Why Read Critically? How will learning to read critically help me?


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Why Read Critically?

How will learning to read critically help me?

What is “critical reading”?

Critical reading differs from casual reading. This type of reading does not take a text at face value, but involves an examination of claims put forward by the author. It involves considering the text as whole, involving not just the printed words but clues provided by the construction of the work presented as well.

The purpose of critical reading

0To recognize an author’s purpose           0To understand tone and persuasive

elements0To recognize bias

The purpose of critical reading

0To recognize an author’s purpose … 

0involves inferring a basis for why the author chose a particular topic

0To understand tone and persuasive elements…

0involves classifying the nature of language choices and literary style

0To recognize bias…

0involves classifying the nature of patterns of choice of content and language 

Steps to effective critical reading

0Determine why the reading is important0How will the reading benefit you?0How is it relevant to your class, learning

or life?0What does your teacher expect you to

gain from it?

Steps to effective critical reading

0Preread the text looking for clues like…0How is the reading structured?

Are there subtitles? Boldfaced words? Words you are unsure of?

Steps to effective critical reading

0Using the title or subtitle…0Make predictions about the message of the text.0 Try reading the first and last paragraphs

and make a guess as what the body will be attempting to communicate.

Steps to effective critical reading

0Look at the author and publication information0Do you know anything about the author?

Who are they? What do they do for a living? What are their political views?

0Do you know anything about the publication? You would probably read articles from a newspaper, People magazine or the National Enquirer differently!

Steps to effective critical reading

0Mark the text0Begin by numbering the

paragraphs0This will help in later discussions about the text.

Steps to effective critical reading

0Ready… set…


Steps to effective critical reading


0RE-READ0 This time…

Steps to effective critical reading

0Mark the text some more.0Circle key terms, things that are…0Repeated0Defined0A central concept0Relevant to your reading purpose

Steps to effective critical reading

0Mark the text some more.0Look for data and statistics0Circle any numbers mentioned (in both

number and word form)0Underline context of statistics.0Create a “scorecard” of research

groups, recording the data reported from each.

Steps to effective critical reading

0Mark the text some more.0Underline author’s claims0A claim is an arguable statement made

by the author that expresses his opinion0Can appear anywhere in the text0Author may make several0May be inferred by author

Steps to effective critical reading

0Ready… set…


Steps to effective critical reading

0As you read again, use the margin to…0Write key information from

paragraphs.0Write your ideas about the author’s

purpose.0Write questions for later discussion.
