Why Most Dentist Websites Will NEVER Produce · 2020. 2. 18. · And these high-converting websites...


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    Why Most Dentist Websites Will NEVER Produce A Single New Patient … And How You Can

    Prevent This From Happening To You. Recently I worked with a new Dentist client in Texas. His website hadn’t

    produced a single new patient or as much as a phone call over the past year.

    Almost a year-to-the-day, he had paid $3,000.00 for the website setup fee and

    was paying approximately $900.00/month for “hosting.”

    When I did a Google search for “Dentist” … “Cosmetic Dentist” … “General

    Dentist” … “Restorative Dentist” … or “Find A Dentist Near Me” the first day I

    came to his office … his website didn’t show up anywhere on pages 1-5 in the

    search results. To make matters worse, he was locked in to a 3-year “non-

    cancellable” contract. So, he wasted (or is going to waste by the time his

    contract expires) a whopping $35,200.00 on a website that will NEVER produce

    a single new patient for his practice.

    Approximately 37-40% of Dentists with websites use this same company, which

    might explain why so many Dentists believe that a website is nothing more than a

    money-suck. A Big black hole that swallows up their hard-earned cash … giving

    nothing but an empty bank balance to show for it.

    But thankfully, there are a lot of Dentists who have invested in and are enjoying

    the benefits from a high-converting website. A website that attracts, educates

    and compels their perfect new patient prospects to call their office and schedule

    an appointment.


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    And these high-converting websites aren’t primarily producing the nickel and

    dime insurance patients. They’re producing high-value, fee-for-service (i.e.,

    “cash”) cosmetic and restorative new patients. After 14 years of research and

    thousands of hours (and multiples of that in dollars) invested in dental marketing

    for my clients and my own businesses … I have discovered seven (7) elements

    that these high-converting website are using to consistently generate new

    patients for the Dentists who own them.

    In this report, I’ll cover each of the seven elements … explaining how and why

    they work and why it makes sense for you to have them on your website. I want

    to quickly mention that if you don’t have a high-converting website for your

    practice … or if you have a lame website that doesn’t generate a lot of new

    patients and a literal ton of profit for you…

    You Are Losing Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars Each Year And You’re Running The REAL Risk of Becoming Irrelevant In Your Marketplace

    Everybody knows how dramatically the internet changed everything from new

    patient acquisition … to reputation management … to attracting the perfect

    members to your team. Dentist websites play a crucial role in your ability to be

    profitable and remain relevant. Without a high-converting website, it will soon be

    difficult to attract those high-value new patients. You will be forced to live off the

    nickel and dime insurance patients. But even those will eventually be difficult to

    attract if you don’t have a dominant presence online.

    A High-Converting Website For Your Practice Is One Of The Best Investment You Can Make In The Future Success And Profitability Of Your Practice


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    So, if you’re ready … let’s dive in and take a closer look at what can make your

    website a “high-converting” new patient generating machine. For starters,

    prospective patients visiting your site should be able to understand what your

    primary service offering is in 5-seconds or less. If it takes them longer than five

    seconds to figure it out … you’re losing prospective new patients. Remember:

    The Job Of A High-Converting Website Is To Consistently Produce High-Value Cosmetic and Restorative New Patients.

    When prospects land on any/every page of your website … do they understand

    your central message? Do you give them a compelling reason to keep reading,

    or does your website look like every other Dentist’s website?

    Over the last 14 years I’ve engaged, interacted with and helped with over 1,217

    Dentists to help them clarify their marketing message. In the following pages

    you’ll find the seven (7) most-important elements that every dentist website

    should have. Undoubtedly, these seven elements have been proven critically

    important to your website’s ability to attract your perfect new patient prospects

    and ultimately … get them into your office with credit card in hand.

    Deploy these seven elements on your website and you’ll start seeing more high-

    value new patients … your production will increase … you’ll start putting more in

    the bank each month and best of all … you’ll stop losing to the competition.


    Ken Newhouse

    CEO, DotCom Dentist


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    Over the last 5-6 years the primary responsibility of the dentist’s website

    has changed. In fact, it has changed dramatically from functioning as a

    warehouse of information about your practice to becoming (today) the

    cornerstone of your dental marketing strategy. This role reversal now

    mandates that your website be both simple to use and packed with

    compelling information.

    A high-converting dentist website should complement your overall

    marketing strategy and support the foundational ideas you’ve identified as

    the primary marketing message of your practice.

    What’s the marketing message of your practice? An ideal marketing

    message is laser-focused on the service(s) you offer and what they have to

    do with your perfect prospects. If you’re a high-end cosmetic dentist, you

    transform lives by giving patients a more youthful, confident smile.

    If you’re a restorative dentist, you give patients their life back by correcting

    TMJ dysfunction (TMD) so they can live a productive, pain free life again. If

    you’re a BioRejuvenation Dentist, you restore hope, confidence and a

    feeling of vibrant youth that your patients have lost over the years.


    At DotCom Dentist®, we teach our Clients and Members to avoid falling

    into the trap of the curse of knowledge. The obvious fact here is that you’re

    a Dentist, which means that you know virtually everything there is to know

    about dentistry… and the curse of knowledge occurs when you project that


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    knowledge on your perfect prospects and/or patients. Prospective patients

    don’t understand dentistry and oral health like you do, which is why it’s

    absolutely insane that your website uses the language that it does.

    Listen, most of the people visiting your website will give you 5-7 seconds …

    up to ten if you’re lucky to grab and hold their attention and interest. This

    requires that your content has to be easy (for them) to understand. It has

    to be compelling and irresistible to them and one of the best ways to

    achieve that is by using clear language that they can relate to and


    For example:

    • You’ll have a beautiful, brilliantly-white Hollywood smile

    • Your smile will look and feel perfect

    • Eliminate TMJ pain and look 10-15 years younger

    • Giving patients who will settle for nothing less than being CEO a million-

    dollar smile.

    • Treatments to help you keep your natural teeth looking beautiful and

    healthy for a lifetime

    Not long ago one of our Dentist clients was worried that his treatment

    protocol (i.e., “BioRejuvenation”) was too complicated to explain in simple

    terms to his patients.

    His patients ranged from middle-aged divorced women to moms … to professional men and women who want to look and feel younger … to


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    patients who had been suffering for years with TMJ pain, headaches, etc, etc., etc. After we reviewed his website with him, he immediately understood that he wasn’t communicating anything of value to the people (i.e., “the perfect prospects”) who landed on his site. The front page of his website talked about how long he’d been in practice, where he went to dental school, how his father had been a dentist and where his office was located. He was targeting anyone (and everyone) who was looking for a Dentist, but his problem was that he wasn’t being specific enough. Yes, he was willing to see most types of new dental patients … but what he really wanted was BioRejuvenation patients. He wanted patients who were having TMJ problems … patients that had teeth that were wearing abnormally and unevenly … patients that looked years (even decades older) than they actually were. We convinced him that if he created a well-designed, high-converting website and used the tagline “Enjoy Fast and Lasting Relief of TMJ Pain and Look Decades (Not Years) Younger Without Surgery” along with a bright, obvious “Schedule A Consultation” button, his (high-value) new patient traffic would increase … which it has, dramatically. Take action: Come up with a catchline for your practice that centers on the type of patients/treatments you want most. Be sure that it’s easy to understand. That’s the first thing you’ll need on your website.


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    Recently, I needed to hire someone to help me build out the new recording

    studio for the DotCom Dentist® podcast and for the DotCom Dentist®

    YouTube Channel. The guy I normally use had just undergone knee

    surgery and wasn’t able to help, so I hopped on Google to find someone.

    Thankfully, I was able to narrow down my search to two independent


    The first guy had a really nice website and the layout was beautiful. I could

    tell that he had invested a lot of money paying someone to build it for him.

    He made great use of video testimonials (i.e., “social proof”) as well as an

    image gallery of previous jobs he had done. I loved what I saw and read

    and I wanted to hire him. There was a slight problem, however. Other than

    the “contact us” link at the top of his website, he didn’t give me a clear and

    easy way to set up an appointment for a bid.

    I’m no different from the perfect prospects you’re targeting. Meaning, I’m

    not a patient person in these instances and so I left his site to look at the

    other guy’s site. Admittedly, the other guy’s site wasn’t as nicely laid out as

    the first guy’s site.

    The layout was “OK” … but it couldn’t hold a candle to site #1. What

    instantly caught my attention on site #2, however, was that right in the

    middle of the home page was a clearly written catchline — “If you want

    your next remodeling project to make your clients, friends or relatives

    jealous, we can help you make that happen.” Then, there was a button

    right next to it that said: “Schedule a Free Consult and Bid.” I clicked the


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    button and six days later they were processing my credit card for a down-

    payment on the job.

    What does this story have to do with your website? Everything … because

    in light of all the information that’s available today, I’m continually amazed

    at how many dentists have websites that never (using clear and concise

    language) ask website visitors to schedule an appointment.

    One of my Clients owns three dental practices that generates over 4-million

    dollars annually. When we reviewed his websites, we discovered that one

    of his primary profit-generators (mini implants) was inconveniently tucked

    away in the back pages on each of those sites. Obviously, this was an

    enormous mistake. One of my first suggestions to him was to feature mini-

    implants on each site’s front page along with a “schedule now” button.

    I like to say, “If you want to get down the river … let the current do most of

    the work for you.” So, if your practice has a reputation for a specific

    procedure … especially one that involves high-value, fee-for-service

    patients … you have got to feature that prominently on your website. And

    you’ve got to make it crystal clear to your prospects how they can schedule

    an appointment with you. If the only call-to-action you have is on your

    contact page along with your phone number … you’re missing out on a

    sickening amount of new patient traffic.



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    So, what should the obvious direct call to action be on your website? It

    should be a request to schedule a consultation or request more information

    for the service that represents your dominant profit generator. Whatever it

    is, that button should be the main focus of your website. Consider making it

    a bright color or putting it in the top right of your website.

    And make sure it’s on every page so visitors to your site, specifically your

    perfect prospects will never have to go looking for it. You want it in clear

    view so they can easily and quickly click it. You’d be amazed at how many

    new patients you’re losing out on because you’re making prospects work

    too hard to schedule an appointment (or get more information) on a high-

    value service they’re very, very interested in.

    Examples of direct calls to action:

    • Call Now – (using a “click-to-call” button)

    • Download Our FREE “TMJ Pain Relief Report” (so you can capture

    their email address and get them into your *Sales Funnel)

    • Schedule a Consultation (using a click to schedule feature)

    • Get you questions answered now – (using a live chat feature)


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    Most Dentists are good about including a smile gallery on their website,

    which is better than having no proof-elements on your site. The problem

    with only using a smile gallery is that images fail capture the full extent of

    the transformation your patients have undergone.

    When a prospective new patient hits your website, they’re looking for

    elements that can show them what kind of results/outcomes they can

    expect from being a patient of yours.

    Gallery images … specifically before/after images of your patients are a

    great place to start. In fact, every high-converting dentist website has

    them. But these high-converting websites do more than provide

    before/after images. For starters, each gallery before/after image set is

    accompanied by a short (emotionally compelling) story. Why? Because

    emotion is what drives choice, not logic. Using short, emotionally

    compelling stories with your gallery before/after images is mandatory if you

    want to realize the full benefit of using these images.

    The next element that all high-converting dental websites include are

    “outcome-based” video testimonials of your patients. An example of an

    outcome-based testimonial would be something like;

    “I had been having headaches and jaw pain for almost two years. I had

    vertigo and tinnitus too. My pain got so severe that I had to quit work and

    ended up spending a lot of time laying in my bed. My life was falling apart

    and to make matters worse … my husband of 23 years filed for divorce and

    left me for a younger woman. My jaw pain got so severe that my primary


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    doctor referred me to a surgeon, who wanted to do aggressive jaw surgery

    on me. He told me that after the surgery I’d have to wear metal braces for

    up to two years … and after all of that … he still wouldn’t guarantee that my

    headaches and jaw pain would be eliminated. I was terrified of having my

    face but apart and was utterly desperate for a less-invasive solution.

    That’s when a friend of my referred me to Mike Jones, DDS … a dentist in

    Tulsa. I flew from Austin Texas to see him and by the end of the first visit

    … he assured me that he could help get me out of pain and help me feel

    normal again. Unfortunately, my insurance wasn’t going to cover a lot of

    his treatments … but I made the decision to proceed with his

    BioRejuvenation program. In less than 3-months I was completely pain

    (and headache) free.

    The jaw popping and clicking I had was also gone. I finished the program

    two-months ago, and today was my last visit. Dr. Jones wanted to make

    sure everything was still where it was supposed to be. I’m thrilled that my

    pain is gone … but I’m even more excited about the fact that I look 15-20

    years younger! You know, as a recently divorced woman … I’m 57 years

    old … I had all but given up hope of finding a nice man I could date.

    But now that I’ve completed the BioRejuvenation program … I’m being

    approached by men who are much, much younger than I am … which is

    amazing! It makes me feel really good about myself, you know? If you’re

    suffering with TMJ pain … headaches… the popping, clicking and pain in

    your jaw … and if the idea of a conservative, minimally-invasive treatment

    can help you get out of pain (permanently) … and you can look much,


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    much younger in the process … I think you should call Dr. Jones and

    schedule a consultation with him. It’s the best decision I’ve ever made and

    I will forever be thankful to Dr. Jones for giving me my life back.”

    By the way … that’s a real patient testimonial that was transcribed from a

    video one of our client’s got from his patient. There’s a process you have

    to go use to get testimonials like that. For starters, you’ve got to deliver

    those kind of results to your patients. Assuming you are, there’s a simple,

    step-by-step framework for getting outcome-based video testimonials from

    your patients. Later in this report, I’ll give you the link where you can

    download a free video that walks you through the process.

    The big takeaway here is that everything on your website should be

    created with your perfect prospects and/or idea patients in mind. So as

    much as we want to show the front of our building or pictures of ourselves

    with our with our staff (or with your awards) … we should avoid the


    Instead, we should use the images on our site to tell a story of what life will

    look like if prospects become patients of ours. Will they be happier? Then

    show images of people happy with the outcome of your treatments.

    One of the paradigm shifts we introduce our Clients and Members of

    DotCom Dentist is that people become your patients in order to solve

    internal, not external problems. What we mean by this is every external

    problem, whether it’s stained, crooked or cracked teeth … a bite that “feels

    off” … TMJ issues or jaw pain, headaches, or whatever. Each of these


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    external problems manifests an internal problem — that being frustration,

    confusion … or the feeling of “My smile is preventing me from feeling as

    confident as I once did.”

    You’ve got to have a clear understanding of what motivates prospects to

    say “yes” and become a high-value, fee-for-service patient in your practice.

    They’re becoming your patient and paying for these high-end (cash)

    services to relieve the internal tension their dealing with.

    And when you use the elements I’ve outlined for you here … elements (like

    your image gallery with stories and outcome-based video testimonials) of

    people who’ve had that tension relieved, your perfect prospects will be

    more likely to seek your expertise.

    Use these elements on your site to visually reveal what will happen if your

    perfect prospects become patients in your practice.


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    This probably won’t surprise you, but one of the most common questions

    we hear is; “We offer about a dozen different services in our practice. So,

    how do we create a clear and compelling message that incorporates all that

    we do?” One of our most successful Clients is a Dentist that specializes in

    BioRejuvenation Dentistry. He’s also a graduate of the Pankey Institute.

    So, he’s offering BioRejuvenation, dental crowns, dental veneers, dental

    implants, Invisalign, teeth whitening and more.

    When I first met with the doctor and his staff, I needed to figure out what his

    main source of production was. After finding out that BioRejuvenation was

    responsible for approximately 41.7% of his production, I knew that we had

    to feature that program on the home page of his website. In fact, we gave

    his BioRejuvenation program prime billing at the top right of the page.

    After making sure we protected the dominant source of production, we then

    broke down each of his treatment options into one of three categories:

    1. Cosmetic Dentistry

    2. Restorative Dentistry

    3. General Dentistry

    This way, prospective patients browsing his site could easily find a category

    that was right for them. In fact, some the treatments he offered were listed

    in multiple categories because there was overlap.

    The point of this is simple: If you list all your services on the home page of


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    your website, site visitors are going to get bogged down in all that

    information. Human beings don’t like having too many choices to pick from.

    When presented with too many options to choose from, we shut down and

    often end up not choosing anything. Robert Cialdini, PH.D, describes this

    phenomenon in his book, “Influence: The Psychology of Choice.” In the

    book Cialdini explains the core concept of the theory by stating that,

    “Offering a lot of choices is not the best option when you want your

    prospect to pick one of the things you’re offering. A variety of choices–for

    example—can paralyze the user. It’s better to create a situation where you

    can choose for them!”

    Bottom line—offering a variety of choices … (too many choices) is not

    always a good option. A way to get better results is to make a choice for

    the user by giving them fewer options at each stage in the process. Giving

    your prospects fewer choices (as you move them through the “decision

    funnel”) allows them to really engage with the services that have been put

    on display.

    So, if you have a lot going on, can you categorize your services into three

    or (at the most) four choices? Can you simplify what your practice offers

    into your dominant streams of production? If so, you’ll be able to create a

    site that doesn’t overwhelm your perfect prospects … rather you’ll create a

    site that becomes irresistible and magnetic to them.


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    High quality content is one of the hallmarks of a high-converting dentist

    website. Content that your prospects find irresistible and magnetic will

    keep them on your site longer, keep them coming back for more and will

    contribute (immensely) to your site being ranked high in the search

    engines. Obviously, your site’s design (as I already mentioned) is essential

    in making a good first impression on your visitors. Your site must be clear

    and easy to navigate but make no mistake … the content of your website is

    what will keep prospects coming back and ultimately help convince them to

    schedule an appointment.

    Leading search engines like Google are very particular when it comes to

    the content of a website. If your website does not have enough high-quality

    content then it simply will not rank highly within search results. Google

    doesn’t see how your website ‘looks’ to visitors, so all it cares about is

    content, content, and content.

    Original and Varied Content It’s important to remember that internet users need a reason to stay on

    your site once they get there. Everyone has a limited amount of time to

    spend on-line and you need to offer your visitors something that will tempt

    them away from Facebook for 10 minutes, to see what your site has to

    offer. Website pages that outline or feature:

    1. Your awards, degrees and certificates

    2. Where you went to Dental School

    3. Associations you’re a Member of

    4. The insurance companies that you’re a provider for


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    5. Pictures of your office and the front of your building

    Do NOT count as high-quality content. Using “stock” photos that every

    other Dentist has on his/her website does not count as “high-quality”

    content. It’s important therefore to have original content, but it’s also

    important to vary the content regularly in order to entice interested

    prospects to return to your site again and again so that eventually they will

    schedule an appointment with you.

    Remember: The elements of a high-converting dentist website aren’t

    designed to attract nickel and dime insurance (or emergency extraction)

    patients. We’re talking about attracting high-quality, fee-for-service new

    patients. Patients that are going to invest a huge sum of money with you

    on an elective procedure. These people are not in a rush and they invest

    lots and lots of time reading and researching prior to deciding to call you.

    What Content Format Works Best? Stories and case-studies are the most compelling forms of content you can

    use. And as Lisa Cron states in her bestselling book, “Story Genius”:

    “Humans are wired for story. We hunt for and respond to certain specific

    things in every story we hear, watch, or read—and they’re the exact same

    specific things, regardless of the genre. Why is this so? Because story is

    the language of the brain. We think in story.

    The brain evolved to use story as its go-to “decoder ring” for reality, and so

    we’re really expert at probing stories for specific meaning and specific


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    info—and I mean all of us, beginning at birth. Even a kindergartner

    recognizes an effective story, because it’s built into the architecture of the

    brain. Story is how we make sense of the world around us; it’s a system

    that’s been with us since the Creation event.

    Because our response to story is hardwired, it’s not something we have to

    learn or even think about, which is why we are often unaware of the power

    story has over us. When a story grabs you, you’re in its sway, no questions


    And, if you’re capturing video testimonials from your patients, most of your

    compelling content will have been created for you. Obviously, you’ll need

    your patient’s permission to use the video and their information … but when

    you “frame the request correctly” …it’s a rare occurrence that a patient will

    say “I’d rather not use my video or story.” In fact, the majority of the time

    high-value, fee-for-service patients are thrilled to share their story.

    They’re usually people of status … or people who care what others think of

    them. Who wouldn’t want to have beautiful pictures of themselves on their

    Dentist’s website? I can count the number of patients who have said “no”

    on one hand. That includes my patients and the patients of my Clients.

    So, if you want a high-converting website for your practice … a website that

    is a consistent profit-generator … a website that consistently attracts your

    perfect prospects and gets them into your practice … you’ve got to

    incorporate high-quality content on your site and continually be adding it.


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    An architect would never start building a home without plans or a blueprint.

    They'd never began without a solid foundation and clear path forward. If

    they did that home would never get off the ground. So why do so many

    Dentists try to implement a marketing campaign without a plan, without a

    sturdy foundation, without building blocks?

    It's likely because they just don't know where to start. With the right

    marketing plan, you can grow your practice with significantly less effort,

    time, and money, but you have to learn the plan. You have to implement it

    and perfect it if you really want to see success.

    A sales funnel is the foundational element of the profit-generating dental

    marketing plan you've been looking for. It is comprised of the building

    blocks you'll need to consistently attract those high-value, fee-for-service

    new patients and make your practice more profitable.

    It is the roadmap or blueprint you should follow if you are trying to grow an

    existing practice. Once you know how to create a sales funnel, you will

    understand the plan that you can follow to create the most profitable

    practice imaginable.

    A sales funnel is likely the hidden element your marketing campaign has

    been needing … that element you’ve been needing for your website. You

    really don't have to guess about how to do marketing anymore. No more

    trial and error and no more wasting money on marketing that doesn't work.

    Not only this, but a sales funnel works in tandem with any advertising

    efforts you are currently using. In fact, most if not all of the advertising


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    dollars I spend go to support my sales funnels that then lead people to buy

    my products rather than the products themselves.

    The first two pieces of your sales funnel, your catchline and your website

    really worked together to help your perfect prospects become curious about

    you and your practice and really should be the thing that leads them to the

    next phase of relationship, which is enlightenment.

    In this phase of the sales funnel, you are going to start to offer them ways

    to get to know you a little bit more. You're going to enlighten them on how

    you can solve their problem. And the main way that we want you to start

    doing this is through a lead generator … like the one you’re reading RIGHT


    A lead generator is a free or a very low-cost asset, like a PDF, a short

    video or even a webinar that will show your perfect prospects what you are

    capable of. And in exchange they're going to give you their email address,

    which you becomes a lead and that you'll use to continue enlightening

    them about your practice and service offerings through a series of emails.

    Lead generators (i.e., “lead magnets”) are really the best way to invite

    prospects that have visited your website into the next level of relationship

    with you. So, if someone opts in for your lead generator, they are telling

    you they want to hear from you.

    It's like they are signing up to get information about the services you

    provide… a process that’s akin to courtship. When you offer your lead

    generator in exchange for an email address, you need to make sure that

    that lead generator is worth something.


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    And here's why, because the email address is worth about 15 to 20 bucks.

    So that means someone is going to part with their email address with about

    as much resistance as they would part with a $20 bill.

    The value you give away in your lead generator should be worth a lot so

    that people don't feel like they're getting ripped off and they give you their

    email address. Now not everyone is going to give you a $20 bills and not

    everybody is going to give you their email address.

    However, when you ask for an email address, the people give it to you.

    Those ones are going to be hot leads. They are ready to be sold to. They

    are the most qualified leads you can get. So, make sure that you require an

    email for the download for your lead generator. These people are very

    interested in what you have to offer.

    If you don't have an automated sales funnel built into your website and if

    you don’t currently have a lead generator (or multiple lead generators)

    working for you, you are missing out on an enormous amount of high-value

    new patient traffic.

    You can even have multiple lead generators running at the same time. It's

    one of the fastest ways to engage your perfect prospects and make your

    practice more profitable.


  • DotCom Dentist Copyright 2019 © All Rights Reserved www.DotComDentist.co

    The Practice Story Line™ (PSL) is a worksheet you can use to make sure

    that your marketing messaging is perfectly positioned and on target. Most

    Dentists have tried multiple forms of marketing and each time their results

    have been average at best. As a result, their marketing messaging and

    communication in their case presentations; email copy and (specifically in

    this case your) website messaging and offers have become cluttered and


    The Practice Story Line™ walks you through a process so you can know

    exactly who you are and how to structure your website’s messaging

    perfectly. When you use the Practice Story Line™ (PSL) worksheet your

    messaging and your offers will always be irresistible and magnetic to your

    perfect prospects and existing patients.

    The Nine (9) critical features of a Practice Story Line™ can be created by

    answering these questions:

    1. What is the ultimate outcome that your perfect prospect wants?

    2. What is the biggest external problem they are dealing with?

    3. What is the primary internal problem they’re consumed with? (i.e., “What internal

    struggles are occurring as a result of the external struggles they face?” Is their

    confidence damaged? Are they angry? Do they feel less secure with how they

    look?... etc.)

    4. What empathetic statement can your messaging make toward your perfect

    prospect’s primary internal problem?

    5. What makes you the most-qualified authority to solve your perfect prospect’s



  • DotCom Dentist Copyright 2019 © All Rights Reserved www.DotComDentist.co

    6. What is the plan and how will it solve your perfect prospect’s primary

    external/internal problems? How will your plan help resolve your prospect’s fear and


    7. What is your plan’s direct call to action?

    8. What does life look like for your perfect prospect if you solve their problem?

    9. What does their life look like if they reject your plan? (NOTE: You must show this

    scenario to them along with #8.)

    The answer to these questions will provide all the material you need to create your

    website, email blasts, sales presentations and even the philosophical approach to

    practicing Dentistry. Based on a narrative story-based structure that has been proven to

    compel a human brain, answers to these questions are exactly what your perfect

    prospects are looking for. If you provide answers to these questions, your perfect

    prospects will instantly recognize you can solve their problem and meet their deepest



    7 Elements Every High Converting Dentist Website Should Have_1-6Cover page - 1INTRODUCTION - pages 2-4Page 5 - Element #1 - Green page with laptop imagepages 6-8_have clear catchline for your website - element #1 copyPage 9 - Element #2 - green page with laptop and screen capturepages 10-12 - Clear call to actionpage 13 - Element #3 - results prospects can expect by being your patient - gallery and testimonialspages 14-17 - results prospects can expect as your patient - gallery and video testimonialsPage 18 - Element #4 - break down your service offerings into bit-sized chunkspages 19-20 - show your services in clear bite sized chunksPage 21 - Element #5 - provide content your prospects will find irresistible and magneticpages 22-24 - deliver high quality content your prospects will find irresistible and magneticPage 25 - Element #6 - sales funnel automation and lead generatorspages 26-28 - Sales Funnel - Automation - Lead Generators

    Page 29 - Element #7Pages 29 - End - Element #7