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Why Vote For PTIAnd

Why NO Vote for PMLN

NOTE: There are links to some videos included here. It is requested to download all the videos and watch them completely.

P.S. Why Comparison between PTI and PMLN and not other parties? Because competition is only between PTI and PMLN. No other Party is in the position to form the Government. PPP has already destroyed itself badly by giving the worst performance in the history of Pakistan

1 – Why No Vote for PMLN1. When Zardari became President, PMLN became his ally and elected

him President unanimously whereas they knew how corrupt this person was.

2. PMLN made fool of people of Pakistan by doing a friendly opposition for 3 and half years. When country was drowning, and they were busy in giving their full support to Zardari. Nawaz Sharif then told Zardari, that even if PPP doesn’t accept you then I will still accept you.

3. PMLN remained PPP ally in Baluchistan Government for full 5 years.4. Imran Khan has continuously been saying since last 3 years that we

need mid term elections, why PMLN didn’t resigned from assemblies and go for elections? When demanding for mid term elections are totally constitutional and there is nothing un-constitutional that they would have felt any threat of Army intervention.

1 – Why No Vote for PMLN5. If PMLN would have played a role of Strong opposition, they would

not have let Zardari regime for their filthy corruption. (Zulm kay Khilaf Na Bolnay Wala Bhi Zalim Hai).

6. After spending 3 and half years in friendly opposition, NS felt that along with Zardari, their reputation and credibility is also going down, so they took a U Turn and decided to sit on opposition benches to Fool the nation once again, because they SUDDENLY came to know that Zardari Govt. is involved in corruption. Whereas they have already tested Zardari, when he didn’t act upon on restoring judiciary and agreements by saying that agreements can be broken, they are not Quran or Hadees etc. Nauzu BILLAH.

7. Many Big corruption scandals were going on under the nose of NS like Power Generation scandal of Raja Pervez Ashraf, Hajj Scandal, PIA and Railway Corruption, Steal Mill Scandal, NICL Scandal. And Mr. Nawaz Sharif was so innocent that he couldn’t figure out the corruption scandal for 3 and half years and continued to do the criminal activity of playing role of friendly opposition .

1 – Why No Vote for PMLN8. PMLN is getting power hungry and they are ready to do anything for

power. They have no rules, no ethics nothing. Once Nawaz Sharif said that he will not take any of Pervez Musharraf’s fellow in his party but now PMLN has taken approximately 80% of the Q league members in his Party, whole “Ham Khayal Group” is supporting PMLN.

9. PMLN is also partnering with the corrupt PPP allies ANP and JUI-F of Maulana Fazal ur Rehman in 2013 elections.

10. A complete Muk-Muka has been exposed between PMLN and PPP. PMLN started Go Zardari Go campaign to Fool the nation yet again and then took a U turn and stopped the campaign because Nawaz Sharif wanted Zardari to remain in Power.

1 – Why No Vote for PMLN11. PPP and PMLN have secret mutual understanding that next

Government will be of N League. Zardari is a very cunning man, he has damaged PPP the way no one could ever do by giving the most poor performance in the history. Zardari also have a lot of corruption cases. As long as Zardari remain President, he is hiding under the cover of Presidential immunity. Therefore Zardari knows this very well that he will only be safe as long as he remains in power as President. Therefore it is very necessary to understand that PMLN will elect Zardari again as president for next term and in response PPP candidates will favour Nawaz Sharif to form the Government. So, they are again planning to betray the nation. All this shows that PMLN is only power hungry and they do not have any values.

12. Watch the following Video and you will know about the plan yourself:


1 – Why No Vote for PMLN13. People like Anjum Aqeel who has corruption charges for doing a fraud of 4

billion rupees and Hanif Abbasi who also has charges for being involved in ephedrine case are contesting elections on PMLN ticket. Here we should also keep in mind that hundreds people died due to poisoned medicine. But PMLN didn’t held the responsible persons to accountability. Watch The Video here: http://tinyurl.com/pmln-corruption

14. Nawaz Sharif has cases like Money Laundering, Hudaibiya Paper Mills, Bank Loan Case of Billions of rupees and Asghar Khan Case where they took money from ISI to remove People’s Party Government, this has also been proved in Supreme Court. Then why didn’t Zardari filed any case against Nawaz Sharif?

15. NAB Chairman has also given a statement which is on record that Asif Ali Zardari had asked him not to open cases against Sharif Family. (See the Above Video)

16. In a recent TV Program, where anchor asked Nawaz Sharif that if comes in the Assembly, will he support Zardari or Oppose him? Nawaz Sharif couldn’t tell a clear answer that he will oppose Zardari, and he kept silent. All this shows a clear Muk-Muka. Whereas Imran Khan has several times told clearly that If he comes in the Government, he will never take oath from Zardari. Watch The Video Here: http://tinyurl.com/pmln-corruption

1 – Why No Vote for PMLN17. PMLN and PPP passed different constitutional amendments for their

mutual benefit (MUK-MUKA) like 18th Amendment, 19th and 20th amendments. But they could not pass any bill to stop corruption or to recover looted money (they both protected each other)

18. Nawaz Sharif took billions of rupees from innocent people of Pakistan in the name of Qarz Utaro Mulk Sanwaro. Where is that money? No audit report has ever been published regarding this money.

19. If Sharif brothers are so sincere with the nation, why did not they face the cases against them and returned the loan of billions of rupees to the banks whereas they have property of billions of dollars abroad in the UK and Saudi Arabia.

20. Nawaz Sharif always takes credit for Atomic Explosion experiment, whereas Dr. Abdul Qadeer has totally exposed him that infact, he did not want to do the Atomic Explosion Experiment and did this on the pressure of Pak Army and the Atomic Scientists. Watch The Video Here: http://tinyurl.com/ns-exposed

1 – Why No Vote for PMLNShahbaz Sharif Performance

1. CM Punjab Mr. Shahbaz Sharif (Or better say CM Lahore)1. A CM of the Province means, whole province. Therefore all the

development funds should have been equally distributed all over the province. Whereas by seeing Lahore and comparing it to other cities of Punjab like Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Sialkot, Rawalpindi, Gujrat, Sahiwal, Khanewal, Multan, Rahimyar Khan etc. Anyone can easily tell that almost 60% funds have been consumed in Lahore and remaining 40% have been consumed in other cities.

2. Basic necessities of people are: Food, Health, Education electricity etc. where as Mr. CM kept busy in building other VISIBLE projects to get applaud of their work and gain voters.

3. Pre-Poll rigging by doing self projection and self advertisement through our tax money (Court took notice and stopped them by doing so).

1 – Why No Vote for PMLNShahbaz Sharif Performance

4. Pre-Poll rigging by making all contractual Govt. employees permanent in the last week of their govt. Just to gain favour of all those employees. In elections. They could have done it months before.

5. Where was the youth before Imran Khan 30th Oct. 2011 Jalsa??? Mr. CM had forgotten about the youth completely.

6. PMLN didn’t expect that Imran Khan’s Jalsa would be such a big success. Pervez Rasheed of PMLN said on TV that if 60,000 chairs are filled at Minar-e-Pakistan, he will resign. But after watching hundreds of thousands of people in the Jalsa, they became sleepless and thought that all the youth has gone in the favour of IK, so then they thought to took initiative regarding different Youth Projects like laptop distribution, Youth festival in colleges etc.

7. Other main stream projects like Metro Bus system also started After they saw IK popularity.

1 – Why No Vote for PMLNShahbaz Sharif Performance

1. Corruption in PMLN Projects:

1. Motorway: There is a corruption of Rs. 300 Million in mismanagement of the project, news link is: http://antisystemic.org/satribune/www.satribune.com/archives/sep23_29_02/P1_motorway.htm

2. Laptops: The laptops which Shahbaz Sharif distributed is worth no more than Rs. 22000, but they bought it for Rs. 37000 and are responsible for a Billions of Rupees corruption in purchasing more than 100 thousand laptops. Now they are planning for more corruption in the same project, as Shahbaz Sharif has announced that we will keep doing this every year.

1 – Why No Vote for PMLNShahbaz Sharif Performance

1. Corruption in PMLN Projects:

3. Sasti Rotti: Corruption of billions of Rupees has also been found in this scheme. Watch Related Videos here: http://tune.pk/video/74769/Sasti-Roti-Project-And-Doctors-Protects-YouTube and http://tune.pk/video/74776/Shahbaz-Sharif-Corruption-Exposed-in-Sasti-Roti-YouTube-cut

4. Ambulances Corruption: Watch Video Here: http://tinyurl.com/pmln-corruption

5. Sugar Corruption: Watch Video Here: http://tinyurl.com/pmln-corruption

6. There are a lot of corruption scandals against Punjab Government, some of those are mentioned in above noted Video.

1 – Why No Vote for PMLNShahbaz Sharif Performance

1. Poor Performing Projects:1. Danish Schools: Punjab Government spent approximately 1 billion

rupees on one Danish school and they have build 16 Danish Schools, so thrown away 16 billion rupees in this project. Whereas the most of the Government Schools situation is very very poor in Punjab. Many schools do not have the facility of pure drinking water. Many schools do not have electricity, proper furniture and even proper toilet facilities. So, if this amount would have spent on these Government schools instead of Danish schools, then the situation would have been much much better for hundreds of schools. Watch a report regarding Danish School here: http://tune.pk/video/74397/Danish-School-System-Punjab-a-waste-of-money-YouTube-cut

2. Metro Buss: This is the most pathetic project of Punjab Government. They wasted billions of Rupees in this project which is just to facilitate few thousands of people in their traveling. Whereas the situation of a common man is that people are committing suicide because they are unable to give food to their children. Thousands of people got jobless from factories just because those factories got closed due to not having electricity. After 18th constitutional amendment, provinces were able to produce their own electricity. Then why they wasted 50 billion rupees on this project instead of taking any steps to produce electricity.

1 – Why No Vote for PMLNShahbaz Sharif Performance

1. So Called Good Governance:2. Some people say, Punjab’s performance is better

than other provinces: TRUE ! BUT !!!!Apples can be compared with Apples, Not Oranges. Therefore compare Punjab’s Govt. performance with previous Punjab Govt. Performance. A Comparison between Pervez Elahi and Shahbaz Sharif governments has been given below.

1. So, we come to know that Crime ratio has been increased massively in Punjab in last 5 years instead of decreasing. Was this really a Good Governance???

1 – Why No Vote for PMLNShahbaz Sharif Performance

1. PMLN couldn’t resolve the conflict with Young Doctor’s Association. This proves that they do not have any ability to resolve conflicts.

2. Did Sialkot guys get justice who were brutally killed by the people and hanged on the road??? NO !!! This shows that Shehbaz Sharif do not have the capability to provide justice to the poor people of Pakistan.

3. Govt. Hospitals situation is worse, nobody would like to admit his loved one in any Govt. Hospital in case of any emergency.

1 – Why No Vote for PMLNShahbaz Sharif Performance

1. No Improvement in the following:1. Justice System.2. No Introduction to Local Government System.3. Thana / Katchehri System. Same as before, no improvement. Poor

people do not get justice from our Thana system. If Pervez Elahi could change traffic police system and Introduced Traffic Wardens System which are far better than old traffic police then why Shahbaz Sharif couldn’t introduce new better police system?

4. Patwari System: Same old patwar system working which is supporting land mafia. This should have been computerized completely.

5. Poor performance in controlling the crimes in the province.6. No Improvement in basic education system even they spent billions of

Rupees on Laptops and Danish schools, but literacy rate has decreased. Younger boys still working in the workshops and parents are unable to send them to schools.

7. Same difference in Education system i.e. A/O levels, English medium and Urdu medium. 0% Improvement in education system.

1 – Why No Vote for PMLNShahbaz Sharif Performance

8. They call themselves Khadim but infact they all Sharif Family consider themselves King of the Province. They never adopted simplicity and spent millions of Rupees from our tax money on Policemen for their and their family security. Watch The Video Here: http://tune.pk/video/74762/Shahbaz-sharif-pmln-drama-exposed-YouTube

9. What did the daughter of Shahbaz Sharif did with the poor bakery guy, we all know this, Why did she do this with that guy? Obviously, she considers her father King and herself as Queen of the province. Did that guy get the justice? NO!!!

10. There are a lot more points not to vote for PMLN. Here are only a few.11. Shahbaz Sharif also did some good work during Dengue and Flood which

shows his good management skills to some extent. But first of all, it was his duty whatever he did. Secondly above noted points show that these Sharif brothers do not have the capability to take Pakistan to the next level where there will be no electricity load shedding, inflation will be in control, one education system in the whole country, cleaning the country from mafias (because they, themselves are mafias), changing police and judiciary system in a way that poor people gets justice on the door instead of waiting for years and years for their law cases to get resolve etc.

2 – Why Vote for PTI1. True Democratic Party: Imran Khan has made his Party PTI a truly democratic party by having

internal party elections. Though critics object on the process of the elections, but at least such a process has been started in Pakistan which never have been done at this level before. With the passage of time this process will further improve. Imran Khan as introduced a law very first time in his party that a Chairman can be elected maximum twice and not more. It means that Imran Khan himself can remain chairman of PTI for maximum two terms, after that someone else will be the chairman. Whereas other parties have chairmen for whole life.

2. Bravery of Imran Khan: Imran Khan has proved himself to be a very brave leader. He is the only leader which is not afraid of doing Jalsas anywhere in the country whether it is Quetta, Sibbi, Lora Lai in Baluchistan or Waziristan which are very dangerous areas where other party leaders seem to be quite afraid for not doing jalsas. Some people say that Imran Khan doesn’t talk anything about MQM, does he afraid of them? Answer is No, he doesn’t afraid of MQM for himself, but yes he is afraid for his workers, he doesn’t want to indulge in a mess with MQM at this moment so that they keep killing PTI workers in Karachi as they do with other political party workers. Imran Khan’s vision is that every political party in Pakistan must not have any militant wing. So, once Imran Khan will be in Power, he will eliminate this militant wings from all political parties by emphasizing rule of law and making the Police department independent without any political interference in It and in law enforcement agencies.

3. Consistent stance on terrorism: What Imran Khan has been consistently saying since last 10 – 12 years that we should come out of American War and we should start a dialog process with the Talibans and thus, he was also accused to be known as pro Taliban and was called Taliban Khan, and everybody was in favour of fight with the Taliban. Now every political party has come on the same line as Imran Khan and are now talking about starting dialog with Talibans.

2 – Why Vote for PTI

4. True Leader, not a hypocrite: It has been told by Wikileaks that Imran Khan is the only politician of Pakistan who talks the same with the Americans which he tells to his nation unlike other politicians.

5. Clean Past: Imran Khan is amongst the very few politicians in Pakistan who has a clean past regarding financial corruption. Though, he has not been a Government office bearer in the past, but he has been handling Billions of rupees in the making of Shaukat Khanam Hospital and Namal College and all the accounts have been regularly audited and no fraud has been done anywhere. This is the reason overseas Pakistanis trust Imran Khan more than anyone else and they shower money at him like rain. Why overseas Pakistanis trust him this much? Because he has never betrayed them and they know that he will never betray them in the future. Our majority of overseas Pakistanis are in favour of Imran Khan, that is the actual reason that they have not been given the right to vote because they could have played a major role in making the next Government.

2 – Why Vote for PTI

6. Politics of Change: Imran Khan is doing the politics of change, whereas others are doing the politics to gain Power. That is the reason Nawaz Sharif is making alliances with ANP, JUI PMLQ Hum Khayal etc. and taking all the electables in his Party just to win the elections on the other hand Zardari is also using his black money to rig the elections and trying to buy everyone. In a recent interview, Nawaz Sharif has clearly told that he is ready to make some sort of alliance even with MQM for betterment of Pakistan, this is the same thing which Zardari has been doing since last 5 years, the politics in the name of “Qoumi Mufahimat”. Watch the Video here: http://tune.pk/video/75152/2-2013

7. Some people ask why Imran Khan doesn’t make alliance with Nawaz Sharif? This is because Imran Khan wants change, he wants to bring looted money back in Pakistan and wants to bring the corrupt persons in front of justice. Would Nawaz Sharif and Zardari ever let him do that if he join hands with them? Some people also say that Imran Khan only criticizes Nawaz Sharif and not Zardari, well this is not 100% true, Imran Khan has been criticizing Zardari many times along with criticizing Nawaz Sharif. Watch the Video here:

2 – Why Vote for PTI

8. PTI Policies: This is the only party, who have done detailed work in policy making in different areas and have introduced comprehensive policies like Energy Policy, Health Policy, Youth Policy, Education Policy, Economic Policy, Local Government Policy, Agricultural Policy etc. details can be found at http://www.insaf.pk no other party has ever done such detailed work before forming their government.

2 – Why Vote for PTI9. Party of Youth: After 30th October 2011 PTI Jalsa in Minar e Pakistan, Lahore, PTI came

in the scene of Pakistani politics as a third political force. Then many people start joining PTI on daily basis, among them many big names also came here. Then opponents started to do propaganda that how Imran Khan will bring change by taking same old faces in his party, then Imran Khan decided to do elections in his Party and then he promised with youth that at least 25% tickets will be given to youth. There started a severe fight inside the party among old party workers and new entrants. So, internal party elections was a timely and wise decision of Imran Khan and such internal Party elections at this level where held in PTI first time in the history of Pakistan. Though some mis-happenings also occurred in the process but overall it was a very good exercise and at many places, poor people have become office bearers of the party. THIS HAS NEVER BEEN DONE BY ANY PARTY BEFORE. And now, as per the promise by Imran Khan, 35% candidates have been given the tickets who are 35 years old or less. And 80% candidates have been given tickets who have never been assemblies before. This is the real work for youth, not just empty slogans. Most of the “LOTAS” have already left PTI due to this reason, and only few old faces are now left behind in PTI and most of them enjoy good reputation who do not have any corruption charges like Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Javed Hashmi, Jahangir Khan Tarin etc.Many highly qualified and educated persons are also in PTI, like Mr. Asad Umer, Ex-CEO of Angro Group, Mr. Waleed Iqbal Professor of LUMS and Grandson of Dr. Allama Mohammad Iqbal, Mr. Atif Choudhry, who is british qualified and he has left his british nationality and come back to Pakistan for the sake of our country and many others.

2 – Why Vote for PTI

10. Imran Khan Previous Works:

1. Shaukat Khanam Cancer Hospital: This is not an ordinary hospital, this is one of the top cancer hospitals of the world where 70% poor patients are treated totally free. When Imran Khan wanted to build this project, 19 top doctors among the team of 20 said that this project is impossible only one doctor said that this is possible, but it cannot survive for more than 6 months. Then everybody watched this project being built and running since last 17 years successfully.

2. Namal College: Imran Khan built Namal college in Mianwali, where 90% poor students are studying totally free on merit and getting the degree from Bradford University UK whose actual worth is several million rupees. Imran Khan wanted to build a complete education city there, for which they needed land and they have made the payments for the land as well, but punjab Government didn’t allocate the required land due to which this education city project went pending.

2 – Why Vote for PTI

10. Imran Khan Previous Works:

3. Imran Khan Foundation: Imran Khan has also been doing a lot of social work through his Imran Khan Foundation IKF. They built thousands of homes and a lot of model villages for the victims of the severe flood of 2011. they distribute free seeds amongst the poor farmers.

4. The point is that if Imran Khan can do all of these works and much more without ever coming into the Power, then what he can do after coming into the Power.

5. One of the Best Leaders of the World: It is really saddening that many of us Pakistanis do not consider Imran Khan worth leading our country whereas in a recent global survey, Imran Khan is on 3rd number amongst the World Top Leaders.

From all above points, It becomes quite clear that Imran Khan is the right man to lead this nation. So, we need change, We need to vote for change, VOTE PTI. Please see this short Video to know about the priorities of works of PMLN and PTI: http://tune.pk/video/75889
