlet style or just a short glove depending on your riding style and the amount of protection needed. For the track definitely go with a full gauntlet style. Fingerless is another choice that especially guys that ride cruisers prefer. While protection of the fingers is lacking you get added feel by having the fingers exposed.

If You want to see more styles in motorcycle gloves visit our online store.

When it comes to motorcycle jackets you have a huge amount of choice! So once again get a cool jacket. One that appeals to you that you love to wear. It needs to have the right protection yes but also be comfortable and appealing to you. Motorcycle Jackets come in many styles as well as being made from a variety of materials. The main ones being leather or a mesh and textile material that has been reinforced with Kevlar stitching and materials. A good motorcycle jacket will have armor in the shoulders, elbows and back at the minimum. Riding suits are another matter and not for everyone that rides on a daily basis. If you do a lot of track days then get a one piece riding suit but if you plan on riding the streets get a two piece which allows you to just wear the jacket or the pants. Ideally a riding suit is the best idea when it comes to getting the best protection. If that is the route you choose make sure you get one that is going to fit and last. Perforated if you are in a warm climate is going to be a must. Alpinestars makes some great motorcycle riding suits so look there first!

If You want to see more motorcycle jackets and Riding Suits visit our online store.

Motorcycle boots have come a long way since the early days of wearing boots made for military use. Now you can still get that classic looking biker boot with the steel toes and look James Dean on your cruiser.Your other choice is a motorcycle riding shoe which is a new development in riding gear. These shoes are made with some of the same protection as their full size boot counterparts but in a shoe. Some of the best motorcycle boots and riding shoes around are currently being made by Icon and Alpinestars.

If You want to see more motorcycle boots that are currently available visit our online store.

Motorcycle riding pants are made to protect your legs an hips in case of a fall. This is probably the most neglected piece of motorcycle gear worn. Mainly because until recently riding pants were not all that comfortable or something you would not usually wear. Now you have denim riding pants with Kevlar reinforcements and dual stitched main seams as well as well hidden padded protection in vital areas. Or you can go with the classic leather motorcycle pants. The comfort level has gone way up in that type of gear as well and it is therefore being worn more. When deciding on a pair of pants for riding keep in mind you want comfort, protection in the areas of the knee, coccyx and hips whenever possible. The main thing would be abrasion resistance so if you make contact with the road it’s the pants that take the brunt of the beating and not your skin.

If You want to see more styles in motorcycle pants that are available visit our online store.
